"I'm glad your back, Elliot."

"I'm not, Father…" There was a long silence before the Father spoke again.

"What are your sins, my son?"

Elliot shook his head holding back every thing he could, he placed his head in his hands. He held tightly, moist tears began to fall from his cheeks.

"I can't do it any more, Father. I can't keep going like this…"

"Your marriage?"

Elliot smiled shaking his head, "My partner. My job. It's never and always been about my marriage."

"What's troubling you?"

"Everyday I go out on those streets, my partner at my side. Everyday I feel like I can't protect her, I wouldn't be able to save her if something happened. An-an-and on the other hand, I feel like if I had to choose between a victim and my partner…I wouldn't think twice. I'm—I'm in love with her Father… God help me."

"You've put yourself in a delicate situation, Elliot. Your duty, as a Catholic, is to your wife and family. But I am aware that you are in the process of divorce. Ask yourself the questions, Elliot."

"What questions?"

"While I was in college to become a priest, a professor told me that when you can't make a decision ask all the questions you can about each opportunity. Which ever you're most happy with, or which ever you cannot live without, that will be your answer. Have you asked yourself these questions?"

"I have. In my own way."

"And what is your answer?"

"An incorrect one," Elliot shook his head again, wiping off the last of his tears.

"Despite the regulations stated in the bible, there is no right or wrong. If you love your partner, as you say you do, then what stops you from courting or marriage?"

"It's against policy. If we dated, we'd most likely be split up as partners."

"What is more important Elliot, partners in career or partners in life?"

"That's my problem Father, I see her as both. I see us as both. Olivia came to work one day last week and told me about this guy she dated. It broke me up. I didn't understand how she could betray me, but she's not mine. We're not together."

"Ever since you've been partners you've felt a connection to her haven't you."

"Yes. Sad thing is I stayed in my marriage because I was afraid of what would happen if I got divorced. There'd be nothing holding me back. Nothing to stop me from… being with her."

"And now?"

"And now things are falling apart, just like I expected," Elliot started to smile again, "but Olivia is amazing. Beautiful, smart, funny, she lights up a room with her smile. She makes all the worlds hate and fear go away. She's passionate and exciting and sweet… I'm sorry Father, but I guess I am realizing my own doubts."

"What will you do, my son?"

"I'm going to let it ride its self out. What happens, happens. I'm just going to take it day by day, see what happens."

"We all make mistakes Elliot, and we all have to face those mistakes and make them better. If things don't work out, or if things do, remember God is by your side. Forever and always."

"Bless you Father."

"Bless you, my son. And goodluck."