Author's Final Notes:

Holy crap this is the first EVER series that I have finished. (Throws confetti everywhere) This story is about a year and a half old (2 years in October) and has been a very happy distraction from my daily college life. Lots of people on my end have read it and loved it. I can not even begin to describe how that feels to me but what was really overwhelming was the large amount of people reading this on here and loving it. I never expected this many people to like my idea and I'd like to take a moment to thank you all. It's because of your lovely praising reviews that this story was finished in the first place. I enjoyed writing this and reading all the reviews it's brought in (and I read each and every review personally and many times over) and the hype it has caused is just incredible.

Thank you once again for your lovely words and I can not express how much they mean to me.

…and yes, there will be sequel to this. Like I'd leave it here? LOL

Story Ideas:

This list of where my ideas came from is a mile long….no I'm not kidding LOL. The main plot line for the Crimson Ritual came from the Fatal Frame 2 video game and the main ritual it centered around, "The Crimson Sacrifice" only without the twins and the village will be lost forever in hell thing. If you're a fan of the series you'll recognize elements from the 3rd game in here as well. Over time I came up with more ideas like to involve Gorman more and to give the boys an individual power and of course, to include John Putnum.

The Boys:

I love them to death and wouldn't change a darn thing about them in the movie…expect their character development and of course you know I'd ship them together so hard it would be a crime. Caleb's development was the typical "Hero's Journey On A Low Budget Film" type but I only wish that Caleb was tested a bit more to help his growth instead of the whole "Wow, I guess it's up to me to save all of you and what not". Pogue's role on the movie really annoyed me at times; basically all his character ever does is agree with Caleb just like a little 'yes man' and the one time he does something for himself (Must save Kate! Must save Kate!) It turns out to be ANOTHER annoying way for him to be Caleb's little motivation puppet. Well, I couldn't have that, I always love the under appreciated characters. From the beginning I knew I was gonna use Pogue as the main protagonist and Chase as the antagonist (for the non English majors out there those are the 2 terms used to "good and bad guys') due to the scene when they're at Nicky's. It's obvious Caleb means a great deal to Pogue because of the little fits he throws when Caleb is giving all his attention to Chase. Reid and Tyler are little more then props in the movie. Combined, they have about 12 lines and they only speak in order to voice the obvious. I know I'm not the only one in the world angered by this as I scroll through our area in Fan Fiction so I tried to give the two as much screen time as I could.

The Pairings:

Slash is wonderful and these four just screamed "ship us together". Since Pogue was going to be my main boy I had to center the world around him and his love interest. I picked Caleb right from the get go because of all the eye fucking the two were doing in the movie and like I said above, it's obvious Caleb means a lot to Pogue so that got my dark little mind working. Reid and Tyler are almost canon so they became my second couple by default. As for Tyler and John Putnum, only the sequel will tell…

End Notes:

-For a visual of John Putnum, see my profile page

-More info about the early Covenant, Gorman and John Putnum will be reviled in the sequel

- Someone messaged me the other day about wanting to do a small one shot based on this and let me first say, I'm all for it BUT you need to ask me before hand for permission or it will be the very last thing you ever do…no I'm not kidding. I will not take anyone stealing my story lightly and I've already had some incidents with it. If you would like to write a spin off or a one shot around my universe here please message me before hand because there are things I will need to go over with you first. And no, I will not accept any Mary Sues what so ever, this series is SLASH only, sorry.

Thank you to Christina, Lucas and Dorine for helping me write this and coming up with good plot bunnies for me. HUGE thank you to Animegirl1129 for being my beta and idea buddy. Thank you xposedagain for helping with the early ideas and letting me bounce them off of you and much love to pippii and babydracky for always being the first ones to review on chapters. And lastly, thanks to all you once again for reading