Time seemed to slow in the confines of the infirmary. In the background she could hear the soft words of Sam and the marine as they worked on the creature. Dani's eyes flickered towards the nano-wall repeatedly, hoping to see the figure of John move through it any moment. What would happen to them? Was this how she was going to die? She suddenly felt regret for all the things she hadn't done. For the things she had never had the courage to say. She would've given anything to be able to go back to that night years ago and do things differently. She wouldn't have left. She would've stayed and waited to see what the morning brought. 'Please God' she prayed, 'bring him back to me'. Glancing around the room she looked at the window that separated the main infirmary area and the small sick bay in which they had placed the dead marines body. A shiver ran down her spine and glanced at the others to see if they felt as uncomfortable as she did. Their heads were close together and they seemed deep in conversation. She felt like a third wheel standing around doing nothing. She needed to put her fear aside and offer whatever assistance she could. Moving towards them she kept her gaze carefully averted from the monstrosity on the table.

Memories flooded his mind as he and Sarge made their way to the dig site. He could hear his parents' voices, Sam's laughter, and his own screams. He'd tried not to think about it too much over the years. He still felt their loss keenly and on top of that he had the guilt of knowing that he'd let Sam down as well. 'If I get out of this alive' he thought, 'I'll make it up to her'. The play of the their lights in the darkness drew his concentration back to the job at hand. What in God's name had these scientists been doing up here? Rounding a corner they entered a narrow hallway that ended in a large steel door. He turned around training his gun on the darkness from which they'd just come. Walking carefully backwards he waited for Sarge to open the door, enter the room and give him the all clear.

Dani had just about made it to the others when Sam looked up and gasped. Following her friend's line of sight, she spun around and was confronted by the site of the dead marine standing squarely in the centre of the sick bay. Bile rose up in her throat and she felt her bladder let go. Seconds later the man charged at the window and Dani shrunk back in fear, expecting the glass to shatter and spill him into the infirmary. The man bounced off the window leaving splatters of blood and brain matter on the glass. He seemed temporarily dazed but quickly recovered took a step back and charged again. Dani moaned, too scared to be able to scream. Again and again he repeated his actions until his lifeless body could take no more and he slid to the ground. Dani felt the wetness running down her legs but she was too petrified to be embarrassed by it. She stood motionless her eyes fixed firmly on the blood on the window.

'Oh god' she muttered, 'we're all going to die'.

Samantha moved her eyes to where her friend stood and noticed the puddle growing at her feet. Understanding registered in the blink of an eye and she moved over to her. Grasping Dani by the upper arm she propelled her away from the window and towards the opposite side of the room.

'It's ok Dani' she reassured.

'I don't understand' Dani mumbled softley. 'He was dead wasn't he?'

'Yes he was' Samantha answered. 'Let's get you out of these clothes ok?'

'I'm sorry Sam' She looked at her friend and suddenly felt like a child.

'You have nothing to be sorry for Dani'.

'I'm going to go to my room and get changed' Dani said moving towards the nano-wall.

'No! Dani you can't. It's not safe out there.' Sam moved quickly to intercept her.

The large marine also moved in her direction.

'There are spare clothes in the infirmary hamper ok?' Again Samantha guided her towards the corner of the room. A large metal cupboard and she quickly opened it and rummaged through its contents until she found what she was looking for. 'There going to be a little large but there's a drawstring on the waist so that you can tie them up'. She handed the clothes to her stunned friend and pulled a portable screen across in order to give the girl some privacy. Beside the cupboard was a small sink and several bottles of disinfectant and soap. Sam grabbed a clean cloth from under the sink and turned on the tap. Filling the sink with warm water she put the cloth in it.

'Dani look at me'.

She waited until her friend lifted her head and met her gaze.

'There's soap, water and a cloth here ok?' Dani nodded forcing a smile that felt alien to her face.

She waited until Samantha moved away and quickly stripped off her pants. The first blush of embarrassment stained her skin and tears threatened to escape. Shaking her head in determination, she squared her shoulders and begun cleaning herself with the warm cloth. She would not let herself be a hindrance to her friend. They needed her to be strong right now. She could break down later.

'She gonna be ok' Duke asked her softly as she reached him.

Sam looked at him, fear and worry evident on her face. Nodding she looked down at the table, 'I think so'. Oh God I hope so, she added silently to herself.