Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice, I just own this story, so please, enjoy it yayayayaya! I only own Khiara in this.

Mermaids, legendary creatures that lived in the sea... Mikan is a young mermaid, who falls in love with a young boy named Natsume, and her friends also fall in love with his friends... NXm, and more pairings!

Chapter 1 ... Little mermaids

Mermaids, legendary creatures that lived in the sea a long time ago, some people stopped believing in these mythical creatures, and some didn't. But mermaids are still there, if you really still believe in them...

Hotaru, come on! I don't want Grandpa to find out I've gone! Quick!" cried a young brunette haired girl. She had a blue scaled tail where her legs were meant to be, and this girl was a mermaid. Her best friend followed her, she had a darker blue tail, and quite frankly, she was very bored. She didn't want to follow her energetic friend, but the young mermaid was so stupid and clumsy, Hotaru didn't know what her best friend would do if she was all alone, so she had no choice but to follow her.

"Mikan, I don't think your grandfather would like you going to the surface just to see what a sky is. Have some commen sense and stay here like any normal mermaid would." Hotaru said as Mikan swam around, then stopped and arched her eyebrow, her arms folded.

"But I'm not a normal mermaid! And it's okay, no one will see us leaving! Hey wait... I've had a great idea! Let's get Anna and Nonoko to join us, I'm sure they'll love to see the human world! Let's go find them!" Mikan cried happily, dragging Hotaru by the arm while Hotaru rolled her eyes at Mikan's latest idea.

"Mikan, that is the worst idea you have ever come up with. Now we're definately going to get into trouble for this." Hotaru said as Mikan scowled, then found their two good friends, Anna and Nonoko, at the shell park by the jaggy rock. Mikan told them what she wanted to do, and the two girls squealed in delight.

"Oh, ofcourse! Mama's told us about the human world many times, she's been twice because our papa took her, Mikan thanks for inviting us! We have to ask Khiara if she wants to join us!" Anna said happily, both their eyes sparkeling. They swam into their cave and told their parents they were going out to play, and they took their adopted sister, Khiara, who couldn't speak, along with them. Hotaru still hated the whole idea.

"Something's gonna happen, I just know it." Hotaru said in a mone tone as Mikan scowled and frowned, but she swam on.

"Hotaru, stop being such a spoil sport! I know you'll enjoy the upper world as much as we will, now come on! Before Grandpa finally figures out that I've suddenly gone and that I am no longer in the Sea limits any more!" Mikan said, swimming upwards as her friends followed her, and soon their heads broke the surface of the deep water, their hair floating around their shoulders except Hotaru's. (Mikan's hair is down) They all saw a large moon in the starry sky.

"Wow, mama never said anuything about a crystal rock floating in the human sky with tiny crystal rocks around it! That's so cool!" Nonoko said happily as they all smiled, including Hotaru, and they all stared at the bright moon until they heard the waves roar and hit rocks and another object. Mikan, Hotaru, Nonoko, Anna and Khiara gasped, turning to look at what was causing the sea's sudden disturbance and the waves anger.

They all turned to see a large wooden boat and they stared at it, wondering what it was exactly. Their first and only guess was that it was a large piece of drift wood and rocks floating on the water. The girls didn't know they were being watched from behind a large rock, though, they were being watched by a fellow mermaid who was an enemy to them.

"Oh, how dare they! Why doesn't anyone invite me to come above the stupid sea and look at the sky? I know what a moon is and I am much older and much more mature than they are! They're only 10 and I'm 11! Uh, they'll get theirs! I'm gonna tell and... huh?" Sumire stopped, because Mikan had started to sing happily, hoping to stop the large piece of driftwood and rocks (boat) floating on the water.

"The seven seas united, the colors of the seaweed,
beautiful crystal rock in the sky!
The calm voice of the sea sings happily.
The maidens of the sea sing in harmony!
Come, stop, don't get mad.
Beat peace, make me glad.
Here, now, stay calm...
Don't hurt with rage!..."

Sumire growled, clutching her fist as the other mermaids smiled, then they saw some movement on the boat, and five faces appeared on the deck along with bodies, all of them were boys, they were around 11 years old and the youngest was about 4, like Khiara. They all looked around, wondering about something.

"That voice... Who was singing?" Where was it coming from, it was so... beautiful," asked the raven haired boy, who had caught Mikan's eye and she turned red then smiled and giggled. She wondered who he was, and why he didn't have fins. Maybe he was a human? A really pretty one at that.

"Haha. You said beautiful... that was me, hehe!" Mikan cried happily as the boy and his friends looked down, and they all gasped, staring at the five girls in the water, their eyes widening. They were mesmerized by each of the girls beauty. Sumire was raging with anger.

"Hey! Why are you girls in there? Isn't it dangerous to swim in the sea? Especially when it's night time and a boat is on the surface. You could all drown! Especially the younger one!" yelled a blonde haired boy as they all stared at him, then they all looked at each other and sighed, nodding as they whispered, then they turned back to the boys and sighed guiltily.

"But it is safe, boy. We aren't ordinary girls, we're..." Hotaru said, and together, all the girls lifted their tails out of the water as the boys gasped, stgaring in suprise and utter shock at the five mermaids.

"You're all mermaids!" yelled the youngest boy, he had silver hair and piercing green eyes. Sumire was in an even bigger fit of rage now, she hated to have her foes being the center of attention all the time. No one ever paid attention to her, and she really liked that raven haired boy, she wanted him all to herself because she was so selfish.

Then fireworks filled the dark sky, and the mermaids' tails dropped back into the water as they stared at all the pretty colours exploding in the starry sky. Anna was the first to speak.

"Ah, so flowers grow in the sky too! Mamma said they grew on the land, so pretty!" Anna said, then one of the boys started to laugh, and Anna turned to to glare up at him, but she suddenly fell in love with him. He had sandy coloured hair and a very annoying laugh, but he was so handsome! Anna's eyes didn't fall from him once while he was laughing. (guess who this is?)

"Hahahaha! That's not right! They're fireworks! They make the sky look colourful, they aren't flowers! Hahaha!" he laughed as the other mermaids glared at him, then they all smiled and giggled when they looked at the boys they liked. Sumire got even madder than before, she was jealous!

"Oh, that's it! You little mermaids are so going down! Right, that spell... Ah! Morocus, liotus, tranquility supreno harimous, destrous pathus comentrium terreno Trident Thunderus Light, ACHOO!... Saliatious!" Sumire yelled, and a storm started to brew as Khiara gasped, the mermaids' hair blowing in their faces, and Khiara clutched onto Anna tightly as the waves got rougher, and the boys cried out, clinging onto the railings of the boat as it rocked and people screamed. The waves roared and attacked the boat, the mermaids watched in horror as water spilled onto the boat and people fell from it,

Then, it got worse, thunder cracked and the boat started to tilt, the raven haired boy clutched the sliver haired boy as Khiara tried to scream, but she couldn't, and to all the mermaids horror, the boys fell over boat, screaming as they all hit the water, and all the mermaids screamed as Mikan found tears in her eyes.

"We have to get them! We can't let them die!" Mikan yelled, jumping into the cold, dark waters as she swam after the boy (Natsume, we all know who it is) and her friends all followed.

"I've only just met him... But I think I love him more than the seven sea's. I can't let this boy die!" Mikan thought as she swam after his falling body, Anna swam towards the sandy haired boy and caught him in her arms, Hotaru swam after the blonde haired boy and caught him as Nonoko put her arms around the boy with glasses, Khiara was already hauling the youngest boy towards the surface. The others followed, their tears falling from their eyes...


"Please wake up! Please, don't just die! Wake up! I'll saty until you wake, but please, just get up!" cried Mikan, tears trailing down her cheeks as she tried to check for his breath, and she felt a faint tickle against her fingers, she cried out happily, her arms around Natsume's neck as her friends all checked their loved one's breath aswell.

"Hhe's alive! But his breath, it's ver very faint. What can we do to help them all?" Nonoko cried, staring at her friends as she hugged Yuu close, they all looked worried, then Khiara had an idea, and she leaned closer to Youichi, her love, and she placed her lips over his gently, a red light surrounding them as her magic (they all have powers) gave Youichi more ebergy, and Mikan watched the young mermaid, then decided to do the same.

"I hope this helps you," she whispered, staring at him then placing her lips over his as a blue light surrounded the two and her hair flew into the air. Hotaru kissed Ruka, and a dark blue light surrounded the two, as Nonoko kissed Yuu, she was soon surrounded by an indigo light while Anna and Koko were soon surrounded by a pink light as they kissed, and their energy went into the boys, and once they parted ffrom their loved ones, they all decided to leave and jump back into the ocean, but Mikan stayed for a little longer.

Mikan sat by his side for a long time, she held her arms around him as she cried, and then she kissed him again as a tear rolled down her face and hardened into a pearl as she held out her hands, and she looked at the light blue pearl. The sun was setting.

"I'll come back... I promise, and don't forget me." Mikan sobbed, leaving the pearl on his chest before she jumped back into the sea and she started to swim back to her home, tears in her eyes as she returned to her friends...

"Hotaru, I can't stop thinking about that boy! I have to go see him again, I must!" Mikan cried as she picked some sea locusts and then threw them around as Hotaru sighed, trying to stay calm and act like she didn't care. She didn't want to think about the boy she had saved, but she couldn't help it, she was in love.

"Mikan, we can't. They are humans and we are mermaids. No one can do anything, no one can help us with our problem... We need to forget about it and move on." Hotaru said, sitting on a rock then sighing sadly. Mikan stared at Hotaru then smiled, and she swam towards her best friend, grinning as Hotaru folded her arms and tried not to stare back.

"You're in love." Mikan said, and Hotaru gasped, shocked that Mikan knew how she felt towards the blonde haired handsome boy. But she couldn't admit it, a human and a mermaid could never be together.

"N-No! I don't, Mikan! Don't be so silly... ha, he's a h-human! I can't love a human, you knwo that, I only saved him because he was in danger, and saving him was just out of... Kindness." Hotaru said as Mikan turned upside down and grinned, flicking Hotaru's nose.

"No denying it, Imai! You're in love and I know it! Because... A) You kissed him, and B)... Who said anything about you saving him because he was in danger? Ha, not me!" Mikan said, folding her arms as Hotaru clamped a hand to her mouth, hoping to say nothing as Mikan smiled, swimming around her friend.

"You never felt like this,
you would always just stare.
You never blushed, kissed or sang?
Your heart beats faster, faster, faster.
When you think or of him!
You stutter, you smile.
Oh god, your in love my friend!
I know because I'm in that state too!.."

Hotaru tried to swim away, but Mikan grabbed her by the arm and swumg her around, then Anna and Nonoko came swimming towards them, excited about something. Mikan and Hotaru stared at their friends who were bouncing on their tails, looking like they were about to burst.

"Mikan, Hotaru! Guess what we just found out! Come on, guess!" Nonoko cried out as she clapped her hands in excitement, and Anna copied. Mikan and Hotaru stared at them, and Mikan started to bounce on her own tail aswell, curious to know what the sisters already knew.

"What? Tell us! Spill or I'll start to tickle you till you turn into sea foam!" Mikan cried out as Anna suddenly did a backwards flip and grinned, unable to hold the good news any longer.

"Well, you know Sumire, the iscolated Mermaid? Really bad hair, ugly green scaled tail, you get it... Well, she can do really advanced magic and knows a spell on how to make a mermaid a human! Isn't that amazing?" Anna yelled, and Mikan stared at Hotaru, then squealed and grabbed Hotaru's wrists, swinging their bodies around as she smiled.

"There is a way and we've found it!
Let's be humans and find our loves again!
Iif they remember they'll know who we are!
Come on Imai, you know you wanna!"

Then Anna and Nonoko joined in as Khiara swam towards them, she had already heard the great news and she was really excited about it. She wanted to see Youichi once again! She felt really deeply for him and kept thinking about him.

"Join us on our quest to find our loves!
It'll be fun, you just wait and see!
Let's find out loves, Imai please..."
(stupid song, I know)

Mikan stared at Hotaru, who gave her a faint smile and held Mikan's hand. Mikan smiled, then hugged Hotaru tightly before grabbing Nonoko's and Hotaru's hands, and she started to swim towards Sumire's cave as Anna and Khiara led the way, and Mikan hoped that she would find Natsume once again...

"You want me to turn all 5 of you into humans? Don't you know it's not a very easy spell to cast and I need to make a potion..." Sumire said calmly, pretending that she didn't really know who they were and that she didn't hate their guts. Mikan then suddenly grabbed her wrist and Sumire stared into Mikan's large and sad eyes that were full of hope, Sumire hated the young maiden inside and watced to hit her hard across the face.

"Please, we really need your help. You may be our only chance, Sumire. There's no other way we can see the boys we love so much. Please... We'll do anything." Mikan whispered, and Sumire thought for a moment, she liked the idea of the 'anything', so she swam to a shelf and took out a book and found the right page, then she followed the ingrediants and started to throw things into a small cauldron as Mikan and her friends gasped in delight, thankful that she was actually helping them. Sumire just wanted something else, though.

"Hm, I can help you, but this spell has one tiny catch for each of you girls... You have to give me something in return for your human legs, and this may be alarming to you all, but a sacrifice is what you have to make for these boys you are obviously very fond of... Hm... Acius, tetus, muses nierus colateo!" Sumire said, waving a hand over the potion as it turned from a murky green to a dark, shining silvery blue colour, and five small potion bottles appeared and filled with the potion, and Sumire handed one pot to each of the girls as they smiled. But Sumire grinned an evil gremlin like grin.

"Once you drink this potion, something precious will be gine. Nonoko, you will instantly lose you eye sight for your new human legs." Sumire hissed as Nonoko gasped, a hand covering her mouth as she shook her head and tears spilled down her face.

"No! That means I won't be able to see his face again!" Nonoko cried as Sumnire shrugged, then turned to Anna and poitned at the pink haired mermaid.

"Nonoko, your love will have to see uif your heart is true instead of seeing it in your eyes... Anna, you will lose your precious hearing, so your love will have to find a way to tell you his feelings without saying it in words." Sumire snapped as Anna gasped and fell on the sandy ground, potion bottle in her hands as she shook her head and stared at Sumire, tears forming in her eyes.

"No! I won't hear his voice or his annoying laughter again!" she cried as Sumire grinned, then turned to Khiara and pointed at the youngest mermaid who look scared and held onto Mikan tightly. Sumire grinned evilly as she stared at the toddler.

"You, Khiara, you will lose your beautiful long hair and your balance on your legs. You will be clumsy and you will forever be in pain. Your boy will have to fall in love with a clumsy little girl who is ugly and always ill, and one who can't even speak! How perfect!" Sumire cackled coldly as Khiara gasped, clutching a handful of pink hair as tears filled in her large red eyes while Mikan hugged her, then Sumire turned to Hotaru and she smirked.

"You, Imai Hotaru, you will lose your good feelings and you will only be able to act cold towards everyone around you, especially your love! Let's see if he has a kind enough heart to fall in love with someone who has no heart what so ever!" Sumire snapped as Hotaru and everyone else gasped, and Hotaru put a ahnd on her heart as she tried to fight back her salty tears. This wasn't fair! Then, Sumire turned to Mikan at last, coldness in her eyes, the mermaid Sumire loathed the most, and she grinned widely.

"Mikan, you will lose the one thing that is most precious to you. You will sacrifice your voice to gain your human legs! Your loved one will have to find out himself if he really loves you or not, and if he remembers you. Because, wasn't it your singing voice that caught his attention? And he heard that promise you gave him, that you would promise to return to him! And if he can't hear your mermaid voice he will think that you are just some ordinary girl with no voice, and he will never hear your words!" Sumire yelled as Mikan's eyes widened, and her world started to fall down as tears rimmed her long lashes.

"M-My voice? Nno, please! I want to tell him how much I love him, so do the others, and you're taking away the things we need! But taking Hotaru's feelings... You can't!" Mikan cried out, staring at her friends as she clasped a hand to her throat, shaking her head as Sumire smirked and turned around, shrugging as she stared at the crying girls over her shoulder. She loved it.

"I can, and it's the rules for this potion... Oh, one more tiny little detail. You may stay on the land on the human world until the end of your days, but if you return to the sea, you can never return or become a human again, understand? And, in a years time after being a mermaid again, you turn to foam, and if you disobey the rules and return to the human world, you will become sea foam straight away again." Sumire explained, and Mikan slowly nodded while Sumire smiled, cackeling inside her head.

"Good, and please remember, once you drink that potion, your oprecious senses are mine, and they will belong ti me, but once your loved ones fall in love with you or even remember who you are, you get your senses back, but if you return to the sea, you will regain your senses, but you only have a year to live. That's all I have to say... Now go." Ssumire said, pointing to the cave mouth as the mermaids all swam out and cried, holding their potion bottles in their hands as they swam back to their homes as Sumire grinned.

"Finally, I have their senses in the palm of my hands..."Sumire thought as she turned around and swam to another part of the cave, into the darkness as her green eyes turned red and glowed brightly. The young mermaids didn't know they were being tricked into sacrificing what they needed the most...

"I don't know what to do... I mean, we all have to give up our senses, my voice will be gone! Oh what can I do?" Mikan cried as she hugged Anna, then they heard small sobs and they all looked up to see Hotaru crying, and Mikan gasped loudly, swimming towards Hotaru and wrapping her arms around her best friend as she cried, and Mmikan felt bad for saying that. She should have remembered that Hotaru had it much worse. Mikan hugged the sobbing mermaid.

"I'm sorry Hotaru! I know you have it much worse, and I dread to think what the boys will think when they see us, but without our senses. I'm sorry I said what I did Hotaru! This is all my fault, if I hadn't dragged you all up to the surface we wouldn't be in this complete mess! You said it was a bad idea, Hotaru, and I just ignored you! I'm so sorry Hotaru!" Mikan wept, then Hotaru hugged her back and wiped away her tears, and then she let go of Mikan and stared at her dearest friend.

"Mikan, don't be sorry. None of this was your fault, I mean, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have met that boy and we would have all been stuck here, as mermaids with no one to love. It was all fate. My first option now would be to drink the potion and see what happens, but... I'm scared that those boys will reject us." Hotaru whispered as her friends stared at her then sighed and gave small nods, gulping as they cried. They were all confused, but they desperately wanted to meet their loved ones yet again.

"Fine, tonight. If we've all made up our minds, meet at the shell park tonight and we go to the human world together. We'll turn into humans on the land while the sea and merfolk rest. I know sacrificing our senses isn't right, but it's for those boys. I have to go now, bye." Mikan whispered, swimming away as tears fell from her face and she returned to her cave, ready to write a goodbye note to her grandfather, and her friends left, too...

That night, as everyone in the sea and on the land slept soundly, all five mermaids met at the empty shell park with the glass potion bottles in their hands, tears in their large eyes as they all stared at each other, then Anna carried Khiara and they started to swim towards the surface, they had said their goodbyes and were teary eyed and regretted leaving their world, but they knew they were doing what their hearts told them to. Their heads broke the surface and they looked around the darkness, then started to make their way to a close by beach where they had left their loved ones. Once they got there, they sat on the sand with their fins in the water and they stared at each other, then their potion bottles in silence.

Nonoko was the first one to break the silence.

"Let's drink it together, then fi something terrible happens, we all go through it together so no one feels bad. Ready?" Nonoko asked as all the girls nodded and brought the potion bottles to their mouths. Mikan closed her eyes as she brought the bottle to her lips, and together, the girls drank the potions, and their bottles dropped into the ocean as they put their hands where it hurt. Mikan's hands clasped her throat tightly.

"M-My throat! I-I can't hear myself, my throats burning up!" Mikan cried out, tears spilling down her face as Anna clasped her hands to her ears, feeling them burst. Mikan's tail was slowly disappearing, and so were her friends.

"Ow! My ears! Arrgh! It h-hurts!" Anna cried as she fell to the ground from all the pain, Nonoko was covering her eyes as she cried, her pupils disappearing as she went blind, her eyes looking blank as she wept.

"My, my eyes. I can't see, I can't see anything! They sting!" Nonoko cried out as she rubbed her eyes, only seeing blackness and hearing her friends in immense pain. Hotaru clutched her heart as it throbbed painfully against her chest and she burst into tears, but they slowly started to dry as she lost all her good feelings.

"My feelings, guys, I can't cry! I can't show emotion! My heart hurts!" Hotaru whispered, sobbing as Khiara cried uncontrollably as her legs appeared, and her legs started to feel painful and her hair was suddenly cut short as she cried and cried, then they all felt a small twinge and they felt dizzy and they gasped, their senses were gone, and then they all fell against the sand, and fell unconcious...


Okie dokies! Here's the first chapter, maybe it's a cliffie? Please say what you think, I don't mind what you really say. Okay, have fun and have a nice day blah blah blah!

Love Blue -Niagra