Disclaimer: We don't even own a car, do you honestly believe we own Stargate: Atlantis?

A/N Tinuviel Undomiel: This little idea came to me when I was watching Season 2 of Grey's Anatomy. All of you Grey's fans will know what idea I borrowed in the second chap. A little Shweir goodness in this chap, mainly Teyla/Dex.

A/N Nerwen Aldarion: This idea is thanks to a fabulous author on this site Srendle, Srendle wrote two fabulous fics Shopping for a Husband and Moving On, sadly Srendle took both fics off the site before she finished Moving On and I was crushed. If ya'll want to read two fabulous fics go send a message to Srendle and ask her to repost her fics. Anyways, I loved Moving On so much that I took what she had changed things around a good bit and made it my own but the inspiration was from her so I hope ya'll enjoy.

Past Offenses

Chapter 1: An Affair to Remember

The city of Atlantis was shining on top of the black ocean. It was night and the city was quiet except for the skeleton crew of staff still working on reports or experiments. For the first time in weeks, Elizabeth Weir found herself occupied with other things beside paperwork. She was carrying a bowl of popcorn as she entered the Media Room for movie night.

Movie night was done ever so often when spare time was found for everyone to relax and forget about the war they faced against the Wraith. Teyla Emaggen was sitting beside Ronon Dex each in a chair, while Rodney McKay was starting on another bowl of popcorn.

"Good news," John Sheppard said, "We've got beer," he held up two six packs of beer and placed it on the table and took one, "Alright so who's turn is it tonight?"

"Mine," Elizabeth said, "And I've chosen a classic."

"Uh oh, that can't be good," he groaned, "What is it this time? Touching Minks?"

"It's That Touch of Mink, and no it's An Affair to Remember."

John groaned and rolled his eyes, "Another chick flick, can't we watch something else like The Terminator."

Ronon perked up, "Sounds good to me."

"I believe it is Dr. Weir's choice," Teyla reminded them.

Elizabeth smiled at the Athosian leader, "Thank you, Teyla."

The song, An Affair to Remember began to play, "Cue the sappy music," John muttered.

"Shh!" Elizabeth hissed and continued watching.

John got a wicked gleam in his eye that she missed and went back to watching the movie. When Carrie Grant's character met Deborah Kerr's and was embarrassed to learn she was engaged he commented, "Why would that stop him?"

Elizabeth glared at him for talking while Rodney snorted, "You wouldn't see anything wrong with it would you Captain Kirk?"

John grinned at went back to the movie. He found another opportunity to butt in when the main character's kissed for the first time, but it was hidden behind the stairwell. "He was feeling her up," John said, "That's why they couldn't show it."

Elizabeth smacked him, but Rodney chocked on his popcorn when the lead Terry said after Nickie told her to stop crying, "I told, you beauty does that to me."

After Rodney regained the ability to breath, she glowered at him again, "You see what you did?"

"You honestly think I feel guilty?" he asked her with a smile.

"I don't think you're capable of guilt," she admitted and turned her attention back to the movie so she could ignore the smug look on his face.

He continued to fling out comments like Rocky throwing punches. Elizabeth knew he would say something when the scene came when Terry was hit by the car as she was running to the Empire State Building. "Oh the pain, the agony!" John cried out mockingly.

Elizabeth caught Teyla's eye and signaled for her to go around the other side of him. She gave a nod, and John let out a "Hey!" of protest as Teyla grabbed both his arms and held them up over his head while Elizabeth straddled his abdomen to keep him still. John would have made some lewd comment except her hand covered his mouth, smothering his every attempt. Ronon and Rodney laughed from where they sat.

"Now you are going to stop adlibbing the movie or I will have you stuck behind a desk for a month."

A muffled sound came from behind her palm which sounded like, "You wouldn't."

She met his challenge with a raised brow, "Oh wouldn't I? So will you promise to be quiet?"

John nodded, "Good," she let go of her hand and slid off his lap, "Thank you, Teyla."

"Next time you crawl on my lap it better be for a lap dance," John said,

Elizabeth blushed while Teyla and Ronon frowned, "What's a lap dance?" the Satedan asked.

"Next movie night I'll make sure you see one," John assured him while grinning at the still hot cheeked Elizabeth.

True to his word, John watched the movie in silence. It was while Terry was directing a chorus of kids when he noticed that Elizabeth had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He tried to keep still so he wouldn't wake her and let Rodney take out the movie once it was over.

"Should we not wake her?" Teyla asked.

"No, I've got her," John said and cradled against his chest.

"Need any help?" Ronon asked.

John shook his head, "No she's light, too light in fact, remind me to tell Carson to make sure she gets three meals tomorrow while we're on our mission," he told them while he carried Elizabeth out of the room.

The city was silent as she carried the sleeping commander to her quarters. Thankfully no one saw them or he would have had a hard time explaining what was going on and the rumor mills would be going full throttle.

He laid her down in on her bed and slipped off her shoes to make her more comfortable. After tucking her in, she gave a content little sigh and he knew she was sleeping well, not plagued by nightmares. John brushed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered her good night before leaving the room.

P1X-739 gave John the impression that it was a peaceful planet, similar to Earth. The cozy village full of curious glances showed that they weren't hostile, at least on the surface. The Stargate was in a cave and when they reached the other side they beautiful scenery and a cozy village.

"You recognize this place?" John asked the alien members of his team.

"I do not," Teyla admitted.

"No," Ronon agreed.

"Yes well I doubt we'll find anything of value here," Rodney said as he picked up a fruit that looked like a deformed orange apple.

"You gonna eat that?" Ronon asked.

The scientist looked at him with disgust, "No, for all you know it could be poisonous."

"Only one way to find out," the Satedan took the fruit and took a noisy bite.

"Oh that's…fine you want to kill yourself go ahead," Rodney gave up.

A middle aged woman walked up to the strangers, "Welcome to our village."

"Nice to meet you," John greeted, "I'm Col. John Sheppard, this is Dr. McKay, Teyla and Ronon."

She smiled, "I am Kiddiya; you must have come from the Great Circle."

"Yes we did."

"You are welcome in out village. Please feel free to look around," Kiddiya gestured for a teenage girl to come forward, "This is my daughter Ritara, if you need a guide she will be happy to assist."

"Thanks but that won't be necessary," John assured her.

The team looked around the village for a while, nothing seemed of value they were pretty much just farmers and ten minutes into it Rodney was already complaining. That is until the tremors started.

The ground shook violently startling the John and his team. What was interesting was that after the tremors stopped the villagers seemed to be alright with it, just picked themselves up off the ground and went on with their day.

"What was that?" John asked Kiddiya.

"That was the commoveo," She replied like it was nothing.

"The what?" Rodney asked.

"Commoveo, it happens every now and then," She said, "But it has been happening more frequently and violently recently."

"We know of something like the com thingy," Rodney explained, "We call them earthquakes, and they generally aren't very good, usually when they come more often that means something very bad."

Kiddiya grew serious, "There are stories told long ago about terrible Commeoveos that wreaked havoc on the land but nothing like that has happened for generations."

"Well it could be happening now," Rodney turned to John, "I think we need to bring in Dr. Connors, he has research in seismology and…"

"Alright," John interrupted, "You and I will head back to Atlantis and see what Elizabeth says," He turned to the two alien members of his team, "Teyla, Ronon stay here and look around, Rodney and I will check back in three hours."

"You're saying that this planet has frequent earthquakes," Elizabeth stated as she entered her office with Rodney and John in tow.

"Yes, apparently they have become more violent now," Rodney said.

"And you want to return with a seismologist so you can test these commoveos."

"Pretty much."

"You, Rodney McKay, want to brave violent earthquakes," Elizabeth looked surprised.

"I was amazed too," John said, "I think we should get Beckett examine him."

"We could help these people," Rodney explained, "A severe earthquake could happen at any moment and they could die."

"I understand Rodney; I just want to know what you think investigating these earthquakes is going to do for these people."

"It could determine how much time they have."

"And then what?" Elizabeth questioned.

"We can offer them sanctuary here."

Elizabeth sighed, "I seem to remember having this conversation before. We cannot just relocate an entire planet of people and bring them here to Atlantis. It isn't safe for us or them."

"I think what Rodney is trying to say is that we can relocate them to another planet if it is necessary," John explained.

"Yes that is exactly what I'm saying."

"Alright," she said, "You can bring a seismology team but relocation is up to them."

"Fine with us," John said.

"I'll get Dr. Connors," Rodney said as they left Elizabeth to her reports.

John and Rodney had gone to Atlantis three hours before and Ronon and Teyla decided to head to the gate to see if they would hear from the other members of their team.

They were just entering the cave when the shaking started all over again, but this time it was much more violent.

Time seemed to slow down as Ronon and Teyla felt the ground shift under them, the walls of the cave began to collapse and the roof caved in. They tried to make a run for the mouth of the cave but the pieces of it were falling in around them.

Ronon pushed Teyla on to the ground covered her body with his. It seemed like eternity until the earthquake stopped and as soon as it did all was quiet, the only sound Teyla could hear was the heart beating in her chest and her and Ronon breathing.

"Are you alright?" She asked worried and confused about why he threw himself on top off her.

"Yeah," He said, "nothing hit me hard."

"Good," She replied, but he was still on top of her, she could feel the full length of his body against her and it was getting to her in a way she would be mortified if he found out. "Ronon you're still on top of me."

Ronon pulled himself up and helped her to her feet, "We should check on the village."

She agreed and they picked their way through the remains of the cave and raced as quickly as they could to the village.

The commoveo had left its mark on the village in a major way. Many of the homes lay in ruins, cracks in the earth scarred the land and the sound of screams filled the air.

Kiddiya raced up to them with dirt splattered across her face and clothes, "You have to help me; my daughter is trapped inside a fallen home. It's caught on fire, please you have to help!"

"We'll do what we can," Teyla assured her as Ronon jogged ahead. The roof of the home had sunken in, shingles and beams were scattered like matchsticks on the ground. Fire was licking the air and spreading inside the home.

"Stay back," Ronon warned Teyla as he shoved his way inside.

"Ronon!" she called fighting the urge to beg for him to stay. She stood there for several minutes that stretched on for eternity with Kiddiya sobbing beside her.

"I'm going in after him," she told Kiddiya as she took a step, but the woman grabbed her arm.


Sure enough, a shadow stepped out of the flames coughing up smoke and holding the limp girl in his arms. Kiddiya let out a sob of relief while Teyla felt like collapsing. Ronon laid the girl on the ground and her mother rushed over to check on her daughter.

"That was brave," Teyla told him smiling, "foolish but brave."

He grinned back at her, "You're a bad influence on me." They shared a sweet glance before snapping back into reality and working to help the rest of the villagers.

"Dialing the gate again," Chuck announced as he pushed the buttons on the DHD for the third time. The lights circled seven times but a wormhole refused to engage, "The Stargate will not respond."

John slumped his shoulders and a look of defeat crossed his face, "We were too late."

"The Stargate was in a cave," Rodney said, "the earthquake must have caused a cave in."

"So Teyla and Ronon are stuck there?" John questioned.

"Yes, if they survived."

"For now we will assume they did," Elizabeth said.

"I'll prep a jumper," John said and turned to leave the control room.

"That won't work, colonel," McKay stopped him, "739 is too far it would take…"

"353 years to get there," John finished as he did the calculation in his head.

"Right, you want to get a head start?"

"The only choice we have is to wait for the Daedalus to return in three weeks," Elizabeth said.

"So what do we do until then?" John asked.

"What we normally do," she replied, "Teyla and Ronon are on their own for now. We know they can handle it. All we can do is wait."

"I hate waiting."

Elizabeth nodded, "I know this is hard," she said as she placed a sympathetic hand on his arm, "but I'm sure they're fine."

"I can't just sit around and pretend everything is all right!"

"I understand, but we don't have a choice," she said, "I'm sorry."

"They're part of my team," John explained, "I don't leave men behind. And it's killing me not knowing if their alive."

Elizabeth swallowed hard, "Maybe now you know how I feel every time you go through that gate and don't come back as scheduled."

He watched as she walked into her office to finish up her paperwork, his mind centered on the emotions behind her words.

"Cave collapsed completely," Ronon told Teyla who was helping a victim with a head injury lie down, "I couldn't get to the gate; it was probably buried in the rubble."

"That means we can't get back to the city," Teyla finished.

"And we're stuck here," Ronon said.

"No," Teyla explained, "They'll send the Daedalus," She sighed, "But it was getting repairs on earth."

"So we are stuck here," He continued, "at least for a few weeks." She nodded and they exchanged hopeless looks.

Kiddiya overheard the conversation, "Then you must stay with me until your friends return."

They both turned to look at the woman, "No," Teyla began, "we wouldn't want to inconvenience you…"

"You saved my daughter's life," Kiddiya reminded them, "I owe you this much…I have an extra room, you are married aren't you?"

Ronon raised an eyebrow and Teyla just looked a little uncomfortable, "We aren't married," She told her.

"Oh," Kiddiya said embarrassed, "Well the room has two beds and my home has little damage, you would be comfortable…" She saw Teyla and Ronon exchange looks of uncertainty, "Please, I need to thank you properly."

Teyla looked at Ronon questioningly, he nodded, and she turned to Kiddiya and smiled, "We would love to stay with you."

The two weeks spent on the planet were mostly spent rebuilding and caring for the victims of the violent commoveo. Teyla and Ronon helped as much as they could as well as try to get along for this short time they had together with out the team.

Teyla found sharing a room with Ronon even more frustrating for her than having him throw himself on top of her. It was hard to keep her attraction for him under control when she was under such close quarters with him. The problem was that her dreams were becoming more vivid, especially having him so near her when she tried to sleep at night.

Nothing prepared her for hearing him call out to someone in the middle of the night; it was obvious that he was having a nightmare. What wasn't obvious was who this Melayna he was calling out for was. She was almost afraid to ask, she was afraid she already knew the answer.

"Something wrong?" Ronon asked her the next morning.

"No," She replied, "It's just…who's Melayna?"

His eyes widened in surprise, "How did you…where did you hear that name?"

"You," She explained, "You had a nightmare and you called out for…Melayna." She saw the painful look in his eyes, "You don't have to tell me…"
"No it's alright," He said, he took a deep breath before continuing, "Melayna was my wife, she died in the attack on Sateda."

"Oh," Teyla said sadly, she wished she hadn't asked. Teyla had a feeling that was the answer she would hear, the one answer she didn't want to hear, "I'm sorry." She turned away not certain if she should say anything else. All she did know was that the sickening feeling in her stomach grew when she saw the look in his eyes; Ronon still loved his late wife which meant Teyla's dreams were fading very fast.

"Are you okay?" Ronon asked, "You seem…disappointed."

"No," She said quickly, "It's nothing…I just…sometimes you have fantasies and it hurts when you have to face the truth."

He narrowed his eyes confused, "What does that mean?"

"Nothing," she answered and turned and walked away before he figured out the truth about her feelings…about Melayna and him.

Kiddiya came up to Teyla and Ronon smiling happily, "Good health to you," she said the normal greeting of her people, "I was hoping you two would come to the festival tonight."

"Festival?" Ronon asked.

"Yes," Kiddiya explained, "To celebrate the rebuilding of the village and our people's survival, as those you helped us you must attend."

Ronon and Teyla both looked at each other uncomfortable, "We don't do festivals." Ronon said simply, Teyla glared at him.

"What Ronon means is we aren't prepared for a festival," Teyla continued, "we don't have anything else to wear and…"

"Well I can help with that," Kiddiya told them, "My late husband's clothes will do for you," She said to Ronon and to Teyla, "I can find you something, come with me," She grabbed Teyla's arm and half dragged the Athosian behind her. Teyla turned to look at Ronon and pleaded with her eyes to help, he just looked at her more than a little amused.

A short while later Teyla was in a room surrounded by clothing that was flung over chairs and the bed. Kiddiya was oohing and awing over the latest dress she found, "This one will look beautiful on you." She told Teyla, "Go try this on," She shooed Teyla behind the changing screen. "Do your people have festivals often?" Kiddiya asked.

"We used to but we haven't had any since we were rescued by Colonel Sheppard's team," Teyla explained, "The people from earth have festivals but they call them parties." She started laughing, "I used to love festivals because I was able to dance…I used to love to dance."

Kiddiya smiled knowingly, "We have dances here, one in particular in which the unmarried girls dance for the men and the men choose their intended brides."

Teyla smiled behind the screen, "That sounds lovely." Teyla walked out from behind the changing screen, "I believe this might be the dress."

Kiddiya smiled pleased with the selection, "The rose color is so lovely on you, and the way it drapes your curves," Her eyes twinkled, "Ronon will love it on you."

Teyla looked shocked, "Why would I…what he thinks doesn't…do you think so?" she shook her head, "No it doesn't matter what he thinks."

"Oh but it does," Kiddiya said, "At least to you." Teyla was about to say something but Kiddiya continued, "I've seen the way you look at him, the way I used to look at my husband…you find him pleasing to the eye."

Teyla was flustered, "I…but he's…I mean I don't…"

Kiddiya laughed, "You're blushing and it's because I'm right. You might only be friends but you want to be more."

She sighed knowing it was fruitless to argue, "It isn't possible."

"And why is that?"

"He was married," Teyla explained, "She died a long time ago but he…he still loves her."

Kiddiya nodded, "I see…but that doesn't mean he won't fall in love again."

"I know," Teyla agreed, "But when my mother died…my father never got over her death." She sighed sadly, "It has been over seven years, and if he still has feelings for her now perhaps he always will. That's my worst fear," Teyla admitted, "That he always will."

To say Ronon was uncomfortable was an understatement. He hated dressing up and at a festival where he barely knew anyone there, needless to say it wasn't high on his lists of favorite things to do.

He thought that he was going to spend most of the night wishing he was somewhere else that is until he saw Teyla come out of the home and suddenly he liked the night very much.

Wisps of rose color silk trailed down every curve and left tendrils of fabric trailing past her shoulders. It was sleeveless and scooped neck to reveal some cleavage. She was as beautiful as the dawn.

"You look…beautiful," Ronon told her amazed.

She smiled, "Thank you, it's the dress."

He shook his head, "It's the person wearing it." She blushed and looked down at the ground grinning at the complement. "We should join the rest of them." He said.

She nodded and they joined with the other villagers to celebrate.

Surprising to Ronon he did have a good time. Teyla sat next to him throughout the festivities, laughing and clapping with the music. He saw a different side of Teyla, one who didn't have the leadership of her people on her shoulders or worrying over the war with the Wraith, instead he saw one who laughed easily and wasn't afraid to join in with the dance.

And she did join in with the dance, when she spotted one that seemed somewhat familiar she jumped up and danced with the other villagers. Ronon watched her smile and laugh, he decided right then that in that moment she fit the definition of beauty.

As she danced, Ronon's tipsy mind saw her hair change to gold and transform into the very image of his wife. Melayna had always been graceful and had loved to dance. She used to force him to take her to balls so she could do what she loved. Seeing Teyla dance brought back the painful memories he always tried to smother.

Kiddiya noticed where his gaze fell and she joined him on the sidelines. "She looks magnificent doesn't she?" She asked and smiled when he agreed, "Not many women like her come along everyday."

Ronon turned to her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever dreamed about her?" Kiddiya asked.

Ronon looked at her as if she was insane, "I don't want to answer that."

"Have you?" She asked again, Ronon still didn't answer and she smiled knowingly, "She dreams about you," She was satisfied by the shocked look on his face, "I know this because of the way she looks at you with longing in her eyes, she dreams about you." She got up to leave, "The question is what are you going to do about it?"

Ronon stared after Kiddiya when she left not quite sure if she was speaking truthfully, amazed at the possibility. His mind flew back to the conversation he'd had with Teyla earlier and what she had said, '…sometimes you have fantasies and it hurts when you have to face the truth.' Could that mean what Kiddiya said?

It was an epiphany, when she said that she had fantasies she meant him!

The dance was over and Teyla left the festivities smiling, she was walked back with Ronon to the room they shared. She could tell something was on his mind and she was just about to ask him what it was when he closed the door behind them and turned to her.

"What did you mean earlier when you talked about fantasies?" He asked to the point.

Her eyes widened, she thought that he had forgotten about that and her almost slip of the truth, "I told you it meant nothing."

Ronon didn't believe that for a second, "Were you talking about me?"

She opened her mouth to speak but nothing seemed to come out, Ancestors above how had he figured it out, "I didn't mean anything," she said again, "please just let it be."

He grabbed her arm to keep her from turning away, "You were talking about me weren't you?"

"Ronon please," She begged, "don't make this worse than it already is," She looked at him pleadingly.

He looked deep into her frightened and tearful eyes, eyes that had haunted his dreams ever since they met even though he knew they shouldn't. All he saw was her in front of him and the beauty he had beheld that night. He didn't care about anything right then but the need that was growing inside of him. Instead of questioning her more he cupped her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers.

The kiss was everything she had imagined and so much more. A whirlwind of pleasure and passions that made her mind spin and her heart beat so load she was certain he could hear it. Her arms encircled his neck as he drew her closer to deepen the kiss and add to the erotic moment that was playing between them.

She didn't know when he unfastened the hooks holding up her dress but she felt the fabric slide down her skin to the floor. She knew she was committing a grave sin but right then she didn't care because it was the sweetest sin.

A/N: Commoveo is latin for shake. Interesting ending for all you Teyla/Dex fans, but don't cheer yet, things are going tp get really rough really soon. R&R