In case you didn't read it in the summary... Naruto manga chapter 326 SPOILERS! I mean it! D:

This was written in about 1 minute, mostly because of a spaz attack over gchat with Kellen about the latest Naruto chapter. Haha. Also posted at my LiveJournal account under friends-lock (but I'm a nice person and would love to friend you there).

Disclaimer: Kishimoto-sensei keelz me. Everything that is Naruto is his.

Ten Steps Behind

Things happen so quickly that not even Shikamaru can anticipate them. He is not one for quick last-minute decisions – after all, he almost always is ten steps ahead – but all he can do is shout and wish that this wasn't happening.

It is, and time stands still just long enough to taunt him as he watches the final blow, and waits the agonizing split-seconds for it to take effect on his mentor, his teacher, comrade and friend. He is no longer even one step ahead, and feels like a failure.

In the most important moment, he is ten steps behind.

100 words. Doesn't include title, notes, or disclaimer.