A/N: Is it real? An update?


Yes, I realize I am like, the worst person ever, its been over a year since my author's note, and nothing. UNTIL NOW! My life is still a crazy mess. Like, if I wrote a fic about my life right now, I would get comments going "dude, that is so not realistic" or "that only happens in cheesy and overly dramatic TV shows that could never be real." Then throw work and school and moving my life around into all that plus a fire, it's amazing I still have somewhat of my sanity left (if in fact I ever had it).

So, to celebrate my graduation from college (part of the reason this did not come out sooner because I never wanted to write another thing after my 250 page paper, and school consumed my life), I am FINALLY updating. Sorry if there are mistakes, I really wanted to get this out!

Hopefully, I can update again soon. I am out of school and looking for a job, and oh my gosh, I have free time and its overwhelming!

So to all my loyal readers/fans/probably now haters, this is to you!

Chapter 66

It has been two days since my disaster of a birthday celebration with Monica. Jude, was somewhat ok with it now. The only reason I believe she is truly ok is because Monica came over to apologize to Jude, and when trying to be nice and fix her coffee, Jude had a klutz attack and Monica ended up wearing the coffee.

If I hadn't of witnessed it first hand, I would have never believed it was an accident or Jude's story of sliding across the floor on a wet spot and into the island where the coffee went flying on Monica. But it happened, and damnit, it was pretty funny.

Right now though, we had been called into a spur of the moment lunch meeting with Darius. I am kind of scared about this meeting. Quincy was the one who called on us and he seemed pissed. I swear I didn't do anything that bad. I might have tried to auction Quincy off on eBay, but my account got deleted. Again.

"Ok, you are probably all wondering why I asked you here today, on such short notice." Darius said. He, Liam, and Tommy were all present as well as Kwest, Jude, and SME.

"Yea." We all replied.

"Well, as you know Kwest recently became engaged and he feels he should stay here with his fiancée rather then travel as a chaperon on tour." Liam said.

"Portia is busy here so we can't send her. I know you are all adults, but we do not know if you are ready yet to be let loose on the road with Lou." Tommy said.

"So we are sending T with you for the first month." Darius said.

I think this was a shock to everyone but Liam and Darius. I swear that Tommy is choking right now. Oh look, he is turning blue!

"What?" Tommy said once he stopped choking, gagging, coughing up a fur ball, whatever you call that sound.

"We are sending you. Who else could we send?" Liam replied in his smart ass tone.

"I don't know, but me with those three?" Tommy said looking at me and the dudes.

"Problem T?" Darius asked.

"D, you can't be serious." I blurted out.

"I am serious." Darius replied.

"Ok then, can we order?" Jude said changing the subject rather quickly.

"Fuck." I whispered to Kyle and Wally who both snickered.

I wonder if sixth time is a charm on trying to auction him off?

The rest of lunch was pretty quiet. Can you believe it, touring with Tommy? Hell no. This tour is supposed to be a blast, but I don't think that is going to happen, more like a disaster now.

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck.

Another day had passed and Quincy was still going on tour. Jude and I were currently in bed basking in each other's presence. Jude refused to bring up Quincy going on tour, but some part of me believes she is somewhat happy about it. Despite how much she denies it, I know she still has a little bit of feeling for Quincy. And as much as I would deny it, I still have some worry there.

"Speed…" Jude said.

"Yes." I replied suddenly as she broke me out of my thoughts.

"I lo…." Jude was saying until we were interrupted by a loud bang from outside her window on the street and then flames appearing.

Jude and I quickly jumped out of bed and put on our pajamas. We ran out of her room and met Jason, Yvette's son (who is a brat) in the hall. By the time we got outside, half the neighbors were out there.

"What happened?" Jude asked Jamie as we sped walked over to him.

"Patsy's ex is back, and I think he is trying to send me a message." Jamie replied very nervously.

Out in the street was a car kind of like Jamie's, in a roaring fire. The fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars were nowhere to be seen, but barely heard. Inside there was a dummy, a fake one we hope, that was probably supposed to be Jamie.

You are probably wondering about this. Before Iggy, Patsy dated this guy who topped them all. He just got out of jail and wants her back apparently; I was the one who took the message at 620. That was a scaring experience by the way. Well, the dude found out about Jamie and knows some people, who knows some real shady people, who are helping him get Jamie, or so I am assuming. Sounds plausible right? I thought so.

"Where are the fire trucks?" I asked after like five minutes.

And there they come, from both directions. Rather fast for a residential area.

"Man, are they flying, I am glad I don't park on the street, there is bound to be an accident." Jamie said as we watched them.

"Yea." Jude and I both replied.

We stood there and Jason walked over. Jamie was right, there was going to be a wreck, especially when the cop car cut off the fire engine for some unknown reason. The engine swerved and hit a car. I think that car is probably totaled judging by the loud bang I heard. It wasn't a pretty sight and the cop car missed hitting the engine by a good two feet. It looks like the fire fighters are cussing out the police. I know I would be. Seriously, was there some type of reward for the first person here?

"I feel sorry for the person who drives that blue Pontiac." Jason said as we looked at the fire engine that was resting half on the car with the cussing fire fighters, while the non wrecked engine worked on the fire.

"Yea." We all three replied.

"What happened?" We heard someone yell. We looked over and saw Wally and Allie come running down the street.

"Patsy's ex just got out of jail and wants her back. I think he is trying to send me a message." Jamie replied as we all looked back at the car up in flames as the other fire fighters tried to put it out and I texted to Twitter someone just lost a car due to the fire fighters trying to outrun the police and vice versa.

"Damn, I feel bad for the loser who parked on the street." Wally said as he looked over at the crushed car.

"Speed, don't you drive a blue Pontiac?" Allie asked.

Then it hit me.

I drive a blue Pontiac.

I parked on the street.

It hit Jude about the same time.

"My…my…my…" I tried to say, but I could barely talk.

The fucking fire engine ran over my car!

"Baby, calm down." Jude said as she quickly grabbed me.

"My car…my precious car…" I said as I tried to get to it.

"Speed, calm down." Jamie and Wally said as they tried to hold me back. All I wanted to do was get over to my car.

"It is crushed…my car…"I said as I pulled Wally and Jamie along with me.

"It is just a car; at least someone isn't trying to send you a hate message." Jamie said.

"You still have a fucking car." I yelled.

"Dude, calm down, anger isn't going to get you anywhere." Wally said.

After a few minutes, Kyle handed me a pack of cigarettes and something about I needed to relief some stress before I really exploded.

How could this happen? All the memories in that car, my first ticket, my first drag race, all the times with Monica (maybe I should forget those), all those make out sessions in there, and Jude, oh god, Jude and I have a million memories in there. Why my car?

First Quincy going on tour, now this, what the hell did I do?

A couple hours had past and the fire was out, the reports were filled out, and everyone was pretty much gone. My car had not been declared total, but un-operate-able until an adjuster comes and looks at it. It was also towed to a garage because it went against city ordinance by sitting on the street. Fucking city people demolished it. I thought this was only something that happened in small, redneck towns or on TV, not here.

"Baby, put out the cigarette and come in." Jude said as she sat down on the curb by me.

"This is the last one." I replied.

"It will be ok, everything will work out in the end." Jude reassured me.

"How can you be so sure? That is my car, I love that car." I whined.

"Just trust me babe, at least we weren't in it." Jude pointed out.

"Yea, but look at all the memories it had. It had some great memories. And my guitar was in there." I said between drags.

"I know, it will work out in the end. Come on, let's go in and go to bed." Jude tried to coax me.

"Alright." I said caving in as I put out the cigarette.

"I know you are upset. Just remember I love you. Is there anything that will make you feel better?" Jude asked.

"My car not being totaled." I stated sarcastically.

"Anything I can do?" Jude asked a little exasperated.

"No, let's just go to bed." I replied as I started walking to the house.

Once inside, we climbed back into bed. Jude laid her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arm around me.

"I promise everything will be ok." Jude told me.

"Yea." I replied. I didn't really want to talk about it anymore.

"Oh, your guitar was not in the car. It is in the front hallway. I forgot to tell you I brought it in." Jude whispered to me.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Speed, I love you." Jude said then she gave me a kiss.

Things needed to get back to where they were. We were happy, I wasn't a complete idiot, I had a car, and Quincy was not going on tour.

Today was the day. The day of all days. The day we left for tour.

My mom was having separation issues with this tour. Up until three thirty she followed me about everywhere. She packed for me, she cried, she cooked, she cried some more, and then begged me to take her with me until my dad did some mom control.

Now we are all standing outside G-Major getting ready to leave. Monica is crying hysterically while Allie is trying to hold it in. My mom and Wally's mom are both teary eyed. All the dads are off talking with Darius and Liam. Jude is over talking to Mason, Chaz, Patsy, and Jamie. Sadie is with the moms and Kwest is talking to an extremely anxious Tommy.

Now it was time to say goodbye to the girlfriends. I am glad I don't have to do that, even though Jude said we should play along. It involves kissing, so I am game.

Kyle and Monica's goodbye was a little heated. I swear if there was a couch, they would be engaged in sex by now.

Allie and Wally's were more "sweet" as Jude put it. She wished she could say goodbye like that.

Now parents! My mom lost it; my dad was getting a little embarrassed by her. Then she and Wally's mom started crying on each other's shoulders. Kyle's mom said bye and told him she loved him then was off with her new boyfriend. Jude's parents were a little sad, but nothing like my mom and Wally's mom. Jude did start to cry when she told Sadie, Jamie, and Mason bye. We were finally able to leave after we pried our moms off of us and Jude away from Mason.

Once the bus was on its way. Tommy sat on the couch texting, his whores we are guessing, on his blackberry. We all went and unpacked some of our stuff. About 9pm, we decided to kick off tour SME style.

Kyle, Wally, and I walked out in the main part in just our boxers. Why get a pair of pajamas dirty when it isn't necessary? We were all comfortable around each other and we are just pretending Quincy is not there.

"Put some damn clothes on. No one wants to see that." Tommy yelled at us.

"Free country, we can do whatever the hell we want and we are going in just our boxers." Kyle said.

Five minutes later Jude emerged in a hot outfit. She was wearing this little pair of shorts that I so kindly suggested she buy. They were short, and I mean short. They could almost be considered underwear. She then had on a shirt that was just a little longer than a sports bra. Damn, is she trying to get me excited or what.

"Someone looks hot." I whispered in her ear.

"Keep it in the pants until Tuesday night when there is no concert. We want you to be completely rested for your surprise." She replied as she went in for a kiss.

"Jude, what the hell are you wearing?" Tommy said when he noticed her outfit.

"My pj's, why?" Jude replied.

"Because I don't know what to call that, underwear maybe?" Tommy said.

"Pajamas, Speed got them for me." Jude replied.

"Now I understand it all." Tommy mumbled under his breath. You can look, but you can't touch! HAH!

Wait, no looking either!

"Ok, are we ready to rock these bitches?" Jude yelled as she jumped on the couch with the guitar.

"Totally!" Kyle, Wally, and I replied.

Jude started to play My Sweet Time. I grabbed the tam-tam and we all started to sing and dance along with Jude. Well, all but Tommy. Wally of course recorded it. Why wouldn't he?

After the first song, we went into a second one, then a third one, and continued until a fifth one. Tommy was getting annoyed with us, but do you think we cared. Hell no! About the third song Lou started singing along.

"Dude, you were awesome." Kyle said to Jude as we all started to find various places to crash.

"I know." Jude said with a grin on her face.

"She is an awesome rock goddess, of course she knows." I replied as I picked Jude up so I could sit down.

"Hey, that was my seat." Jude said as I sat down. I just patted my lap and she sat down.

"So, tomorrow night is the first concert, should we do anything special?" Wally asked.

"We could dress up like last one." Kyle suggested.

"Let's do that on Halloween." Jude replied.

"Why don't you guys just go out there like normal?" Tommy said a little angry.

"I guess we could do that, or we can go out there in white suits and bandanas." I replied.

"Totally!" Wally agreed.

"White suits it is." Kyle said.

"You guys do that and you will pay." Tommy hissed.

"Gessh dude, lighten up. We were just joking. Do you think we would seriously wear white suits?" Kyle asked.

"Why don't you three go to bed?" Tommy said a little annoyed.

"Fine ready to go to bed, Red?" I asked Jude.

"She doesn't have to go to bed, just you three punks." Tommy replied.

"I am tired; I think I will go to bed as well." Jude replied as she got up.

We all went back and climbed in our bunks. Five minutes later, my curtain opened up and I saw Jude standing there.

"Can I sleep down here with you?" She asked as she held a little star shaped pillow I bought her when we first went out.

"I don't know." I said pretending to really think about.

"Please babe?" Jude asked using her sad puppy dog face.

"Climb in." I told her as I scooted over.

"You are nice and warm." Jude said once she was curled up with me under the covers.

"Well, I will keep you warm. I can even make you hot." I said as I ran my hand up her shirt.

"No!" Jude shouted in my ear.

"Fine Red…but I heart you." I replied.

"Aw, I heart you too!" She said then kissed me.

"We heart Juderman too!" Wally said.

"Now shut the hell up and go to sleep." Kyle added.

"Night guys." Jude and I said.

We both curled up and laid there for a while just exchanging little kisses here and there. After a while, we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms. I think I am going to love this tour.

As long as I forget about the gay boy bander up front. Ha.

Saturday flew by. We had arrived four hours before the show and checked into the hotel.

The hotel was awesome, but we only got two rooms. Way to be a tightwad Darius.

Quincy automatically said he got one room to himself leaving me and Jude to share with Kyle and Wally. There went my fun quickly.

After the concert we went and signed autographs. The concert went great, a lot of people actually cheered for us, not Jude, but SME. Of course Jude got a loud cheering section as well.

The dudes and I couldn't believe the overwhelming feeling we felt when fans actually cheered for us and not Jude and her band. I am loving touring so far. It can only get better right?

I think so. Right now, it is 3am Sunday morning and Wally, Jude and I are sitting out in the hallway of the hotel. They hype from the concert has worn off and we are entering shut down mode.

You probably wonder why we are in the hallway right? Well, Kyle is on the phone with Monica and we personally didn't want to hear them having phone sex.

"I want to go to sleep." Jude complained.

"So do we, who wants to go make Kyle get off the phone?" I asked.

"Not me." All three of us said at the same time.

"And you think our relationship is all about sex. Look at those two." Jude said.

"I regret that comment, believe me. If we ever get that bad, shoot us Wally." I replied

"Will do and here comes our chaperon with a friend." Wally said as we saw Tommy stumbling down the hall with some leggy blonde in an ultra mini skirt and a tube top. Her clothes weren't on right and Tommy's pants were not zipped. And my eyes are burning.

"Why are you guys in the hall?" Tommy asked as he spotted us. He was wasted and had those stupid sunglasses on.

"We were worried about you, daddy." Jude said as she tried to act younger.

"Daddy?" The lady said.

"Yup, he is my daddy. He got my mommy pregnant fifteen years ago when he was sixteen." Jude replied; Wally and I were trying not to laugh. My girl has skills.

"What?" Tommy yelled slash slurred.

"Sis, I remember what daddy said; we are not supposed to tell his girlfriends about his illegitimate children until after he nails them. Duh!" Wally said. Good one.

"You are his too?" The girl asked Wally.

"Yup, and that one right there. We don't know yet. Daddy is refusing to take the paternity test." Wally said as he pointed to me.

"You…you…you….argh!" The girl said as she slapped Tommy and stomped off.

"I hate you guys." Tommy said along with some other stuff. We don't know what or if we want to know, but it was hilarious.

"We pissed him off. Poor Quincy didn't get much action." Jude said as she laid her head on my arm.

"Yea, we need to perfect our act for next time. Good job though." I said.

"We could always end up in his room. No wait, get a paper that says he is our dad and be sitting in front of his door with suitcases." Wally suggested.

"Dude, you are a genius." I replied.

"Ok, I am going in. I want sleep." Jude said getting up.

Two minutes we see Kyle's cell phone come flying out the door. Then we see Jude pushing him out and kicking him.

"If you are going to have phone sex, do it in the damn hall or bathroom. We are tired." Jude yelled as Wally and I ran in the room.

Jude and I climbed in our bed as Wally debated about whether or not to get in his. The one he shared with Kyle.

"Is there room for one more?" Wally asked as he looked over at us.

"I suppose considering the circumstances." Jude replied. She just curled up on top of me as Wally laid down.

"Thanks dudes." Wally said.

"Don't get use to this." I said.

"I'll try not to, but you know how I feel about you." Wally said jokingly before I smacked him.

At 6am, we got a phone call from the front desk. It was our wakeup call Quincy set up to get back at us. We said we were up and they called back ten minutes later to double check. Then at 8:30am, Quincy came walking in our room. He managed to sweet talk a maid to letting him in while blaring Boyz Attack music.

Once we arrived to the front of the building, forty minutes later than was Quincy had so eloquently told, he looked pretty pissed. But there was something else about his look, and it almost had me scared.


It couldn't be that bad, right? Today was our day off.

"Ready for an interesting day?" Tommy asked us.

"Are we ever?" I replied.

"Oh, you have no idea." Tommy said as he walked out the spinning doors.

Ok, I am scared.

"No!" Jude yelled as we arrived at the third place of our day off with Quincy.

Tommy had taken us to breakfast, nice right?

Hell no.

He had it planned that there would just be a huge swarm of crazed fans wanting our autograph and chase us for it. How he managed to stay out of it I don't know but he did. We ran three blocks trying to lose them all.

Next he took us to this little club type thing. We thought maybe to practice. Inside there were three white suits waiting for us and a pop star outfit for Jude. Then out of nowhere Troy appeared.

Everyone about had a heart attack. I think I did.

We ended up having to change into those suits. I wasn't about to fight Troy.

Next, Tommy took us out on a street corner with a video camera and made us dance to Pick Up The Pieces as Troy stood there to make sure we did it right. I now understand why we were listening to Boyz Attack this morning.

If that was not humiliating enough, then what Jude had to do was. Jude ten had to do a dance to Opps, I Did It Again on the same corner.

We wanted to kill Quincy after that. Though, I had a feeling if I could get my hands on that tape, I could make some ridiculous cash on eBay with it and piss Quincy off.

Now his third idea was pretty good I have to admit, even though it was a tad painful; and is currently where we are now.

Kyle, Wally, and I had to go up to six girls each and try to get their numbers using our gayest pick up lines possible. It was actually kind of fun, but we never let Quincy know that.

Jude had to attract six guys by standing on the street flaunting it. Oh, and that is not it. The guys and I had to get two guy numbers while Jude had to get two girls numbers.

I got slapped seven times, and yes, one guy slapped me. I did get the other guys number. Wally got four girl numbers and one guy number. Kyle didn't get any numbers what so ever. He did get a kiss, but it was from a dude. Jude got six guys easy and four girls sadly. All she did was pretend to helpless as she pushed her jeans down a little lower and rolled her shirt up.

Tommy was really enjoying his self, and oh how I will enjoy myself later. Ha ha ha.

Oh shit, Troy is looking at me funny again.

"Remember the night Jude broke up with you?" Tommy asked as he walked up beside me as I watched Kyle fight off some girl. Or is that a guy. I am not sure. He and Wally bet one another that they could get more reactions out of people in thirty minutes than the other. I think Wally is winning because he is not being chased by an it.

"Yea?" I asked trying to give off the go fuck yourself vibe.

"Let's just say that on that night, there was some pretty heated kissing going on between Jude and another person here on tour. Pretty sure you can figure out who it was." Tommy said before walking off with a smirk while I stood there completely still and emotionless.

What. The. Fuck.

"Oh fuck." I heard behind me and it sounded a lot like my girlfriend.