The Not So Huge Grey Area Part 10

The next morning, they both gathered all of their belongings so that they could finally leave the state that they had mistakenly stumbled upon.

The morning had started off great. They felt that they'd wasted enough water, so both agreed to save water by pairing up in the shower. The tight fit wasn't a real problem since Luke's feet were the only ones planted on the bottom of the tub.

They ended up transferring the action back into the main room for limitless movements, and by the time it was over, they had managed to make the night before seem like a fumbling mess. They lay immobile for nearly a half hour, basking in the afterglow. They talked and laughed freely with each other. Once they regained the ability to move, they resumed their showers individually. They realized they would never leave, otherwise.

"Just out of curiosity," Luke began as he stuffed toiletries into his bag, "Where exactly were you planning on taking me?" Lorelai was packing on her bed (which she never did get a chance to sleep in), and Luke was on his bed. The farther apart they were, the greater their chances were for staying clothed.

"You don't want to know," she stated.

"Yes, I do. Why wouldn't I want to know?"

"Let me rephrase that, I don't want you to know because you'll think I have no sense of direction."

"I already think that." He smirked. "I can understand ending up in the wrong town or city, but the wrong State, Lorelai?"

"Luke," she said closing her eyes, "please don't say my name like that."

"Like what?" He asked with genuine confusion.

She gave him a knowing look. "You know what I'm talking about. There is no way in Hell you can not know."

"Well, I don't," he answered, watching her chest rise and fall quickly. Suddenly a slow smile spread over his face as it dawned on him. But he continued on, "I mean, your name is Lorelai, isn't it? If your name is Lorelai, then what else am I going to call you except Lorelai?" He ended with a slow shrug.

She tried not to smile but failed miserably. "You are such a jerk," she said while chuckling.

He smiled cockily as he pushed everything down tightly and zipped up his bag.

"Uh, Luke?" Lorelai said after a few seconds of silent packing.

"Yes, Lorelai," he answered, looking amused.

"Stop that," she said sternly, pointing to him. He laughed.


She cleared her throat. "I just wanted to let you know that that thing that was bothering you…"

"You mean, my body getting old and starting to decay? Your words, by the way," he finished quickly.

"That was a ploy, Luke. I didn't mean that."

"I know."

"I hope you do because you are no where near old. Honestly, the things that you can do," her voice drifted away as she recalled the events of the last day or so, "are incredible. People half your age can't, you know…like that."

"You think so?" He asked, turning red.

"Oh, my god!" Her eyes rolled back dramatically. "You. Have. No. Idea."

"I'm not talking about that. I meant about the getting old part."

"Oh. Well, of course I meant it. And look at you," she said looking him up and down. "You don't have anything to worry about," she concluded as she continued to pack.

"You were amazing too," he added feebly. "Just so you know." She smiled. 'He is just too cute', she thought. "I mean, I've never had…" He swallowed. "You know what I mean."

"How could I not, what with such great verb usage."

He just rolled his eyes. "Alright," he said switching subjects "Are you ready to go?"

She looked around the room and nodded. "I am at that." She grabbed one of her bags and turned back to him. "Can you carry me down the stairs?"

"No, you can walk like all other functioning adults."

"It's nice to know you haven't changed on me," she replied sarcastically.


When they had loaded up the car and checked out of the room, they decided to walk to a nearby diner to grab a bite to eat. On the way back, a voice called out to Luke from across the street at Goodyear.

"Luke!" The voice yelled. They couldn't exactly tell who the caller was, but as a figure started jogging over to them, recognition set in.

"Harmony," Luke and Lorelai said.

"Hey!" She said excitedly. "I didn't think you guys would still be here." She glanced briefly at Lorelai before returning full focus to Luke. "How are you guys doing?"

"We're good," Luke said looking to Lorelai. She stood biting her lip looking at Harmony. Her expression was unreadable.

"I'm actually kind of glad you're still here. Do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Harmony said to Luke. She motioned like she wanted to move somewhere else to talk to him.

He wondered what it could be about. 'Did she change her mind about payment?' He thought. He looked down to Lorelai and shrugged lightly. She glanced back to Harmony and then to Luke.

"Go ahead, Baby, I'll go wait in the jeep." She brought her hands up to his face and leaned into him giving him a deep kiss, slipping her tongue into his mouth instantly. Luke's hands automatically went to her waist.

They pulled apart slowly, having gotten a little carried away. She used her thumb to wipe below his bottom lip and gave him a quick peck. She walked away without even looking in Harmony's direction.

Harmony stood there looking shell-shocked. 'Two days ago, they were just buddies—at least that's what they led me to believe', she thought. She wanted to disappear because she felt completely out of place. When she found her voice, she told Luke, "Um, I have to go, but you guys have a safe trip back." She walked away briskly. Luke barely waved to her back as he stood recovering from Lorelai's parting kiss.

When he got in the jeep, Lorelai was dancing to a random pop song like she hadn't a care in the world.

"What was that?" He asked her as he turned down the volume dial.

"What was what?" She asked acting dense.

"That kiss. Someone was standing right there, Lorelai."

"No, Harmony was standing right there. Game, set, match." A smile appeared on her face seemingly out of nowhere. "That was a great kiss, though, wasn't it? Man, I love your lips." She cranked up the car casually.

He just sat looking at her. "I will never understand you," he said shaking his head and putting on his seatbelt.

"Not exactly a bad thing. Keeps the relationship fresh." Luke felt a glorious tingle at the mention of the word 'relationship'. He smiled faintly as he looked out of his window. "So, where are we off to?" She asked him.

"You're behind the wheel. Just drive," he said nonchalantly. "We still have four more days."

She looked over at him proudly. She could have sworn she'd have to convince him why they shouldn't just turn around and go home. "If you insist," she said brightly.

"I do."

Out of nowhere, Lorelai blurted out, "Rhode Island. That's where we were going to go. It was a really nice cabin resort I wanted to take you to."

He thought that that was a great idea for a vacation, but he couldn't help but think of something else. 'Rhode Island?!? And, we're in Pennsylvania? He thought. He turned to her with an annoyed look.

"Absolutely no direction," he said simply

"And yet, I still found my way to you," she replied. He nodded like he was impressed.


---------------THE END-------------

I played with Luke's character a bit, but hopefully I didn't stretch him out too bad. He was still recognizable to me, but I have a small bias. I started to put this at the beginning of Ch. 6, but I didn't want you guys going into the story expecting the worse. Tell me what you think.

I thank everybody who has read this. You've all been fantastic. I hope it was good and lived up to at least a little of your expectations, and since I'm officially off the hook for updates, I am going to take a little break. Until next time, I wish you all love, peace, happiness…and all that other good crap. Review please!!!!!!!!!!!!!