I got this idea when on wikipedia one day during the summer when I was reading what the Naruto characters' names meant. I actually got it as I was riding my bike so I could go tree climbing. Please review, this is my first story like this. Also, I'm rating this K+. If you think this should be T, tell me.

Rating: K+ for some coarse language

Disclaimer: I don't own the anime/manga Naruto or any of its characters. I don't own anything other then the plot for this story, quit rubbing it in!


Chapter one, 'The Dream'

The fox woke up and yawned. He scratched his ear with his paw and stretched. He noticed that even though it was morning, it wasn't very bright out. It was like the light wasn't natural, like it wasn't actually sunlight coming through the clouds. It didn't bother him too much though he did wish that it were sunnier

He looked over to the cherry blossoms. They had just, well blossomed. He smiled. He loved to play in sakura petals, especially right after they bloomed. Today was pretty windy which meant the petals would be blowing around all over the place. He loved it when it was like that.

He ran over to the flowers and started prancing around. One petal went right in front of his nose and tickled it. He batted at it with his paw. He missed but, he was determined that he would. He kept chasing it, but it always flew just out of his reach. Suddenly, just when he was about to get it, it burst into flames.

He jumped back in shock rather then fear. He wasn't afraid of fire, he just knew it was almost always bad. He noticed something strange. Very strange. The flames weren't burning any of the petals. The rest had gone into the fire as well. It just seemed that they were dancing in and out between the flames, never burning.

He wondered how such a thing was possible and then he saw. What he saw was a person with a huge fan. And the fan seemed to be controlling the fire. The fox recognized the human's scent. He knew that human. It was his favorite, yet least favorite male. It may sound strange but that was the fox's feelings for the boy. Actually, the young man was sort of his rival.

He growled at the boy. He was playing with the petals and still wanted to, the boy knew it. The boy knew smirked but didn't douse the flames. The fox huffed. He really wanted to play with the petals. The fox once again growled at the boy. The young man smirked again and kept the flames going.

The fox was angry. The boy had no excuse for this. He was being an asshole. He was almost too old to be called a boy, in a few years he would be an adult. So he couldn't even use his age as an excuse. The fox didn't know why he was getting so angry but, he was. He bore his teeth and started to growl once more.

Those were his sakura petals, and he wanted wanted to play with them. He was pretty sure that the boy wasn't playing but that didn't matter. And this was his terrority. He had just marked it yesterday. The boy was using both of his possessions. He hadn't marked the sakura but those were still his, gosh darn it!

The fox lunged at the Uchiha, bearing his teeth. He didn't get to bite the boy though because the boy had hit the fox with his fan.

"Go away," said the Uchiha. "I have to prac- I mean, train."

The fox shook his head. "Those are my sakura petals," he declared.

"They belong to no one," he waved his fan. "Go. Now."

"This is my terroritory," the fox said.

"Look. The sakura will catch fire if you don't shut the hel- if you keep bothering me. I'm sorry I intruded on your terroritoty but I'll leave when I'm done." The Uchiha didn't seem too sorry. In fact, he seemed damned amused.

The fox sighed. He didn't want the flower to burn. No more was said and the fox walked awaym growling. The clouds looming overhead cleared. The sun shined brightly. 'Good,' thought the fox. 'I love sunny days more then anything else.'

The fox continued walking and licked his lips. 'Well, except for ramen. I've got to get some more of that.' He licked his lips again and continued to walk. The bright sunny day reminded him of someone, but he couldn't really put his paw on who. As he was pondering this, he saw something gleam off in the distance.

Curious, he ran off to see what it was, forgetting for the moment about what he was thinkg about before. Once he had gotten a bit closer to the it, he realized it was not an 'it' but rather 'its'. Or if he had been fussy about his grammer or wanted to be more specific, 'two its'.

The fox would have been able to tell what it was already, considering he was only a few wards away, if it hadn't been for the staring contest he had with the dog boy, Fang. You may be wondering why a staring contest would impair his vision, but it was no ordinary staring contest that he had with Fang.

What they had been staring at was, not each other, but the sun. And they had a couple of rematches. By the time they had finished all of their matches- and rematches -they both could barely see and had pounding headaches. Fortunately their brains hadn't been to fried for them to agree that they would never doing anything like that again. Which didn't necessarily mean they wouldn't do anything that stupid again.

Anyway, he figured the shiny 'its' would probably be a gem or something. He didn't really care that much, he just wanted to see what it was, the he'd probably play with it. Once he got to it, saw what the 'its' was. It was a pair of beautiful, very lavendar pearls. They were pretty big too. They reminded of the person that the sunny day had reminded him of.

Which reminded him, he still couldn't think of her name. "Her!" the fox exlaimed suddenly. "Yes, so it's a girl I'm thinking of. Okay, wh- wait. I already knew it was a girl! Darn it!" Realizing he already knew the person he was thinking of before and now is a girl, he felt quite... well stupid. He surveyed the surrounding area quickly for a tree to hit his head on.

He saw one a good couple of yards away, but feeling lazy he just thumped his head on the ground. Feeling like an idiot. "Okay," Naruto- the fox- sighed. "She has beautiful eyes, they're a lot like the pearls." Naruto brought them closer to himself, smiling. "Her skin..." he started to think of the few times he had had the pleasure of touching her.

He noticed a flower petal floating by on the breeze. It looks delicate like that, Naruto contemplated. He murmured, "Like Hinata. It's soft, like her skin. Soft, delicate, and pretty. I bet her hair is soft too... it's certainly beautiful."

Then it hit him. "Wait... that was a lilac petal.Where the heck did that come from? There's only sakura near here." Then he remembered who he was thinking of.

"Hyuuga Hinata... beautiful day, beautiful girl. Beautiful, soft, and delicate like a flower," he grinned. "Smells nice too. And she's sweet. Like her cooking, man I taste good!" He thought about how they were both 'in the sun' and grinned again.

He started to moving the pearls around with his tail. He decided to roll them down to the bottom of the hill, in the direction of the tree he saw. He kicked the pearls lightly with his paw and then they stopped. He hadn't kicked them hard enough. Feeling like a ding-dong, he kicked them again. That got them rolling.

He gave it a few minutes so the pearls would get farther ahead of before he started chasing them. Once he caught up, he kicked them ahead of himself again. When the pearls got to the bottom of the hill, the momentum kept them going towards the tree. He decided that he would let the pearls keep going until they were about to hit the tree and then he would stop them.

Just when they were right by the tree, about to hit it, they both suddenly disappeared. Naruto was so surprised that he ran right into the tree. Muttering to himself, Naruto took a whiz on the tree just to show it who was boss.

As he turned around he immediately tripped over a tree root and fell on his chin. "Freakin' karma! Why the he-" Naruto stopped mid-curse when he noticed something. Both of the pearls had fallen into holes in the ground with many cracks surrounding them.

Naruto stood up to get a better look. The way the sun was hitting the pearls made them look white. "Hey, it looks just like Hinata's byakugan..." After pointing out the obvious- I mean saying that, lilac petals to circle the pearls.

So many started to swarm around the pearls Naruto could barely see them. It looked like they were raising. He could feel himself raising as well. When all of the lilac petals cleared, Hinata was in place of the pearls. Naruto glanced at his hand. 'Cool, I'm in my human body now.'

"O-ohayo, Naruto-kun," Hinata said with a small smile on her face.

Naruto grinned widely. "Good moring, Hinata-chan."

"Hinata-chan?" Hinata began to prod her fingers together. "Since when have you called me that?"

Naruto closed his eyes and crossed his arms. 'She's so cute when she does that. I wonder why she always does that,' thought Naruto. His smile turned into a smirk. "Geez, Hinata, how bad is your memory? Since just now, obviously!" he teased.

Hinata smiled. "Very funny, Naruto-kun," she said. Naruto just shrugged, still smirking. Obviously he was trying to look cool. Hinata let out a happy sigh, "It's such a beauiful day, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Naruto agreed. "It's so beautiful it makes me think of you."

Hinata blushed on the spot. "Naruto-kun!" she said embarrassed.

"Of course," Naruto went on, "it's nowhere as beautiful as you."

"Stop," Hinata said still blushing though she was enjoying this.

"Stop what? Announcing your beauty to the heavens? Okay, I'll just announce it to the rest of the world," Naruto said playfully. He grabbed Hinata's arm and lifted it up. "Hey, world! This is Hinata and all of her beauty! But don't announce it to the heavens. She doesn't like that! "

Hinata giggled and took her arm back. "Please? You're embarrassing me," she said although she was smiling.

Naruto pretended to pout. "Aw, but I like it when you're embarrassed. Blushing makes you look even cuter."

Hinata turned around and crossed her arms, though Naruto could tell it was mainly to hide her blush. "You," she said.

"Me!" Naruto said placing both hands on his chest, grinning.

"Yes, you," she said playfully, turning to face him.

"Not me. You!"

"Oh, so it's me now?"

"Wait, I'm confused. Is it me or you?" Naruto said making Hinata giggle again. "Hey, since it's such a nice day, why don't we spar?"

Hinata nodded. "Okay, but let's train at the top of the hill." Naruto responded by grabbing her hand and pulling her up with him.

"Ready!" they both proclaimed once they were at the top of the hill, about 10-feet away from each other.

"Byakugan!" Hinata activated her bloodline.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto said creating ten clones. They all formed a circle around her. "Your bloodline won't help you now, Hinata!" one of the Narutos said.

"That's where you're wrong!"she said jumping over the fuuma shuriken thrown at her from one of the clones behind her. After jumping over it, she threw a kunai at the large shuriken now arching upwards. Before the kunai could hit it, the weapon turned into Naruto.

"Quick, but not quick enough!" he said dodging the kunai tucking into a ball, causing said kunai to hit a clone behind him which disappeared after starting to bleed. Three of the clones went behind Hinata and grabbed her.

"Get ready for the ultimate technique," Naruto said diving at Hinata as she struggled. "Tickle no Jutsu!" All of the clones disappeared as Naruto launched into Hinata and started tickling her saying, "Tickle, tickle, tickle!"

Hinata laughed as she tried to push Naruto away. When that failed she retaliated by tickling him. They rolled around laughing uncontrollably, tickling each other. Eventually, they started to roll down the hill. They still laughed uncontrollably but they were no longer tickling each other. They held on to each other as they rolled down the hill laughing.

When they stopped with Naruto on top he announced, "Pinned ya."

Hinata let out another laugh and then said, "Oh? Well that's where you..." she flipped him over so she was on top now.

Naruto flipped over in the same direction so he was on top again and finished Hinata's sentence. "Are wrong," he said grinning. Hinata tried to flip over again but the tree prevented that as they were right next to it now.

"No fair. The tree's helping you cheat," Hinata whinined. Naruto just laughed.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" he asked rolling off of Hinata. He brought himself into a sitting position.

"No, not yet," Hinata said sitting up.

"Neither have I, so let's get to Ichiraku's for some ramen." He stood up, offering Hinata his hand. "My treat."

Hinata grabbed his hand. "You mean like a date?" she asked.

"No, not at all ," said Naruto. He pulled her up. "Because it is a date."

"Oh... o-okay then." Hearing this, Naruto started to run to Ichiraku's pulling Hinata with him. Running proved unnecessary as it seemed that they arrived at the ramen stand in just a moment.

Naruto sat down and order miso ramen. "Hinata, what do you want?"

"I'll have miso too, please," she said sitting down next to Naruto.

"Make that two miso, old man."

"Here you go," Teuchi said handing them their ramen.

"Itadakimasu," they said before they started to eat.

"Hey, Hinata-chan," Naruto said slurping up some noodles.

Hinata turned her head to face to Naruto. "Yes, Naruto-ku-" She stopped because Naruto cut her off. With a kiss. As the two kissed, Teuchi and Ayame started to bang the pot with large spoons. To the tune of a song called 'Banana Phone'. They said the 'doo doo loodle loo' part outloud.

That's when Naruto woke up.