Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Hinata's Confession

Chapter Five: The End

Neji and Tenten were walking back from morning training when they saw a very strange sight. Hinata was running outside of Naruto's apartment, wearing green spandex and screaming as loudly as she could about "Youthfulness." People were staring at her like she was some sort of mad person. Neji immediately went over and dragged Hinata back to the Hyuuga house, where the others were waiting. In his room. A very, very, very large vein throbbed in his forehead.

"Would someone care to tell me why Hinata is acting like Lee and Gai and why you are all in my room?" he said threateningly.

"Long story." Sakura said, shrugging.

Neji cracked his fists.

"Which I would be happy to tell you!"

"So Hinata is going to confess to that hyper kid, Naruto." Neji said.

"Uh-huh." Kiba said. "But it isn't working, and we have almost killed him several times."

"Do you have any ideas?" Ino asked.

"No. Why would I know something like that?"

"Do you have any ideas, Tenten?" Ino said, turning to the weapons mistress.

"Maybe…" Tenten suddenly had a look in her eyes. "You could put a dog with rabies in his apartment, have it bite him, then take it out."

"How will that help!"

"Paper cranes!" Tenten withdrew one from her weapons pouch. "Make a thousand of them and hang them in his hospital room. It'll all be very dramatic. Say, 'Naruto, even though you are ridden with disease and would turn on me any moment, I will stay loyal! You are more precious to me than the sun itself, for you are my sun, shining upon me each and every day! I love you!' Then he will say, 'Hinata, please, leave…I love you as well, and would not want to kill you.' Hinata refuses, then Naruto goes beserk and kills her. Some random person, most likely me, comes in and kills him. Some random person, most likely Neji, buries them together with the thousand cranes strewn over their graves. Some random people, most likely Sakura and Ino, comes by every once in a while and puts down more cranes and flowers every six months."

"WHAT?" Sakura, Ino, Sasuke, Kiba, Lee, Gai, Chouji, Hinata, and even Shikamaru yelled.

"She likes tragedies, like Romeo and Juliet," Neji explained.

"Well, I guess that's out of the question," Sasuke said.

"Well, my second plan is to make an origami heart and give to Naruto, saying, 'This resembles my love for you. Please keep it with you always, even if you do not return my feelings.' Then pretend to walk away. Naruto catches your arm and says, 'No, Hinata, my love. I have always watched you from afar, and admired you. I love you as well.'"


Unfortunately, Hinata was unable to make an origami heart, and got so many paper cuts on her hands it took a month for them to heal. She and the rest hung their heads, for there was no one else to ask (Shino and the Sand Siblings were of no help, of course). Sasuke then said, simply, "Well, I guess there's nothing else for it. I have an idea."

"Wh-What!" Hinata was getting excited.

"Why don't you pretend that he is planning to go out with someone, say Sakura, and if you do not confess he will ignore your feelings forever. Go up to him boldly and say simply, 'Naruto, I need to tell you something. I have always admired you from afar, and my feelings for you grew into something more. I love you.' There. Done. Voila. Fin."

"That will never work," Ino said. "It's too simple, you need something more extravagant."

"Try it," the Uchiha prodigy said.

"Hinata? Wow, you've been coming here a lot. What is it?"

"Um…" Hinata closed her eyes and blushed. "I uh…I…need to tell you…something."


"I-I have always admired you from afar…and I-uh, my feelings grew into something more, and…I…I…love you…"she finished very, very, very softly.

"What? Hinata, speak up."



"Eh?" Hinata was surprised that her voice came out so loudly.



Naruto smiled and patted Hinata on the head. "Well, for one thing, my girlfriend would never stutter. So lets work on that, shall we?"

Hinata smiled. Thank you, Sasuke.

"So, we're in the end scene?" Sakura asked Sasuke.

"Yeah, I guess."

"What are the lines?"

"Right here…let's take a look."


"Oh, no…"



"Say them." Sakura said in a soft and threatening voice.

"Fine! Sakura, you are the most beautiful, kind, modest, and talented person I've ever met. Watching those two has inspired me. Will you be my girlfriend too."





"Fine, but I get a boyfriend, I get a boyfriend, Ino-pig!"


"HAHAHHAAHAA! Time to take over the—"

Sasuke hit her over the head with the hammer.