Oh I'm so sorry! I know you all think I probaly gave up on Fanfiction, but I haven't! And I meant it when I say I'm gonna go fanfiction-crazy. I don't have time to even read fanfics anymore. Well, just like, enjoy!



Sakura sighed as she tapped her paper math paper with the tip of her pencil's eraser. Math. Who invented it? 'Cause they really needed to suffer. "Hey, Hinata-chan, can you help me out with this math?"

"Sure Sakura-chan."

The girls were seated in a park -a different one- about a block from the skating rink. They were seated on a picnic bench together, Hinata, Sakura, and Temari were sitting on one side with Ino and TenTen on the other. All their binders, pencils, papers, and what not were scattered everywhere. "Okay, remember PEMDAS, Sakura?" "Ummm, something about some dudes Aunt...?" "Well, yes, but, hmmm, just solve the parenthesis questions first, okay?" "Al right then."

Although, it was mission impossible, Sakura just couldn't understand the order of operations. A few minutes of homework later, the girls' minds started to wander. Their minds strayed away from homework and drifted to the memories of earlier that morning. When they 'won' the Drama/Chorus 'competition'.


"Okay, now it's time to show them what we're made of." Temari whispered to the other girls.

"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" Sakura whispered excitingly.

"Sssssshhhhh, Sakura-chan." Hinata scolded.

"This is gonna be SO COOL!" Ino whispered loudly while punching her fist in the air.

"Ya know, I so agree with you!" TenTen whispered, nodding her head in satisfaction.

"Al right, al right," Temari hushed the girls "Now then, do you all remember the plan?"

The other four girls nodded their head vigorously.

"Okay, excellent!"

"And now, we have our 4th group." Boomed a loud voice from the speakers.

"Well, that's out cue." TenTen whispered to the girls as she stepped foreword onto the stage. Temari, Hinata, and Ino followed her, though Sakura hung back, as was the plan. The girls quickly scurried to their spots in the dark, hopping the curtain wouldn't rise at that moment. One the stage, there was a large bed near the back, it had lime green and pink sheets and decorating, and in front of it to the left (facing the stage is how this point of view is set up) was a reclining chair. To the right of the bed was a nightstand, then on the floor there was a large green fuzzy rug. To the right of the rug was a pink lounge chair with two stripped green and pink pillows. Temari hopped onto the recliner and pulled out her ipod and hooked it up to GIANT headphones that completely covered her ears. She also picked up a magazine that was lying next to the chair. Temari flicked the magazine open to a random page and started to read/listen.

TenTen plopped onto the large bed and snatched up the game boy advance SP on the nightstand next to her and started to play Mario Brothers 4. Ino and Hinata skid to a stop and they both sat down on the rug. Ino pulled out a bottle of nail polish from under the bed and unscrewed the cap. Hinata put her hand out quite fashionably, like Ino was a prince about to kiss his lady's hand. Ino actually stared at Hinata for a minute, shocked, she then smiled at Hinata and nearly giggled, Ino then began to paint Hinata's nails with the brush.

The girls were in a typical girl environment, and they all acted like they had been doing that for the last 10 minutes. That's when the curtain was raised and a light shone down upon them, they all blinked at the light, but continued with their acting.

For a few minutes, all that could be heard was the sound of TenTen clicking the buttons on her SP, and Temari flicking through her magazine. That's when everyone heard an ear-splitting shriek of terror. It came from the right of the stage, and that's where everyone, including the girls, had their heads turned. That's when Sakura zoomed onto the stage and jumped on TenTen's bed with her feet and jumped off, running off scene. Everyone, stared, in amazed silence.

TenTen, Ino, and Hinata stared at where Sakura had escaped, they all looked at each other, looking dumbfounded, Temari was the only one not interested, and she was completely absorbed in her magazine. Then, a moment later, Sakura's head popped out from behind a curtain, she looked timid and uneasy, she looked from the audience, the girls, and back again, seeming to be searching for something.

"Ummm, Sakura-chan, are you al right?" Hinata asked, looking at Sakura like she had gone mad.

Sakura stopped her timid attitude and looked at Hinata with a blank face for a moment. Then, a rush of relief crossed Sakura's face as she sighed with it as well. Sakura walked over the lounge chair and practically collapsed on it, having her right arm leg hanging off the side. "-SIGH- I'm okay Hinata-chan." Sakura said dramatically while laying her wrist on her forehead like she had a fever.

"Then why did you just spaz fore-head girl!?" Ino yelled, having stopped painting Hinata's nails and was glaring at Sakura for ruining the moment. TenTen wasn't paying as much attention to her game and was giving Sakura side glances. Temari forever stayed fixed on her music and magazine, everyone had guessed that she couldn't hear them because of her music.

"Well," Sakura started as she lifted herself up from chair and stood with her hands on her hips. "You know how we have to deal with paparazzi right?" -Ino and Hinata nodded-" Since we're such a FAMOUS band, and EVERYONE wants to see us." Sakura paused, and let the audience laugh a little since she put emphasis on her words. "Well, I had to just, like, run from a screaming mob of fans. I mean, they're EVERYWHERE, they SEE, they HEAR, they KNOW." Sakura looked around, hunched over a little with a frightened expression on her face, clearly exaggerating the horror of fans. The Audience laughed for a good minute.

"It couldn't have been THAT bad Sakura." TenTen called as she returned to her game.

"Oh, but it WAS that bad TenTen" Sakura shot back, pointing an accusing finger in TenTen's direction. The audience was totally buying this, the fact was, most girls had conversations like this every day, so it was natural for these girls, the only Unnatural thing was them talking about being pop stars.

"Well, ya know I--" Ino was cut short by a very, VERY, surprising comment from Temari.


Everyone in the Audience exploded with laughter and were clutching sides, mostly because Temari wasn't really singing, she was singing in a high-pitched screechy kind of singing, one we all mostly use for sarcasm.



"Uhh, Temari."







"HUH!? WHAT!? Where!?" Temari looked around surprised, not knowing what was going on, she pulled off her headphones and stared at the girls in front of her who were panting because of all the screaming they did. The Audience was practically falling on the floor and crying with laughter. Mostly because, well, the girls really had 'said her name'. It took a few moments for the Audience to be hushed by the teachers.

"Gosh Temari, you really need to stop listening to your music so loudly." Sakura said as she plopped herself back down on the lounge chair. (A/n: That wasn't the singing part btw)


Everyone was knocked out of their daydream as all their watches started to go off. They all quickly flicked out their wrists and pressed the off button on their watches. "Well, it's time to go to the rink!" Sakura said excitingly as she threw her pencil over her shoulder and started to pack up her school supplies, happy that she could put math out of her mind for a while. "Alright! Lets hurry up and go!" Ino cried just as enthusiastically as Sakura.

...20 minutes later...

"OOoooo." all the girls said simultaneously. Yes, a pitch black skating rink with about a million different colored spotlights shining in streams and disco balls everywhere to were you can see, AND having 'It Ends Tonight" by The All-American-Rejects playing in the background can really capture the attention of 5 middle school girls.

... 5 minutes later...

"So, who wants to go out and skate with me?" TenTen asked her friends, almost ready to jump out of their booth and skate till homeroom the next morning. "Oh, I'll go skating with you TenTen-chan." Hinata said quietly, stepping out of the booth and onto the hard tiled floor. (A/n: Incase you care to know about the scene they're in, they are in a booth, and Temari is next to the wall on one side, and to the right of her is Sakura, and next to Sakura is TenTen, and opposite of them, Ino is next to the wall with Hinata next to her. Yea, and they're all in the weird lounge thingy)

"You can skate?" Sakura asked Hinata, seeming skeptical about letting her friend skate incase she fell.

"Of course, I'm a pretty good skater actually." Hinata replied.

"Well, cooly, let's skate." TenTen said hurriedly and started for the rink with Hinata close behind.

...1 minute later... (a/n: Gosh, there are a lot of these)

Once they both got to the giant oval of a rink, they made their way along the low wall and went to an opening. The building was full of kids, coming in and out of the actual rink, dancing off in the dance room on the other side of the building, and tons of other stuff. TenTen and Hinata rolled slowly into the inner rink, getting accustomed to the hard, smooth, concrete floor. After a few seconds, they both sped off and flew past people, scaring them out of their pants. After rounding the rink once, they both slowed to where they were just rolling along, fast enough to keep the flow going, and slow enough to look at each other and talk.

"Wow, you really can skate Hinata." TenTen complimented, a little surprised herself.

"Yep, I told you all." Hinata replied, swelling with pride.

Just then, "We Fly High (remix)" (By Jim Jones -cough- ) started to play, and EVERY SINGLE KID THERE, went "Heeeeeyyy, this my jam!" like ghetto children.

"Ooo, this is soooo my Jam!" TenTen said excitingly, to the open air.

"Yea! Lets skate!" Hinata replied just as excited as TenTen and skated forward faster to gain speed, and then shot off, passing people like she was in a car. TenTen blinked, amazed, and then realizing that Hinata was leaving her in the dust, started off after her.

I Wear A Mean Dark Pair A Shades, You Know We Can't Have 1 Of Nuttin', And Ya Can't See My Eyes, So We Had To Double Up, Unless My Head Is Bent,You Dig?

That's when EVERYONE in the building (including our 5 girls) went "REMIXXX!!!" as they sang along. (A/n: People, who live like, in Montana, or in Mexico, who don't know what I'm talking about, and think this is random, IT'S NOT. I PROMISE YOU. People do this, it's scary, and gets reaaallllyyyy annoying after a while. )

Since this song was playing, a whole lot more people went onto the rink, and kids who weren't in the rink or dancing started either bobbing their heads and tapping their foot, and some kids started doing little dance moves.

...In another place...

"WE FLYYYYY, NO LIEEEE, YOU KNOOWW DISSS, BALLIN'" Naruto's last word was nearly drowned out in the chorus, since EVERY SINGLE KID said 'Ballin'' with all their lung power.

"Oh dear lord, someone give me ear plugs." Sasuke moaned as he tried not to tap or sing along to the song and degrade himself like everyone else. The boys were seated on the long line of benches that outlined the wall of the skating rink. Sasuke was slouched on the bench trying to not dance, Shikamaru was sitting up tapping his skates on the floor with pattern to the music, Neji was sitting and tapping his fingers along, and Naruto was nearly about to fall off his seat with all the dancing he was trying to do while sitting down.

"Well, I'm gonna go skate, anyone wanna come?" Neji asked, standing up slowly.

"Sure, I'll go." Shikamaru replied standing up too, and the two of them sped off into the crowd of children to get to the rink. Sasuke and Naruto were left.

Sasuke asked Naruto something, but his voice was completely drowned out by another "BALLIN'' done by the children. Once it died down, he finally spoke, having to raise his voice to be heard. "Hey, Naruto? Are you gonna sit there looking like an idiot, or go to the dance room?" "What? Oh, NO WAY! I love to be, on the scene. And besides, this is almost as good as the Drama and Chorus try-outs!"

It's Time for a Flasshhhhh baaaacccckkkkk

The girls had done their performance 3 acts ago, and Naruto was still excited about it. "Ohhh, come on guys, lets plllleeeeeaaassseeee do one?!" Naruto whined to his friends who were still firm on not disgracing themselves. Sasuke, finally putting their feelings into words again, said "Look, we've told you, we--" But he was cut off.

"Hey, Naruto, how about I try it with you?" All the boys, including Gaara and Kankuro turned to stare at...Shikamaru!

"R-r-really, Shikamaru?" Naruto asked, surprised that Shika of all people agreed.

"Sure, why not?" Shikamaru stood up from his spot on the floor and stretched for a minute, still being stared at. "So, what do you propose we do?"

"Well, I was thinking something from the Shakespeare play I saw last week. Here, lemme get it." Naruto said, getting excited as he pulled a notebook out of his backpack. The other boys were really staring now. "Shakespeare? Can you even spell Shakespeare Naruto?" Neji asked.

"Yes, I can spell it Neji, and I thought it was pretty cool, the play." Naruto replied back, a little irritated.

"Well, what song would we sing? Well, you, 'cause I'm not singing." Shikamaru said.

"Muhaha, leave that to me, just make sure that when I start, you start to sway or do something. Kay?" Naruto said laughing evilly.

"Umm, okay." Shikamaru said while shrugging.

"So, here." Naruto shoved a script into Shikamaru's hands and started flipping through the page while Shika held the book. Shikamaru shot the other boys a "W. T. F." look from over Naruto's head and they could only shrug in reply.

"There! This whole scene, then right there, I'll sing." Naruto said excitingly.

...8 minutes later...

"Ya know, I never thought I'd say this, but this is pretty awesome Naruto. But, we'd need a third person, for this Beno-dude." Shikamaru said, complimenting Naruto.

"Arggg, hey, can one of you pleaaassseeee just say like... a few lines?" Naruto asked, looking from Gaara to Sasuke and all the boys in-between.

"Maybe I can help." Came a voice from the left of Gaara, and they all turned and saw Kankuro standing up.

"COOOL. Just read this!" Naruto yelled happily to Kankuro, shoving the script under his nose.

...8 long traumatizing minutes later...

"Cool! We're ready, I'll speed off and let them know we'll be up next!" Naruto said as he sped off, leaving the boys seriously concerned over the safety of themselves and everyone else there.

(A/n: Well, lets just say, they got up there, and they said half the lines, cause seriously people, unless you want your brain to rot, you won't want me to write everything they said, lets just say people thought it was funny even though they had to actually use their brains to understand the Shakespeare. So, in short, Naruto and Shika are on stage, and Naruto said he liked some random girl, and Shika is about to say he'll dress up as the dude Naruto is supposed to be and try and make the girl like him and get consent from the girl's father to marry her for him at a masked ball that was supposed to take place later on that day. -takes deep breath- -collapses-)

"If Thou dost love fair Hero, cherish it, and I will break with her and with her father, and thou shalt have her." Shikamaru said, with a aristocrat demeanor, which was a lot considering his laziness. (A/n: Hero is the name of the girl.)

"How sweetly you do minister to love." Naruto said to Shika from the spot he'd taken on the floor, sitting Indian-style.

"I know we shall have a ball tonight, I shall assume they part in some disguise and tell the fair Hero I am Claudio, and I shall tell her my heart and take her hearing prisoner with my amorous tale: Then after to her father will I break; and the conclusion is, she shall be thine." Shikamaru finished, as he started back to the back of the stage, but still center, since he was done with his lines.

Naruto slowly sat up as music started to play, and everyone giggled themselves silly when they heard what was playing.

...16 seconds later...

Shikamaru was in the center/back of the stage doing what seemed a lot like the moonwalk.

"I need a Hero!
I'm holding out for a Hero 'til the end of the night
She's gotta be sweet
And she's gotta be smart
And she's gotta be fresh from the fight
I need a Hero!
I'm holding out for a Hero 'til the morning light
She's gotta be sure
And it's gotta be soon
And She's defiantly larger than life!"

Everyone was clapping along in rhythm to the song and giggling themselves silly. The clapping had faltered though, since it became obvious that Naruto had switched up the lyrics to fit for a boy singing the song. The boys were even tapping their feet along and Neji and Sasuke even started to bob their heads slightly. While Gaara just stuck to tapping his fingers on his crossed arms.

"Somewhere after midnight
In my wildest fantasy
Somewhere just beyond my reach
There's someone reaching back for me!
Racing on the thunder end rising with the heat
It's gonna take a goddess to sweep me off my feet!..."

Shikamaru was doing the dance to the song "Walk it out" and Naruto was swaying dramatically and wiggling his free pointer finger like in an old cartoon. (A/n: And seriously, someone go look up someone doing the dance to walk it out, it's the funniest thing you'll ever see)

So, in short terms, when Naruto finished, he did a slide on his knees to the front of the stage, and he surprisingly didn't fall off the edge. He and Shikamaru got the applause they deserved and were guarantied a spot in either Chorus or Drama.

Flash Back is ova.

Sasuke had to admit, the performance had been rather impressive and Naruto and Shikamaru hadn't a shred of modesty afterwards. "Well, I'm gonna go skate, okay?" Sasuke said after a few seconds. "Hmm? Oh sure Sasuke! Pick a watch, as long as the hand spinnin'!" Naruto continued to sing along and dance in his seat. Sasuke just shrugged and stood up, skating forward slightly to move toward an opening for the rink.

That's when, unfortunately, Sasuke felt the palm of a hand on the back of his head, and he was thrust forward. Sasuke could only gasp silently as he flew forward and slammed into about three people, but he mostly hit the girl who was right in front of him. He threw her off her balance and made her nearly fall over, which she would have done had she not flung her arms out in front of her and waved them like windmills to get balance. Since the girl practically broke Sasuke's fall and he flew back up, he was left with time to recuperate. When he saw that she was struggling, she grabbed her by her shoulder and pulled her towards him since she was falling again. Once they had straightened themselves out and everyone had stopped staring and smirking in the back of their minds Sasuke let go of her and she turned around to say the proper apologies.

"Yea, I'm really sorry about that." Sasuke said, stepping back a bit.

"Oh, it's no problem. I-- Hey! I know you." Sakura smiled widely as she recognized the boy from her reading class. "Uchiha-san, right?"

"You can just call me Sasuke."

"Oh, okay, I'm Sakura by the way." Sakura smiled warmly and held out her hand for him to shake. Sasuke blinked at her hand for a moment, but then grasped it, and smiled back.

In the Background, "Wait a Minute" (By the PussyCat Dolls) started to play. "Oh, I love this song. Wanna skate?" Sakura asked excitingly, looking at Sasuke for an answer. Sasuke looked at her, and thought for a minute. "Hmm, the girl I've liked since this morning just asked me to skate. Even though she wants me to skate to one of the most girly bands ever, she still asked. So, should I say yes? Or No?' Dude, I can't believe you just asked yourself that. 'Yea, me neither.'

"Sure, Lets skate." Sasuke smiled at her and they made their way into the skating oval and began to skate side-by-side.


"Everybody listen all over the world
I got a story 'bout my favorite girl (Wait a minute)

Oh, my baby sexy fo sho
I had to have him when he walked through the door (Wait a minute)

She was 'bout to drive me insane
She come with drama while I'm giving her chains (Wait a minute)

I'm focused but I'm losing control
He only wants me for my body and soul (Wait a minute)…"

"Oooo, I just love PCD. Don't you Hinata?" TenTen asked as she and Hinata skated.

"Yea, they're totally awesome! But... you know TenTen-chan..."

"What is it Hinata?"

I haven't seen Naruto anywhere." Hinata replied, her words full of concern.

"Yea, me ne—wait. Who?"

"Oh, he's the boy in our math class. We had to do some sheet and needed to talk to people and sign their sheets and when I had to sign his I saw his name at the top of the paper. Ya know? The boy who I found out is part of our rival clique."

"Hmm, what does he look like? So I can keep a look out for 'em."

"Well, he has spiked yellow hair, and—"


"Yea, weird. But, anyway, it's spiked and yellow, and he has clear blue eyes, and he has these lines on his face that kinda look like whiskers—"

"Okay, Hinata, are you pulling my leg? Is this really what he looks like?"

"Yes! I know it sounds weird, but it's true. And, he's a little taller then me, and, yea…"

"Okay, so anyone named Naruto is public enemy #1 out of 4."


"So, are you new here Sakura?"

"Naw, I was here in 6th grade. Were you here then?"

"No, I lived in Mist."

"That water place?"

"Yea, that town. Don't they give cities the weirdest names?

"They Totally do."

Sasuke and Sakura were hitting it off pretty well, and only 1 minute and 57 seconds of the song was done. They went at an average speed, trying to stick close so they could talk, yet sometimes they had to part if people were going by.

"So, Sasuke, who are some of your friends? Maybe I know them."

"Well, my three main friends are Neji, Shikamaru, and Naruto."

"Spiral, Deer, and Maelstrom. Such interesting friends indeed, what are they like?"

"Well, Neji has a major aristocrat demeanor, Shikamaru is just plain lazy, and for Naruto…Well, you first must think of the most annoying, likable, and obnoxious thing ever. And then give it yellow hair and whiskers."

"Wow. Those would be some scarryyyy pancakes…"


"Oh! Nothing!"

"Well, what are your friends like?"

"Well, there's TenTen, Ino, Hinata, and now Temari. TenTen, is kinda like how you described Neji, but she tries so hard to prove she can handle everything. Ino, is just about everything Naruto is, but 10 times more obnoxious, and she's half albino I think, so her hair is way lighter. Hinata, well, she's like a mouse. And for Temari, well, she's kinda like an older-sister type."

"Oh, but wait, when you said Hinata, did you meann…" Sasuke racked him brain in trying to remember if he was right " Hyuuga Hinata?"

"Yeah! You know her?"

"No, it's just that Neji is a Hyuuga, and I think I heard him talk about her once."

"Oh, Neji has white eyes too?"

"Yes, and lemme tell ya, those things are creepy."

"I know! They like, have no pupils, it's kinda freaky when you think about it…"


Ino and Temari sipped their rasberry slushies with a bored atmosphere surrounding them. They had talked about nearly everything they could think of, and there were times when you just ran out of things to speak of. There is one thing they didn't talk about though, and that's when the sog "Walk it Out" started to play.

"Oooo, I just love this song." Temari said to Ino. "Yea, me too, I especially love the dance." Ino agreed. "Oh! The dance is my favorite part! Hey, wanna go to the dance room and show those poser 6th graders whose boss!?" Temari was grinning evilly at the very thought of what she said, and there was a moments silence before Ino started to get the same look. "Al right! Those little twerps won't know what hit 'em!" (A/n: And I don't mean to offend any 6th graders xD)

...In another area….

Naruto snickered to himself evilly. He sure knew how to indentify people, especially girls with pink hair. And especially girls' who Shikamaru had been so kind to describe. And especially girls who make Sasuke shake in his shoes. And especially girls who stood right in front of someone who liked them. Naruto patted himself on the back.

He was also doubly glad that Sasuke hadn't noticed the cause of the push on his head….


OH DEAR! A CHAPTER! AND IT'S FINISHED?! Why, this can't be! Not by SOTD! Lolz, Spirit of the Dragon xDDDD

Anway, it's technically Saturday Morning. 3:51 A.M. to be percise, and do you all see the Drama I go through to please you? I have to travel 2 hours to Virginia in 4 hours.

Anywhoooo, I know the girls' flashback wasn't finished, but I'll try to cram it in, in other places. So, I'm gonna spend the next 30 minutes editing this, then I'm gonna work on my story "Gaara gets a Computer" okay. And that'll be my main focus for now.

And, to anyone who is still reading this: