Five Fives

Five Bedtimes

by Nezuko, Prince of Rats

This is a work of derivative fiction based on the manga "Naruto" by Kishimoto Masashi. The characters and the world in which they live are the property of Kishimoto-sensei.

AN: These were done as part of the "List of Five" meme.

Five Bedtimes: Five times Genma has fallen asleep with Raidou

• Their friendship started the night when Genma was having nightmares and Raidou barged in to find out why the hell his neighbor was screaming bloody murder and had every light blazing at 2:00 AM. Raidou threw a flashlight at Genma and Genma threatened Raidou with poisoned senbon. It ended with Raidou singing a lullaby as Genma feel asleep.

• The number of missions they've "slept together" on is nearly uncountable. One memorable one involved suddenly plunging temperatures and inadequate blankets, and huddling together for warmth.

• Genma slept in Raidou's apartment the night before Raidou left for the mission he almost didn't come back from. Genma didn't want him to go. He had a bad feeling about it, he said.

• In retrospect, they really shouldn't have bothered trying to go to the movie when they were both so tired. But they'd just finished their mission, and the town they were in for the night had a theatre that was showing a classic film that Raidou insisted Genma had to see. They woke up when the cleaning staff turned on the overhead lights.

• When they were in the hospital after their mission to Heigen, Genma and Raidou both slept a lot. The best thing in the world, though, was waking up and being able to look over and see the pale, bruised face of your best friend sleeping serenely on a clean, white pillow case.

The "history" here is based on Genma as I play him in Scarlet Spiral, an RPG set in ANBU nine years before the start of the manga. The missions, events, and characters referred to here can be seen there. I encourage you to check it out. There's a link in my Author Profile.