OMG! I got reviews, got added, subscribed, and what do I do? I procrastinate! sobs into a Wildcats flagThank you for reviewing or doing anything I mentioned above.(NOT what I did.)

Disclaimer: You're kidding? Dudes, if I owned this (which I don't), I wouldn't be here wishing I was in drama.


(Konoha, someplace)

Wild cats sing along
Yeah, you really got it goin' on

Wild cats in the house
Everybody say it now
Wild cats everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Lets get to it
Time to show the world

Naruto was showing off(he favorite pastime) with one of the cheerleaders, letting her take the basketball from him, and steal it back a few moves later. Another yellow school bus pulled up the curb and stopped. Naruto looked up and saw a raven (corny, I know) haired boy walk out. "Sasuke!" he yelled happily. Sasuke looked up, and walked over. "Hey Naruto. What's up?" Said Sasuke, "Hey, happy new years." Naruto scoffed. "Yeah. It's going to be happy Wild cats new year!" he exclaimed, tossing Sasuke the basketball, "Because in two weeks we're gonna be in the league championships, with you leading us into infinity and beyond!" Everyone cheered and entered the school building.

(Inside East K. High School)

Senior Temari walked past other students, without looking up from her PDA(1). Students stumbled over each other trying not to get in the way of her, as she was walking very fast. Kankurou, her younger brother was walking with her, but without the un-natural cockiness and speed. Sasuke, Naruto and the rest of the basketball team entered the building, Temari walked right through, only raising her hand in a fashion like Moses parting the Red Sea (excuse the pun.) and then walking on with Kankurou, her brother following beside. Everyone mock-shivered when she passed though the group. "The Ice Princess has returned from the North Pole." Commented Nara Shikamaru, "You know what she always do on holidays?" said Naruto, all looked at him. Grinning, he said "Shopping for mirrors!" This earned a round of cheers and a few cat calls.

Yamanaka Ino looked away from the cork board and glared at the hootings of the basketball team. "Behold the zoo animals heralding the new years," she muttered under her breath so none but her friends could hear her, "How trivial."

The bell ringed, and everyone went to their classrooms. Somewhere in the other part of the building, Haruno Sakura was with her mother and principal Sarutobi.

"Mom, my stomach-" Began Sakura, looking at her mother. "Don't worry, it's only your first day here." Said Mrs. Haruno soothingly. Principal Sarutobi smiled kindly, "I've read your impressive transcripts. I'm sure your life will shine brightly at East High." "And I've made my company promise I won't be transferred until you graduate" Added Mrs. Haruno. Sakura turned to look at her mother. "Mom, I don't want to be the school's freaky genius girl again." Her mother hugged her, and said, "You just be Sakura, okay?" Sakura cast one more worried look at her mother before heading off to her class room.

Sasuke was sitting on his desk, immersed in a conversation with team mate Gaara (Ooer!). "So you can't remember anything from last night?" said Gaara, raising his brows(Since when did he have those?). Sasuke frowned in concentration, "No. All I can remember is…Pink Jelly." Gaara made a face at that. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a pink haired girl enter the class room, he craned his head for a better look, but was blocked by blond locks. "Hey Sasuke." Purred Tamari. Sasuke nodded, not paying any attention at all.

"I trust you all had splendid holidays." Said home room teacher, Mitarashi Anko, famous for her obsession for drama and (for some reason) dango. "Uchiha! Check the bulletin boards in the lobby outside" She barked, Sasuke slid down from his desk grudgingly. Naruto poked him, mouthing the words Are you okay? Sasuke nodded, trying to figure out a way to check if the pink haired girl was the same from new years.

"Also, our winter musical is coming up this month, and those who are interested can sign up for auditions." Anko took a deep breath, her face aglow with pride, before going on, "And this year's Scholastic Decathlon is now available for sign ups, chem. Club presdent Yamanaka Ino can answer to all your questions." Ino brushed her blond bangs back and raised her hand up helpfully. At this point, Sasuke silently slipped his cell phone out and quickly beeped a message to who he hope was sitting in the same classroom.

The results were instantaneous; Temari looked at her cell phone frowning, while Kankurou looked really confused. Anko was livid, "Ahhh, the cell phone menace has also returned to our premises of learning." She said, picking up an empty paint bucket, and swooping on Temari. "Temari and Kankurou, your cell phones." Temari dropped her PDA in the bucket, a look of disbelief clear on her face while her brother put his in rather meekly.

"Sasuke, I see your phone is involved too, so I will see you in detention." Said boy put his phone in, looking resigned. Sakura got her phone out to see the picture her took of Sasuke at the New Year's Eve party before Anko spied her phone was out too. "We have zero tolerance in this classroom for cell phones," Anko grinning like a vulture eyeing it's prey(3), as Sakura slowly dropped her cell phone in the bucket, "So we will get to know each other well in detention. And welcome to East High, miss Haruno."

Naruto jumped to his friend's defense, "Ms. Mitarashi(2) your honor, we have basketball practice, and Sasuke-" Anko cut him off before he could finish, "And that will be fifteen minutes, mister Uzumaki. Count 'em." Ino smirked. "That'll too hard, since he can't probably count that high." Said the blond, a smug look on her face. Anko banged the bucket indignantly, "Yamanaka Ino, fifteen minutes!" Students protested lightly, and Anko banged the paint bucket again, "Shall the carnage continue?" she glared at her students, patience wearing thin, "Vacation is over, way over!" Ino looked as if she'd been slapped.

Anko breathed though her nose, calming herself down. "Are there any more questions? Comments?" Gaara's hand went up tentatively, Anko stared at him, "Gaara?" "So how was your vacation mrs. Mitarashi?"

Everyone groaned, and Anko rolled her eyes as the bell rang. Naruto shot Gaara a look and Gaara shrugged.

Sasuke quickly shoved all this things away in his bag and run out, leaning outside to catch Sakura when she left. A pink haired girl came out later, looking at the school map, and Sasuke caught up with her.

Sakura looked both surprised and a bit pleased to see the boy she had met at New Year's. "I don't-" she began, "Believe it…"said Sasuke cutting across her, looking equally happy, "But how?"

"Well, my mother was transferred to Konoha." Expained Sakura, pausing only to look at her map, "I tried to find you after New Year's." "Me too, but we had to leave the first thing."

They both walked in silence, Sakura still looking for her next class. Sasuke clapped his hands together awkwardly.

"So, welcome to East High." He said as they rounded a corner, facing a bulletin board with lists of upcoming shows. Sakura blinked.

"Now that you've met mrs. Mitarashi, I bet you can't wait to sign up." Said Sasuke jokingly, Sakura dismissed the idea quickly. "I won't be joining anything for the time being, but if you were in the show I'd come and watch." Sasuke laughed. "Yeah right, that's totally impossible."

"What's impossible Sasuke?"

Temari sauntered from the corner from they had came from. "I wouldn't even think 'impossible' is in your vocabulary." She gave an airy laugh, and turned to the sign-up sheet; whipped out a felt-tip pen and signed her name in flourishing, pink letters taking up almost the whole space.

Satisfied, Temari turned to face them. Seeing Sasuke and Sakura stare at her, she quickly assumed that they were looking at the sign-up sheet. "Oh, were you going to sign up too?" When the two do not answer, she smiled faced the new girl.

"My brother and I star in most of the school productions," said Temari smiling at Sakura in a kind way, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "We're very supportive of newcomers. I'm sure we can find something for you in the show." Sakura looked taken aback, but recovered quickly.

"No, I was just looking at all the notices." She said, walking towards the board, "Lots going on in the school…" Temari nodded. Sakura stopped and looked at the girl's signature. "Nice penmanship." She said, and walked off.

Sasuke turned to leave, but Temari grabbed his hand. "So, are you going to watch my show?" Sasuke tried to gin but managed a half-grimance, Temari, however, was unaffected. "So, when's the big game?" Sasuke blinked, "Two weeks." He said, making a 'two' sign with his fingers. Temari sucked in a breath, "You're sooo dedicated…"she breathed, "Just like me!" Sasuke gave a shaky laugh, Temari tightened her hold on Sasuke's hand, "Promise you'll come and see my show?" Temari pouted for effect. Sasuke gave a non-committal jerk of his head, and turned to leave.

"Tootles." Yelled Temari, before he'd left, Sasuke returned the good bye, though quieter.

After Sasuke walked away, Temari smile slid off her face to be replaced with a frown at where Sakura had left. She glared for a moment and walked away, ideas running though her head.

(The Gym, Basketball practice)

Naruto and Sasuke stretched out, not wanting to sprain themselves when they practiced. "About the musical," began Sasuke, unsure whether was it the right time to bring the topic up, "Is it ture that you get credit for just auditioning?" Naruto snorted, "Who cares?" he said, Sasuke shrugged. "Y'know, it's always good to get extra credit. For college." He added as an afterthought. Naruto raised his arms up behind his neck, "Did you ever heard of Shaq O'Neal or LeBron James auditioning for musicals weeks before a game?" said the blond disdainfully, "Dude, the music in it aren't even rock, or hip hop, or anything related to culture." He said, stealing a look at Sasuke, "It's like, costumes and makeup…" Naruto trailed off, and shuddered, "Dude, it's frightening."

Sasuke laughed quickly, and mentally berated himself for even bring up the stupid idea, "I know, just thought it'd be a laugh. Temari's kinda cute too." Add Sasuke, thinking for a while. "Yeah, and so is a mountain lion," Said Naruto sarcastically, walking up to his friend, "But you can't pet it." Sasuke stood quiet for while, then turned to his teammates. "Alright Wildcats…Pair up!"

Coach said to fake right
And break left
Watch out for the pick
And keep an eye on defense
Gotta run the give and go
And take the ball to the hole
But don't be afraid
To shoot the outside "J"

Just keep ya head in the game
Just keep ya head in the game

And don't be afraid
To shoot the outside "J"
Just keep ya head in the game

U gotta
Get'cha get'cha head in the game
We gotta
Get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game

Let's make sure
That we get the rebound
'Cause when we get it
Then the crowd will go wild
A second chance
Gotta grab it and go
Maybe this time
We'll hit the right notes

Everyone stops and looks at Sasuke weirdly.

Sasuke: Wait a minute
It's not the time or place
Wait a minute
Get my head in the game
Wait a minute
Get my head in the game
Wait a minute
Wait a minute

I gotta
Get my, get my head in the game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game

Why am I feeling so wrong
My head's in the game
But my heart's in the song
She makes this feel so right

Should I got for it?
Better shake this, yikes!

I gotta
Get my, get my head in the game
You gotta
Get'cha, get'cha, get'cha, get'cha head in the game


It WAS a PDA right? Cuz I know it wasn't a cell.

I know it sounds lame, but that's the only way I could write it! Sensei would've been a bit off in a western type story….

A/N: Oooookaaay, really late update…I'm sorry, but I swear I'm working on it!

This time, most of the conversations were based off of my memories, so if anyone'd like to correct or add something, PM or e-mail me, thank you!

And I'm fully aware that a lot of characters are OOC, like I've warned you. One has already told me that she'd prefer Naruto to be Troy instead of Sasuke, I thank you for telling me that, but it'd be way too troublesome to change now.

Flame me for all I care, Taiwan's having a cold winter. I could use the heat.

EDIT! Please go to my profile! I have one big fat question that needs to be answered! It has to do with the next chapter!