Man, I have to stop going crazy. Psycologists won't let you do anything.

0 0 0

"This is wonderful! You're sure that he wasn't able to protect himself at all" Nikolai asked his new operative.

"Yes, master. Unfortunatly, he was not trapped in the turbolift as I had planned. He managed to cut through the door with his lightsaber." Navi was dressed in an old Clone-Era commando suit, with a helmet that had his Navi insignia on it, which was a propeller with three blades.

"Hm... but you're sure that all power was cut off to the building?"

"Yes. the lift had been stuck between two floors, which should be showing up on the screen. Two blueprints had appeared on Nikolai's large computer screen, outlining two large floors of what seemed to be a mall.

"Hm... that seems to be a good strategy... wait. there's an outdoors store."

"Yes, what about it?" The agent asked

"Well, there must be personal heating devices like your own." The agent had a large cylinder strapped to his belt.

"Hm... I doubt that they would work, anyway. This one was modified by myself, to withstand up to seventy degrees below zero, celsius, which is what the planets temperature has stabelized at currently."

"Still, there is a chance..."

"Not unless he had superhuman speed." The agent stated confidently.

"But he may..." Nikolai pulled up a screen displaying known abilities of Nick's character.

"I assure you, he's flash frozen, just waiting for me to retreive him, just like all the other people that were caught in it."

"Good. I want him now." Nikolai severed the connection.

"What was that all about?" Josh said, walking in.

"Oh, nothing. Just my first evil plan starting to work." Nikolai grinned devilishly.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you see, I have found an... operative that seems to be an excellent addition."

"Is that why we have that extra cyro chamber?"


"Who is he?"

"Just a friend..."

"So how do you like the additions I made to the nanoassemblers?"

"Excellent. How's HB doing?" HB had triggered one of Nick's security systems in the nanoassembler, causing him to be very sick.

"He's okay, for the moment. I think we may have to set him up with one of the prototypes, though." Paladin said from Josh's PET

"But I promised Courtney the first one!"

"I know, I don't think he's going to like it either." Josh admitted

0 0 0

"Anthony! Anthony! Wake up!" Anthony did want to. He felt... cold. He was so tired.

"Just let me sleep..." He murmered to the person who was shaking him.

"Anthony, I really don't want to do this."

"leave me alone." Anthony tried to roll over, and then sat up quickly as he was hit with near boiling water. "HEY! THAT HURT!"

"You left me no choice." Nick said, putting down the pot. "Besides, if it's any compensation, we're out of water for awhile." He set the pot on a stand with an electrical heating unit under it, and tossed Anthony what looked to be some type of net.

"What's this?" Anthony said, looking at it.

"It's thermal netting. just drape it over yourself, and it will go right through your clothing and protect you from extreme temperatures. You're just lucky I picked up an extra one on Mustafar. They're really handy for lava diving."

"You mean that you can swim in lava with this?" Anthony stood up as best he could in the igloo made out of tents, and started draping the netting over himself. It made a humming noise, and dissapeared.

"Well, only up to a mile. and you have to have the right breathing apparatus. I hear a mouthful of lava is a painful way to go." Nick said, starting to walk out of the tent. "We should try and find some way to get to my friends."

"Actually," Anthony said, seemingly staring into space, "I'm close to my login point. I should log out and see if i can break you guys out."

"Yeah. you should." Nick said, turning around. "Do you have any idea how long it's been since..."

"We logged on? Two months." Anthony said, stepping up to Nick.

"Man, Dickson's gonna have a fit." Nick said. He knew that the passage of time in the game was different from the real world, it had been enough time to equal that, but he hoped that Dickson, the headmaster, would take his explination seriously.


"Oh, no-one. Here, let me give you the adress to my appartment. You can stop by and pick up our PET's."

"Okay." Anthony said, mentally telling Sorcerer to record it.

"Also, if you want, see if Evil will help you."


"Evil. He's... interesting. don't worry though, he's completely trustworthy. The real person you have to look out for is Phil. If's he holding a bottle, run."

"Okay... I guess..." Anthony followed Nick out of the tent and looked around. Everything was covered in ice, and then he noticed something in the corner. "Uh, Nick, is that a real.."

"Person? Yeah. I guess he wasn't lucky enough to find cover. Believe it or not, though, his vital signs are reading very good. I guess he froze so fast the water in the blood in his veins didn't have time to expand before this happened." Nick walked over to the human, who was frozen in mid stride and rapped his knuckles on the man's back, with a solid thunk.

"Ouch. Great thinking. Is there any way to thaw him out?"

"Yeah, same way that I unfroze you." Nick said, walking to the door and activating his lightsaber. "I use the Force to agitate the atoms in your body, raising your tempereture enough to have you thaw inside out."

"Clever. Why are you holding your lightsaber?"

"I have to cut through this door. I'm pretty sure just about everything is frozen solid." Nick raised the lightsaber above his head, and slashed the door four times in a box like pattern, which fell out, leaving the passage unblocked.

"Oh. so, how are we going to get anywhere?"

"Well, first we're going to find a weapons shop and get you some heavy weapons." Nick said, eyeing the blaster pistol in a holster on Anthony's belt. "Then, we go down."


"Like this." Nick plunged his lightsaber into the floor and spun around quickly, causing a circular part of the floor to fall out.

"Woah!" Anthony rushed to the edge of the hole and looked down. Nick was looking up.

"It's not that far of a jump, if you want. I'm pretty sure that there's a weapons shop on this level. I've already looked around on that one."

"How long was everybody out?"

"About three or four days."

"Do you know if there are any survivors?"

"If by that you mean people awake, I haven't seen any. But that's only because I can't leave the building."


"Well, all the power has been cut by the snow, and for some reason the emergency system had gone as well, meaning that we can't use turbolifts or anything like that."

"So we go to the ground floor, and go from there."

"Um... I'm not sure if there's such a thing as a 'ground floor' anymore. Besides, someone has let a bunch of creatures loose."


"That's what I said. Look, if we can find the backup generator for this building, and it should be somewhere near the top, I could probably get into ship records. I'm guessing that there was a zoological shipment coming in, and it crashed. I did see some smoke on the horizon."

"Let's go."

0 0 0

"Ow... the back of my head." Sean said, finally grasping conciousness.

"Good. You're awake."

"What happened?" He said, looking around. He was lying on the floor of what appeared to be a strangely outfitted bunker.

"We're stuck in here for awhile." Holly said, from under the holodisplay stand. "Sarge, I need the phillips screwdriver."

"Which one is that?" The wookie replied. Sean blanched at the fact that he understood him.

"Why can I understand you?" He said, standing up, only to be hit by a wave of dizyness, causing him to slup back down in an armchair.

"Babel fish. Sarge, it's the plus shaped one."

"Oh. Why do they call it a Phillips head. Is it named after someone? If it is, that guy must've had a really messed up head." Sarge said, digging through the toolbox he had open at his side, selecting the correct tool, and passing it to Holly.

"But I thought this was Star Wars.." Sean said. He was a fan of Douglas Adams, but he didn't know that Star Wars had a Babel fish.

"Yeah. I'm guessing these are some of Nick's exclusive items." Holly said, holding up a fishbowl with about six of them frozen in it.

"Why is the water frozen?"

"Nick said something was wierd with the weather control system, and that he was going to try to fix it. It's cold enough to freeze a person in seconds right now. I hope he's okay..."

"Nick'll be fine. He's been playing this game for years. Then again, I, the master of games, should be too."

"You're master of games?"

"I'm the only one. It's been like that since I was twelve." Sean stated proudly, before some ice fell off the ceiling and hit him in the nose."

"Ow, the front of your face." Sarge said, closing the toolbox and standing up. "I'm going to the kitchen."

"This time, eat the raw meat on something easy to throw away!" Holly shouted, crawling out from under the cirular platform and hitting a button. above it, three diminsional stactic hovered. It reminded Sean of a grey snowstorm. "You should've seen the mess he made last time. Ugh. Blood everywhere."

"How long was I out?" Sean said, succeding in standing without falling over finally.

"A day and a half. You're lucky I had bacta, or else it'd been longer." She said, walking over to Sean and hugging him, looking up into his eyes. He could see they were full of love, 'Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm really sorry about the bar fight thing."

"I undderstand. You don't like being treated like someone who should stand on the sidelines. Nick told me about your past."

"He... did?"

"Yes. I'm so sorry. I'm an orphan too, you know." she said, looking at the grond


"Yeah. My mom got pregnant on prom night, and she had me and put me in an orphanage. I was adopted after eight years." she looked back up at him, and Sean didn't have to ask to see that she was telling the truth.

"Wow.. I couldn't tell." He said, brushing aside a strand of her hair that had fallen across her face.

"It's okay. My parents love me and everything. I just wish I could meet my real mom."

"Well, I'll make sure you'll never be alone again." It wasn't exactly a lie, but Sean knew that Nick would see that the promise was fufilled, when he went to college.

0 0 0

Hmm... first the disturbance in the Sneakernet, and now this..." Bass thought to himself, hovering over the resting place of where Megaman had destroyed the Beast Over version of himself. He was trying to sense something, but he couldn't. "Hey! You!" He shouted to an green offical Navi standing nearby.

"Freeze!" It shouted, leveling a cannon in his direction.

"Look, I really don't have time for this," Bass said, letting the cannon shots be absorbed by his aura.

"I'm warning you! Backup is on the way." The navi said, swapping weapons to a sword, dashing foreward to try to slash at him.

"Look, I just need to talk to two people." He said, catching the blade in one hand, lifting the navi into the air by it.

"Fine! Just don't hurt me!" The navi said, trying to cancel the sword to drop back on his feet.

"Okay, first, do you have anyone monitoring the remains of Gregor?"

"Um, yes. Here's the passcode to his link. it's in undernet 2."

"Thanks. Also, do you have anyone monitoring the sneakernet?"

"That would be Vic... I'm not sure exactly how to contact him..."

"Hmph. Oh well. Thank you for your assistance. Here, let me transfer your operator a battlechip in exchange."

"Um, I don't have an operator."

'What? The Officials now are employing independant Navis?"

"Well, My operator was killed on a mission."

"Hm... What's your name?"

"I'm Lance."

"Hm... I should remember you. You're the only official model navi that's light blue." The navi was starting to grow on him, he had to admit.

"Um, dude, teal."

"Teal, blue, green, whatever"

"So is it ture about what they say? That you aren't evil anymore?"

"I'm not... for now. I can sense that there are terrible things that are going to happen. Things that could determine my fate. This has outwheighed my dislike for humans and their slaves."

"You mean us, right? Well, we aren't all that bed. Actually, the best operator/navi combinations are those formed by those who are friends. Some even have bonds that are as strong as siblings have."

"Like that one that saved me. And the blue one... Look, here's the problem. I think Gregor has been kiddnaped."

"What? Who would, or could, do that?"

"That's what I'm concerned about..."

0 0 0

Hmm... He should be right in here... "AHA!" The white clothed navi said, blasting his way through the door. He had an old Clone Era DC-17 rifle, with all the attachment. "Hm... I guess I must've made a misjudgement." He said to himself in a british accent, looking at the empty hallway. "Oh well, I better try again." He heard a crunch behind him, and spun around and fired, putting a lazer blast rgiht between the eyes of something that looked to be a cross between a bear and a ram. "So sorry, chap. Oh well, must be off."

0 0 0

"So how do you like it?" Nick asked Anthony, who was holding a long, boxlike gun.

"I don't know... you sure that this cuts trhough shielding?"

"Try it and see." Nick said, pressing a button on the shooting range's wall. the dummy that was in front of Anthony glowed slightly, showing the evidence of shielding. He shot the gun, releasing fifty or sixty marble sized fragments of a superheated fuel cell right at it. The dummy had no chance, with the projectiles not only burning right through it but also knocking it back a few feet.

"Sweet. Space aged shotgun." Anthony said, looking closer at it. "What's this second trigger do?"

"Don't aim that at me!" Nick said, jumping out of the range of fire. "That trigger spits a fuel cell into two spheres which explade on contact with something organic, shielded or after a few seconds.

"Really?" Anthony turned back to the firing range and pressed the trigger. True to Nick's word, two tennis ball sized explosives were launched from the weapon. "Hey, Nick, Don't you need a weapon?"

"Nope. I've got one of those right here." Nick said, taking out a small hoop shaped object and turning it on. the interior of the rign turned black, and he stuck his hand inside, (suprising Anthony because it didn't come out the other side) and pulled one out. "Custom item." Nick said, grinning. "Isn't having the dev team owe you great?"

"So are we going to get going yet?" Anthony asked.

"Fine." Nick unhooked the lightsaber from his hip and turned it on. He threw it straight up in the air. It hovered there, pointed slightly up from horozontal, and then started to spin. Nick used the force to guide it upwards into the the ceiling, where it started to cut a cirular groove in it. He waited a few seconds, and then deactivated the lightsaber, calling it back to his hand, before looking at Anthony. "Would you?" He said, gesturing at the ceiling.

"My pleasure," he said, pointing his weapon at the circular fissure in the ceiling and firing, causing it to shoot upwards, leaving a nice hole.

0 0 0

"So you're telling me that we're stuck here untill Nick fixes the problem?" Sean said, swinging the sword harder. He had found a trapdoor that led to an armory, complete with sparring droids and a small shooting range. He was currently fighting an interrigator droid that had had stun batons placed on a track around its equator, turning it into a six bladed helicopter of pain. Sean was currently trying to bat it out of the air with a makeshift sword he had made by cutting a three foot lenth of pipe.

"Yes. And you're not going to defeat it that way." Holly said, walking into the room.

"You do it your way, I'll do it mine." Sean said, putting all of his strength into one swing that left him exposed to a prolong shock after the droid dodged it. "Agh!"

"Sean, you do it like this." She picked up the pipe, and swung it so that it went between two of the batons, and then hitting the droid. It knocked it back a foot, and then it returned. This time she struck againt the flow of the batons and managed to take three of them off before backing up with the sword raised above her head, bringing it down in a crushing blow that dented the top of the droid's casing.

"Whatever." Sean said, finaly gaining his motor skills again. He took the pipe from Holly, and hit a remote to start the droid again. this time, as soon as it got near, he threw it as hard as he could, impailing it completely. "See, my way works fine."

"I got K-5 working again!" Sarge yelled from upstairs, before the chrome droid fell through the trapdoor.

"Hey, K-5. Sorry abou the downtime." one of the shutters hadn't closed completely and K-5 had been frozen before anyone could seal it.

"That's perfectly fine. I do wish that I had had one of those heating units Nick has on. Those should've protected me from the heat."

"Personal heating units?" Sean said, turning around quickly.

"Why yes. Nick has two or three of them lying around here. Of course, for such extreme conditions, you may have to wear all of them to keep from freezing still."

"Can you find them?" Holly asked.

"I can certainly try."

0 0 0

"You, know, Nick, I can see a flaw in your plan." Anthony said, lying on the floor. "You forgot to tell me that the building was four hunded floors before we started."

"Actually, there was quite a bit more, but we started about halfway up." Nick said, causing a groan from Anthony. "Besides, we're here!" They were standing in front of a door with a large lighting bolt in red on it.


"Yeah. Inside there, I should be able to restart the generator so that the building has power." Nick said, activating his lightsaber and plunging in the blade to the hilt, and slowly starting to cut a large cirle in it.

"Really. Because if we have to do any more physical effort just to try to get to the point at which we can start it, I'm out."

"Whatver." Nick said, kicking in the circle. They walked inside the room, which was completely frost covered and had snow falling in from a hole in the ceiling. There was an activated control panel in front of them, at the other side of the room.

"Sweet." Anthony murmured under his breath, stepping forward. He was about a quater of the way across the room when something that seemed to be made from pure electricity formed. It was humanoid, with small shperes of metal where normally human joints would be, between which blue chains of electricity flowed, causing it to seem like a man made out of blue fire.

"I am Electrolor." It stated.

"Yeah. Um, hi, I'm Nick, and this is Anthony. We were wondering, since, as you can see, everything is frozen, if we could possible turn on the backup generator?"

"Yes." Nick sighed. "After you pass a series of tests." Anthony groaned. "The tests are: one, the test of agility, two, the test of logic, three, the test of sight, four, the test of intelligence, five, the test of musical ability. that is an optional test. Six, the test of-"

"Forget this." Anthony said, walking over to the hole in the floor outside the room and jumping down. "Nick, You coming?"

"Not yet." Nick shouted back. "Look, Mr... Electrolor, is there any possibility that i could turn on the generator without doing the tasks?"

"Yes. You will have to give me something." The electric beast said. "I want... Power."


"Yes. I was once human, you know. But my quest to become all powerful took an ironicly literal turn, when I scrapped my body and contained my brain in this." He said, tapping the large sphere that was where his skull was. "I decided that, to be all powerful, I couldn't be anything but power itself. Unfortunatly, with this form came an incredible hunger for more power. If you can produce a sorce of power that I have yet to have seen, or a sorce that will provide me with an incredible amount of energy, I will allow you to activate my generator, to which I have relied on for many centuries."

"Wait, How long have you been here?" Nick said, thinking.

"For at least two miliinea, possibly three."

"Well, I can do two things for you. First, I can update the batteries that are stored in those." Nick said, pointing to the metal spheres, "And I can give you an energy boost with this." He activated his lightsaber and held it out to the elemental human.

"Hm... it's made of pure energy. But it's giving off such power that it should've been extinguished before it even had a chance to be seen..." Electrolor murmered to himself. "FIne. Do what you need to. If not, I have an effficient way of converting boddy heat into power." the metal spheres in his fingers sparked more ferociously.

"Okay. FIrst, I'm going to need to restore power to the building." Nick said, walking over to the display, and typing in the command that would activate the generator. there was groaning and then the smash of breaking ice as the generator came to life. Nick took something our of his interdementional pocket ((the black hoop thing)) and pulled out something. He plugged it into the display. Turning back to Electrolor he said. "I'm going to need to se one of those spheres. Deactivate the power from it first, though."

"Anything to gain more power." he said. one of the many spheres in his chest glowed red for a second and then shot out of him, almost striking Nick.

"Hm... yes... this is interesting." Nick said, pressing a recessed portion on the sphere, causing it to split open and revealing the innards of it.

"So you can increase the power of it?"

"Yes, I can. " As Nick spoke, an old probe droid dropped through the hoel in the ceiling and dropped a large box beside Nick. "Now, let me get to work.

"How long are you going to take, Nick?" Anthony asked. He had walked back into the room. as he crossed the threshold, the blast shields that had failed to trigger when NIck cut through the door.

"About three hours. I'm pretty sure Electrolor here could absorb the fragments from your gun, if you were interested in sparring with him."

"But he doesn't have any weapons." Anthony said.

"That is inncorect." Electrolor said, pointing at a large metal cylinder. A bolt of electricity shot out to it. He lifted his hand, and the barrel followed him, but slower, as if it were attached to a springy tree branch. He then quickly spun around, whipping his hand forward, flinging the barrell like a medievel ball and chain.

"See, now I don't even want to fight." Anthony said to the electric hominim.

"Well, I could do this." He pointed at Anthony, and, before he could react, shot a small bolt of electricity. It felt to Anthony like he was getting a particularly bad static shock.

"Ow! That hurt!" Anthony said, rubbing his arm where the bolt had struck.

"But you lived."

"Fine, I'll spar. But first, I get a free shot." Anthony said, leveling his gun at Electrolor and firing. As soon as the fuel cell fragments were close to him, Electrolor manipulated the magnetic field around him to compress the raw materials in them, while draining any power he could get from them.

"Hm... tasty." Electrolor said.

"Hey, I need another sphere. This one's done." Nick said, throwing the metal battery at Electrolor, who caught it and returned it with an obsolete one.

0 0 0

"So you're sure that I can walk out there?" Sean asked. He had three personal heating units connected together by various wired on his belt, and he was standing in an airlock.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure. I'll lower the temperature there slowly, so you can tell us if there's any problems." Holly said over an intercom.

"Nah, just open the door. If I freeze, I won't be able to care."

"Fine." The doors edged open and Sean braced himself.

Wait... Why am I bracing myself if I'm going to freeze? Sean asked himself.

Beats me you idiot.

Who said that?

It's me, Axl.

"Oh." Sean said out loud.

"You okay?" Holly asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sean said. Outside everything was frozen. Sean chuckled to himself as he saw a fish, half out of the frozen lake.

Poor thing never had a chance. Axl said.

Serves him right for scaring the crap out of me

"Hey, Holly, it works. I'm fine."

0 0 0

Nick watched Anthony and Electrolor spar. Why is Anthony so willing to fight against his friend? He thought.

Maybe he thinks that's the only way that he can save him. Modman replied.

I know. I just have this feeling...

What feeling?

Well, when we were about to get frozen, I got this wierd sensation through the force. Like someone was... planning it

Yeah. I felt that. But that doesn't mean that Anthony did it.

But when he picked us up in the old blockade runner, he could have easily blasted the Sith starship out of the sky, but he didn't...

Look, he probably didn't realize that he could.

"Whatever." Nick muttered under his breath. "Hey, Electrolor! Last one!" He said, lobbing the largest battery sphere towards him.

"Hm... Now that I am complete again, I feel, more hungry."

"That's only because I increase the battery capacity in your spheres. I can also, if you want, modify the one that has your memory banks in it so that it looks similar to a functioning face, if you want."

"I am fine with the way I am." The largest sphere, which was the memory storage, was nothing more than a featureless sphere. "Although, you do have the other part of bargain to live up to."

"I know. Come over here." Nick said, activating his lightsaber. "What I'm going to do is hook it up to that last shpere that I added and turn it on. You need to make sure that I don't get electrocuted."

"Of course." The elemental floated over and extended the sphere outwards, revealing a reccesed cylindrical outlet. Nick put his lightsaber in it, and activated it.

"AH! The power!" The frequency of the sparks between the sphere seemed to glow brighter and last longer.

"That should fill your batteries up." Nick said, taking the lightsaber back.

"Here, I want to try something. Strike me with your weapon."

"Okay.." Nick said, thumbing the switch to activate his lightsaber and touching one of the spheres. The lightsaber hilt grew hot, and then the blade dissapeared. "What the?"

"I thought I could do it. I overpowered your lightsaber."


"That's why the heat grew in it."

You know, this guy could be a real addition once we track down Morpha. Modman commented to Nick.

I know... "Hey, would you like to join us?"

"Where are you going?"

"Well, we need to... escape? from here."

"Do you mean the building?"

"No. you see, you are a security program in a..." Nick started to explain.

0 0 0

"Yes, Holly, the controls for the turbolift are frozen shut." Sean said, sipping his hot chocolate.

"So we're still stuck?"

"For now."

"But you did manage to set up the long range broadcaster?"


"Thank you!" Holly said, draping her arms around Sean.

0 0 0

Hmm... sounds like the're close. The agent said to himself, looking up into the hole in the ceiling. There was another hole visible, and through that there was no others, meaning that they had either stopped their progress or found what they were looking for.

Now remember, we want to take him alive, like Nikolai said. The navi that the agent was using said.

"I know. Let's get on with it."

0 0 0

"I see. So I am just an artificail intelligence plugged into a greater program?" Electrolor said

"Yes. Although you could be remove without much difficulty..." Nick mused.

"I see. so you believe this hunger is just because of my history in the game?"

"Yes. if you were taken out of the game you could lose it."

"But I'd still only exsist in the net. If I could exist in the reald world..."

"Well, if my intel on Nick is correct, he should be able to give you a temporary body." Anthony interuppted


"Well? You could."

"Yeah, I guess so." Nick said, shrugging.

"That's go-" Anthony got cut out by a loud screeching noise.

"Sorry. Comlink." Nick said.

"What's that?" Electrolor said.

"What? you've never had one?"

"I've been up here a long time."

"Well, you see, it's a wireless communicator. You see, I do this," Nick said, pushing down the transmit button and saying, "Hello, this is Nick Amend. Username AKNick, calling anybody answering. and then someone would say-"

"Hello? This Is Holly Hayes. Is anyone out there?"

"Wow, that's a good impression of Holly. Can you do Arnold Shwartzenneger?" Anthony said, from behind Nick.

"Holly? Is that you?" Nick said, gripping the comlink

"Yeah, It's me. Where are you?"

"I'll be back." Anthony said in a poor accent.

"Shut up, I'm on the phone. We're in district X3D4R, on the top floor of the mall area there. Where are you guys?"

"We're in your bunker thingy."

"Have you tried to go outside?"

"Well, Sarge and I managed to piggy back a couple of personal heating devices to make one for Sean to use, but the locks on the door are frozen shut."

"Oh. Did you manage to get the blast covering over the dome?

"Most of it, but it froze and left a hole."

"Do you have any idea how large the hole is?" Nick asked, a plan already forming in his head.

"It's about 200 yards in diameter. Why?"

"Well, I'm going to come and get you guys."


"Leave that to me." Nick said, turning the comlink off.

"So, what exactly are we going to do?"

"Well, first, we're going to get you to a log out point. "Nick said, walking towards the door. Just as he got within two feet of it, it exploded inwards, hitting Nick and sending him tumbling head over heels, landing in a crumpled heap at Anthony's feet.

"Ah, so sorry about the door, It was either that or blow the whole building." The white clad assasin said.

"No... it can't be..." Nick said, lifting his head long enough to glimps the figure before collapsing into unconciousness.

"Hm.. this may be easier than I thought. I've already got him unconcious, so now all I need is to get rid of you two." The figure leveled his blaster rifle at Anthony and Electrolor.

"Hm... This may be a problem. Electrolor, do you think you can absorb any shots?"

"Well, as long as they don't hit my batteries." As he said this, a sniper blast struck a sphere near his shoulder, sending it tumbleing away.

"I see. You try to absorb the most you can, and try not to fall apart, while I get Nick somewhere safe." Anthony said, grabing Nick by the shoulders and dragging him towards the computer bank, where there was a slight overhang.

"Hm... this will certainly be fun." The british clone chuckled as he switched attatchments on his rifle, taking away the scope and adding what seemed to be a round of explosives.

"On my part, yes." Electrolor acted quickly, allowing himself to loose shape, falling to the floor and grabbing pieces of scrap metal in a magnetic field. The mercinary fired a round right into the middle of the growing mass, causing most of it to fly off. Electrolor responded by lashing out, using a magnetic field to cause his arms to lengthen into tentacles and whipping at the clone armored man, who tried to dodge them but was quickly struck, sending a teffrifying amount of electricity through his body. He managed to unclip a grenade from his belt and throw it, causing Electrolor to release him. He then started firing the automatic attachment for his rifle, manageing to score a few hit before Electrolor released a massive electric bolt at him, causing an explosive in his belt misfired, sending him up through the ceiling, leaving almost an identical hole next to the one that had fallen inwards. "well, that was easier than expected."

"Not really. He'll be back." Nick said, standing up, with Anthony supporting him.

"Who was that?" Anthony asked.

"I really don't know. but that insignia..." Nick said, before stumbling on his cut, now seemingly broken, leg, which was twisted in a disturbing way. It was also the one he had cut earlier. "Man, that is one bad penny."

"Do you need time to fix that?" Anthony asked.

"Nah. I'm.. fine!" Nick said, grabbing his leg below the knee and twisting it painfully, almost in a complete 360, evoking a large pop. "Just popped it out of the socket." He explained.

"That... had to be the most painful thing I've ever seen." Electrolor said. "And I've electrocuted people into jelly."

"T.M.I, dude." Anthony said. "Can we go?"

"Yeah, I guess." Nick said, jogging over to the hole into the floor below and jumping into it.

0 0 0

"So, why are we all here?" Courtney asked. She, Josh, and Nikolai were standing in fron of H.B.'s medical bed, where he was watching. He had an I.V. with silver fluid running into his arm, and another connected to his chest near his collar bone.

"Well, I'd like to ask you something." Nikolai started. "First off, I'm sorry if I inturupted any theving, chaos, or pain that you were causing."

"Well, I had to cancel my lunch with the Pope," Josh said, "But he owes me. Helped him pick out the hat."

"I had to put off training the new gal." Courtney said, giving Josh a dissaproving glance.

"Well, I an thinking about having a small force of grunts that I have found over the net start policing the base, aiding with anything, and I was wondering if any of you had any objections."

"Nah, I think it's a great Idea. By the way, any idea on when I can get up?" H.B. said.

"Well, you have to let the armor form for the first time, so that we know there aren't any errors."


0 0 0

"We're on our way, Holly." Nick said on him comm.

"Okay, this is where I logged in." Sorcerer said. Anthony had decided to let Sorcerer controll his body for the time being, because since he was hooked up using an old pulse transmission system, he was feeling fatigued. Nick wonderd why he or any of the other people abducted weren't feeling the same way.

"Good. So, when you get to my apartement, get our PETs, find Evil, if he's around, and avoid Phil."

"Okay. Well, see you later... I hope" Anthony walked onto a clowing circle in front of the large fountain in the mal, and dissapeared.

"Now what?" Electrolor said.

"Well, we have to get to the Falcon II."

"Sounds fun."

0 0 0

"Okay, so this is where Nick lives." Sorcerer said. Anthony looked up. He was standing outside the gate to the courtyards to Nick's appartment building. He was wearing jeans, a blue polo, and a trenchcoat, as well as a fedora.

"Wow. that is one tall building."

"Yeah. I guess we should go."


"You're not moving."

"Look, I still don't like dogs!" Anthony said, pointing at a sign depicting a human sllouette being torn apart by several dogs. He took a deep breath, and entered the code Nick had given him into the keypad. The gates opened, and Anthony stepped tenatively inside. He heard no barking.

"See? No dogs." Sorcerer said.

"Yeah, I guess." Anthony said, opening to door to the apartment and jumping in fright as a poodle ran up and starting barking at him.

"Oh, my god. Seriously, I thought we worked through this."

"Yes, we did. Then I forgot." Anthony said, pressed against the elevator.

"Seriously, it's gone."

"So? It could come back." The doors open and he fell inwards. He stood up, and pushed the button that corrosponded with Nick's floor. When he got there, he walked up to Nick's appartment door.

"Um, you have the key, right?" Sorcerer said.


"You should ask for help."

"I guess." Anthony walked over to a door about halfway down the hall, and knocked on it. A man around twentyyears old, with red hair, an orange shirt, and black pants answered the door. "Hey, I was wondering if-"

"No." The man slammed the door.

"But I didn't..." Anthony started to turn away as the door opened again.

"Sorry about that. Phil is on the poison that is alcohol right now." A twenty year old man with blond hair, a red shirt, and jeans said.

"Shut up, Joel! You just want to sell your forkenator." Phil shouted from inside the appartment.

"Well, he does have a point." Joel said, pulling a pistol shaped object with a fork sticking out of it.

"Um... No thanks. Do you have Nick's appartment key?"

"What? Why would I have that. I mean, I'm only his NEIGHBOR!" Joel yelled, and slammed the door in Anthony's face.

"Alright..." Anthony said. The door opened a crack again.

"You should try Jim and Pam." Joel said, pointing across the hall.

"Right." Anthony said, not waiting for the door to slam as he walked across and knocked on the other door.

"Yeah?" A twenty five year old man with brown hair, wearing an oxford shirt and kakhi pants, as well as wearing a hat that had "Dunder Mifflin" on it answered the door.

"Hi, I'm Anthony, and I was wondering if you had the key to Nick's appartment..."

"Yeah, I think so. I'm Jim, by the way."

"Nice to meet you." Jim went back inside and returned in a few minutes, holding a key. "Pam made me get a new one after we found the other one hanging off the door. What happened, exactly?"

"Well, Nick and some of his friends got kidnapped by Nick's evil twin thingy, and now they're stick in an online game, and I have to get them out."

"Seriously, what happened."

"I"m telling the truth."

"I think he is, Jim," Pam said, walking past. "But I thought that he had gotten rid of him..."

"Yeah, I think he did too."

"And I guess that would explain the crime sprees."


"This gang has apparently been going crazy around The Green School. shops in the area have been robbed, burned, and vandalized, all with the same labeling. .NET, I think it was."

"Wow. I should hurry." Anthony took the keys, and walked over to the door to Nick's appartement. He opened the door and looked around, before finding the PETs on a table near a computer. All of the screens had what seemed to be a stat display on them, with little plus signs. He saw that each had a section towards the top labeled 'additional stat points'.

"It seems that we have found our friends stats." Sorcerer mused.

"Yeah. I guess we should level them up, and give them the ponts."

0 0 0

"So, we're nearing the ship's docking area." Nick said to Electrolor.

"Good. Durning that charging that you let me have, I seemed to have aquired a large amount of knowledge."

"Yeah, I added slicing programs into your batteries. It will take awhile, but you can now hack into computers and find information."

"Yes... This 'hyperrdrive'. Is it possible for me to gain charge from it?"

"Well, I guess we could try. If it worked, I could put more power into it and not have to worry about overflow."

"Go- Did you feel that?"

"Yeah." Midway through Electrolor's sentence, it seemed as if the entire world had sudddenly flickered. Nick also sensed a large amount of power near by. "I wonder what it is..."

"Well, I bet that if we get where we're going we'll find out." Nick took a small timed charge out of his I.P. (interdimentional pocket) and put it on the door. "You may want to step away."

"Why?" the resulting blast flung Electrolor halfway down the hallway. Nick stepped through, and as the smoke cleared, he saw a humanoid figure.

"Bass." He said.

"You are Nick, Modman's operator." Bass said. It was not a question, or a statement of suprrise. it was merely fact.

"Yes. Why are you here, in the game. Also, how are you here, in the game?"

" It took a large amount of power, as well as the help of... a friend."

"You have friends now?"

"Just one. His name is Lance."

"The teal guy? He's cool. Bit wierd, but cool."

"I agree. Look, I've come here to warn you that Gregor's been taken."

"I guessed that's what he'd do." Nick muttered to himself. "He always thought he could make it better."


"One of my triplets."

"You ave siblings?"

"Not in the traditional way. Wily, the man who... employed you to help free Alpha, survived being swallowed

"I know. I aided him in his escape. I now know my error."

"Well, he started thinking about how physical harm to a person sitting in a Pulse transmision system would harm them on the net, and vice versa, and started experimenting, to try to completely seperate a person from their body onto the net."

"I see."

"I was one of the first guinea pigs. He copied me onto the net succesfully, but in the final stages, something went wrong. Or right."

"You were copied onto the net, along with the other copy. But where is the third?"

"Well. what happened was that the normal me was stuck onn the net, because the pulse transmision system I was hooked up to over loaded, which also caused the copy of me to split into two. one side good, the other side evil."

"That must be why I felt the splitting in the line..."

"The splitting? What's that?"

"Nothing that humans can be told." Bass said, with a look that screamed tomes of synonyms for Don't ask questions, or I will hurt you. "so now that evil one wants to kill you, and your brother."

"Not exactly. He wants to kill my brother, who is now Modman, and take my body. Unfortunatly, he has to get me to consent to that. meaning he had to lock me in this game, as well as my friends so they couldn't rescue me, untill he figured out a way to do it without my consent."

"I see. So why kidnap Gregor?"

"Once he has my body, though, He will want to try to conquer the world. Well, now that you warned me, I guess you can leave the game."

"Not exactly. I have vowed to help you. Tell me how."

"Well, and I know that this is not a good idea, I could help you get into the real world."

"Though a Dimensional area? Already tried."

"No. I have a... friend... who can take you with him out of the net."


"Yes. But do not absorb him."


"Go to this IP adress, and you should be able to find someone called Evil."

"Affirmative." Bass hovered backwards two feet and dissapeared.

0 0 0

"So, when do you think that we should level them up?" Anthony said, sitting at the table staring at the four PETs.

"When we are ready to have them leave. Nick said to give him a symbol, and I guess this one is as good as ever."

"Yeah. I'm glad that we were able to talk the techs on the net into slowing down gametime."


"Sorcerer, what are you doing to the screen?" what seemed to be a dark whirlpool was forming, starting at the edges of the screen and moving inwards.

"Nothing, why?" He responded

"Jack out, now!" Anthony said, backing away from the computer. once the entire screen had filled with darkness, it suddenly dissapeared. Then it reappeared, in front of the screen, this time forming from a single point and growing larger untill it took a form. It seemed to be made completely out of nothing but darkness solidified, with no apparent legs, and two arms, as well as a head with two eyes which shone white with a menacing glare.

"Who are you? I was trying to find Nick. I'm Evil."

"Good! I need you. Nick's captured. His twin has him." Anthony said hurredly.

"Okay... Anyboo, what can I do you for. Or do for you." Evil said.

"Nick said that you could help me break him out."

"Break him out of what. Do I need to call the Goon Platoon? If so, give me a few. Wheels still hasn't gotten his new wheelchair."

"No, what happened was..." Anthony quickly filled him in.

"So we need to break in, and break out." Evil said.

"Yes. I believe I can help." Bass said, appearing out of a portal onto Nick's computer screen. "I just need to be brought out there."

"Ah, so Nick finally realized I can materialize objects?"


"Okay. just grab my hand." Evil said, sticking his hand into the computer screen, where Bass grabbed on. Evil then took his hand out, with a six inch tall Bass clinging to it.

"What the hell? Why am I so small? Ah! My voice!" Bass said, clamping his hand over his mouth to cover up his high, squeeky voice.

"I had to edit size thingys and stuff to get you out. You should recover soon. I think."

"Oh." Even as Evil was explaining this Bass was growing larger, until finally he stood, about seven feet tall, in all his glory. His aura flickered into existance, starting to burn the ceiling.

"Um, you may want to deactivate that aura. It's destroying the ceiling." Anthony said.

"Hmph. Oh well. Now, How am I supposed to get around without officials trying to destroy me."

"You know, I never thought of that." Sorcerer said.
"Well, fortunatly, I have this." Anthony said, taking out a disk. "It's a disguise program. It'll disguise most of the outrageous things about your person" He said, eyeing Bass's helmet.

"Okay. Give it to me." Bass grabbed the disk, and it seemed to dissolve in his hand. Instantly he shrunk down to only six feet tall, the helmet dissapeared, replaced with black hair with streaks of orange. His cloak remained, as well as his other clothing.

'Hm. I think that'll do. I'm fine with the officials, anyway. Scilab certified." Evil said, with excessive pride.

"That's good. I guess that we're good to go. I just need a ride to that abandoned warehouse."

"Or I can just do this." Evil said, grabbing Anthony's hand, as well as Bass' cloak tail. The last think Anthony felt was a sensation that his intestines and stomach were replaced with writhing worms.

0 0 0

"So, now that I'm sure that the Falcon II is completely frozen, I need your help." Nick had spent the better part of an hour climbing over the ship, prodding and prying various areas trying to get through the frost.

"Finally. What do you want me to do?"

"Well, if you put an electric current through the outer hull of the Falcon, you should turn it into a huge electromagnet, as well as causing it to heat up."

"Oh, well, here goes nothing." Electrolor put two of his batteries on the Falcon, and sent an electrical current into one. When the other one started to spark, he put another battery near it and a current started to flow out of it. After a few minutes, the ice started to melt off the ship.

"I think that's enough" Nick said. Electrolor disconnected his batteries.

"Was that good?"

"Yeah. I don't think my baby took any damage." Nick said, patting the hull and recieving a mild shock.

'Sorry. There may be some residual charge." Electrolor said to Nick, who was nursing his electrified hand.

"You think?" He put his thumb on the keypar that had dropped down, and stepped back as the gangway opened. "Now lets go get my friends."

0 0 0

"So, I'm throughly bored." Sean said, beating Sarge yet again in a hand of Sabbac.

"I hope Nick gets here soon" Holly said. Sean raised an eyebrow.

She's been almost glued to that periscope since she talked to Nick he thought

She's just worried about her friend. He was really the one who kept her in school, after all. Axl replied


She was going to drop out since her foster parents couldn't pay tuition. The next day, they found an envelope in their mailbox containing enough for the tuition for the rest of high school, as well as for the most expensive college in the nation.

Oh. I didn't know Nick would do that.

Well, I admit, I shouldn't know it either, I was just talking to Tex, and we both figured that, since Holly has no clue who did it, and since Nick really, really likes her, we both guessed that it would be him that would do something like that. We havent told Holly, though.

"Oh, good" Sean said aloud, not realizing it untill Sarge spoke up.

"You just lost. Why would that be a good thing?"

"Oh. Nothing."

"Man! Nick is taking forever!" Holly said, stomping her foot. "I wanna meet more Star Wars people!"

You know, you shouldn't be so mad at Nick. I'm not, and he... well, let me just say, it wasn't very nice at all.

Really? How long have you known Nick?"

'Bout two or three years, maybe a little bit more. We've had some fun times. Like this one time, wait a sec... Um, Holly, you may want to let Sean know he's been 'tagged'


Here, I'l do it. "Hey, Sean!" Sean knew it was Tex because there was a slight tone of care-free cockiness added to it.


"You've been tagged"

"That doesn't sound good. Unless it's sexual. Is it sexual?"

"No, it means that someone has put a price on your head. Now, I could protect you, but it'll cost you."

"What? I don't have any money."

"How about you owe me a favor."

"Like what?"

"Well, anything I want at the time. Some job needs to get done, anything."



"What about gay stuff?"

"I doubt th-"

"No gay stuff."


"Great. Hey! I think Nick's here." Sean said, noticing a blip on a radar screen that he had hooked up to the holoprojector.

"Lemme see!" Holly said, rushing over to the periscope and looking thorugh it. "Yup! It's him!"

0 0 0

"Okay. Now that you have the lasers set right" Nick said, adding "I hope" under his breath "You need to fire them and hold down the trigger so that you can expand the hole."

"Got it." An explosion rocked the ship. "I'm guessing now would be a bad time to ask where the trigger was exactly?"

"Yup." Nick angled the ship so that he could now see the damage done. The missle that Electrolor had fired had turned the hole into a 8 shape, but without the connection through the middle. "I think I can make do with this." Saying that, he turned the sublight engines back on, and did a backflip into the hole, only managing to pull up and land effectively just in time.

"Great landing." Electrolor's voice crackled over the comm.

"Just up." Nick said, peeling himself off the ceiling.

"Nick! You're here!" Holly yelled over the comm.

"Yup. Now, I have an extra heatsuit, so I can let you come over one at a time."


0 0 0

"Never do that again." Anthony said, crouched over the remains of his lunch, trying not to vomit.

"Well, sorry! You needed to get here fast, and here we are." Evil said. True to his word, they were in a clump of trees outside Nikolai's hideout.

"Well, there are a few guards around the building," Bass said, jogging up. He was about three feet away when he tripped, falling facefirst into a pile of dirt.

"I'm hoping that that didn't happen near them." Anthony said,

"I hate walking. But they did not see me. I was very stealthy."

"Uh huh. So, is my part done?" Evil said, "I need to work on my new hat laser."

"Yeah, go ahead and take off." Anthony said, checking the pistol clipped to his belt.

"How is it that you can get a firearm?" Bass said. He was well aquainted with human laws, having spent time in the JudgeTree computer system to draw power from it.

"Nick built it. It fires darts." Anthony said, taking two magazines out of his trenchcoat pockets. "The pink ones hold a mild sedative, which will knock a person out for a few hours, and the red ones explode."

"Why the red ones?"

"Because Nick suspected that his twin would employ navis to guard his base, and these will, if they hit near the chest or head, destroy a copybot."

"Hm.. That's good. Now, hurry up. I want to keep a survailance on the back entry."

0 0 0

"Oh, my god. It is so good to be in a ship again." Sean said, walking up the gangplank.

"Nick! You're alive!" Holly said, throwing herself around Nick's neck.

"Y-y-yeah. Great to see you t-to" Nick stuttered.

You have got to get that under controll Modman teased him.

"So now where are we going?"

"Well, I was able to track where the only ship that left the planet after the freezing went," Nick said.

"And where is that?"

"Right here." Nick said, pointing to a holographic map.

"But that's right in the middle of PvP system!" Holly said.

"I know. I think that there must be a portal to the new Sith homeworld" Nick said.

"Oh. Soo... why put it there?"

"Because no-one would suspect it to be there." Nick said, "Now, We need to hurry if we are going to exit the game."

0 0 0

"Hey." A dark red navi said to an orange navi. They were standing in front of a closed door, which they were guarding.

"Yeah?" The orange one replied.

"Do you ever wonder why we're here?"

"Yeah. Are we here for some reason, put here by a god who knows the future, or are we just the product of some cosmic coincedince? I don't now, man. It keeps me up at night"
"Um, I was just asking if you knew why we were guarding this door. I mean, it's in the middle of the swamp, on a very small volcano, and it a back door, anyways"


"Besides, what was all that about God?"


"You want to talk about it?"


0 0 0

"What are they doing?" Anthony asked Bass. Bass had superior eyesight, and was watching the two guards assigned to guard the back door.

"They're just standing there, talking. Just like you asked five minutes ago, and just like when you ask five minuted from now. Now stop bugging me, and let me be!" Bass snapped.

"Oh... What are they talking about?"

"You know, I really hate you. I mean, I really, really hate you."

"Now what are they doing?"


"So how are we going to get past them?"

"Well, I'm going to deactivate the disguise program, and sneak up and kill them silently."

"Hm... first, let me get Evil again." Anthony said, getting out his cell phone. "... Hello? Yes, I was wondering if Evil is there... Yes, it isn't related to world domination or the destruction of webseries... No, this is not a prank call... Hey, Evil, I need you to come back and help Bass and I... Okay, see you in a few."

"Um, Anthony..." Bass started.

"What's up, guys" Evil said, popping into existance a few feet away.

"Nothing really. I just want you in case I need to get Bass back into a computer."


"What Bass?"

"Well, there are now about two dozen different guys out there." Bass said, pointing. About six had joined the two in front, with the rest in various balconies around the back of the base. All of them were either red or blue, armed with various machine guns.

"Aw, not those guys." Anthony said.

"Hey, blues! We're going to guard this balcony better than you guys!" someone shouted.

"Oh yeah, well your part doesn't even have a ceiling! What are you going to do, guard it from birds?"

"Oh yeah? You suck"

"No you suck"

"You suck"

"We suck... wait. You suck."

"You suck."

"Hm... I think I can take a few of those people out." Bass said, deactivating the disguise program. He then hovere a few feet above the ground, and then dissapeared.

0 0 0

"So, did you see the game last night?" A red said to a blue, who were both looking over a balcony.

"Yeah. Go blue."

"Screw that. Blue sucks." Neither noticed Bass sneaking up behind another blue, and hitting him in the back of the head.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL! THAT WAS MY HEAD! WHY WOULD YOU HIT ME THERE!" The attacked blue said, collapsing to the ground, while Bass continued to beat him. "NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!"

"so... what do you think about the new employer?" the blue asked the red.

"I like him. Then again, he does favor us reds."

"Bullshit! He gave me extra ammo rations."

"Yeah, that way you have a greater chance of actually hitting something."

0 0 0

"Oh my god." Anthony said, listening to the echoing screams of the guy Bass was trying to kill, "They can't hear that?"

"Hey, I think I heard something" echoed a voice.

"They're like, two hundred yards away! How can they hear that!?" as Anthony said that, a rifle shot kicked up some dirt nearby.

"Oh, great." he looked at Evil, and motioned for them to move a distance away.

0 0 0

"-OWWW... oh, wait... huurk-blagh..." the blue said, finally dieing.

"Well, that was interesting." Bass muttered to himself as he stepped forward, his foot crunching a twig.

"Huh?" just about every grunt said, turning to look at him.

"Oh, now you notice me." Bass said, activating both of his busters, and starting to methodically destroying them.

0 0 0

"You know, I really kind of expected this to happen." Anthony said to Evil as an explosion on one of the balconies blew a grunt right in front of them, leaving a shattered copybot.

"Well, it could've been worse."

"Yeah. Nick has got to have it better, though."

0 0 0

"Ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap" Nick said, putting the Falcon into a third barrel roll, just barely dodgeing another missle.

"I thought you had foolproof cloaking systems!" Sean yelled, clinging to the armrests of the copilot's seat. They had made it about halfway to the planet in the PvP system when a stray shot clipped the Falcon, causing the cloaking system to short out, as well as the friend-or-foe broadcaster, causeing both sides to attack them. Electrolor had grudgeingly deactivated most of his batteries, and was not stored in one of the smuggler's compartments to prevent damage to him. Holly and Sarge were operating the two quad-lasers, leaving Sean and Nick to operate the rest of the weapons system and pilot, respectively.

"I did, but they weren't Murphy-proof." Nick said, tapping a small plate on the control system that read What can go wrong, will go wrong; What can't go wrong will go wrong.

"Oh. Well, how far untill we get to the planet." Sean said as he fired three conccussion missiles into a half destroyed hull of a star destroyer, clearing a way for Nick to fly through. Nick deftly put the ship into a roll upon exiting the derelict, causing two missles locked on to crash into it, splitting it into two, which two TIE fighters ran into.

"Nick, Sarge managed to piece together the stealth systems again. Now we should be able to sneak onto the planet." Holly said over the comm.

"Okay." Nick keyed a switch on the control console. Immediatly, the comm channels were filled with agruments over who killed the guy first. "I guess that worked."

"You bet it did." Sean said, still clinging to the armrests.

"You can let go now."

"I can't. My hands cramped like this" Sean said. Nick leaned over and pulled one hand off, and then the other.

"Now, let's go find Dracon." Nick said, kicking in the sublights on 100 and piloting it towards the PvP planet.

0 0 0

"So, are we near where Nick is?" Sorcerer asked Anthony. Anthony had managed to sneak into the base while Bass killed the rest of the guards. He was dashing from room to room, and had only destroyed two guards that had happened to run past him. He stopped in front of a door.

"Downstairs. Please be stairs." he said, opening the door. insead of stairs, it was just a hollow shaft. He could see light coming from the cracks in other doors. "Wow. How deep does the base go?"

"Around thirty floors, more or less. Most of them are empty, and are used merely to confuse any intruders." Sorcerer said. Apparently the base had been used before as a hideout, and there were various blueprints and articles on it.

"Any idea which level Nick will be on?"

"Somewhere near the middle. This is the first of the three above ground leves, so... I'd say start around floor ten.'

"Okay. EVIL!" Anthony shouted down the hall. Evil poked his head out one of the doors.

"What? I was sleeping." He said irritably.

"I need your help. You need to lower me down to the tenth floor."

"Okay." Evil walked over to Anthony, and shifted his shape into a disk, large enough for Anthony to stand on. Once doing this, he went through the door, hovering inside the shaft. "Well, get on!"

"Here goes everything." Anthony said, stepping on. As soon as his did that, Evil caused a small membrane of whatever he was made out of form over Anthony's feet, and rapidly dropped.

"Thank you for flying air Evil. Please keep your hands at your sides, and refrain from screaming." He said gleefully.

"I think I'm going to hurl." Anthony said, waiting for his stomach to remove itself from the roof of his mouth.

"Hurry up! Nick's going to be ready!" Sorcerer prompted.

"So, which room..." Anthony was standing in a very white, very bright hallway with about twenty doors on each side. He walked up to the first one and opened it, and looked into an empty room.

"Nope" Said Evil, doing the same thing on the opposite side of the halway. "Here, let me simplify things." he then proceded to sink to the floor, becoming flush with it. Then, he extended tendrils of darkness under each of the doors. "Okay, there are things in that room, that room, and those two rooms." He said, taking his normal shape and pointing.

"Great." Anthony opened one of the doors.

"What the hell?" Sorcerer said. there were eight cilenders, each about the size of a water heater, pumping out what seemed to be a greyish powder.

"I do believe that those are Nick's 'nanoassemblers'" Anthony said, walking up to one, and touching the dust. It was warm. "I wonder..." He fished around in his pocked and produced a small magnet. Holding it over the dust, some of the particles were attracted to it. "Yup, those are nanobots." Putting the magnet away, he pulled out the dart gun and returned to the door. Then, after putting his shirt collar up to cover his mouth and nose, fired four darts at the first cylinder, which then exploded, leving a scrap of metal and a cloudd of 'dust'. Anthony then shot each of the other cylinders, untill they were all destroyed.

"Anthony, you have three left." Sorcerer reminded him as Anthony reloaded and moved to the next room, only to repeat it, untill moving on to the next one. Opening the door, there was a lone guard watching a control panel. Anthony fired two darts into the back of its head. It exploded. He then fired the darts into seven of the cylinders, before firing one into the last cylinder, and pressing the trigger only to cause a sharp hiss of air.

"Crap" He muttered to himself, fumbling around his trenchcoat for more ammo, coming up empty. "Oh well." He reached into another pocket and withdrew what looked to be a mix between brass knuckles and a knife.

"What's that?" Evil said, looking over his shoulder.

"That would be a world war one trench spike." Bass said, appearing behind them. "A few alarms went off, but we're fine so far. Evil, can you put me back into the net? This place bores me."

"Sure. I better take off too. I don't want to be implicated with any sort of breking and entering that I didn't think of." Evil said, grabbing Bass before teleporting into the control system, which led out to the net after a few links."

"Well, here goes nothing." Anthony said, putting the trench spike on his hand and stabbing the maching towards the top, and then pulling it down, tearing through the machinery, untill he his what seemed to be a tank of oil, which spilled over his arm and dried quickly, turning his hand black.

"Well, that was interesting." He said, halking out ot the door, opening it and peeking outside. there was nobody there, yet.. He walked over to the last door, and opened it. "Holy shit." He said, staring.

0 0 0

"So, what exactly are we supposed to do?" Holly asked, standing in front of at giant metal ring.

"That's a stargate, isn't it?" Sean said to Nick.

"Yeah. I'm guessing that my twin has also created some custom content." Nick said, over by a control panel. He hit a few keys, and instantly the ring was filled with blue light. " it's been set to the last setting, which should allow us to get to Dracon, specifically into Morpha's base. I'll go in first. If I activate my saber, come on through." He pulled out his lightsaber and "space age shotgun" and stepped through the gate, untill it was only his left arm, which was holding the saber. He activated it. Sean looked at Sarge and Holly.

"All together?" He asked, offering a hand. Holly took it, and grabbed Sarge's hand.

"Yeah." They stepped through, and Sean immediatly regretted eating lunch, because stepping through a stargate was liek riding a roaller coaster at mach five.

"Why didn't you warn us!" Sean shouted into his half digested lunch. Holly was on the ground dry heaving, while Sarge didn't seemed to be affected at all.

"Well, if I warned you it would've been worse."

"Worse?" Sean said disvbelieveingly

"Yeah. It wouldn't have been funny for me." Nick said, grinning.

"Well Sarrge-"

"I think I'm going to stop standing now." Sarge said, passing out.

"Never mind." Sean sighed, finally able to stand up again without being sick. Nick walked over to Sarge and cracked some smelling salts under his nose.

"Smells like momma's pancakes.." Sarge murmered before fully waking up.

"So, I'm getting a reading that our login point is close to here." Nick said, walking over to the door. As he neared it, a bright white light shone up from under him, obscuring him from view.

"NICK!" Holly yelled, running forward, only to be engulfed in a similar light. Sean and Sarge were also engulfed

"It's okay.. I think that Anthony is leveling our characters up!" Nick said, as the light faded away. He looked vaugely stronger.

"Wow... I can feel so much more.." Holly said.

"Um, Holly, you're floating." Sean said. She was, in fact, floating several inches off the floor.

"Sorry" she said, focusing on the force to stop levitating. "Nick's gotten bettter all around, I've got better force sense, Sarge is stronger, what did you get?"

"Sean is a Chiss, so I'm guessing that right now you are feeling vastly intelligent?" Nick asked him.

"Yes, I do feel generally more intelligent. I also seem to be able to do arithmatic in my head with rediculously large numbers."

"Really? What's 2,544 times 3,453?" Sarge asked, looking at his now massive arm muscles.

"7,435,324." Sean said confidently.

"Is that true?" Nick asked.

"Yes." Sean replied.

"Well, I guess we better go." Nick drew his lightsaber and walked over to the doorr keypad. He typed in a few commands, and opened the door. When they walked through, they found that they were in a large room, about the size of a football field, that seemed to be a throne room, with the throne at their end. As Nick walked into the room, several grey aliens seemingly appeared out of nowhere. They were very short, and were holding weapons.

"Noghri, please do not feel threatened by us. I bear the blessing of Lady Vader. We come here not to conquer, merely to have a word with your master." Nick said, using a very small amount of the force to make his voice seem more powerful.

"You bear the blessing of Lady Vader? We do not believe you. You are a Jedi, as well as your friend" One of the Noghri said, stepping foreward. "Although you do have one of Grand Master Thrawn's blood. What is you true buisness."

"I am here, not on the orders of the Jedi council, to destroy your master, and emancipate you." Nick said, choosing his words carefully.

"Why would you do that?"

Modman, when I say so, cancel Full Synchro. "He has cursed me in the ways of the force, so that I am two people, fused into one." Nick said. He then glowed with a green light, as he appeared as his human self, with Modman controlling his character.

"So you must kill him to be able to free yourself?" One of the Noghri asked. Sean had a hard time telling them apart, since they all looked very similar.

"Yes. Do you know where he is?" Nick asked

"He has gone to the Great Reality." One of the Noghri said, pointing to the throne.

"Of course... the throne is a logout point." Nick muttered to himself. "Guys, we have to follow him. All you have to do is sit on the throne." One by one, the others walked over to the throne, sat down on it, and vanished. Nick then turned to the Noghri, activating hit interdeimentional pocket and pulling out three knifes, all made from a translucent green stone. "These knifes are made from force crystal. If your master returns, these will cause his power to dissapate, if he is touching one."

"We thank you. What is your name?"

"Nick Amend."

"We thank you, Ilustrious Amend, and will be in your service forever more. Now go, for there are people coming." The lead Noghri said, stepping forwars and taking the knives, kneeling.

"I will do my best to free your bretherin from the bonds of the Sith." Nick said, stepping up to the throne. Look out, twin, here I come.

0 0 0

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Well, sorry for the delay, once again. I kinda went "crazy" for a while, according to my parents. so I spent some time in an institute, untill I finally got released. Now I'm back writing, and i'd like to say, i wasn't crazy from the start. Please Read and Review!