I know that Jack doesn't have a sister, but I have had this idea in my head ever since I got the movie on DVD.

Chapter One: Homecoming

Once again, in the week that she had been on the ship from France, she pulled out her brother's letter and read it for the hundredth time.

Dear Sam,

If you can escape the boarding school you have told me about and barter a passage to England, I would be most ecstatic. I have missed you in the ten years that you have been gone and probably won't even recognize you. If you are able to come home, do not write, just come. If I do not meet you at the docks, I will probably be at sea. I will have one of my most trusted men or Sophie find you and take you to my home. As I said, I have missed very much and can not wait until you come home.

Your Loving Brother,


Sam folded the letter and put it in her pocket. She had gotten a passage back to England and was as eager to see her older brother as he was to see her. She had missed him also. Their evil aunt had forced her to go to France with her ten years before. Then she went to a boarding school to be trained to be a lady of society and a good wife. But luck was on her side and no one had ever called. Not once. It angered her aunt and highly amused her. Sam refused to wear dresses or do anything required of the ladies in France. She despised them. Deeply.

Returning to England is for the best. Sam knew that.

She knew Jack had been promoted to Captain and he had his own ship. The H.M.S Surprise. His child hood friend was his first lieutenant. Tom Pullings. She couldn't wait to see him either. Not that they would recognize each other.

She heard a man shout, "La terre A Aperçu! Nous sommes presque au port!" A close English translation meant, "Land noticed! We are nearly to the harbor!" The men and the ship were French but they were greatly opposed of Napoleon. Which Sam also found amusing.

As she watched the England shore come into sight from her vantage point, Sam felt too many feelings at once. Nervousness and eagerness to name two. Also uncertainty.

Looking out to sea, in attempt to calm her nerves, Sam saw another ship heading for port. It was a man of war. Looking closer she just barely made out the name of the ship. "Surprise." There was another ship behind the Surprise. Sam got a look at it's name too. It was French. "Acheron." Sam smiled. She remembered Jack's letter before the last. He had said he was going try and catch the Acheron. Apparently he had.

A happy and eager felling filled her as the ships came closer together and she saw a man with golden hair, so like her own, tied in a tight tail at the base of his neck, standing at the front of the Surprise. He was wearing a Captain's uniform. It was Jack. Her beloved brother. He glanced her way but didn't wave or show any sign of recognition. That's to be expected, Sam thought to herself.


Twenty minutes later, the ship Sam was on made the port first. She grabbed her small bag of belongings and got off the ship and waited for Jack's ship to come. The Acheron made it before the Surprise. She watched the men get off both ships, some greeting the others. Then the officers got off. Then the captains. The Captain coming off the Acheron caught her attention. He was tall, long brown hair tied into a neat ponytail at the base of his neck, bright blue eyes. The one thing that caught her attention most was a scar the ran from above his right eye, across his nose and ending in a 'v' shape on his left cheek. Attractive, thought Sam. She watched as he greeted Jack. They seemed best friends.

Walking over, she thought about what she would say to Jack. Luckily, he spoke first.

"What can I do for you miss?"

"I am looking for Captain Jack Aubrey. I'm his sister."

Jack took one look at her and grabbed her in a huge bear hug. "God, Sam. I've missed you so much!"

Hugging him back, Sam said, "I've missed you too Jack."

Breaking their embrace, Jack turned to the other captain. "Sam, this is Captain Tom Pullings."

There was no way that it was Tom. It just…couldn't be. But…it was. "Samantha Aubrey. Last time I saw you, you hated my guts."

"Uh, yeah. So I did." That was all she could manage to say.

"I hope that now we can be friends." He put out his hand. "Truce?"

She took his hand and shook it. She whispered, looking into his blue eyes, "Truce."

Jack looked at his sister and friend, not catching the silent connection already growing between the two. "Let's grab something to eat, shall we? We all have much to talk about and catch up on."

"That we do, Jack. That we do."

The three some walked away from the ships and headed for town, already talking about things from the past ten years. Two wondering what the other was thinking about them. The third wondering what was going to happen between the new captain and his little sister.

Sam and Jack were now the happiest they had been in forever.

Okay, not the best but please R&R! This is my first Master and Commander fic. Tell me what you think! Please… no flaming! Constructive and nice reviews only!