A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for it taking me so long to update this, there is really no excuse, but I won't let it happen again I promise, and this time I mean it

A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for it taking me so long to update this, there is really no excuse, but I won't let it happen again I promise, and this time I mean it. I've had severe writer's block and a ton of school work, but here it is and I hope you enjoy it, and I'll have another update out soon. I hope people are still reading this story.

PS This is dedicated to everyone who reviewed this story, and everyone that still checks to see if I have updated it. You guys are the best.

Chapter 12-

Hyde walked out of the elevator and back into Jackie's room. He found Jackie still sleeping in the bed and Donna and Kitty sitting beside her in pink plastic chairs.

"Steven, we were starting to get worried about you." Kitty said.

"Yeah, Hyde are you ok?" Donna asked.

"I'm good." Hyde said with his Zen firmly intact.

"Steven, Red and I are going to take the kids home. Do you want to come with us?"

"I'm gonna stay here with Jackie tonight, Mrs. Forman."

"Okay sweetheart. I'll go get you some pillows and blankets."

Hyde nodded his head at her, sending her a silent thank you. Donna came up to him and opened her mouth to say something, but no words would come out. Instead she opted to just give him a hug, and told him goodbye. As Donna walked out the door Eric came in the room.

"How you doing buddy?" Eric asked him.

"How do you think I'm doing Foreplay?"

Eric knew Hyde would still be upset, but the use of his hated nickname made him smile.

"So we all went to the nursery and saw Dylan. He's great man, he looks just like you, he's got your fro and everything."

Hyde smiled at that. "I'm gonna have to get him so baby sunglasses so he can be the coolest kid in the sandbox."

Eric laughed again, happy to see his almost-brother seemed to be in a better mood. "Yeah he look great, we could probably find him a Zeppelin shirt to wear too."

"He would definitely be my kid then, and Jackie would hate it." He told Eric smirking.

"Has uh, has uh Jackie seen Dylan yet?"

"No we're going to go see him tomorrow after the doctor comes and looks over Jackie."

"Okay. Are you sure you don't want to come home?"

"I can't live Jackie here all by herself man."

"I understand. We're going to come back in the morning do you want us to bring you or Jackie any breakfast?"

"Sure that'd be great."

"Well I'll see you tomorrow man." Eric turned to leave but he changed his mind and pulled Hyde into a hug.

"Foreman what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm giving my brother a hug, he needs love and comfort right now." Eric said in his most sarcastic voice.

Hyde managed to get Eric's arms from around him and pushed him away. "You tell anyone about this and I'll kick your ass."

"I love you too Hyde." Eric replied a smile on his face.

Eric left the room, as Kitty came back in carrying some blankets and pillows. "Here you go Steven, this should do for now. I'll bring you and Jackie some food in the morning, ok?"

"Sounds good Mrs. Foreman. I'll see you tomorrow."

Kitty gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Good night son."

Hyde gave her a smile and sat down in one of the chairs with a pillow. He thought about it for a second and got up and laid down in the bed with Jackie. He pulled her close to him and smelled her hair. His eyes began fluttering and he heard familiar lyrics in the background.

Hey you know it's gonna be alright. You know it's gonna be alright.

Well that's gotta be a good sign right? Hyde thought to himself.

He shrugged his shoulders and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Hyde woke up slightly confused.

How much of the stash did I have last night?

The more awake he got the more the memories of the passing day became. Jackie, hospital, early Dylan, Jackie!

Hyde quickly woke up Jackie to make sure that she was still ok.

"Jackie baby are you ok?"

"Uh Steven. Why are you waking me up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I'm fine Steven, go back to bed."

"I'm not tired, I'm just going to go and see if I can find the doctor and if we can see our baby."

"Oh, my baby. Go find her now!" Jackie ordered.

"Ok doll," Hyde said with a chuckle.

Hyde went into the bathroom, and splashed some water on his face, and then went in search of the doctor. He walked through the halls, until he came to the nursery. He was surprised to see so many babies in there.

I guess a lot of people had babies this week.

He glanced around the room, but stopped himself. He was determined not to see his baby until he and Jackie could see him together. He took one more glance through the window and walked away. After about 20 more minutes of walking down the halls he finally ran into the doctor.

"Hey doc. Um, Jackie's up and we were really hoping we could see Dylan."

"Ok well let me go check on Jackie, and then I'll take you two to see your son."

The doctor and the teen walked down the hallways silently. When they got to Jackie's room, Jackie surprised them by having taken a shower and was dressed in sweat pants and one of Hyde's shirts.

"Good morning Jackie, I see you're doing well."

"Yeah, I feel ok. Can I go see my baby now?"

"Sure follow me."

The young couple followed the doctor to the nursery and saw their boy in an incubator. Jackie gasped.

"Is he ok?"

"He's doing really well actually. His lungs are getting stronger, and his fever is gone completely. We're keeping a watch on him. I can't officially say this, but I think he's going to be fine."

Hyde and Jackie both smiled at that. Jackie stuck her hand to the glass.

"Hi Dylan, I'm your Mommy, and this is your Daddy. You scared us, don't ever do that again."

Hyde smiled at Jackie's words, and put his hand next to Jackie's.

"Look at him Steven, we did it. We have a son."

"Yeah, it's pretty incredible."

"He looks just like you, especially with his afro."

"That's what Forman said too."

"It's true." Jackie smile again. "That's our little boy."

A/N: So I know that this is a weird place to leave it, but I like where it ended so please leave a review, and I will update soon. Thanks for reading.