Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender

Prince Zuko: Shanghaied

Chapter 1


It was dark outside as two agents of the Dai Li crouched in the shadows watching the house of Zuko and Iroh.

"Sir" Lieutenant Shin asked, as he and his commanding officer peered through a window of a smaller style house in the poorer section of Ba Sing Se. "What are we doing again?"

"Quiet Shin," Captain Kwan hissed "You know our orders"

Shin nodded "Capture the refugee called 'Lee', I just don't understand why"

"That's not our business, all I know is get the kid and report to the Dai Li"

Lieutenant Shin had nothing else to say, orders were orders especially when serving in Ba Sing Se. They could see the two men within the building. Lee was one of them, he was tall and thin.

He looked as if he had a hard life Shin thought, immediately feeling a little sorry for the boy. He also noted that the young man had a huge red scar on one side of his face.

Lee's uncle, whose name was Mushi, Shin knew worked in the best tea shop in town. At this moment Mushi was sipping on some tea and appeared to be talking to his nephew. They were having an argument about something.

Man, I wish I could read lips Shin thought, as they continued to watch, waiting for the right time to carry out their orders.


"Uncle," Zuko said irritated "don't you ever get sick of that stuff?"

Iroh looked down at the cup of hot tea he held in his hand. "How can you get sick of tea!"

"We work in a tea shop all day" Zuko replied angrily " I would think an old man like you would tire easily of these things!"

Iroh looked down at the tea he held in his hands, momentarily taken back by his nephew's comment. He knew Zuko did not mean that, ever since his "date" the other night Zuko had been acting angry and frustrated. Even more so than usual.

"Zuko," Iroh started, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing" Zuko replied, turning away.

"Didn't you enjoy your date with your lady friend?" His Uncle asked.

"Yes, it was fine" he replied trying to avoid any other questions.

"Then what's the problem?!"

"Uncle, you might not get tired of tea or anything else in this jail of a city," Zuko said, then lowered his voice "but we don't belong here, I am heir to the throne of the Fire Nation and that is my rightful place. Going out the other night made me realize that."

"But your father disowned and banished you," Iroh said " it's not your rightful place now"

"Even so" Zuko said " I plan on taking my rightful place on the throne one way or another and no one is going to stop me. Just because you lost your seat on the throne to your younger brother it doesn't mean I will sit here and let Azula take mine."

"Are you crazy, how do you plan on doing that!?" Iroh asked.

"I don't know Uncle, but I need to get out of this mud hole. I want a way to earn back my father's respect, even if I failed at capturing the Avatar."

"Zuko, we talked about this," Iroh said shaking his head. "capturing the Avatar may not restore your honor, now I'm not even sure capturing him before could have done that."

The banished Prince ignored his Uncle's comment. "I'm going to bed, good night Uncle"

"Good night Prince Zuko" Iroh called after his nephew as Zuko slid his doors shut.

When the doors shut, Zuko laid down on his mat. Looking up at the ceiling he slowly drifted off to sleep. He dreamed of his mother and the night she left for the final time. He had never seen her since but he never forgot what she told him. 'never forget who you are' and he hadn't. He was Prince Zuko heir to the throne of the Fire Nation.

Then he was back on his ship, the night Zhao's goons almost blew him to kingdom come. He still remembered that day, it was the day of his ultimate down fall. The day of his scaring was what started it all.

He was laying in his bed when he heard a bang. No, wait he could still hear something. Zuko opened one of his eyes, living on the run had taught him to 'sleep with one eye open' so to speak. There was someone in the room. Zuko got up, naturally getting into his fire bending stance.

The banished prince could still hear or see no one. Then some one grabbed him, their stone gloved hand coved Zuko's mouth and nose while the other started to pull him back. He slammed his elbow backwards only catching air.

What?! he thought before slowly drifting unconscious from lack of air.

When Zuko awoke he found that he was in a relatively dark room with a faint green glow of the fire in the back of the room. There were also three figures, one sitting in the center on a cushion and the other two standing to his side.

"I am Long Feng, Grand Secretariat to Ba Sing Se and head of the Dai Li." The one in the center said. " I trust your stay in Ba Sing Se is enjoyable one."

Zuko didn't answer. He tried to move his arms, but his wrists were cuffed together with some kind of rock. Do they know I'm a fire bender? Zuko thought. Where's Uncle?.

Long Feng continued. "Lee is it?" Zuko did not answer again. "It seems that we have a problem, you pose a threat to the well-being of the citizens of Ba Sing Se."

"What do you mean?!" Zuko asked. "I did not start that fight, Jet was just a crazed kid who didn't know what he was talking about."

"Yes, yes I am well aware of that incident and your friend Jet was taken care of accordingly," Long Feng said, waving that off. "This is a far different matter. I value the well being of Ba Sing Se and the everlasting war poses a threat at upsetting the peaceful nature of the city and you Lee, are a reminder of that nightmare that takes place out side the safety of the walls."

"How do I remind you of the war." Zuko asked confused.

"Let me be frank, Lee, it's your scar," Long Feng said casually then he asked. "how did you get it?"

"Kitchen accident" was Zuko's immediate answer.

Long Feng smiled "I don't think so, you are more than just a tea server," he paused. "You got that scar from a Fire Bender and judging from your little duel the other night you are quite the warrior and I plan on putting you back where all warriors belong. In a war."

"I am no soldier" Zuko snarled.

"You misunderstand you don't have a choice." Long Feng said.

After that Zuko felt a hard crack on the top of his head before his eyes were filled with darkness.


Qwan and Shin stood holding the unconscious young man.

"Sir" Shin asked. "all this over a scar?"

"We must take extra precautions with the Avatar in the city," Long Feng replied calmly. " Our friend Lee is a visual reminder of the war, if news of the war spreads it will cause unrest and Ba Sing Se will be thrown into a state of panic. I must retain the cultural heritage of the city at all costs. Take him and make sure he is put on the front lines."

Shin still didn't understand, but he did as he was told. With that Zuko was carried out of the building and put on the next ship out of the city.