

"Put the gun down," Sam yelled.

"Yeah, please. Listen to Sammy," Dean raised his arms. He did not want to have a gun to his head again.

"Not until he explains what the hell happened back their. Human beings are not supposed to move that fast, ever." John lifted the colt up, steady and easy, ready to fire at any moment.

"OK, Ok, just put it down," Dean said. The colt went down, very slowly. "Let's get out of here before White and the others get back. I can explain in the car, alright?" He said.

The three went to the car, not even looking out for White's henchmen. The father and son's eyes were only on Dean's back. Dean was ahead of them, walking towards his beloved car. He hoped that if they did decide to kick them out of their family, the least they could do was give him the car. He loved that thing more than anything.

Once inside, they drove off. Sam was at the wheal, for once, with Dean sitting in the passenger's side. John was in the back, watching Dean like a predator that watches their pray. "Explain," John said.

"I'm a genetically enhanced killing machine," Dean replied. He hoped that they were driving in the general direction of Seattle. Although they were in California at the time, they should be able to get their in a few days if they hurried, he hoped.

"Enhanced in what way?" Sam asked.

"Bone density, senses, speed, and other things that I don't know about," He replied. "Look, I really need to get to Seattle."

"How Human are you?" John asked, really hoping that the number was 100

"About 97-98" Dean replied. He did not glance back, not wanting to see his father's reaction. It would be bad enough when they found out that the rest was animal DNA.

"What's the rest then?" Sam asked.

"Animal and other genetic tweaking," Dean said. Bomb's away.

"Which animal," John asked. Dean was surprised that his Dad was taking things so well. Better then a gun to his head but still, anything was possible. This last day was just full of surprises. He just didn't want Terminal City to be surprised when White showed up so he had to keep the explanations to a minimum.

"Cat, Black Leopard to be exact," Dean said.

"Here, kitty, kitty," Sam was abruptly socked in the arm as soon as the words left his mouth. Dean had a scowl on his face as if he has never heard that phrase used before.

"Watch it," John told his boys. Some things are never going to change.

"You see, Manticore, the place that made me, is not exactly the nicest place in the world, so you really can't blame me for wanting to get out and into the real world. Although back then I hated the outside world. So diseased, the lot f ya."

"Hey," from Sam.

"The truth. So anyway, Manticore, bad place. Platoon escapes, yada, yada and then the transgenics turn on their creators. Fire happens and now we are on the outside, trying to live and survive in this world just like everybody else."

"So you're not out to kill us all," Sam asked.

"Would I've helped you if I was?" Dean said. "I like you guys, that's why I stuck around."

"Interesting story. Anything else you want to add," John said.


"Sam, start driving towards Seattle. Once we have this settled, I want to see what you can really do."

"That's it? You trust me?" Dean was skeptic. This was definitely not like John.

"You haven't given me any cause as to why I shouldn't trust you. As long as that is true you are the son I have raised." John was skeptic and he was sure that he could find out more information in Seattle. He just had to be patient and see where this lead. It could help find the daemon.