It's been so very long since I've touched this story. I have a bit of free time though, so I might start picking it back up again. Anyways... This is a chapter I wrote back in 8th grade. xD I'm in 10th now. So I promise that any chapters farther than this will be written better and have more... substance. :D

Anyway, enjoy the last "original" chapter. Original as in, "I wrote this when I was 13 years old and sucked" to current style "I'm 15, know better, know more about Naruto and actually understand the concept of grammar." So yah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto because I am not Masashi Kishimoto.


"See! I told you I didn't kill him!" yelled the annoying pink haired ninja.

The eyes of the audience drifted towards the fighting kunoichi.

"Okay, okay… I believe you Sakura," replied the blonde.

"It's called ACTING, Ino… Pig!" Sakura said spastically.

"Narr! Back off Bill Board Brow!" Ino shot back.

"CHA!" yelled the abnormally large- foreheaded ninja, as she lunged towards Ino.

"Sakura! You perverted old man!" shouted Ino, kicking Sakura off of her.

"Eww! Ino! You sikko! Don't take it like that, it's just that YOU are stupid, and YOU are dumb, and YOU are… are… STUPID!"

"Eh? You said stupid twice, stupid,"

"Damn it Ino…"

"Whoa, Sakura, language! Language!"

If you are at all interested in the audience, they were just watching the two of them fight because, well, they were quite entertaining, and even though alot of them disliked either Sakura or Ino, it was quite entertaining to them to see their least favorite character bicker unstoppably.

Finally, the two kunoichi noticed that they were being watched. It took them awhile, but they found out.

"Umm… Hi," started Sakura, flushing a bright red.

"Yeah… h- how long h- have you p- people been s-standing there?" Ino stuttered.

"A couple hours," replied an audience member, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Oh… Hey! We haven't even been here that long!" realized Sakura.

"Well… you peoples are actually the 6th act to come here. I mean, of course this may be called 'Sasuke's Poetry Club' but…" explained an audience member.

"Sasuke-kun?" said the two girls together.

"Umm… yeah, Anko-sama came and took him to jail or something along those lines…" said a Hater.

"To the Konoha Jail House!" shouted Ino.

"To the Konoha Jail House!" repeated Sakura.

"Hope your huge forehead doesn't slow you down, Sakura!"

"Doubted, Ino Pig!"

"I'm coming to save you, Saskuke-kun!" Ino yelled.

"No! Me, Sasuke-kun!" Sakura repeated.



And then… the two of them ran out the door, as if racing each other to the Jail House.

"What... is going on here...?"


Haha! Hope you enjoyed that 8th grade quality story. It'll be better in the long run... So I'll get some ideas down.
