
The Beginning

The mission had been simple. Go to Suna, find info, rescue Gaara, and come home. Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, a three man team that covered all angles. A scout, a medic, and a fighter. Of course, there would be a few Jounin with them, but what did it matter? It's an A-class mission! Who cares! Well… they should have cared more.

A mangled body, a ripped up cloak and a pile of splinters were all that's left of the two Akatsuki members that abducted Gaara. The tree man Genin team was not faring well. Even before they realized that their Jounin backup failed to arrive, they knew it was almost impossible to fight these S-classed Missing-nin.

Of the three, Sakura was the least wounded. Some bruises, some minor cuts, and a sprained wrist were the extent of her injuries. She faired much better than her team mates.

Naruto was covered in burns from the clay explosives. Both of his eyes had been sliced out by the scorpion tail of the puppet user, leaving a scar from one side of his face, across his eye socket, over the bridge of his nose, and all the way through his other eye. In the pain after that action, he unleashed a Rasengan on the puppet's exposed underbelly, drilling all the way through to the controller inside. However, the damage was done. There was no way he would be able to see again, seeing as his eyes were no where to be found, leaving the exposed sockets to sting in the dust. Amazingly, he was not only still alive, but conscious.

But, the part that scared Sakura the most was Hinata. Her right arm and left knee were both blown off, from the shoulder and knee down, respectively. It didn't help her image much that half of her intestines were pulverized and the other half was hanging out of her belly and soaking in the light dust that made up the floor. Yet, it still amazed Sakura that she was still alive, albeit barely, and was still conscious.

Sakura was frantically trying to close and cauterize Hinata's wounds, but to no avail.


"Hinata, don't speak. You'll be fine, just hold on…" The panic in Sakura's voice, despite her training with Tsunade, was painfully obvious.

"I know… I'm… dying. How… is… N…Naruto-…Kun?"

"He… he'll be blind for life, but he'll live. Please, don't talk I'll pull you through this!"

"Sakura!" it was barely a whisper, yet Hinata put so much force behind it that Sakura stopped instantly.

"Take…Take my… Eyes… I w…won't ne…need them." She paused, grimacing in pain, before relaxing slightly.

"Strange…I cant…feel…anything…."

"No! Hold on, Hinata!"

"Sakura… Tell Naruto-kun…that…I…….him…"

Hinata's heart finally stopped beating and the blank white eyes that managed to be so expressive dulled.

With a sob, Sakura performed her friend's last wish. Just as she finished sealing up the last of Naruto's wounds, she fell back from chakra exhaustion… crying tears for her lost friend… the first she had ever seen die…

'Why? Why does it have to be this way! She and I... we only just recently became good freinds... but... ' At this point, Sakura fell unconscious, drifting into a mix between a halucenation and a dream.

(Flash Back)

"Hey, forehead girl!

"INO-PIG! Stop calling me that!"

"I missed you too, Sakura..." the sarcasm dripping of her voice made the pink haired Kunoichi even more angry.

"Anyway, I'm here to tell you about the Rookie 9's Girls Night Out! Sure, it's only gonna be me, you, Hinata, and Tenten, but still... it'll be nice."

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow night at 6. Meet at my place, ok?"


(At the party)


The microphone for the rather inexpensive home karaoke machine was thrust into the hands of one shy, blushing girl. Of course, it was Hinata.

"N...No...I-I couldn't! I'm n-not g-good at s-s-singing."

Although she spoke barely above a whisper, the other three girls heard her and started protesting.

"Come one, Hinata! Just find a song and sing! It's not that hard!"


Ino spoke up with an evil grin on her face. "Come on Hinata, just pretend you're singing for Naruto!"

At this, Hinata's already deep blush turned even deeper, threatening to create an entirely new spectrum of red.

"N-no, I c-couldn't!"

"Come on! I know you want to!" Tenten's argument wasn't very persuasive.

"Hinata, if you sing, i'll put in a good word for you with Naruto when he gets back..." Sakura's sing-song voice made Hinata's eyes shoot up. It's unsettling enough watching Gai and Lee have fire in thier eyes, but to see an eye completely white burn with an even more intense flame... well... they were all mentally shuddering... and Ino could swear she heard "THE POWER OF YOUTH" very faintly in the distance.

Hinata grabbed the microphone, stuck in a cd, and started the music...

(End flash back)

Sakura slowly came awake, looking around to see pure white walls.

'A hospital...'

The memories flooded back, and she started crying once again, mourning the loss of her freind.

Halo here. I've been playing around with this for some time… and I think I'd write a one or two shot about it. If you like it enough (Read: if I get enough reviews) I'll make it into a full blown story. Already got something of a plot formed, but I'm not sure if I'll do it. Depending on YOUR reaction, I might. Sorry to make Hinata die, I know I'm evil, but to do it, it had to be done. No other Hyuuga would give up their eyes, except MAYBE Neji, but the Caged Bird seal would seal them up before they could be used. And I'm sorry to make it a cliché of the whole Obito-Kakashi thing. I though it'd be interesting in any case. Oh well… except now it's two eyes instead of one… Meh… Anyway, READ AND REVIEW! Laters!