Love Heals

Prologue: And There's No One There to Stroke Your Head

Drawing her thin coat tighter around her, Mimi wandered around the park. It was useless, her coat was barely threads. People stared at Mimi as she stumbled down the sidewalk, but she ignored them. Those people knew nothing about reality. They would all go home to their nice warm homes, hearty meals, and piles of Christmas presents under their brightly lit Christmas trees, and tell their sons and daughters that they'd end up like her if they didn't go to medical school like only the parents wanted while the children wanted to be artists.

Mimi barely felt the ground beneath her feet. It was almost like her mind was tearing away from her body; almost like she was high…but only almost. Mimi managed to find a secluded park bench that wasn't already inhabited by a deformed lump that was a homeless person. Was that really what she looked like? A piece of shit nobody gave a damn about? Mimi curled up on the bench, and began to cry quietly. She missed Angel, she missed Roger. No, not Roger. He had accused her of cheating when she had given him the world. He was probably in Santa Fe, nice warm Santa Fe, with a new band, and a new girl.

Good riddance, she thought bitterly. Despite her lack of energy, Mimi kept crying, and ignored her longing to fall asleep. Finally, Mimi's eyes slipped closed, but she still cried softly in her sleep.

The sound of a girl crying softly caught Maureen's attention. She and Joanne were on their way to the loft to see the Boho boys.

"One sec. Pookie," said Maureen as she followed the sound of the crying to one particular park bench. Suddenly, she froze. "Hey Pookie, I think you should see this."

"What is…oh God," breathed Joanne. Curled up on the bench was undoubtedly Mimi. Joanne rushed over to the dancer's side, and put her hand on the too thins shoulder. She was shivering uncontrollably, and crying softly. "Mimi, Mimi honey can you hear me?" Mumbling something, Mimi rolled over to face Joanne.

"Roger?" she choked.

"No sweetie, it's Joanne. Do you know where you are?" Mimi nodded ever so slightly.

"The park. Where's Roger?"
"At the loft," Maureen replied. "We'll bring you to him. He's really worried about you." Very carefully, Joanne picked Mimi up. The dancer relaxed slightly when she felt Joanne's strong and familiar arms around her.

Joanne and Maureen rushed down the street towards the loft. They had to get Mimi somewhere warm, and fast. Despite Mimi's extreme weight loss (from next to nothing to nothing altogether), Joanne couldn't carry the dancer up the five flights of stairs to the loft. Maureen called up to the loft for help. Both she and Joanne hoped Mimi would get the chance to see Roger; she was fading fast.

A/N: Short, I know…SORRY! Hey, I'm typing three stories at once, so give me SOME slack. I'll update soon…promise. Until then, review. If you've never heard the song Love Heals, check out my profile to get a link. It was written by our favorite Jonathan Larson, and Sherie René Scott (Aida) was the first to record it, and the Rent movie cast recorded it for the new soundtrack (for those who don't know). Anyway…reviews are like those Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel CDs I ordered…LOVED BEYOND BELIEF!!!
