Er... Yes... After starting around three new stories, I have finally updated my first one. :Cheers:

The next few chapters will be dedicated to Naruto and Sasuke's relationship (filler-like things)

And, for those of you who are wondering why the hell is there fillers in a fanfic (or rather, this fanfic)

Like I said, it's to help progress Naruto and Sasuke's relationship, skip it if you want, but yes, I will finish writing their little love story before I progress on with the plot.

And yes, again, to those who ask:

Aishiteru-san, do you really have a plot in mind? The structure of this story?

Where I will also reply:

Yes, my impatient little readers (whom I love, mind you) I do have a ending in mind for this story, and though I won't tell you the details, it will end in angsty, but it also will have a Sequal! Yay! And let's not discuss how long it'll take for the sequal to be typed (or if I'll ever finish this story)! Let's just cheer for no reason! Yay!

And with that being said, I say

I don't own Naruto or Inuyasha and all of its' characters, and I probably never will. Amen to that.


Naruto wondered off around the hospital aimlessly, amazed at his own stupidity.

How could he have forgotten to ask where Sasuke's room was? How? It's been an hour since he last set out from his room, and his injuries were starting to act up again... he stared grimly at some of the bruises along his hips. It seemed to be taking longer to heal this time... the kyuubi had been oddly silent too.. Less snickering at the blond's "pathetic amount of ninja skills that would bring him nowhere if he hadn't had the kyuubi". Naruto frowned, but he had no time to worry about that right now..

It's off to find Sasuke-kun time!! If only he could somehow sniff out Sasuke-teme with the powers of a ... fox-like demon within him that he could unleash if he asked politely... oh right!

"Kyuubi! You old fox, you there?" a weak moan was heard in reply, and saw something orange stirring from behind the bars.

"It's you again... what do you want now, kid?"

"Neeh, neee, why the rudeness? Haven't you missed me?" Naruto said, mock sweetness in his words.

"Shut up. What do you want kid?" Naruto frowned. The fox was even less 'friendly' than usual, Naruto shook his head quickly. He had no time to worry about that right now, Sasuke was his priority!

"Can you help me find Uchiha Sasuke?" The fox smirked.

"What, wanna visit your lover kid?" Naruto growled slightly. What is it with people thinking he's gay? Was he giving off any hints at all that he was ... well... gay

"No baka fox, I just wanna help him .. Feel.. Better." Naruto replied grudgingly, knowing that what he had just said wasn't helping him at all. The fox chuckled.

"Sure kid, I see your lover is in need of your strength -another chuckle- I suppose I'd do it for your love..." Naruto growled.

However, before the Kyuubi could reply, there were voices about the corridor, and the last thing Naruto needed was for them to think he was talking to himself..

"..Uchiha-san! You must take your medicine!" A loud snarl was heard in reply.

"Get the fuck away from me." Another voice responded (rather rudely, might I say).

Naruto quickly followed their voices and hurried down the hall, wondering faintly why that voice sounded just so damned familiar..

As he quickly made a right turn, he realized just why that voice sounded 'so damned familiar'.

There, standing at the door, was the world's most sexy man alive. Uchiha Sasuke. Attempting to throw a UV stand at a poor nurse, who barely succeeded in dodging.

"Uchiha-san! If you'd just take your medicine...- UCHIHA-SAN! Not the medicine cupboard!"

"Sasuke-teme?" Naruto stared, eyes wide, at Sasuke, sexiest man alive, who was currently trying to bash the flustered female nurse with a medicine cupboard. He felt a wave of giggles overcome him.

Sasuke expression was with the utmost hilarity. He turned around with exaggerated movement, his hair flying wildly about, creating the appearance of a wild dog finally returning to it's owner.

His expression had quickly changed, however, from one filled with recognition (and was that a spark of love I saw in those eyes?) To deep embarrassment, then utter horror, then back to regular, stoic, mask in the time span of 5 seconds.

It was with that deepest strand of control in Naruto that he controlled his laughter with.

Ah, but what we had failed to notice, was that Naruto had no 'strand of control'. Laughter burst from the blond's mouth. The raven bristled with indignition.

"AhahahaaHAHAHAhahahaha -choke choke snort- Gyahahahahahahahahaha, teeheeeheee," He tried to muffle the sound of his laughter with his hands, but to no avail, for they were too busy clutching his stomach from exploding with laughter.

Poor Sasuke-san.

However, unbeknownst to the 'lovers' a stranger was lurking nearby in the shadows, watching their display with interest.

"Psssst, pssssttt Raven-chan to Icha-kun, to you copy? Pssst pssstt, good, our plan is going accordingly they are together, all we need to do know is get rid of the nurse..."

As soon as the words have left, supposedly, 'Raven-chan's' mouth, a medical cart had came, zooming out of nowhere, sending the nurse flying down the hall screaming.

An eery silence had replaced the usually 'noisy' atmosphere. Naruto laughed nervously.

"Some hospital, eh?" he grinned nervously.


"Soo.. Nice weather we've been getting lately..." Suddenly, Sasuke burst into a fit of giggles. Naruto fell onto the floor in shock, bruising his buttocks badly in the process.

"Oh yes," Another burst of giggles erupted here. "I should hope– wait.. Why are you here?" Naruto gasped in mock shock. (A/N Oooh! That rhymes!! Mock shock!..-cough-)

"Well, I've heard certain rumours that someone was lonely for some companionship. Oh, and not that it's 'noticeable' or anything, but what the hell happened to you? Did they feed you something? Was it the shock of seeing Itachi again?" Sasuke's stoic mask quickly fell into place again, after the name Itachi was uttered.

"It's the medicine the nurses are giving me–"

"I knew it! How could you Sasuke? Letting them poison you like that..." Sasuke scoffed indignantly.

"As if I'd let a bunch of silly goose doctors poison me! I am the mighty Uchiha Sasuke! It's just the side effects of this darned-diddly-doo medicine!" (Attempt to imagine Sasuke saying that with a pouty expression. It's simply adorable, though freaky.)

"Er. Right, well, anyways, I thought I should come over, you know, patch up our friendship and shit like that. Didn't want my little Sasuke-koi to be all lonely here!" Naruto sent him a wink, feeling slightly bold. Naruto vaguely wondered what was the side effects of his medicine.

"I'm not lonely." Sasuke replied, albeit indignant. Naruto snickered.

"Awwww, ish okay to be a wittle lonely shashuke-chaann! Evewybody ish a wittle wonely shum times! You can tell Nawuto-kun anything."

Snapped out of 'overly-joyful' musings by Naruto's teasing, he growled slightly, and sent a punch aimed to send Naruto's head straight into the wall. However, in Sasuke's current condition, he might as well have tried (and failed) to take candy from a baby, for Naruto had anticipated the attack before it even came, and twisted Sasuke's arm to his back, and pushed him against the wall, his body pressing against Sasuke's. Sasuke mentally cursed the position they were in. Thanks to the side-effects of the medicine, and the awfully kinky position they were in, Sasuke was now rock hard.

"Get off me." Sasuke growled. Oh how he had wished he wasn't enjoying the position so much.. (though he would've enjoyed it a bit more if he'd be on top, but it's better than nothing... having Naruto dominate him felt quite hot actually..)

"No." Naruto replied, smirking.

Sasuke pushed backwards against Naruto, but his 'counter-attacks' ended in vain. However, when Sasuke kicked backwards, so that his leg connected effectively with the spot between Naruto's shapely and tanned legs, Naruto was brought to submission.

Naruto grumbled, a few tears leaking out from the pain. However, curiosity over-took him.

"Woa, Sasuke, what the fuck is that huge thing?" Now, don't get me wrong, my pretty little readers, Naruto's educated in sex ed (aka sex education) and everything, but he didn't, and couldn't believe that Sasuke's 'jewls' were that big.

'Oh fuck.'

"Did something bite you? Is it contagious? Is it one of those huge, pus filled, boils? If so, can I poke it?" The last question sent Sasuke over the edge.

"NO dammit! It's not a boil, it's my fucking manhood! And get off me! Even if I am going to fuck you, I'm gonna be seme dammit!"

"Oh, how manly you are with your manly words Sasuke-sama! Now, I will do whatever you ask of me!"

Of course, this is what Sasuke wishes had happened. It went more like this...

Sasuke blushed slightly, though the blond took no notice. A little ray of light fell upon Sasuke.

"Beautiful weather out there today. And look how your lovely petunias have bloomed! Wonderful season for flower viewing, is it not?" Sasuke said, a bit too dramatically.

"Ah, quite right Sasuke-san! Perfect weather for flower viewing!" And Naruto went on, blabbing about every, and any kind of flower he knew. Sasuke let out a little sigh of relief.

", do you?" Naruto asked, smile upon his face.

Sasuke quickly agreed with the blond, seeing as how he wasn't listening to the blond's blabbering at all, an argument would prove to be pointless. "Uh. Yes. I agree."

"Yatta! So I'll meet you at six in front of the garden then! Wow, I can't believe you're actually coming with me! Ya--"

But Naruto's cheer was cut short when he felt a pair of soft lips cover his own. He opened his eyes in shock.

And standing there, in front of him, a raven haired beauty, was...


But before Naruto could properly react, Kagome gave his bottom lip a quick nip, and pulled herself off Naruto, let out a gleeful laugh, and jumped out the window.

Naruto felt his lips gingerly. That was his first real kiss. He felt his world crumbling around him. It's not that he didn't like how Kagome-chan kissed him (he'd be damned if she wasn't good) but... he had expected it to be... well... with someone else. He viewed Kagome as a friend, perhaps a sister-like figure, but never...

He flinched suddenly, when he felt an uprise of aura around him. He quickly whipped his head around, surprised to find that the aura was radiating off Sasuke.

"Sasuke?" Sasuke let an audible growl.

"What the hell was that, dobe?" Sasuke surprised himself slightly, hearing the bitterness in his own voice. He shook his head mentally. No. He deserved an explanation.

"I... I dunno..." Naruto stared off, ignoring the glares sent from Sasuke's direction. Apparently, Sasuke had mis-interpreted Naruto's supposedly 'thoughtful' and 'smart' stare as a 'dreamy', 'love-sick' one.

Naruto thought back, replaying the image of Kagome's fleeting kiss in his mind over and over again. He blushed a little, remembering when Kagome had nipped his bottom lip a little. Why the hell did Kagome kiss him?

"How long?" Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts. He stared at Sasuke, thoroughly confused.

"Don't play dumb," Sasuke resented the note of accusation, but the blow to his pride had been rather painful, "how long were you with her?" Naruto stared at Sasuke, bewildered expression upon his face.

"What the hell, teme? She's just a friend!" Sasuke growled again at this. Oh, so now, after rejecting Sasuke's 'not-so-discreet' advances, he decides that he can just go ahead, and kiss his friends?

Sasuke let out a nasty sneer. "Friend? Oh, so you kiss your friends now dobe? How come I wasn't included in this little 'upgrade'?"

"What?!" Naruto bristled indignantly. "I don't 'kiss' my friends!"

"Then why the hell did you kiss her?"

"I DIDN'T KISS HER! Can't you see? She kissed me!" Naruto shouted, ignoring the fact that he's more hurt about this than he should be.

"I don't need liars in my room, Naruto." Sasuke hissed. "Get out."

Naruto, now bewildered, hurt, and very, very pissed off, ran off with a shout of 'SCREW YOU TEME! I never wanna see you again!' and tears streaking down his face.

Sasuke stood, unmoving, a frustrated frown upon his normally stoic face. His frame shook slightly with pain and anger. But deep down, a little guilty voice nagged at him, above the anger and pain.

'You know, there really was no need to hurt him so much...'


"Psst, pssst, it's Raven-chan to Icha-kun, do you copy?" A voice hissed out, hidden in one of the closets in the oddly empty hospital.

"Yea?" A slightly more masculine voice replied, coated with eagerness.

"It's going well. Duck-butt fell for the bait."

A loud snorting echoed through the 'walkie-talkies'. "Obviously."

"Now, on to part two of plan B."

"We had a plan A?"

"Not the point, is it, Icha-kun? Now, just make sure to do your part right!" 'Raven-chan' whispered into the phone.


Naruto ran down the hospital halls sobbing, mentally cursing the Uchiha.

Stupid, idiotic, fat, emo, ugly, duck-butt-head! How dare he? I would never think of Kagome as anything more than a sister, and he knew that! Why would he even think of accusing my relationship with Kagome anything more than friendship or perhaps a sisterly-brotherly one?

Despite how utterly hurt Naruto felt at the moment, he couldn't help but feel a little bit tingly at how much Sasuke cared.

Wait a minute.

Why did he himself care so much? I mean, his feelings of duck-butt are just friendly, right? They've been on team 7 forever, and their bond has only progressed to that of friends, or even best friends, right? He had no other feelings for the controlling, stupid, ugly, egoistic, fat-headed, teme, right? Right? Right?

"I don't need liars in my room...Get out."

Naruto felt his insides squirm up at the accusation. He, Uzumaki Naruto, never ever lied! He was all about the truth! He was, as they say, 'a man of truth'! Besides, there's no way that ugly prick-head would ever like him, and if he did, then he can go to hell cause Uzumaki Naruto was the meaning of straightness! Why he was straighter than a pencil!

A little voice in his head spoke up. 'Tch. As if. If he really admitted, you know you'd say you liked him too.'

Naruto started running again, at a faster pace this time.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO! NO DAMMIT! He had no feelings for the stupid teme! Maybe friendship, but definitely not love. His love was reserved for those who deserved it.

He nodded to himself at the last thought, slowing down his steps so he was running down at a more steady pace. Sasuke did not deserve his love, and so, he would not get his love. He nodded to himself again, absent mindedly.

The snide little voice spoke up again. 'You're only saying that 'cause you don't think he likes you.'. And left it at that.

Hope you enjoyed! Ja!