The solution

She's sitting there, looking sinister. Like she's brooding over something. You start rubbing her back, telling her "it'll be okay" and "He'll get over it." "He'll be yours again in no time!" in a mantra, repeating it over and over again, hoping she'll believe it more then you yourself do. She sighs, and you can't help but feeling defeat, she'd never care as much for you as for your brother. This was a stupid idea to begin with, now Harry'll know and you'll all be heartbroken, you won't have any friends left, not even the one you love the most.

Finally you force her to look you in the eye, saying "He loves you, he'll come back, and everything'll return to normal?"

She screams at you, you've never seen such temper in her before "WHAT! WHAT IF I DON'T WANT THINGS TO GO BACK TO NORMAL HUH! What if all I wanted was you and you're just too caught up in this façade to even care about anyone but you and Harry? You never wanted me Gin, I can't believe you, look over the bridge of your own nose."

She paused, rushed over to her closet, her breathing becoming heavier, picking through her clothes, finding a neatly wrapped box, rushing a red fabric off, taking a cigarette and finding a lighter in her drawer.

Lighting the cigarette you're not sure to stay quiet or say something, but you can't help but scoff, "That's really not goo-"

She takes a drag and hisses "I swear Gin, finish that sentence.." She let the threat hang in the air, and even though you never was one to be scared, you don't know if it was because you never felt this terrified of her or because that threat wasn't finished, you just kept quiet.

She takes another long drag, inhale, and you can't do much more than watch her. As she strides from her place on the floor to the chair, her face screwed up in absolute concentration, demanding a solution from her brain, a perfect solution that'll make everything okay again, you're guessing.

What she said only seconds before is lingering in your mind 'What if all I wanted was you?'

As she's half finished with her cigarette you whisper "You really wanted me?"

She's looking at you. Hard. Then, her hard demeanour changes and she sighs, but doesn't answer your question. She's rubbing her temples and you're not lost on the whole idea, walking over to her, grabbing the cigarette away from her while she sniffles quietly, putting it out in the ashtray, and bends down to comfort her. As you're hugging her, tears starts to flow more heavily, and this affects you too, you realise as you're breaking down yourself, tasting a salted tear with hatred, it wasn't supposed to be like this, you add in your mind, knowing in the back of your mind it would come to this one day, knowing it would never work out, even if you had it all worked out in your head. You'd be caught one time or another. You'd be forced to make decisions at one time or another. You knew. And you blame yourself. With good reason.

"Hermione, I love you, I truly do, but…" She sighs again, continuing her steady river of tears, "I've been with Harry for such a long time now, and it doesn't seem fair to him?" She scoffs, "Oh, I see, so this is completely fair to me huh? Is that what you're telling me? You know what get out, you're just another one of them, and you're wrong, Ron doesn't love me, he's just feeling betrayed, and not without reason, I wanted to leave him so many times! And you didn't care, you just wanted the thrill of doing something forbidd-"

You slap her, and you're feeling completely justified.

She bites her teeth together, it's clear, she won't show you any emotion right now. Not even hurt.

"Don't. Don't you dare…" Your speaking is shattered with tears, trying to look her in the eyes all the while she's adverting her eyes from your constant glare.

"I'd… I've… You mean everything to me. There's just so much expected from me. You know I'd never cheat. I'm… just… pretty much….. Gay!. I thought you'd realized that a while ago. Especially when I slept with you. Or even flirted so obviously with you. Don't you think I felt like I was betraying you each time with Harry? Do you even know you were my first? Do you even know I've only slept with Harry once in all the time I've been with him? Before I got with you huh? Do you? Do I like that you're getting jealous sometimes? Honestly..? I do. I think it's nice. Harry's never care enough for me to do that!" You pause trying to get some new inspiration for something to stop the awkward silence with. You continue in a whisper "Don't you see the way I look at you? Don't you think I know you're doing this because you don't want to be a 'good-girl' all the time? Don't you think I've realized… that you love Ron. Not me… Not me." With that, you're starting to feel new tears burning, your mind blurring, and you start to run. Out of the room, out of the tower. Just running. You're not even sure where you're going. Just… Away as fast as possible.

You ran so fast you didn't catch the fact that she whispered "It was never Ron. I wanted you…"


Now, you were on a mission. Find Ron. Talk to Ron. Get beaten. Sob. Get over it, change your name, move school, and commit suicide. Nice plan. Simple and easy.

You didn't know how… but you ended at the Quidditchpit, breathing heavily. You walked around for a bit, trying to figure out all possible places Ron might hide, hoping some secret Weasley-bond might lead you to him, but it wasn't showing up, you ran a hand through your hair, sighing, and was about to run once more, maybe to the forbidden forest, at least there was quiet and you'd have time to think.

But you heard a loud sob, sounding like it got away from a place dementors would thrive.

You followed the sobs to the boys locker room, where you found your brother, being comforted by Harry, mumbling stuff, but not making even the slightest form of sense, Harry seemed confused at Ron's incoherent ness, but otherwise fine, actually smiling slightly, that particular fact made you stop dead in your tracks wondering if Harry even knew what was going on, or just comforting Ron as a friendly gesture.

Harry spotted you in the doorway, excusing himself from your brother, walking over to you and gave you a hard stare. He whispered "I guess I've got other things to worry about Gin. I'm sorry if I pushed you into anything, but, I really did love you. I still do, but, I guess I lost to a better man, well woman, I just… You've seemed so distant these last few months, so I guess I should've seen it coming. I mean I knew you weren't in love with me, and not to be cruel, but I don't think I was in love with you either, still friends?" he extended his hand, and you shook it, till you realized that this was a foolish gesture, since you'd already seen the guy naked, and pulled him into a bone crushing hug and said "Always Harry. Always."

He managed to pull away, pointing over to your brother, who gave a haul like no other before, and you walked over to him calmly and quietly.

He didn't even look up, but just kept muttering half finished sentences like Harry never left his side, and you couldn't help but smile, he was a complete nutter!

"I-- Iwas.. Great… Sweet… Got her books.. And that once with the stuff and stuff? What? For wha? Nothin', all I was to her.. Redheaded boy toy.. Not even…! I ca' believe! And the COCOA!" Ron cried out loud, looked up, and all that came over his lips this time was a loud, furious and disgusted "YOU!" He pointed a nasty looking finger at you, and you put your hands up in defeat, hoping he'd hear you out.


"I dun wanna- hear" Sob "any of your bull…" He was more upset then that time you stole his PlayWizard magazine and handed it over to mum!

"Listen to me, and oh yes, you WILL listen." You pointed out in a very matter of fact tone.

He started to shake his head furiously, all the while muttering stuff about Harry. "To your information brother dearest, Harry and I just talked it over, and we've decided to be friends, we were not completely honest, but we're fine now thank-you. Oh yes, and now I'm not dating Harry anymore I thought you should know that Harry and I slept together."

That caught Ron's attention. He was completely still, and you continued.

"I've been in love with Hermione for some time now, this wasn't just a random thing, and Hermione wanted to break it off with you several times but I said she shouldn't because I knew you'd hate it. Like you're hating it this second. And it's completely understandable. But blame me, not her, she can't take it, and I don't want her anymore shattered than she probably already is, but… I think… I think she might… I truly believe she never loved me, but it was you all along. I dunno, I just… I'll leave her for you now, She's… She's yours… Guess she always were… Oh Ron, I'm so SO sorry to've caused all this, it wasn't supposed to be this way, please forgive me!"

You fall to your knees, begging forgiveness and soon, you feel cold hands dragging you up, and he hugged you. You stood there for the longest time, both of you letting the tears flow, and eventually moving out again, towards the pitch.

"Waaaait a minute… YOU SLEPT WITH HARRY!?" Ron roared, you were pretty sure the rest of the castle heard, so you tried to hush him down, but to no avail, "I'll kick his ass, I'll… I'll! Oh, He'll get it good, right in the nu-" "Roooon! Be nice!"

"Okay, make up your mind here, either it's you and Hermione, my little sister, and my girlfriend having sex together, and ME walking in on it, or Harry sleeping with my baby sister…!"

You snort at him, knowing humour is just his way to get over things, you know it's going to take a while, but you're also pretty sure Hermione just wants to be with Ron, so if he's really in love with her he could get her back, and at this you want to cry, because you don't want to give her up, but you don't want to make her miserable. And you snort at the fact Ron would like to know when your lovers would like to have sex with you. You can picture Hermione slipping Ron a note. "Is it okay I bang Gin in a cupboard after potions? Please mark with an X. Yes or No. -Love Hermione."

The silence lasted about 5 seconds till you boomed out "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SLEPT WITH ME!"


-Hermione's POV-

I need to sort out this mess I've made, I need to tell Ron I'm not in love with him, but with Ginny. I need to tell him I love him, but only as a friend and that I hope we'll continue as friends. I need to tell Ginny I love her, and that it's her and only her. I need to make everything's okay, I need to find Harry, but he'll beat the shit out of me, so I'll go see him last, or maybe in the middle, I could get some pity from Ginny maybe if I'd show up bruised? Oh NO! Don't even go there Granger!

I walked very calmly towards Harry's room, hoping to find him there, but he was no where to be found so I decided to sit on his bed and wait calmly.

After a good 10 minutes I became restless and started to pace, a short while after, a defeated looking Harry returned and sat down on his bed, patting the space next to him, a gesture for me to sit down. He didn't seem angry or mad, but just plain exhausted.

"Hermione. I love you and Ginny both, but I can't believe you'd do that to Ron. You knew, you KNEW, he was utterly head over heels in you. Me and Ginny made up by the way."

I felt like I was going to cry, I thought she cared for me, just a little at least, "Oh, no, we're just friends now, it didn't work out anyway, and I had a suspicion you were doing something of this sort. I just didn't think you were both in on it."

He sighed deeply, kissed my cheek and stood up, extended his hand and plainly said "Friends?"

I smiled weakly although a little forced, and shook his hand. Then I kissed his cheek and he smiled to me. "Now, let's find those damn Weasleys!"

We walked towards the Quidditch Pit, but a 20 yards from we heard screaming, so we stopped to listen, (could be a teacher)


It was Ginny's voice, and I couldn't understand what was going on, she was assumingly walking with Ron. We walked over to them, Ron fuming with rage, and I took a step back, Ron and anger never went well. I started weakly "Ron- I'm sorry I-"

He pointed towards Harry, "You. Me. Now. Come." Harry went very pale, and gulped, then Ron turned towards me "I'll talk with you later. Listen, I know I might not've been the best boyfriend, but I think you should know I really tried, but… and I probably can't look at you for a while now, after this thing, but I 'll try to get over it, and we might be friends again, but if you really want to be with Ginny then…" He trailed of "Now Harry. After you." Ron gestured to follow him.

It was a bit chilly and I started to shiver, wanting back to my room, and a warm bed I started walking back, Ginny caught up with me, and asked "Soooo.. How're you feeling? Okay? I mean, Ron said you were only going to be friends but maybe.. Maybe he'll change his mind!"

I stopped and looked at her intensely, "I never wanted Ron. It.. It was always you. You should've known that by now. Ginny, I've been in love with you for the last year!"

Ginny smiled, albeit it seemed a little forced "You did? Hermione… I- I don't know what to say, I mean. I love you too! I just… Never expected you to like me back! But erm… Wanna go back to the castle? It's a little cold…"

So we walked back to my room, to talk the whole mess out, and decide if this was worth doing, hand in hand, and we didn't care if anyone saw.


"Harry? You really slept with Ginny?" Ron asked in a mildly amused tone. "yeah, well, I guess she is pretty-… for a girl anyway. We were both very drunk and-" Harry was cut off by Ron's lips, "it's okay… I'm just glad they weren't the ones who found us..!" Harry grinned and nodded "Phew, can you imagine al the drama they would've crated?!"

"Well, but I guess they're going to get all girlfriends and all now" Ron said, in a serious tone "I swear if Hermione hurt her feelings I'll-" "Easy with the threats babe, we were just as good, now it's time for us to act hurt, but mature…Great acting by the way… And get even in a month or two screaming our love out from a rooftop, that is… if you still.. If you still love me that is?"

Ron screwed his face up in mock concentration and took his sweet time to say "Yeah.. I still mean it. Hogwarts turned gay huh?" Harry laughed "Well, it is quite common for wizards and witches to turn out gay, I mean that's why there's not all that many purebloods, it makes perfect sense doesn't it? Only a fraction of all wizards and witches are straight, I mean, just looking at it it seems Sirius, Remus, Seamus, Dean, McGonnagal, Lavender, Pavrati, Draco, and last but not least Cho Chang is gay doesn't it?"

Ron frowned, "Guess you're right. Wanna make out now?" Harry shrugged "Sure."


"I feel so bad for Ron" Hermione said sighing, "Well, we can't do anything now but be happy. I think he'd want us to be. Besides I think I saw him flirting with Lavender, they talked very.. Intimate about something in her WhitchWeekly magazine, dunno about what though.." Ginny ranted.

"Nah, but I guess you're right, about Ron and Harry both wanting us to move on.. Don't you think?" Hermione asked lighting a cigarette.

"Lemme try one of those" Ginny said extending her hand to take one, she didn't wait for Hermione to actually hand her one… but just helped herself.

Hermione smiled genuinely, and lit the lighter, Ginny coughed a bit as she in hailed the first time, but with water in her eyes she said with a hoarse voice "It's actually.. Not that bad…"

"I wonder if what they say is true?" Hermione asked, leaning in to give Ginny a kiss, opening her mouth a little to explore the depths of Ginny's mouth carefully, once again, but this time was like their first kiss where Hermione felt Ginny weren't thinking about something else in the meanwhile.

Ginny looked dazed after the kiss, her voice full of lust, "That depends what they say?"

"That kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray…" Hermione grinned in return, "though I think you've never tasted better my dear."

Hermione wasn't sure when it happened that they were laying down. That Ginny had forces herself on top once again, That Hermione was being so turned on she lost all sense of being polite and pulled Ginny down, fumbling with Ginny's buttons, and opening them slowly one by one by one, licking her mouth, to Ginny's steady breathing became ragged in all the passion, but when Hermione had finally pulled the shirt of the redheaded lover she whispered "You're so beautiful." Ginny blushed and helped Hermione off with her damned shirt and that blasted skirt.

Ginny on the other hand wasn't sure why she felt so happy, she'd broken her brothers heart and Hermione was all hers now, but never had she felt so happy just being with another person, Ginny wasn't sure either when Hermione leaned down and whispered into her ear "Say it.." And Ginny really tried to fight it, but she finally answered "I want you Hermione." and Hermione sighed content "Guess I win once again." But she didn't care how it happened when Hermione took off her skirt and started massaging her way downwards, until finally reaching a very wet passage and being pleasured like never before.

After Hermione was done giving Ginny an experience for a lifetime Ginny wanted to return the favour. Big time. So she started to lick Hermione's right nipple, then the right, because Ginny was a very perfectionist person, and then longer down and longer and long-


So, I dunno if I should write another chapter or just leave it here... but review anyway, just to make me happy. Cookies to every reviewer!!!

Love -Me