Title: Breaking the Habit
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Naruto/Sasuke and Naruto/Itachi
Category: Drama, romance, slash, yaoi, Smut, Mpreg
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Rape, Non-con, Mpreg, Angst SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Naruto or its chars. They are property of major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park.

Breaking the Habit

Chapter 1: Memories Consume

Cold, that's what I feel. The bitter bite of frost bitten wind and with it the numbness and loss of feeling. It sounds horrible and yet, it's not. It's very comforting and clarifying for me. The cold makes me think of other things and not of the painful emotions I've stored deep inside all this time. If only I could numb my mind and freeze the thoughts and memories that are raging in my head clouded with indecision and loathing; self and otherwise.

Sasuke has returned to Konoha and with his return I am left wondering just what he has achieved. It's evident he's stronger. You can see it in his eyes, if not stronger then certainly more confident. His defiance has gotten him a few months of constant supervision as well as low class D missions. He acts superior not letting his punishment diminish his pride and in a way I find it almost encouraging and yet…I want to reach out close fisted and sock him one.

His behavior proves that he doesn't regret his actions. His actions were not only an act of defiance but stupidity and recklessness. He walks around like a cock with his head high and with the back of his hair raised just like a rooster one can certainly see the resemblance.

I trudged through the snow causing it to make soft crunching noises beneath my feet which were nearly drowned out by the howling wind whipping my blonde locks wildly. I stopped to look around me for signs of the Village of Snow. I saw the no pathway so I continued walking until I passed a tree bearing a fresh slash across its bark. It looked wide and deep enough to belong to a kunai and if my intuition was right then it also meant that Kakashi Sensei, Hinata and Kiba had been through here. I was also betting that if I continued heading in this direction I would find the village.

We had separated to each search for signs of the missing girl who had been grabbed from the village in front of our very eyes. I had caught up with two of the six ninja's who had assisted in her kidnapping but as soon as I had them the snow fall became heavier and in a gust of snow and wind they had vanished. I stood there surprised and by time I had gotten my bearings they heavy snow had covered my trail and had reached a height a little below my knees covering any stone markers leading to the village.

I had an uneasy feeling as I walked by myself in the forest of barren trees with snow covered branches, a feeling that only increased as time went by. I heard the sounds of branches giving way and snow tumbling to the ground and I instinctively whipped my head around in the direction of the sound.

I knew it was my own fear making branches and snow sound like something other than it was but I decided that caution was the better part of valor and saw nothing. I turned to look in all directions and saw nothing which relieved my nerves just a little.

I continued walking but the feeling of being watched was still with me. I rounded a corner of a snow covered hillside just as two kunai with exploding talisman landing a few inches from my face. I jumped backwards as they exploded, catching my orange coat on nearby branches and bushes as snow, rocks and dirt flew in various directions around me. I landed on my right foot at an odd angle causing my ankle to twist and slide on the snow. I fell on my hands and knees as debris rained down on me. I felt a painful hit on the back of my head from one of the many pieces of rock that had went flying.

I opened my eyes and struggled to my feet, ignoring the shooting pain in my right ankle. I reached into my pouches pulling out four kunai and crouched down ready to fight.

The sound of various thuds echoed around me and as I turned I saw a parade of black robes bearing the red moon and clouds. I panicked causing my anger and irritation levels to rise. Akatsuki!

"You were wise to follow the Kyuubi carrier, Itachi." I looked in the direction of the speaker only to find his face covered by a hood.

"Something is different about him," said another hooded figure.

"His energy is different from that of the carrier Gara's," replied another partially hooded member.

"Because they carry different types of demons," replied another in an angry whispering voice.

"No, I can see it. His chakra flows oddly. You can barely differentiate the two forms of chakra."

I turned in the direction of the last speaker and saw a pair of colorless eyes starring intensely at me.


The man with the white eyes grinned and took a step closer, "Yes, definitely different. His chakra and that of Kyuubi's flow together."

That was news to me. I stood there debating on what move to make if any. I was outnumbered and outmatched. I could get a hit or two in but there was no way I could defeat them all and there was no way that I would be able to escape without help.

"Can we remove the Kyuubi," asked the familiar voice of Kisame.

"There is a possibility but if their chakras have joined then there is a chance that they have as well."

"If that is true then there may be other ways to remove Kyuubi from his carrier."

"Itachi," said a smooth and bored voice.

I looked up and into those dark eyes just as they turned a dark crimson and pinwheel pupil's appeared. It was too late for me to look away as the swirling pupils drew me into a world not of this own. I found myself standing on the playground alone and watching as other children walked home with their families. I stood and watched and upon turning I saw my younger self sitting on the swing sadly watching the same thing I had been watching.

"That's the child."

"The one with…"






Their voices echoed around me causing me to cover my ears and close my eyes. The voices quieted and upon opening my eyes I found myself in the woods outside Konoha with Iruka Sensei and Mizuki Sensei.

"They all whisper behind your back. Do you know why? Because you're a monster! They all hate you because inside of you is Fox Demon Kyuubi. Even Iruka Sensei hates you! It was the Kyuubi who killed his parents. You are a carried for the killer Kyuubi!"

Everything he said echoed around me and the hateful words of the villagers returned to join Mizuki's.

It quieted again and I found myself in front of all the people I call friends.

"Stupid," Sakura said callously

"Dobe," said Sasuke cruelly.

The others sneered down at me while others turned away in disgust.

Those insults combined with the others and with each cruel word it felt as if I had been stabbed in the chest.

The noise got worse and then I saw the battle with Sasuke and watched as we threw punches at each other. Each punch hurtful and each word and action Sasuke directed towards me another stabbing pain went through me and then there was the last conversation I had had with Sasuke a week after his return.

I watched as I stand steadfast looking into Sasuke's ebony eyes.

"Why, Sasuke?"

"You were there when I explained myself to Tsunade; I shouldn't have to repeat myself."

Not that teme, why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"

He stood there looking at me with an emotionless look as he answered, "There was no need to."

I watched as the eyes of my past self filled with unshed and answered with a voice thick with tears, "Why the kiss?"

"Wishful thinking dobe, I think my hits did more harm than you thought."

I watched as my past self squeezed his hands into fists and then lunged forward latching his lips onto Sasuke's, his arms wrapped around Sasuke's neck. I watched as Sasuke pushed me away harshly causing me to fall to the ground.

Sasuke turned away whispering something over his shoulder which I still hadn't been able to hear even in this hellish nightmare before he turned completely away and began to walk away.

Everything blurred just like it had then as I kept my head down and allowed the tears and sorrow to claim me. A final pain shot through my chest and then it went dark.

I felt the haze of a deep dark sleep lift and as I opened my eyes and looked around I found myself one big aching wound. I hadn't been physically beaten but I might as well have been the pain was real enough.

I tried to move my arms and found that I wasn't able to feel them. I turned my head to look at where my arms normally would have lay against my sides but instead I saw my upraised arm and followed it up to where I saw my wrists chained in thick iron which had been cemented and bolted into the wall a good two feet above me. I looked down and saw that my feet dangled a good inch or more off the floor and realized why I wasn't able to feel my arms.

My arms were "asleep" because of lack of blood. All my weight hanging on my wrists and arms the entire time I had been unconscious. Judging from the thick lines embedded in my wrists I'd guess I had been unconscious and hanging against this wall for at least two hours.

I hung there, wasn't much else I could do.

I looked around me at my surroundings and saw that I was in a cell and from the lack of light and the odd smell of mildew and dirt that I was in a cave or perhaps the cellar of a big stone house or castle of some sort. I was in a box shaped cell with three walls of concrete and one set of thick iron bars surrounding me. If I was in a castle I was betting it was one built into a mountain side because the smell of dirt and mildew with the thick smell of water were usually only this evident in area's where they continually flowed.

The slight sound of water trickling water could be heard in the distance and the scratching of rats, mice or both. The scratching sound stopped and then the sound of heavy footfalls echoed on a stone floor. The footfalls stopped in front of my cell. I looked up into the familiar ebony eyes of Itachi as he stood there with one hand hidden and the other propped up on the top of his partly unbuttoned Akatsuki robe, his violet fingernails glinting in the dim candlelight behind him. He stood there silently starring at him with those intense eyes.

"It seems that you and your demon have given us quite an annoying problem, Naruto-kun."

I stared at him well and truly confused by his words and their meaning.

"The Kyuubi no longer resides inside you."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"It seems that you and the Kyuubi have become one which is why your chakras have joined in such a manner that you can barely tell one from the other. So here's a question for you, Naruto-kun...How does one get the power of Kyuubi if Kyuubi has joined with its host?"

I hadn't noticed! I had been so lost in my thoughts, pain and sorrow the past month or so that I hadn't noticed a difference in my chakra or power level at all.

The sound of keys clinking against metal and the loud 'click' of the lock opening shook me from my thoughts. I looked back up and watched as Itachi entered my cell, shutting the iron barred door behind him.

"It seems as though the task of retrieving Kyuubi was too daunting for the others and they had labeled you as useless. There were votes to kill you but I know that you worth so much more alive, Naruto-kun."

I struggled against my shackles as he got closer.

"Did you know that the Kyuubu sealed inside of your body was female?"

I stopped struggling and stared at him dumbstruck.

"Oh yes, definitely female. It seems that when the two of you joined that she left you not only a larger amount of chakra and power but she left you another gift, the gift to create life."

"All men can make babies! There's nothing new about that!"

"But you can carry them," said Itachi as he slowly unsnapped the buttons from his robe.

I stared at him and heard those words echoing in my head and I fought to make sense of them while trying not to panic at Itachi's current actions.

"Don't look so lost and frightened, it makes me want to eat you up Naruto- kun," he said as he slid off the robe and hung it on an empty shackle hook.

He reached out and grabbed my ankle, "I'm going to use you as a little experiment Naruto-kun and gain a bit of a profit from it."

I struggled to kick him away as he grabbed my other ankle, pushing himself between my thighs. I felt his hands reaching behind me and taking a hold of my pants and boxers and yanking them down roughly. One hand lifted my hips level with his while the other disappeared only to reappear on my hips. I struggled as I felt something large and hot press against my bottom.

He thrust harshly against my bottom causing that hard flesh to tear its way inside of me causing a scream to rip from my throat. He thrust once more and I screamed at the painful tearing and ripping deep inside of me. I felt him pull out slowly and I whimpered as a hot liquid dripped down my thighs, the smell of copper filling the room.


"What a beautiful sound. Continue to beg in that lovely voice. Let me hear you scream Naruto-kun."

He pushed himself harshly back inside as he started a rough rhythm of thrusting in and out. I unintentionally did as he asked as he tore my insides with each thrust. It seemed like an eternity of pain which got worse as he tensed and he grew larger inside of me releasing his seed deep inside of me. I was feeling weak from screaming and fighting against him and if the smell of copper that filled the cell were any indication, blood loss as well.

He pulled out and thrust harshly back inside causing me to scream once again. His mouth covered mine in a deep kiss, his tongue harshly thrusting inside of my mouth like his member had thrust inside my body moments ago.

His mouth abandoned mine leaving me gasping as his mouth lowered to clamp down on my throat which bit down on harshly. I cried out as he then sucked on the area he had bitten. He lifted his mouth with a popping sound, grinning down at me cruelly.

"My profit will be seeing the look on my brother's face when he sees that mark on your body and the fruit of our union."

He pulled completely out of my body and grabbed my boxers, wiping him self off with them before placing his now flaccid member back into his pants. He reached over and grabbed his robe, wrapping it around his body and buttoning it up again to its usual style.

He leaned in next to my right ear and whispered softly, "Ja ne, Naruto-kun."

I felt his lips brush my cheek and then watched as they pressed against my own before he stepped back and turned to leave. I watched his retreating back leave the cell and then the room.

Tears fell in big rivulets down my cheeks while blood and his seed ran down my thighs and legs. I hung there in silence until I felt the weight of a cold tiredness pull me under.

I heard my name from a distance. I shivered in the cold and slowly opened my eyes. The sound seemed to get closer and the voice that had been calling my name was now joined by another and then another.

"This way," said a familiar gruff voice.

Pa-kun, it was definitely Kakashi Sensei's pug Pa-kun.


I wanted to call out to them and yet it seemed as though my voice wouldn't work. My throat was scratchy and sore. I tried again as their calls got closer and was rewarded with a very soft but scratchy, "I'm here" could be heard.

"The scent leads this way," I heard Pa-kun yell.

I cleared my throat and tried again, "I'm here."

It came out a bit louder and as I was about to try again Pa-kun stopped in front of my cell, his eyes widening.

"Kakashi tell them to stay there."

I heard Kakashi do just that before he too came to stand in front of my cell. His visible eye widened before he reached out and lowered his Konoha head protector and entered the cell. I watched as he approached, stopping in front of me with an unreadable look in his eye but the stern and stiff position of his outlined and masked jaw line let me know what thoughts were going through his head.

I watched as he reached out, pulling up my still lowered boxers and pants. I winced as he did so and his jaw became more pronounced. He must be clenching his teeth.

He reached into his weapons pouch and pulled a thin needle like weapon. He reached above me and the sound of metal clanking filled the room.

"Kiba, Hinata, come in," Kakashi called over his shoulder.

I heard foot steps and looked up to watch as first Hinata entered and then Kiba who had a very quiet Akamaru tucked away in his coat. Both saw me and it was almost as if you could feel the pity that oozed off of them.

"Naruto…kun," Hinata said worriedly as she made her way over.

I put on a big smile but as soon as the shackle that held my left wrist gave way my arm fell to my side and all my weight was put on my right wrist which caused my body to jolt and me to gasp and cry out in pain.

"Kiba, come support Naruto while I get this last shackle off."

I watched as Kiba approached his nose flaring as he did and a look of uncertainty crossing his features. He could most likely smell the odd array of smells on and around me and as his nostrils flared and the look of shock and surprise showed in his raised eyes and facial expression I knew he had figured out what had occurred to me in this cell. He saw me watching him and quickly looked away as he put his shoulder under my left side, supporting me.

Another click echoed through the room as my right arm fell and all of my body was put on Kiba. He shifted so that my legs touched the floor. I stood leaning heavily against Kiba, waiting for my legs and arms to wake from their slumber as blood once again flowed through my limbs. My legs were the first to wake. I removed my arms from Kiba and attempted to step away from him when a shooting pain shot through my ankle causing me to fall to the floor. I inhaled deeply and bit down on my lip as my fall caused pain throughout my entire body.

"Naruto kun!"

Hinata was at my side a worried look in place of her usual shy smile.

"I think I sprained my ankle," I said as loud as I could manage which unfortunately was no louder than a loud whisper.

Kakashi Sensei knelt down with his back facing me and motioned with his hands, "Kiba help Naruto onto my back."

Kiba nodded and leaned over and helped me onto Kakashi Sensei's back. I leaned against his muscled back with my slowly awakening arms slung over his shoulders. He stood jarring my body once again.

"Sorry Naruto. You'll just have to hold on til we get back to Konoha."

I nodded and leaned against his back fighting back nausea from the pain in my body.

"Let's head out! If we keep a fast pace we can reach Konoha by morning."

I closed my eyes but opened them upon feeling something warm draped over me. I looked into a pair of soft pale white eyes. I watched as Hinata tucked the blanket around my body before putting her backpack on her back and nodding to Kakashi Sensei.

I drifted in and out of consciousness through our journey as stress, pain, and the energy to heal my body drained me. My last thoughts before I allowed the cold dark sleep to claim me were that of Tsunade looking over my broken body, Sasuke's painful rejection and thoughts of his reaction upon arriving in Konoha.

To Be Continued…….

This story idea has been bothering me for days. I would type 4-5 pages and then delete them all. I did this at least 7 times until I was finally happy with what I had written. I kept thinking to myself that if I didn't write it this way for this fic then I would write another and put it in that fic.

This is my first ItaNaru and it won't be my last. It's an interesting pairing and I've always liked odd pairings. Wufei/Duo, Gojyo/Sanzo, Harry/Sev, Harry/Lucius.

Well I'd better go.

Ja for now!
