Hey just to tell you my cousin wrote this because she had always wanted to make a sory but she couldn't have an account since she dont have a computer so I will just post it up on my account. Please be nice because she worked hard on this. Oh and there are NO PAIRINGS! Also excuse her for her bad grammar and spelling.. XP Also she is going to try to update this because shes a freak -gets whack in the head- Ok, ok, im sorry its because she "loves" what shes writting.


Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto...if I did I would do so many things -laughs evily-

Every character in Naruto: -shutters-

"Where's Kakashi-sensei!" the blonde ninja yelled loudly.

"Shut up, dobe." growled the Uchiha. Naruto was about to answer back but got inturupted by a certain someone he likes.

"Yeah Naruto. You do need to shut up. Why can't you be like Sasuke-kun!" she said as she praised the Uchiha.

After that Naruto stayed silent for the rest of the day, and I mean he was silent all day, but didn't cause a problem since they were happy not hearing the blondes rather loud voice. At practice Sasuke and Naruto fought for a bit, but when Naruto hit Sasuke causing him to hit a tree Sakura rushed over him and treated him even though he said he was fine and didn't need her help.

After training he decided to ask Sakura if she would like to got to Ichiraku's for some Ramen. So he gulped and walked up to Sakura and asked. Of course she said 'No', she said she had too make sure Sasuke was really ok. More like stalking if you ask me. She then left the poor boy behind as she raced to catch up with the raven-haired boy.


'Stupid Sasuke! Why does he get ALL the attention? All he does is push people away from him! That's not special, I risk my life for this damn village and I don't get anything! Oh wait, yes I do. I get fucking beatings for doing nothing wrong! Damn I need to calm do--' he suddenly got interrupted by his face meeting the cold hard floor.

"What the--" he tried to speak but his head was slammed to the concrete.

"Stupid demon you should't live your wothless piece of shit!" said one villager as he started laughing.

After a few more shoves to the ground they finally left since they had gotten bored. Naruto walked silently to his apartment as his wounds started to heal slowly, dissapearing from his skin. He couldn't get his mind of the villagers because he didn't do anything wrong. Ha! They just want to get revenge on the Kyuubi container for killing their family and/or friends and their precious Hokage.

When Naruto arrived to his apartment he got his keys out slowly from his pocket and pushed them in the keyhole and twisted it, unlocking the door. He stepped in and removed his sandles and headed for his bedroom since he wasn't hungry. He took off his kunai and shuriken pouch and set it on his desk that was next to his bed. He went in the restroom and headed for the sink. He turned the foset on letting the water run through his hands. He splashed the cold water to his dirty face.

He went back to his bedroom and then took of his jacket and threw it on top of the kunai pouch. After that he tossed himself onto his soft and cozzy bed. Suddenly he remebered everything that happend today which caused two particular emotions run through him like race cars on a track. What were there emotions? Hate and sadness.

'Stupid villagers! I swear if I could just--ughh nevermind! Stupid Uchiha! If I do anything to hurt him they will just beat me up as a "lesson". Everbody would be better without me. They wont need me, im just the Kyuubi brat, right? They don't need a demon in their village. Nobody needs me...'

Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes. He didn't stop them. One single tear was about to stain his cheek when suddenly something fell onto his floor. He got up to see what fell. There he stared at his kunai's scattered all over his floor. He didn't move he just stared at them, as if he couldn't look away.

He didn't know why but the kunai's were attracting him. He got of his bed and put all the kunai's back except one. He picked it up and look at its sharp point. Then he knew what to do to take the pain away from him, and all he needed was in his hand.

The kunai slowly made its way towards Naruto's skin like a magnet. The metallic object thouched his soft skin, then he slid it acrros his arm which caused it to bleed. It felt good. In fact, it felt great. He could fell all the emotions flood out along with the crimson liquid. He smiled as his pain went away and he did it once more since it would feel better than before.

Once Again he slid the kunai under the other previous wound. He smiled again as the blood ozzed out of his skin and out in the open. When he looked at his wounds they were already healing. His faced had an angry expression.

"Stupid fox," he said. "The hell did you do that!"

" I don't want to die by your foolish events." replied Kyuubi.

"Well, dont heal them! I want them there thats why I did it!"

"I hope you know what your doing, kit."

"Of course I do" Naruto replied with a smile on his face.


Naruto groand as a beam of light it his face. He opened his eyes, which were filled with dullness, and stared at the ceiling. He forced himself up and scrach his arm. He flinched as he accidently scratch the wound he did the other night. He stared at it for no reason, but then went to his dresser and grabbed a long-sleeved, black shirt and a plain orange shirt.

He changed his clothes since he was too tired to do anything else. He put on the long-sleeved shirt first, to hide the scars, then he put on the orange shirt, so they wont suspect anything. He fixed his hair and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass of water then drank it all without a breath then letting out a gasp for air. He looked at the clock that was on his wall which read 7:10. Good, he had enough time to get there without any complaints.

Grabbing his keys he slipped on his sandles and opened the door and headed outside. He closed the door behind him and locked it. He started walking to the bridge and started thinking.

'I hope no one notices the change of clothes. Ha! If anyone would care..they would probably just pay attention to that Sasuke-teme. Oh well they have the Uchiha and I have...my "friend"' He smiled when he mentioned his "friend".

Since he was too busy thinking he hadn't notice that he had already arrived to the Bridge. Just a few more steps and he would be there but there was no rush. Its not like he wanted to go there. Thats the last thing he wanted to do. He looked up and there was only one person there.

'Grrreat! Sasuke's here! Yippie!' he thought sarcasticly.

He arrived to the bridge but didn't greet Sasuke since there was no point. Why would he? He's the reason his life is miserable. Well, one of them actually.

"Oi, dobe what's with the new outfit? Decided that the jumpsuite was too stupid." He taunted.

"Shut the hell up Sasuke-teme" Naruto said plainly with no emotion in his voice.

Sasuke stayed silent since he had never seen Naruto act this way. Which was kinda akward, there was probably something bothering him, but he didn't ask. Then they both felt a familiar charkra which was Sakura's. She was approaching quickly as she saw her precious Uchiha.

"Ohayo Sasuke-kun!" she greeted cheerfully.

Of course she got no reply. Now she was expecting a greeting from the annoyin ninja but it didn't come. She faced Naruto to find him staring at the water for no reason. She knew something must be wrong so she decided she would greet him since of what she said yesterday.

"Ohayo Naruro!" she greeted with a smile on her face hoping that would make him happy.

All he did was take a glance at her and continued to stare at the water. She was about to yell at Naruto for being "rude" but Kakashi poofed up.

"Yo" he greeted. "Well anyways no training Im tired and I dont feel like dealing with you guys."

With that he poofed leaving Sakura with her jaw down. Sasuke and Naruto just started to walk back to their houses. Now, Sakura was going to chase after Sasuke but deciced to apoligize to Naruto for yesterday.

"Oi Naruto, im sorry for yesterday."she apoligized.

"Whatever.." he simply said.

"Hey! Naruto whats the big idea!" she yelled.

He made no movement on turning back or replying to her which caused her to go furious. She grabbed his arm which caused him to make a reflex. He quickly slapped her hand away from his arm and glared at her. Although, Sakura felt something warm on her hand. She looked down and gasped. There was blood on her hand! Apperantly the blood started to come out again.

"U-Umm sorry I-I accidently fell and scraped my arm on the way here." he said quickly.

Before she could even answer he ran away as fast as he could ignoring all the glares the villagers were giving him. Sakura knew he was lying and was going to find the bottom of this. She rushed to the direction that Sasuke went hoping to see if he would do something.

'Oh, Naruto what have you got yourself into.' she thought before heading towards Sasuke's house.

Daisy (Authots Cousin): HI I HOPE YOU LIKED MY STORY! IF you review i will make the other chapter. Its because I dont want to make something that I lvoe for nothing.

FD: Yeah, yeah

Daisy: Grrr

Naruto: Ahh cousin love!

Sasuke: shut up, dobe!

Naruto: You shut up Sasuke-teme!