Chapter 92: I will never let you go

John emerged from the river holding a limp and unconscious Torrie Wilson in his arms in bridal like style. Torrie head was bent back and her arms hang loosely. John placed her down on the floor Torrie just laid lifeless not moving or breathing on the damp floor. John looked at her John froze he didn't know what to do; Chloe walked over and saw Torrie lying down on the floor.

"Torrie, come on" John said, he noticed she wasn't breathing.

John's heart beat twice as fast as he saw Torrie like this; he did CPR on her but nothing she didn't respond.

"Torrie, please" John said he did again but she wouldn't respond

"Please Torrie, I love you please" John pleaded with her but she didn't wake up

"Please Torrie just breathe please" John said scared and frightened

The rain droplets fell on Torrie's gorgeous face as it looks like this was the end of Torrie Wilson. John looked at her he was losing the woman he loves and there was nothing he could do. Tears fell from his eyes when Torrie just lay there on the floor not moving

John remembered this sort happening at the end of his movie but that wasn't real life normally Kelly would have got up and laughed but this was Torrie she was his life. Without her he wouldn't be living at all he promised he would love and protect her until the day he dies.

"No, don't you dare give up on me" John replied to Torrie, she didn't respond. John stopped and grabbed a lifeless Torrie and cradled her in his arms he was starting to think that she was dead.

John laid her back down and did CPR one more time, Torrie started to cough and water came out, John sighed with relief seeing her breathing. She opened her eyes while still breathing rapidly from her near death experience, she thought she was dead but John brought her back to life. Torrie opened her eyes and turned to see John kneeling down near her

"John," Torrie stuttered

"Yeah I'm here," John replied "Don't you ever do that to me again"

Torrie laughed and John put her in his arms, she hugged him while he held unto her thanking god that she wasn't dead he hadn't lost her.

"I am never going to let you go again" John said, Torrie smiled and kissed him while still in his embrace. He protectively put his arms around her still kissing her

Torrie looked at the river where the last time she saw Peter

"He's dead" Torrie muttered, John shook his head and pointed over at Peter

"You saved him!" Torrie said

"I couldn't let him die Torrie" John replied to Torrie, she nodded and accepted John's help to help her up to her feet

"No John don't please" Torrie pleaded seeing him walk over to a now conscious Peter

"You ever and I mean ever come near her again I will kill you myself," John swore at Peter while Torrie held unto his arm for comfort and what she really needed support

"Do you understand, because next time I will let you die!" John snapped, Peter looked and nodded

"Good" John replied, Torrie sighed knowing it was over this time

"Come on" John replied, Torrie stopped a minute and looked back at Peter the man who nearly killed her. Torrie kicked him and told "Stay out of my life!"

"Torrie" John spoke, Torrie turned put her hands through her wet hair

"What I have to have the last word" Torrie replied, John sighed and laughed before pulling Torrie close to him happy that she was still with him. Torrie grabbed Chloe and walked to John's car not turning back to see Peter she was through him and for once in her heart she believed it's over she won!


John took Torrie to the hospital to just to be checked over to be on the safe side after the horrid experience she had nearly dying today probably dead still hadn't sunk with Torrie. Torrie was in the hospital for a couple of hours but she released in the next hour.

"Torrie are you okay?" John asked opening the car door, Torrie stepped out of her car and looked at sky before turning to John putting on a smile

"Yeah of course" Torrie smiled before walking away, John caught up with her put his arm around her

Torrie and John checked in our hotel room, they opened the door to find their friends in there

"TORRIE" Trish screamed she ran and hugged Torrie tight

"Hey," Torrie replied, Trish let her go

"You know breathing is an option, very important" Torrie replied, Trish let her go and smiled

Torrie smiled until Mickie and Lillian hugged her tight, Torrie fell back a few steps before they let her go. It was only a few minutes after that the guys hugged her as well happy to see she was okay. Torrie thought and wondered why they were being like this John told him about Peter.

"Torrie," Candice muttered, Torrie turned and let go of the showstopper before walking up to Candice

"I'm so sorry!" Candice said

"It's okay, past is past I don't care about the past it's the future that I care about" Torrie said looking at John

"I love you" Candice replied, Torrie hugged her and but told her

"But you try and steal John off me then you and me are going to have a problem"

"What makes you think that I would even do that" John said, Torrie laughed with Candice

Later everyone had left Torrie and John alone together

Torrie was sitting on the sofa looking at the telly freshly dressed in a jean skirt, black tank top with black knee boots, it was starting to sink that she could not have been here if it wasn't for John.

Torrie shuddered over the thought of seeing Peter again. Torrie was still knocked back that Peter was actually trying to kill her and if it weren't for the wwe champion he would have succeeded Torrie would have been dead right now. Torrie wasn't interested what was going on in the program she was caught her in her deep thoughts.

"Torrie" John said, Torrie looked at him with tears

"Hey come on, what is it?" John said, he sat down and she hugged John

"Torrie, come on tell me" John replied

"I guess I can't believe that Peter actually nearly killed me, if it wasn't for you I would have been I wouldn't be here," Torrie sobbed

"I know but you are babe, you are here with me" John said with his arm around her

"Yeah but"

"There's no buts or what if's Torrie, he isn't coming back it's over we won" John said, Torrie looked down before John picked her face with his finger

"Look I won't let anything happen to you I promise, as long as I'm breathing I won't stop fighting and loving you" John replied, Torrie smiled through her tears


"Really, I won't ever let you go again I promise the only way something happens to you is if I'm dead" John said, Torrie smiled at him

"I'm scared John" Torrie confessed

"Of what?"

"I'm scared about the thought of losing you" Torrie confessed, John looked at her

"You're not going too, I promise I thought of lost you" John replied

"Yeah" Torrie spoke

"Come on" John said, Torrie smiled as he picked her up holding her in his arms. John put her down on the bed standing in front of her

"Do you mean that, we are going to stay together?" Torrie asked

"Yes" John replied, Torrie looked at him

"You said that the last time" Torrie replied, John sighed and put his hand on Torrie's face moving her hair on her shoulders

"Look I don't know what the future holds for us all I know that we will stick together, I love you Torrie and I will swear it all over again my love for you" John said, Torrie smiled and got up she hugged John tight

"I love you" John replied

"I love you more" Torrie spoke with a smile

"Not possible sweetheart" John replied, Torrie sweetly smiled and kissed him

"To think that I nearly lost you," John replied holding her hand, Torrie looked at him

"Yeah, do you want know what heaven's like?" Torrie joked

John laughed staring at Torrie

"You know what no I don't think I do" John replied, Torrie smiled and kissed him again passionately he kissed back placing his arm around her back bringing her closer to him he held unto like he never want to ever let go

John and Torrie were very happy to know that they made it; their love for each other conquered everything that stood in the way of them they made it even though it had been a rough road they still made it. Their love was still strong and bright for each other it was strong than ever now!!!

There you go Closer to you is complete lol; I hoped you liked it as much as I did writing it Lol. I would like to say thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story thank you ever so much lol you know I luv all of ya lol

Now does everyone want me to do a sequel let me know Lol

Luv Kelly

Xooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Jorrie forever Lol