I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh (If I did Yami would have never left for the after life)


Puppy Love

Chapter 1:

Everything was prepared. Yami stood in the middle of the room in his spirit form. The seven millennium Items were placed around him in a circle. Today was the day. Finally he would be able to have a body of his own. He would now be able to really live again.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Yami?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes Yugi I'm sure don't worry" Yami said reassuringly.

"Finally I'm going to have my own body!" Yami whispered to himself. Then he closed his eyes and started chanting the spell he memorized in Ancient Egyptian.

A bright light suddenly came from the items and engulfed Yami as Yugi shielded his eyes, praying nothing would go wrong.

Just as suddenly as the light had come, it disappeared, and the room filled with thick dark smoke. Yugi coughed and moved towards where Yami had stood before.

"Hey Yami, are you okay?"

His eyes widened as the smoke cleared to reveal his room, and Yami was missing.


Yami POV

Yami woke up and he groggily opened his eyes. He raised his head to find himself lying out on the street. /Yugi/ Yami tried to contact his partner through their mind link, but Yugi didn't answer.

Yami sighed and got up 'Now where am I, everything looks so huge'

The it hit him He had a body! His own body!

He raised his hand to see it, but was surprised at the sight that met his eyes. He had a body all right, but not the one he was expecting.

'Oh no something must have gone terribly wrong' Yami went to a nearby puddle too look at his reflection.

There stood a little black puppy (AN: He looks like a baby Labrador cute!!) with big crimson eyes.

Then a net caught him and he struggled to get free.

'What in the name of Ra is going on here?' Yami yelled but all that came out was loud barking noises.

"Well what do we have here and look no collar, I guess its of to the pound with you" the man said as he put Yami in the back of a truck.

'Oh no now what?'

So tell me what you think?