I always thought that I would never go back to West Chester but I guess I was wrong. Especially now that I was standing in my new classroom that I was going to teach. Althought this was going to be my new 10th grade classroom, it was strange to be in the same classroom that I was such a trouble maker with my best friend.

Oh god how much Mr. Casser hated us, even though I was the person who would always 'accidently,' set the text books on fire Mr. Casser was the one to inspire me to become a Science Teacher. It is rather sad to know that old guy died just only a month ago, I would say that is a good thing but its not since he was one of my favorite teachers. But it really is an honor to be able to teach in his old classroom.

I looked at my watch, only to notice that I still had an hour to kill before the first day of school started. I looked down at my outfit and knew that I wasn't dressed as a teacher not with my loose blue hip huggers and my CKY band t-shirt. My light brown hair was tied back into a loose bun and my make was done only with a thin layer of black eyeliner, I knew I looked the same age as these tenth graders although I am twenty-six but why pretend to be an uptight teacher when I am a really relaxed young woman whose only passion is to teach and to skate.

I hopped onto the long table that was set up in front of at least thirty desks and sat cross legged. I picked up my book and began to read my current book that I was reading. I had an old CD full of CKY's songs that were played before they even became famous as I read. I wish I could visit with Jess and Bam again but I knew that I couldn't intrude in their lives not after eight years of not being in touch. I know Bam is busy with his skating career and Jess with CKY, I didn't come back to West Chester to be close with the two brother's again, I came back so I could look after my baby sister.

Especially, now that my mother abandoned her for her new husband. So now my sixteen year old sister is living with me in my new apartment. A half an hour, a girl's voice interuppted my thoughts and I looked up from my book. "Uh, are you suppose to be sitting on the table and using the teachers CD player?"

I looked at her and smiled, "Oh, I am the teacher. You can call me Laine, call me Miss Ashely and I will cry. I hate my last name its so preppish."

The young girl smiled and said, "I guess you are related to Holly Ashely, you know with the last name and all. But I guess you two are polar oppisites in personality."

I looked at her puzzled, "What do you mean? My sister seems to be into all the same things I am, don't tell me she acts like Miss Popularity."

The girl hugged her books tightly to her chest and said, "Sorry, but your sister is the most snobbiest person in school but don't tell her that I told you that she would kill me!"

"I won't tell her I just can't believe that she acts that way, you see I haven't seen her or my mother in eight years so I wouldn't know how Holly acts but I hope that I can get her out of her snobbish habit." I said to her assuringly. I looked at my watch and saw that there was only two minutes before class started and people were piling into the classroom, including my sister who looked shock as she sat into a desk next to her friend.

I just smiled at her as I turned to my desk to turn off my CD player. Once the bell rang I hopped back onto the table that I had sat on earlier and began to speak to the class, "Okay, I am Miss Ashely but if you call me that there will be extreme consquences so call me Laine. Yes I am Holly's sister." I pointed to Holly who sat right in the middle of the classroom, she was scowling at this obvious not pleased with me being her teacher, "Anyway, this is my science class and I want you to know that I hope to make this year fun for you. Let me tell you when I was in High School I hated science, I couldn't stand it but that changed when I got Mr. Casser for a science teacher. He changed my view on science but that didn't make me his favorite student. Like, this one time when my best friend Bam and I-"

I was interuppted by a skater, "You know Bam Margera, like off of Viva La Bam?"

"Viva La Bam?" I asked puzzled, I on honestly didn't know what that was.

"You don't watch his show?" He asked.

I shook my head and said, "Nope, I don't watch TV all that often but yeah I do know Bam Margera but I haven't talked to him in awhile."

"If you know Bam then how come you aren't groveling for his money?" He asked smartly.

"Probably because I have more important things to do than hold on to the past." I said back, "Now as I was saying, you know what I am so not going to waste your time by telling you stories about me. So, how about we just listen to music and talk about random things."

Oh they were all for this, "Okay how about every person in this room can ask me a question about myself and I will do the same for everyone else unless you don't want to them you can pass but you have to at least answer one question for me and ask me one question so I don't have an overly too quiet classroom because I can't stand silence. Okay I am going to start with you," I pointed to the girl I had spoken to earlier, "You should state your name before asking me a question, okay?"

"Alright, my name is Nissa and what are you favorite bands?"

I had to think about this even thought the answer was simple, "I love about everything besides some rap and of course classical music, I especially love CKY because I actually grew up with the band members acting like my older brothers. Okay my question for you is going to be... how old do you think I am? Anybody can answer this question this isn't just especially aimed towards Nissa."

Immediately a couple of girls' hands rose, I choose the girl who sat in back, "You would be at least twenty five or twenty six if you were able to do stuff with Bam Margera in a tenth grade classroom."

"I am twenty-six, so you are right. So I would like to know your name and what question you would like to ask me."