I am a horrible horrible person, making you wait for this chapter. I kind of forgotten about it until I was posting a new story that I had found this one. I was reading some of it and looked at the reviews, I'm sooo sorry.! I'll try to update more, promise.

Dedicated to poisonXgirl, Insane and Logical, Xtreme-Follower, Californication13, Mommys Little Nightmare, Cap'n Meg, Speed Needs No Translation, Bloody Enkeli.

note to mommys little nightmare : peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best! thumbs up! lol.

Part Three

Dunn was very enthusiastic among my return, he filled me in on everything that has happened since I was gone. Apparently, Bam and Ville are on the outs and Bam got married. I think the most shocking of the two was that Bam and Ville are on the outs, They were like best friends or something when I left.

About the marriage thing, I figured that Jenn and Bam would get married eventually. "Oh, cool." I said rhetorically. "So Jenn is still around?"

Dunn rubbed the back of his head, "Well, not exactly. Bam got married to this really cool chick named Missy."

"Oh." I said nodding, as we entered out of the grocery store. Bam and his crew were still wreaking havoc in there as Dunn and I were talking. "He's not going to be very happy that I am back, is he?"

"Not at all." Dunn shook his head, "The way you left us was cold. We never expected you to comeback. Especially Bam, who took it the hardest."

"I know." I said quietly. "I had to make something of myself and not just someone that mooches off of people. I hate depending on people especially when my mother was always gone. Have you heard? I am the new 10th grade science teacher?"

"Oh really? That's cool." Dunn said as he kicked a rock. We were standing near the entrance of the store. "You have Mr. Casser's old room?"

I nodded and grinned, "Yup, Bam and I used to annoy the heck out of him. I wish had gotten to tell him how much he inspired me to actually be into science, though."

"Yeah, I am sure he would have been proud." Dunn said, "Its funny how Bam is soo oblivious that you are Ashes. Though I can't blame him, you did let your hair grow out more than you had it a few years ago. I remember when you got so mad in Junior year that you cut all off to an inch. Just to get Bam to stop putting gum in your hair."

I laughed, "Yeah, at least all of it went to charity. That's one thing no body knew about. Twelve inches straight to a charity that provides wigs of natural hair to cancer patients."

Dunn smirked, "I'm sure April had an Idea. She went right into the bathroom that you locked yourself in after you left, to donate all that hair. She came out puzzled."

"Really." I smirked, I missed Ape soo much. She was like the mother I never had. "Do you think I could get Ape's number? I would really like to talk to her."

"Sure." He said as he grabbed a pen out of his pants pocket and wrote the digits on my right forearm.

I looked at him after he finished and said, "Look, I have to go and take care of my little sister. She's living with me now, so I have to make her dinner and all that fun stuff. So I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, have ape give you my number." He said as he turned to walk back into the grocery store.

Short but cool, right? I will have more later. I promise.