Disclaimer: Not my characters

Warning: M rated - involves almost all things associated with the rating.

Edited version

Well, I hope you enjoy this story. It is the first FanFic I wrote and I have recieved a very mixed response for it. From being told off for bad spelling and grammar to declarations of love for my story and a declaration of hate for me - all in good humour I assure you.

However there are always those who feel...compelled, shall we say, to over step their bound in constructive criticism and make some completely superfluous and supercilious comments. These are not appreciated!

I understand how annoying it is when you come across a spelling mistake, which is why I am editing each chapter to rid them of such errors, and fair enough if my story is not really 'up your street' but that is no reason to make me feel like crap.

I have never declared, nor shall ever declare, that my writing skills are any better than average, and although I do greatly appreciate the time and effort taken for people to read and critique my work (for which I thank you), and although I do always endeavour to improve, I find it neccessary to mention yet again that a diatribe or invective review is both offensive and pointless.

However, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has reviewed with constructive comments or just a rant about the story, they made me smile and gave me the motivation to write more. I do encourage such reviews!

Even though I enjoy writing, it is not of any major significance to me, it is not an ambition nor a hobby, so excuse me if I have better things to do with my time that research every little detail, whats the fun in that? There is a reason why its called Fan Fiction. You are meant to be original and use your imagination to create whatever the hell you want, which is what I have done.

Anyway, I appologise for the rant, but such thing needed to be said and please don't let it put you off reviewing as long as they are constructive and/or inoffensive. Enjoy the story!

"No! Not Granger, anyone but Granger!" exclaims Malfoy in his annoyance before calming his expression so his face shows no emotion. He had just been told that, as head boy, he would share his dorms with the head girl – Hermione Granger.

Draco had never got on with the filthy mudblood, she was a know-it-all and when she wasn't proving some one wrong, she had her nose stuck in a book. He couldn't believe that he'd be spending his last year at Hogwarts with her practically 24-7. With all the duties that come with being Head Boy and Head Girl, they would be stuck with each other indefinitely.

"She'll stick that oversized nose of hers in my business all the time," Draco mocked to Blaise, who was relaxing by the fire in the Slytherin common room, pitying his friend of what he had to endure.

"Yeah but you have your own common room and dorm, isn't that worth the sacrifice?" enquired Pansy, who was perched elegantly on the table the other side of the room. Draco looked at her in a way that made her blush. He had that effect on all the girls. Draco had grown up very well indeed. Every girl, be it in Slytherin or otherwise, craved his tall, slender, yet strong and muscular body with his fair, Elven good looks. His every move was controlled and graceful but intimidating and mysterious. No girl could resist is charms, no girl except one: Granger.

Deep in thought, he whispered something to Blaise who smiled and nodded, but all of a sudden, he realised what the time was and remembered that he was meant to meet Snape 10 minutes ago to get the password to his dorm. "Shit!" he hissed as he launched himself out of his chair and headed to the door with deep powerful strides.

"Forget something?" Asked Blaise slyly. Draco didn't reply, he only glanced back at him with an emotionless face and left.


"Malfoy's Head boy!" Harry and Ron state in disbelief. "And you have to share dorms with him!" Both boys were holding back fits of laughter. Hermione, on the other hand, was not. She gave them both a sharp look and stormed out, annoyed at their immaturity. As she left the Gryffindor common room, she heard them burst out in to laughter, which worsened her mood. She had already got the password for her dorm so she went straight there.

As she was nearing the entrance, she found a figure sitting slumped against the wall. She instantly realised who it was and holding back a snigger she asked: "Malfoy?"

To which he replied: "You took your sweet time Granger! Have you any idea how long I've been waiting here?"

"Well you should have received the password yourself" Hermione replied in an amused tone, having caught on that Malfoy had somehow not got the password.

"No lectures Granger, just open the damn door," He snarled after standing up, which was slightly intimidating for Hermione as he leant over her. Hermione was not short but Malfoy was extremely tall, which made him intimidating.

Hermione spoke the password and they both entered. The dorm was massive, just as big as the house dorms, with equally impressive furnishings. Malfoy walked straight over to the door on the right and disappeared through it, whilst Hermione started to look round at the study area. A spilt second later Malfoy came out again and said that the room had god-awful decoration so it must be hers before disappearing into the door at the far left. This time he did not come out. Hermione walked to the door of which Malfoy just left and saw that it was decorated with gold and red – Gryffindor colours. She also saw that the middle door led to the bathroom, which she understood they had to share.

Hermione went into her room and began to change her travelling clothes before the feast. Draco had just discovered the deal with the bathroom and began to enter Hermione's room to protest that under no circumstances was Granger going to turn it all girly, when he stopped suddenly, realising she was changing.

He was stunned for a second and just as he was about to turn away, she took off her cloak revealing the slim, well shaped body underneath. Leaning on the wall, arms folded, legs crossed, head tilted, he watched her. He looked at the way her shirt clung to her body, complimenting her form perfectly. The way her low hip skirt showed off her toned stomach and long graceful legs. "Why on earth does she keep herself covered up like it's the middle of winter all the time, she's not half bad", Draco thought, then remembering who he was thinking this about, he quickly made to leave, but not before being noticed.

" MALFOY!" Screamed an extremely annoyed and embarrassed Hermione, as she was just about to undo her top when she saw him leaning in her doorway staring at her, watching her.

This sudden out burst made Draco jump, though he didn't show it. He kept his cool and calm composure, looked her up and down, smirked and simply left adding in a comment before he did so: " Here's some advice Granger, try showing off that body of yours and you might seem less of a prude"

Hermione stood there, speechless and in shock, but with her mind racing " What if I hadn't noticed him! The pervert! Body of mine? Did he like my body? UGH what do I care, I don't!" She quickly got changed, ever conscious of who might be watching, and went down to the feast.

Draco heard her leave and let out a deep breath, not a sigh, Malfoy's don't sigh. He kept imagining Granger in ways he shouldn't, and was getting quite frustrated by it. "What the fuck is wrong with me? She's a filthy mudblood…with one of the nicest bodies I've seen…damn, no, I can't like her!"

At the feast, Hermione was not on speaking terms with either Harry or Ron, due to their earlier incompetence, so she only had Ginny to talk to. She was very tired from the long train ride, and as it was the first day of term, so she decided that a good night's sleep was in order. She left the Great Hall without a word to anyone, but felt someone's eyes burning into her back as she walked down among the tables.

She was walking through the corridor; she did not realise some one was following her. Her thoughts strayed back to Malfoy.

"This is ridiculous, Malfoy was watching me get changed and all I did was stand there, I should have hexed him, or at least thrown a book at him. But I am Head Girl and I have to set a good example – one of which is getting on with the Head Boy!"

With that matter sorted out, she became aware of her surroundings again, and a sudden icy breeze hit her from behind. She stopped and turned round only to see a dark, empty hallway behind her. She thought to herself it must have been a house ghost, most likely Peeves, trying to scare her – and it was working. Nevertheless, having seen there was no one following her she carried on walking but kept her head positioned behind her for an extra moment only to slam into something, or some one.

Hermione froze, she knew it wasn't a wall because it felt soft, warm and could speak:

"Well, well, well if it isn't Granger" said a familiar voice. Hermione snapped her head round to look at the owner of the voice: Malfoy.

Normally Hermione would have had a go at him for sneaking around but there was something in his gaze that stopped her from even breathing. He took another step towards her, she took one back, he approached her again and she backed away from his unwavering gaze until she was pressed onto the wall.

"What's the matter Granger? No scolding or lecturing?" he asked in a mocking tone. Hermione still didn't answer; she could not tear herself away from his eyes. The shining pools of silver glistened in the firelight, giving them an almost inhuman quality. Not once had he blinked since she looked at him, and she should know because she was lost in his eyes, hypnotised, and it was as though one blink would break the spell.

She suddenly realised he was leaning closer with one of his hands resting on the wall besides her head and the other besides her waist. He was bending down slightly so he was eye level with her and seemed to look at her with the deepest of thought. A minute or two passed, locked together, trapped in his gaze. He smirked, his eyes narrowed, and he began to lean in closer, but he went to the side of her head, which was pressed against the wall like the rest of her body. His lips were centimetres away from her ear; she could feel the air exhaling out of his open mouth against her skin. Her heartbeat quickened to an unsteady pace. He whispered softly and sinisterly, "It's getting late, you shouldn't be out on your own, you don't know what might happen," and with that, he left.

Hermione was frozen backed up against the wall; her bones ached from the ledge that dug into her back, as she was pressing against it so hard. Her mind was racing "What just happened here? He was acting so strange, his eyes…they were amazing…"

However, she quickly sobered up and, now extremely shaken, was torn on what to do. Should she to go to her dorm, where Malfoy was likely to be or to find Harry and Ron to tell them what had just happened but then she remembered what jerks that had been before and this would only make them worse. No. She must go to the dorm, it was her dorm after all and she shouldn't be frightened away from it.

Suddenly she thought, being the intelligent girl she was, that could be the reason for Malfoy's actions – he wanted to scare her out of the dorms by acting as perverted and weird as possible so he could get it to himself. Well, it wasn't going to work; she would show him he has not deterred her.

With a powerful stride, she walked to the dorm and entered only to find a half naked Draco strutting about. He had just showered and only put his trousers back on, his hair was wet and water droplets slid gracefully over his muscular form, caressing every curve and contour only to disappear into the material. With every movement of the water, his skin reacted, tensed, clenched, and tingled.

Hermione stood in the doorway, staring. Draco noticed her firm gaze and looked at her with an expression as if to say "what?". When she realised how long she had been staring she fixed her gaze on the floor and hurried into her room shutting and locking the door behind her. She breathed heavily, her heart had never beaten so hard and her mind again began to explode with thought. Now she knew why all the girls swooned over him, but she would never allow herself to become one of those mindless drones.


Two weeks passed from that eventful night and nothing much happened, Hermione made sure that she didn't bump into Malfoy and talked to him as little as possible but this couldn't last forever, her duties as Head Girl meant that she had to spend a lot of time with Draco. By this time she had, of course, made up with Harry and Ron but she still didn't tell them about what happened, she didn't think it was important at all. She pretended like everything was perfectly fine, when really every time she saw Malfoy, her whole body tensed, and the worst thing was, he knew it.

Hermione had not been eating properly the passed two weeks and was constantly in deep thought. She started forgetting about home works and being late to class – this was very unusual behaviour for Hermione and everyone noticed it. She was constantly being asked what was wrong, but that just made her more and more annoyed, but she didn't show it – she was Head Girl, she couldn't just snap at people trying to help – but she was bottling up her emotions, which is not healthy and sooner or later it will explode from her, but for the time being she was calm and collective, if some what distracted.

At dinner, she was depressed again, she had bumped into Malfoy, not literally this time, but it was still awkward, well for her at least. Harry noticed this and queried her like she had so often done with him when he had a secret.

"What's wrong 'Mi?" Said Harry worried, after noticing that she hadn't touched her food again. Hermione didn't answer, she only sighed, at this Ron, with a mouthful of chicken, tried to coax it out of her and when she didn't even tell Ron not to speak with his mouth full, both boys knew something was seriously wrong.

"I need to finish my potions homework," she said getting up and leaving the hall. Hermione would never leave homework till this late, even Ron had even finished it and that was saying something. Ron and Harry looked at each other with nervous expressions.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted after her, this only made her walk faster. On the Slytherin table, disturbed by the shout, Draco watched Hermione leave.

"Ay, ay, another domestic," Blaise mocked to the other Slytherins, who all laughed, except Draco, who was slowly eating, in deep thought, still staring at the exit from which Granger left. He felt a heavy thump on the back and heard "cheer up, it might never happen" from an enthusiastic Pansy.

"Yes" He thought to himself "What if it never happens…"


Busy at her desk in her room, carefully measuring out potions and experimenting their effects if combined. She looked at the time, the clock read 10:45pm, and rubbed her temples to relax, then sat back on her surprisingly comfortable chair, and slowly closed her eyes. The next thing she knew, her potions were bubbling out of control, spilling all over her robes, the desk, her books, everywhere - she had fallen asleep!

"CRAP!" she cursed as she ducked from the explosion. Her robes were ruined, as were her books and, well, the potion project was not looking so good either. She took out her wand and cleaned everything, but she decided to get some water then go to bed, she just couldn't carry on.

She dumped her robes on her bed, and wearing her strap top and night shorts; she walked absentmindedly out of her room and into the bathroom. She filled a glass with tap water and took a sip. The cool liquid slid down her throat, soothing, calming, and relaxing her. She was about to take another sip when she heard the door close. She turned round and there was Draco, this time wearing nothing but a towel to preserve his dignity.

Hermione wondered how she hadn't heard him but looking around she saw that the practically naked Draco was blocking the only way out. He was once again sopping wet, this time more so, and again the droplets slid down his perfect body, interrupted only by muscle, for his chest was not burdened with any hair. His eyes once again, possessed their inhuman and hypnotic quality, Hermione felt herself draw towards him, but she resisted. Instead, he walked towards her, his steps so strong; so certain; so confident, it frightened her.

Blushing, she said that first thing that came into her head " I…I didn't realise you were in here, I just wanted some water". Standing uncomfortably close, Draco ignored her and seemed once again to be in deep thought.

"I see you have trouble giving me privacy when I shower Granger" Draco said with his famous smirk. "And" he continued, eyeing her up and down, which sent a shiver down her spine "It seems you like to wear less every time I see you"

Hermione was outraged, he was the one before, watch her change, he was the one strutting around in his trousers and he is the one wearing nothing but a towel now! She felt her body unfreeze as she unleashed her hand on his face.

Smirking and holding her wrist, which he caught before it struck him, Draco grabbed Hermione's other wrist and slammed her into the wall, pinning both her hands against the wall above her head with only one of his. The glass that she was holding fell and smashed on the ground, she could feel the water and broken fragments swim round her feet.

"Now that wasn't very friendly, was it Granger?" He said coolly.

"What do you think you're doing? Let me go this instance!" She demanded, raising her voice, finally finding her confidence.

"Come on, we both know that's not what you really want" he said moving his head so that it was only an inch away from hers, he added "Oh, and shout all you want, no one will hear you – Silencing spells will see to that"

His eyes had once again hypnotised her, she could do nothing but stare, wait…hope.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione asked quietly, breathing heavily and sounding lost. Her answer was a smirk and that repulsed her. However, she could not control herself thinking about how his body was pressed up to her. His body, that felt as good as it looked, that was holding her, that was making her clothes wet with the moisture that covered him.

She felt his hand slide round her waist; her heart beat fluttered, and he pulled her body closer to his. She lowered her head, his gaze and his force, was too much for her, she closed her eyes only to feel his soft hand leave her waist and lift her chin so she was looking directly into his burning silver eyes. She felt a sense of hopelessness, but not despair, no, she felt like if he asked her to do anything, she would do it without hesitation.

Draco then took both her wrists with both his hands and pinned them further down on the wall, either side of her head, never faltering in his gaze. Of course, at this point his towel chose to desert its position and Hermione heard a soft thump as the material hit the floor. She suddenly felt very flustered, she blushed, but Draco, completely unfazed by the revealing of his glory, leant in, just like before in the corridor and whispered in her ear.

"Like I said, you don't know what might happen"

After which he let go of her completely, picked up his towel, and strutted out the room completely naked, as he knew a shocked Hermione was watching his departure.

Hermione slumped to the floor quivering, surrounded by broken glass which cut into her skin. She looked down, realising that she was bleeding and winched as she pulled out a large shard that was sticking into her leg. A tear slid involuntarily down her cheek as she examined her wrists. They ached and might bruise but as she rubbed them, she reflected on how she felt. She felt frightened, but not in danger, it was strange, she almost wanted him to carry on, as though she enjoyed his contact.

She shook this thought from her head and unsteadily rushed back to her room and shut the door, whilst adding many charms to lock it. Her mind was plagued with so many different thoughts and feelings, nothing like that had ever happened to her before; it was alien to her, what ever it was.