Disclaimer: I own nothing Final Fantasy. (sob)

Stay By Your Side

Chapter 1

"Now you better be careful out there." Yuffie said, taking her arms from around Vincent's neck. "If you die on that mission I'm gonna bring you back and kill you again, got that?"

Vincent nodded, a small smile starting to form. "You've been hanging around Cid to much. Didn't he say something like that not to long ago?"

Yuffie smiled. "Yep. But the difference between him and I is that I mean it." Vincent smirked then leaned forward and kissed her. Yuffie grinned and gave him a playful shove. "All right Tall, Dark and Gruesome get out of here before I get all mushy and weepy on you."

He smiled then turned and walked away, fading around the corner. Yuffie's smile disappeared. She didn't know all the details on this mission of his but she knew it was gonna be dangerous. I shouldn't be worried. she thought. He's been on plenty of dangerous missions and he always came through ok. This mission can't be any worse then when he stopped Omega.

She sighed. "I need to stop worrying so much. Besides, Cloud, Cid and Barrett will be there to watch his back. No need to worry."

She turned and walked back inside.

One week later

Yuffie collapsed into the armchair of her small living room, the shock from her doctors visit still on her face.

Pregnant? Me?

She placed a hand on her stomach as the shock gradually changed to pure, unbridled joy. "Oh my god! Wait till I tell Teef!" She grabbed her phone from her pocket and dialed the Seventh Heaven.

"Hello?" Marlene's voice answered the phone.

"Marlene. It's Yuffie. Is Tifa around?"

"Yep. Hold on and I'll get her. Tifa! Yuffie's on the phone!"

Yuffie heard the phone being handed over and Tifa's voice came over the phone. "Hey. How are you?"

"Guess what!" she could no longer control her excitement as she jumped to her feet.

"Judging by the sound of your voice I'd say something really good happened." Tifa replied.

"I' pregnant!" Yuffie burst out, jumping up and down joyfully.

Tifa could be heard squealing on the other end. "Oh my god! Congratulations! How far along are you?"

"Doctor says I'm a month along and that the morning sickness I've been having should be gone in a few weeks."

"Have you contacted Vincent yet to tell him the news?"

"No. I'm gonna wait till he gets home. And you can't tell anyone and that includes Cloud. The only reason I told you is because I had to tell someone and you're good at keeping secrets."

Yuffie sighed and fell back onto her couch. "Can you believe it? Me. A mother."

Tifa laughed at the other end. "You'll be a great mother and I'm sure Vincent will do great too." Marlene and Denzel's voices could be heard in the background. "Hey Yuf, I have to go. The kids are hungry and I have to make dinner."

"Ok. Tell them I said hi." Yuffie replied.

"Will do. Bye."


Yuffie flipped the phone shut and just laid there staring at the ceiling.

The phone rang and she looked at the caller I.D.. Vincent! She flipped it open. "Well it's about time you called." She said and heard him chuckle. "I take it you miss me?" he asked.

Yuffie snorted. "Well you've been gone for a week and haven't called me once so of course I miss you." He chuckled again. "We've been kinda busy, didn't have time to call.

"Well you should have found the time." Yuffie said in fake anger.

"Fine. I promise I'll find time in the future. Now how are you doing?"

Yuffie grinned. "I'm fine but I do have a surprise for you when you get back."

"Oh? And what is it you have for me?"

"If I told you it wouldn't be a secret now would it?" Yuffie replied, laughing as he sighed. "The one time you can keep a secret and it has to be something for me." He said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Hey! I'm not that big of a blabbermouth!" she said indignantly. Cloud called Vincent in the background. "We're heading out. I'll be home soon. I promise."

"Remember what I said about finding time to call me." She warned. "you guys take care of yourselves and tell everyone I said hi."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." There was a click and Yuffie hung up. She looked at her hand and twirled her wedding ring around her finger. "You better be careful Vincent Valentine or I swear you'll get it."

2 days later

Yuffie groaned and cracked open her eyes, glaring at the phone ringing on the nightstand. She looked at the clock. It was five in the morning.

She looked at the caller I.D.. It was Cloud. She flipped it open. "Hello?" She asked groggily, yawning and sitting up. "Yuffie. It's Cloud." She rubbed her eyes and tried to shake herself awake. "Cloud? Why are you calling so ear-ear-early?" She asked, failing to stifle a yawn. There was silence and then, "Yuffie. It's Vince." Yuffie sucked in a breath and was instantly awake. "What happened? Is he ok?" Another silence. "I-Is he…?" she couldn't finish. The idea of Vincent being gone made her heart stop.

"No. he's not dead." Cloud said and Yuffie released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Then what's wrong with him?" She asked, worry lacing her voice. "Yuffie. You need to meet us at the Seventh Heaven. Just come over and we'll explain everything." "No Cloud. Tell me where Vince is." She demanded. "He's in the hospital, but you can't see him now, there working on him."

Yuffie leapt out of bed and grabbed some cloths. "The hell I can't! there's no way there keeping me from him!" she practically yelled.

She heard a sigh and the phone being handed over. "Kid just calm down and get you ass over to the bar." Cid said. "No way old man. Not when Vincent's in the hospital." She heard Cid let loose a couple pretty colorful profanities before Tifa came on the phone. "Yuffie please. Just come over. You need to know some things and you need to calm down before you go to him."

"CALM DOWN! MY HUSBAND IS LYING IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN!" Yuffie shouted, grabbing a jacket and walking out the front door.

"Yuffie please. If not for us then for the baby. If you go now you'll be put under more stress then if you calm down first, you could lose it."

That made Yuffie stop.

"Yuffie?" Tifa called.

"All right. I'll come but then we go straight to the hospital, got it?"

"Got it."

Yuffie clicked the phone off and took off running to the Seventh Heaven.

The mood at the Seventh Heaven was tense at best. Everyone was sitting around the room. Cloud at the bar with a drink in hand, Cid and Barrett sitting at one of the tables and Tifa behind the bar wiping it down, looking as if she was just doing it to have something to do.

They all looked up when she walked in. Tifa dropped what she was doing and walked over, wrapping her arms around Yuffie in a hug. Then she guided her to the bar and sat her down next to Cloud. Yuffie glared at him. "All right. I'm here. Now tell me what happened." She demanded.

Cloud shook his head, "We're not entirely sure what happened. We had split up to ambush the enemy. I was talking to Vince then all of a sudden there was an explosion coming from his area and the call was cut off." Cloud ran a hand through his spiky locks. "When we found him in the rubble he was unconscious and had several serious injuries, the worst being his head and chest. They had to operate to get all the shrapnel and crap from his chest. He was just brought out of surgery, they called while you were on your way." He turned his head away from her and placed it in his hands. "He's in bad shape Yuf. He's in a coma from the trauma he suffered to his head and the doctor says he has little chance of ever waking up."

Yuffie gasped and broke into sobs. Cloud grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. "No no no!" she sobbed, hitting his chest. "He can't! He can't die! He has a baby on the way and he can't leave me here all alone!" She stopped fighting and collapsed against Cloud, sobs wracking her frame. Tifa came up behind her and rubbed her back comfortingly.

Cid got up from the table and walked over. "Yuffie, calm down and we'll take you to him."

Yuffie looked at him and hiccupped. He actually used her name. Not Brat, not pain in the ass, but Yuffie.

"Now pull yourself together and let's go."

Yuffie nodded and stood up. Tifa looked at Barrett. "I want to go with them, could you watch the kids and bring them up later?" she asked and he nodded.

They all walked out of the bar and headed towards the hospital.

When they arrived at Vincent's room a doctor was just coming out. He explained that there was no change but when he saw Yuffie's tears said quickly that there was still hope and that the only thing left to do was wait.

Yuffie walked past the doctor into the room. There he was, looking even paler then usual (if that's even possible) and dressed in one of those stupid hospital gowns. His head and arms were heavily bandaged while wires and tubes of all kinds were sticking out of him, attaching him to a number of machines.

Yuffie covered her mouth with her hands and let the tears she had been fighting back fall. She felt hands on her shoulders and turned to fling herself into Cloud's arms. He embraced her, comforting her like the brother he was to her, as she cried into his chest.

All day Yuffie stayed by his side, clutching his limp hand in hers as friends stopped by. Barrett brought the kids for a little while then took them home while Cid had to get back to Shera( I think that's his wife's name, I can't remember) since she was seven months pregnant and he didn't want her staying by herself.

Cloud and Tifa stayed with her, offering what comfort they could. Finally Tifa approached her. "Yuffie you need to rest and you need to eat something." Yuffie shook her head. "I'm not leaving him and I'm not hungry." Tifa sighed and looked to Cloud who was probably the only person Yuffie would listen to at the moment. He walked over and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yuf. Will you at least eat? Think of the baby. Just think for one minute how you'd feel if you lost it. That baby was made from yours and Vincent's love for each other. It's your last living connection to him if he doesn't pull through. Are you willing to risk losing that?"

Yuffie sucked in a breath and closed her eyes tight, tears forming at the corners. She shook her head.

"Then come with me and let's get you something to eat." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her out of the room.

This process went on for the next three weeks. Yuffie stayed by Vincent's bedside and Cloud would bring her food (since she refused to leave the room most of the time) and get her to eat while trying to get her to rest.

"Yuffie you at least need to get out of the room for a while." He said one evening, kneeling in front of her chair, making her look at him. "Just go with the kids down to the cafeteria, get some food and try to get your mind off it for a while." Yuffie shook her head. "Yuffie you can come right back and I'll be sure to contact you if there's any change." She didn't reply and he sighed. "Please Yuf. You're going to make yourself sick, we're worried about you." She looked to the door where Marlene and Denzel were watching her with tired, worried eyes. "All right. But you had better contact me if there's any change and I mean any at all." Cloud nodded. "I will. I promise."

Yuffie got up and walked out the door. "Hey guys. What do you say we go down and get something to eat?" the kids nodded. Yuffie took Marlene's hand and the trio walked down the hall.

Cloud walked up behind Tifa and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm worried about her Cloud. The way she's going she will lose the baby." Cloud rested his chin on the crown of her head. "I know. But we're doing everything we can. All we can do now is pray and hope that Vince wakes up."





Yuffie looked down and gave a small, fake smile. "Yes Marlene?"

"Um. Is Vincent going to be alright?"

"Shhh." Denzel hissed. "Be quiet."

Yuffie shook her head. "No it's ok Denzel. I don't know Marlene. I really don't. but I have hope that he will."

They stayed in silence the rest of the way and hardly spoke at all as they ate. Cloud wanted me to get my mind off it but how can I when he's just lying there in that bed and doesn't react to me even being there? She thought as they were walking back. Tears came to her eyes and fell down her cheeks. Marlene wrapped her arms around Yuffie making them stop and Denzel did the same. "He'll be ok." Marlene said and Denzel nodded. "Yeah. Nothing can keep the great Vincent Valentine down."

Yuffie truly smiled for the first time in weeks. She returned their hug, holding them to her tightly. "Thanks guys. That's exactly what I needed to hear." The kids smiled and they continued walking.

They walked around the corner and Yuffie saw a doctor talking to Cloud and Tifa and from the grim look on his face it wasn't good news. Yuffie walked up behind Cloud just as he said, "It's not our decision to make. It's Yuffie's."

"What's my decision to make?" she asked. They turned around to face her, the doctor opened his mouth but Cloud shook his head. "I'll tell her." The doctor nodded and walked away. Yuffie looked from Cloud to Tifa, they wouldn't meet her eyes. "Tell me what Cloud?" Tifa motioned to Marlene and Denzel and took the kids over to some chairs and sat them down, kneeling in front of them.

"Yuf. There's been no change." Cloud began, sadness lacing his voice. "The doctor says it would be cruel to make him go on living like that." Yuffie felt her blood go cold, knowing what he was gonna say next. "He says it would be best to let him go. You're the only one who can make that decision."

Yuffie just stood there, trembling from suppressed sobs. Sh shook her head. "No. not yet." She choked out, looking up at Cloud. "Two days. Just two more days. If there's no change then I'll…" she couldn't finish as a small sob escaped her. She walked past cloud and opened the door to Vincent's room. Cloud started to follow but Yuffie shook her head. "I just want to be alone with him." Then she walked in and closed the door behind her with a snap.

Cloud sighed and looked to where Marlene and Denzel were crying against Tifa. It seemed she'd already broken the news to them. He walked over. "Cloud. Is Vincent really not gonna wake up?" Marlene asked, sniffling. Cloud didn't have the heart to answer her and just placed a hand on her head, looking to Tifa. "Take them home. Contact Cid and the others and tell them the news." He ran a hand through his hair. "Tell them that Yuffie's gonna wait two more days then she's gonna let him go."

Tifa nodded, tears streaming fast down her face. Cloud embraced her as the kids came and clung to his legs. He kissed her forehead. "Tell the others to be ready for bad news In two days because I honestly don't think there's much hope." He hated himself for losing hope but hope's hard to keep when a doctor says it's hopeless.

Tifa didn't reply. Cloud released her and she took the children's hands, leading them down the hall.

Cloud sat in one of the chairs and placed his head in his hands. Damn it Vince. You just had to go and get hurt didn't you?




Two days later

Yuffie sat in her usual position by his bedside, clasping hi hand in hers and running her thumb over his knuckles gently. Two days and still no change.

"Vincent. I'm not sure if you can hear me but if you can then you need to wake up. Please wake up." She sandwiched his hand between the two of hers and leaned her forehead against them. "I need you here with me now, especially now. You have a baby on the way Vince and you can't die on me."




Vincent was floating in darkness, not knowing where he was or why, just floating.

"You have friends that need you Vince." A familiar voice echoed.

Yuffie? His eyes cracked open, searching for the source of that voice.

"We're all worried about you Vince, even Shelke the emotionless one."

Where are you?

"Cloud hasn't left once since you've been here and Tifa hardly leaves. They're losing hope Vince, I think it may already be gone, but I won't stop hoping, not until it actually happens. I can't stop hoping, to do so would be like admitting you're dead already."

Vincent could hear her sobbing, it echoed around him and he desperately wanted to ease her suffering. Yuffie!

"Please Vincent. Please don't die on me. I need you more than you'll ever know."

YUFFIE! Her name echoed around him and suddenly light surrounded him.




Yuffie sat there, face buried in the mattress and squeezing his hand, hope almost gone.

Then she felt him squeeze her hand weakly. She gasped and her head shot up. Vincent's eyes slowly opened and he focused on her face. "I heard you." He said, a small smile on his face. "Cloud!" Yuffie cried and the door burst open and Cloud rushed in. "What is it?" He asked frantically. "He's awake! Vincent's awake!" Yuffie sobbed happily, throwing her arms around her husband.

Cloud stood there in shock before grabbing his phone and dialing Tifa. "Teef. No no calm down. Call everyone and tell them he's awake." Cloud had to hold the phone six feet from his ear as Tifa's cheering and laughing came over the phone, filling the room.

Yuffie kissed Vincent and hugged him tighter. "It would help if I could breath." He said weakly and she loosened her grip. She stood back and placed her hands on her hips. "Vincent Valentine if you EVER scare me like that again I will kill you. Omega was nothing compared to me." Vincent chuckled knowing full well that she was right. He'd rather go against Omega again then face her wrath.

He looked her in the eye and smirked. "So where's the surprise you said you had for me?"

Yuffie could only smile.

A/N: So how was it? Hope you all liked it. A big shout out goes to my pal Jess for being my beta on this story and encouraged me to post it. Thanks a lot Jess. So everyone review and tell me what you think. Criticism welcome and I have a policy on flamers 'you flame me I flame you' that's my flamer motto. Well see ya!