
New story, I think it'll be cool and…blah blah blah. I won't stall anymore. Just saying, the story starts out in one of Naruto's dreams, so if you didn't read this, you won't get it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. So don't sue me…

Pairings: NaruxHina, NejixTen, and others…depends…

Well, whatever.

Talking: "blah"

Dreaming: blah

Thinking: "blah"

Inner talking: "blah"

Naruto was running in a wide, green meadow, smiling as he ran with his arms out toward his supposed true love, Sakura. Sakura, since this was a dream, was running as happily as Naruto was to him in one of those scenes you see on regular cartoons. "Sakura-chan!" Naruto exclaimed happily. "Naruto-kun!" Sakura replied back. Naruto leapt into the air and closed his eyes, bracing for impact on his love. He was surprised to feel himself still in the air and opened his eyes to see Hinata ready to embrace him with her arms out in a lovingly hug. Naruto crashed down on her, confused of what was going on. "Hinata?"

She buried her face into Naruto's chest and giggled. "Yes, Naruto-kun?" she asked happily. Naruto propped himself up with his hands and stared at Hinata. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing her oversized jacket, showing off her figure. She wore a black shirt and regular black pants. "Hinata? What are you doing here?" Suddenly, her face changed from loving to determined and she said in a low voice, "You haven't figured it out yet?" Naruto, startled by her voice, crawled back a little, until her realized whose voice it was. "Kyuubi?" he asked. Hinata, back to her regular face, asked quietly, "Kyuubi? What are you talking about?" Naruto sighed to himself before Hinata embraced him again with another forceful hug.

"Naruto-kun…" she said again as she buried her head in his jacket. She picked herself up from his chest and leaned in with her lips pucked, ready to kiss. Naruto, flinching, pulled back again, but noticed that he was no longer in a green meadow, but in a dark bedroom in a bed with her. He backed into the wall as she closed her eyes. Naruto screamed, "AHH!!"

"AHH!!" Naruto screamed as he woke up from his sleep. He panted rapidly and sighed, saying to himself, "It's just a dream." He then remembered that Kyuubi was in his dream and went to confront him deep inside his mind.

"Kyuubi!" Naruto screamed in his head.

"What do you want, boy?" Kyuubi responded as if he didn't know what just happened.

"You know exactly what I want! Why'd you invade my dreams!" He yelled at the half sleep fox (faking it).

"Oh yeah, that was me," He said, laughing to himself. "I thought you might enjoy it. Judging by your face, I guess not."

"That wasn't very enjoyable," Naruto said after calming down a bit. His rage came back to him when he saw Kyuubi still laughing. "What the heck is so funny?"

"You trying to crawl away from that girl! Your face was priceless." He said after finally calming down from laughing. "It's interesting, your reaction was what I expected, but I didn't think you'd take it so hard…"

"What do you mean? I was having a great dream before you butted your head into it!"

"Kit, why do you even like that Sakura girl?" He asked coldly. Naruto's eyes widened with rage.

"Because she's the prettiest girl ever!" He said triumphantly.

"And?" Naruto scratched his head and thought for a moment.

"You know, I think that's it…" he replied and laughed nervously.

"So…you're saying you only like her for her looks. I don't know what you see in her. Honestly, being in your body for pretty much all of your life, you barely know anything about her. She's mean to you all the time, and she's in love with Sasuke."


"Now, what do you know about Hinata?"

"Not a lot, I barely get enough time to talk to her before she faints…"

"Ever wonder why she faints so much?"

"I always thought it was a medical condition or something." Kyuubi laughed again. "What's so funny?"

"I always thought you were clueless but man are you dumb."

"Man, shut up!" Naruto took himself out of the conversation and came back to reality. He yawned and looked at his clock. It read: 7:30. "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late for training!" He hopped out of bed and ran to the bedroom to put on his usual orange sweat suit. He skipped lunch and ran right out the door. He ran as fast as he could to the bridge, hoping he could get there before Kakashi did. He was relieved to see that Sasuke and Sakura were sitting there as usual without Kakashi. He slowed his pace and walked to the bridge and up to Sakura. He smiled to her and sat down on the ground. "Where's Kakashi?" he asked.

"Naruto, you should know that he never gets her on time," Sakura said. Naruto sighed in relief and looked to the water. Suddenly, Kakashi showed up in a poof of smoke. "Yo," he said coolly with a book in his hand.

"You're late!" Naruto and Sakura both yelled.

"Sorry, I got lost on the road of life." He said plainly.

"Yeah, yeah," Sakura replied, obviously knowing he was just making up excuses as usual.

"So, do we have any missions today?" Naruto asked as he stood up.

"Well, Sakura and Sasuke, you don't have any. Naruto, you do." Kakashi said plainly. Sakura looked to Kakashi with a face of confusion on her face. Sasuke looked ticked.

"How come he gets a mission and we don't?" Sasuke asked coldly.

"This is a special mission for Naruto," he replied to Sasuke. He looked to Naruto and said in a serious manor, "You are to report to Tsunade immediately, Naruto." Naruto gulped at Kakashi's seriousness, but nodded and jumped off toward the Hokage mansion.

"What was the mission?" Sakura asked.

"Something only Naruto can do," Kakashi said shortly as he looked back into his book and walked off.

Naruto arrived shortly and walked right in the open door. "You wanted to see me?" Naruto asked impatiently as he walked in. Tsunade nodded and gestured him to have a seat at the chair in the middle of the room. He complied and sat down, eager to find out what the mission was. "So, what's the mission?"

"Well, as you know, I'm always coming up with new ideas for jutsu and need to test to see if they work right," Tsunade started to explain.

"Yeah," Naruto said. He pictured what happened at the sleepover last weekend and shuttered. (From my previous story, Naruto's chaotic sleepover).

"Well, this week, I have a new one for you to test out," she stated simply.

"This doesn't involve another sleepover, does it?' he asked, hoping it wouldn't.

"No, not this time," she assured him. "I'll just need you and another person."

"Well, alright, what is it?" he asked impatiently. He almost fell out of his chair from bouncing on it.

"Calm down Naruto. It's a jutsu I like to call my dreamscape jutsu."

"Dreamscape?" he asked, dumbfounded by words he's never heard.

"Yes, it allows the person to enter a person's subconscious during resting and gives them the ability to observe said persons' deepest and most innermost desires, wants, and fantasies." She said quite intellectually.

"In English please."

She sighed and sat up in her chair. "It allows a person to enter someone's dreams."


"Well, in that case, we'll need a guinea pig. But who to get?" she pondered to herself. "It'd have to be someone who goes to sleep easily."

"Yeah, and who's sweet and innocent and kind," Naruto said, thinking of Sakura.

"And they'd have to be willing to allow you to enter their dreams…" Tsunade pondered to herself for a few minutes before a light bulb appeared above her head. "I got it!" She turned to Shizune and ordered, "Shizune, get me Hinata Hyuuga!"

Well, that was the first chapter. It was kinda short in my opinion, I'll try to make longer chapters. Please read and review! And, if you're wondering if this is a sequel to Naruto's Chaotic Sleepover, it's not, that was just a reference. The sequel for the sleepover isn't coming for a while. A month at most.