A/N: This is the final chapter in the story and I'd like to thank those who reviewed. I hope you enjoyed it.

Charlie helped Liam to step into the front passenger seat of the car, despite his brothers protested claims that he should be the one who drove as he was the eldest. "You're not capable of driving yet," Charlie addressed him directly as he climbed into the driving seat. The hotel was half an hour from the hospital but once he got there he was sure that Liam would relax more. Right now, he was deliberately being annoying.

"Do I have a show tonight?"


"Oh… I like shows."

"I know," Charlie began to manoeuvre the car out of the parking lot as Liam rested his head against the window pane.

"Are we near my drugs then?"

"We should have some at the hotel." Charlie muttered his answer, trying to disguise the anger in his voice as his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white. Liam pointed at them.

"You okay baby brother?"

"I'm fine."

"Maybe you just need a fix."

"I don't need a fix!" He couldn't help shouting as he drove down the road. He tried to stop his emotions boiling over but he couldn't help it. "I need my brother back!"

"What are you talking about? I'm right here."

"No you're not! You're not Liam, you haven't been Liam for months and I need him back."

Liam looked at him, obviously confused for a moment before laughing, "yeah; right."

"You could never understand."

"Hey!" There was anger in Liam's voice now and Charlie instantly knew that he had pushed him too far. "What gives you the bloody right to talk like that to me? I've done everything for you…"

"What? You've sat and watched me while I've slept to make sure you don't vomit and die? You've carried me up three flights of stairs when you're legs stop working?"

"I'm the one who put you in this band!"

"I write the songs…"

"Who gives a shit? Anyone can write songs; anyone can play bass! It isn't anything special Charlie."

"So what? Are you going to tell me that I won't have anything if I don't have the band again? That I'm useless?" He pulled into the hotel's parking lot, noticing that his hands were shaking. That night felt as though it burnt through his skin whenever he remembered it. He had assumed that taking the drugs would have removed all of the pain; it had seemed to do that for Liam, but it hadn't worked. He was happy enough when on the drugs but whenever they wore off he felt repulsed that he was taking them. The only way around the repulsion was to take more, which, of course, just led to having more repulsion. He sighed and noticed that Liam was fumbling with the car door. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to get onto the bus and get my damn drugs."

"Liam…" he paused, not sure what he was going to say, "please don't."

"Why? So I can sit here and listen to you whine like a spoiled brat? No chance."

He managed to open the door and began to stride onto the bus. Charlie instantly followed him. The rest of the bus was empty; Charlie didn't know where the rest of the band members where but he honestly didn't care. He felt like he had failed, Liam was starting to turn the bus inside out, looking for his stash.

"Where did you hide them?"


"You said I could have them! Where the hell did you hide them?"

Charlie moved past him and leant under his bed, fumbling around out of view and returning with Liam's prize. He knew that Liam would have never found his hiding place, pressed in between the old pages of his bible.

A/N: Well this series is finished now so I'd like to thank people who took the time to read and review this.