A/N: I'm so tired I'm going to colapse! This is a one-shot for you all...NaruSasu. Fluff! I promise I will finish After All, What is a Whore? soon. PROMISE! ...but I chew on my promises...(inside joke) Read and review kind readers!


Some things, you can never count on completely going away. Sometimes they are small, like where you eat at dinner, or how many times you brush your hair in the day. Everyone has them, for they are just pieces of who you are. Sasuke didn't even know it, but his whole life was now built upon one person's expression.


…and his smile.

Now, don't be confused. Sasuke didn't just like (love) Naruto's smile, he liked (loved) every other expression he had, simply because they where his. Just seeing Naruto made him happy. Naruto's smile was sometimes…empty…but it showed that he was perfectly fine and healthy.

(Sasuke never told himself how many times he saw Naruto smile when he was crying.)

The few missions Naruto takes Sasuke knows about. After Sasuke returned, he had no longer been seen quite as trusted as before, but people soon got used to him asking where Naruto was all the time, and Tsunade was ever silent about it now. (Tsunade is not stupid.)

Sasuke had woken up this morning, and had felt a small twinge as he did so. He purposefully ignored such twinge, and went back to not thinking. (Thinking is bad, thoughts are Naruto…)

Sasuke never imagined he would be standing in front of the hospital. Sasuke never imaged his young-adult, totally consuming panic to take him over again today. (Naruto makes Sasuke panic.) Sasuke never imagined that Naruto would be inside, because Sasuke forgot to ask about him like regular yesterday.

His breath sharp and raged, Sasuke stared up at the building before ripping into the building. He tore down the room until Kakashi came upon his view and pointed him towards a dirty door next to a inconspicuous closet. Sasuke slammed open the door, showing more emotion that he ever does, even hen he is around Naruto. (Naruto makes him laugh because he knows that he really wants to.)

Naruto jumped at the noise and looked surprised that Sasuke was so panicked. He made a tiny squeak-ish noise. Sasuke ran up to him and took Naruto's face in his hands. (he was ignoring the information Sakura told him in his mind. Sakura did always find out things from her Ino. Ino was always a liar.)

Sasuke hugged him. "Sawskay?" Naruto's tiny voice whispered.

("Sasuke!" Sakura was saying franticly. "Naruto has been attacked on his mission, and they say the chakra flows in his face has messed up his speech…there is something wrong with him, he keeps saying your name, they think he's in pain. They say he's going to be okay but he-" Sasuke was already gone.)

Sasuke stared at him in horror mixed with relief. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm going to kill the stupid fu-" Sasuke paused, and realized something. Naruto's eyes were wide with shock but his face… was expressionless.

"Sasuke, what's happ'nin'…I can't move my face…!" tears pricked the wide blue eyes.

"Naruto, it's fine, I promise. You'll be okay." After a moment of seeing Naruto was not calming down much he added, "You and I will look more alike, it'll make you look cooler." He said with humor in his voice. He let out a small smile.

Naruto paused, for a considerable amount of time. Then finally he said with wide blue eyes still shining, "As long as you don't care Saws'ke." Then his whole face seemed to light up and his eyes glowed up at him. (Naruto looked the same the day Sasuke walked into the gates of Konaha again, and the day Sasuke said over ramen, 'I missed you.')

Sasuke pressed his lips lightly against the soft blonde's ones. Naruto squeezed his arms and pressed back. As Sasuke pulled away he smiled.

"Your smile has never been more beautiful."

(And it hadn't.)
