AU: Hello to my appreciated readers and reviewers. Welcome to the last chapter (finally). This previous one shot actually was fun to do, and I hope you like the work I spent on this last round!


Erroneous… False… Lies.

This was not real; nor was it happening. The whole scenario had to be a large dreadful dream that miraculously came to life. "Come to life?" That in itself was a joke, a sham. How could his "life" come back to being "alive" when he just saw it get shot down, directly in front of him?

Rage… Hate… -Love?

Was that how one would describe the undying tingling in the back of his throat? The gut feeling which told him that this had to be a lie, could that be lo-? He cut his train of thought off, right there. He could not find the courage it would take to even think that… word again.

He finally made it back, and dared to believe the nightmare would be over… 'So much for that.'

That idiot, smirking, smug, condescending bastard officially made it apparent that for all of his academic and alchemic knowledge, he could be so completely and utterly retarded.

Retarded; slow to think, an underdeveloped mind.

That seemed the most effective way to efficiently "label" the bastard's stupidity. After all, what kind of person would actually allow themselves to be injured like that? Oh, heroicness and nobleness could take all their properties and shove them for all he cared. Some random action of undying love- there was that word again- was hardly worth this agony.

Sure he'd done it more than once to protect Al. But Al was his brother that was an entirely different matter. He knew Al all of his life, and yet he found that he loved Roy Mustang just as much. Yes, loved…

And as he held Roy's bleeding body, Edward managed a glance up at the one who initiated such a conflict. It was not that he actually blamed the guy… After all, Ed knew fully well that the man would shoot at him eventually. So then it was Mustang's fault for getting in the way.

Bah! As if Ed needed such a worthless, pitiful sacrifice. He didn't want someone- especially "him"- to give up their life for him. That was strictly Edward's job and he knew it. He was the one that sacrificed himself for others, and put others ahead of himself.

But this raw, tearing feeling of having someone take a hit for him was not welcome. At lest he now knew how Alphonse and Winry must have felt when he had been the one to do something so stupid.

"Damn it… you stupid bastard," Edward choked out through the tears slowly coursing down his face.

The soldier in front of him lost control of his gun as it clattered down to his feet. It may have been because he actually shot someone. Yet, from the quivering of his lower lip and the slight twitching of his eyelid, Ed somehow doubted that. After all, he had just brought down Colonel Mustang, the Flame Alchemist. The man who had nearly become the Furher. And when he quickly turned away to run, Ed thought that it might have been to get backup.

Though, he found himself not caring…

The soldier didn't matter; neither did anything else. Only Roy did. Right now, he was the only one that Ed felt deserved to have his attention.

It looked as though Mustang was trying to talk, and for how much Ed wanted to hear that silky voice, he found an effective way to silence Roy. Besides, they say that talking while you're injured supposedly only drains your strength.

But, nevertheless, Edward realized that the man had to breathe, so he removed his lips from Roy's.

A small amount of shock was visible through the pain-etched face that Mustang was staring at Ed with. Slowly, a quiet, small smile formed and Ed realized what he had to do.

If the egotistical Roy Mustang could make such a sacrifice for him, the Ed would definitely show the bastard up by topping him. And for kicks, save his life while he was at it.

Mustang was sure lucky that Ed had written the letter a few months before hand. Otherwise, he may have had to wait for him to plot it out. And who knows, he could have been dead by then.

As Edward worriedly glanced at him, he hurriedly finished scanning the paper. Only one thing was missing to close it. Ed apologized as he dipped his metal finger into some of Roy's lost blood and carefully wrote two words at the end of the parchment. His scratchy writing read, 'Alphonse' on the front.

And with that, Edward knew that he was ready.

The Gate.

Looming ominous doors parted and patiently waited for Ed to walk through of his own accord. This was more of a trade than a sacrifice. It was the same as that time with Al.

In exchange for Roy's life Edward was fully prepared to go back to the 'other world'. Truth knew how much Edward despised that dreary, morose place. Though, it hadn't the slightest idea why.

Deep inside, Ed hated the truth all together. He'd been running from it for what, nearly eight years? No, more than that… Probably since his father left Al and his mother alone. So when the opportunity arised for truth to manifest into an actual form, Ed couldn't hold back that immense hatred. He hated doing what the Gate and Truth wanted. But he had to remember, this was for Roy. As long as he reminded himself of that…

"Hurry up chibi-kun"

Edward's golden eyes flared at the source of the echoing voice. The shape that carried an arm and leg merely grinned at him. "Shut the hell up you asshole! And don't you dare assume that I'm short when you don't even have a real body!" Ed seethed as he stomped towards the doors.

Truth suddenly burst into small fist of laughter, "Good one! But, you really mustn't be so touchy!"

Dark light and small hands reached for Edward while he breeched the entrance. In his heart, he sent a small good bye to his former commanding officer.

But he was abruptly pulled out of his dazed state of mind as a cool hand clenched his fingers.

The Gate doors shut violently while Truth screamed, "You can't do that! You shrimp! That's not equivalency!"

A voice beside Truth persuaded chastely, "Now, now… The agreement was only for Ed to have to go; you never said anything against the other one going with him."

Truth sneered, "You're lucky I owe you, Hoenheim of Light…"

Al grumbled at the continuous pounding that resounded off of the oak door. It was (he glanced at the mantle clock) 11:30 for crying out loud! Who could have come all the way to Risembool at this late of night? He shuddered to think of what would happen if Winry or Pinako were to wake.

He wearily opened the door while scratching the back of his head. However, as his sleep-glazed eyes glanced at the military uniforms, he quickly snapped to attention.

"Mr. Alphonse Elric?" the first man inquired slowly.

'A Lieutenant?' Al frantically searched his mind for any unknown crime that he may have committed. Maybe that old lady was only joking when she said he could take her apple pies for free… What if-?

"Sir!" the second, a subordinate, barked to bring him out of his daze.

"Oh! Y-yes, what is it?"

The Lieutenant placed a piece of paper into Al's hands. "This document was found addressed to you at the scene of a man's death. We believe it to be related to a Mr. Edward Elric?"

Any sleep that lay dormant in Al's brain instantly melted away. This was from Ed? But how? Where was he?!

"T-thank you," Alphonse stuttered as the two men saluted him and turned to leave.

"We are deeply sorry for your loss sir," the subordinate said.

'Wait… Loss?'

Sunlight. Bright bloody sunlight.

Who needed it? Mornings surely could start without overbearing rays peeking through the drawn curtains and blinding the once happy sleeper.

Ed shifted his position a bit to try and get some air room. Not to by any change sound rude, but the lump beside him reeked of ashes and tangy cologne. And while a little of it was nice, an entire night really did a job on one's nose.

And all Ed had gotten for his efforts was a large hand turning over and smacking him in the head. Ed really had to wonder if Mustang was actually asleep, or if he was doing this on purpose.

Either way, he was a stubborn hog! He had an entire ¾ of the bed for himself, yet he felt the need to try and invade Ed's mere slice of the bed.

"All right Roy…," Ed growled menacingly, "…move over before I make you!" He clinked together his automail fingers to hopefully get his point across clearly.

Mustang rolled over and said with a look of mock-hurt, "How could you Edward? I faced a bullet for you. A gun!"

"Yeah, about that…" Ed replied, suddenly growing serious.

He grasped the hand he was previously smacked with and with a glare snarled, "Don't you dare do that again!"

Roy peered at Ed curiously; wondering where this could be leading.

"If you do…" he squeezed the limb harder, "… I'll kill you myself."

An honest, serious face came to Roy and he looked at those raw, unguarded eyes. But, unfortunately…

"Ed, while groin injuries do bring extreme pain, I would recommend that you try for something higher. Like perhaps my chest, or head? Lucky for you, I can see just how difficult that would be. So maybe I can ask the flower shop lady down the street if she has a soap box. Then at least you wouldn't have to jump so high."

Ed's face turned every shade of red and purple from anger and holding his breath, desperately trying to contain his temper.

Mustang was not helping…

"Well, look at you. Such control Full Metal! It looks as though I won't have to purchase a muzzle for you."

"You stupid bastard!" Ed screeched as he skillfully smacked Roy with the back of his automail hand.

"You know… This might leave a bruise and damage my perfect skin," Roy's eyes twinkled in a mysterious way.

"I was being serious!" Edward huffed.

As a possible apology Mustang pulled Ed back under the covers and whispered in his ear.

"I know…"

Edward grinned, "You stupid jerk…"

Al slowly peeled open the sealed paper,

"Dear Alphonse,

Strange world isn't it? Although you will probably never get to read this, here I am writing it while I fully know that fact. But, if you do read this, then that means I mustn't be around anymore. And for that I'm sorry.

Not such a good big brother, am I? Oh well, I'm sure you forgive me. You always were the one that had an easier time forgiving, but never forgetting. You hear me Al? Never forget. I'm not saying you have to write a memoir on it or anything. Just make sure that you never let go of the tears and determination we held to make it to where we are today. Or rather, where you are.

It's a strange semblance that for the four years together we were both connected by our metal bodies. I almost feel detached now that we don't have that connection anymore. Then again, Winry must have welcomed your arrival in the flesh. And don't deny it! I'm your big brother. I know all about your long side glances of love. Heh, you'd probably hit me now, if we were at arms reach.

But seriously, you've got to remember that contact, whether physical, metal or spiritual, whatever, is the most important. If you don't have that, you'll lose what's most important to you.

And, if you could bring me some damned orange juice to the afterlife once we get there, I'd appreciate it. Even though I don't believe that religious stuff, I may wind up in some hell for all I know. They might try to stuff milk down my throat as a torture sequence. And I really don't want to have to go through with that. So thanks.

I hope you understand why I did what I did. But, you're smart (not as much as I am, but close) so you've probably got it all figured out by now. Oh, and don't you ever do something like that, for anyone. Believe me; dying like that really isn't worth it.

Later Al,

P.S. Don't forget to be happy (big brother knows best), and I'll really be damned if I find out you're taller than me!"

And scrawled in blood were two simple words that made Al's breath hitch in his throat.

Al was determined he wouldn't forget, not a single bit of it. And he hoped that someday, somehow, he may see his brother again.

The blood-written words read:

"Love you."


AU: (tear) Anyways, thank you to all who read this, and especially to you reviewers out there. And speaking to you, for reviewing my work I offer you a reward (no, it's not a cookie). It's a fanart view of a smugly picture of course featuring Ed and Roy.

Now, for those whose accounts I can get the e-mail address, I'll send you one, and if you don't want it then delete it.

But, for those that I can't, if you want one and you don't want the entire site to know your address, you can go to my profile, find my address, and send me yours.

Again, thanks to those who supported me through this, and I hope to see you in future works!