Okay, I am in an angst mood now. Prepare for IZ angst. Warning: character death. I don't own IZ, but I do own this laptop, that will destroy you one day.

Zim, you jerk.

I hate you, I hate you…you…

Oh God, I can't even think of the words.


Why did you do it?

When I am your greatest enemy.

When I was everything you hated.

When you knew you were everything I hated.

Damn it Zim; speak to me!

You are pretending.

That can be the only explanation.

You can't be dead.

That must be it.

Why else would Tak be here?

She is Irken too.

You were in cahoots with her, planning this.

She only pretended to go insane with anger.

That wasn't a real gun.

She knew you would push me out of the way.

The gun wasn't real; it was a toy!

It has to be.

You knew I would be there.

You knew I would try to stop Tak by myself.

Why else would you be there?

Unless…unless you followed me.


It's a trick!

I wont fall for it Zim.


Damn it Zim; wake up!

This isn't funny anymore!

The fake blood is a nice touch though.

But really, get up.

I had enough.

Oh, hilarious.

Tak is playing along too.

Look at her, standing there.

That expression is priceless.

You really should look.

You are still not moving.


I guess Irkens make great actors.

…You're not gloating.

You always gloat when I give a compliment.

I guess you are being really thorough with this.


Zim, you are scaring me now.

Stop it.

Please get up.

Please Zim, get up!

You had your laugh.

Now get up!


…What have you done?