
When Tamaki had pulled aside the branches, the sight that met him wasn't all together that shocking; it was just that he hadn't been prepared to come upon Mori standing in front of him, with Haruhi fast asleep in his arms.

"Sh." Mori glanced down at Haruhi.

"Oh...Oh, right," Tamaki said, whispering. If Haruhi was sleeping, he didn't want to disturb her. But, he didn't like the idea of someone else holding her, even if it was just Mori. "Here," he said quietly, holding his arms out. "I'll carry her."

"Nn." Mori shook his head ever so slightly, and stepped around Tamaki, heading back to the others.

Tamaki was, in short, shocked. He'd expect the twins to say no, or Kyouya to, but Mori always just went along with everything. But, then again, moving Haruhi into his arms could wake her, and Tamaki didn't want to do that. Mori was just being a gentleman, that's all.

He ran to catch up with Mori.

Haruhi was still asleep when they reached the others. Mori had been worried that the twins would've woken her up, but they, for once, remained quiet. Honey offered to take Haruhi home before anyone else could, and so, the three of them made their way to Honey's limo.

Mori had heard Tamaki coming while they were hiding; he was shouting so loudly, thinking back, he was surprised that Haruhi hadn't woken up. He wasn't sure when she had fallen asleep, but when he looked down to suggest they stand, he'd found her asleep. Mori had momentarily thought about waking her, but had decided against it, and that the best choice of action would be to go meet Tamaki.

Haruhi was still asleep, and remained asleep throughout the entire drive to her apartment. Mori held her the entire way as well; she'd curled her fingers around his tie at some point, and he'd taken that as a sign that she didn't want to be let go. Honey had gone through her bag to find her keys, and had given them to Mori.

"Do you want us to wait?" Honey asked as Mori stepped out of the limo just outside of her apartment complex.

"No," he'd said simply, and Honey nodded and smiled.

It had been tricky, but somehow he'd managed to unlock the door to her apartment while still holding her. Stepping inside, Mori slipped off his shoes, remembering how she'd said, months ago, that shoes had to be removed before entering.

He found her room, and gently laid her down on the bed. He carefully removed her shoes, making a mental note to leave them by the door. For a moment, Mori was unsure if he should get her out of her uniform; surely she'd be more comfortable in something else, but at the same time, he wasn't sure if she'd appreciate the fact that he undressed her. He decided that if she was all that uncomfortable sleeping in her school uniform, she'd have woken up all ready.

He lingered for a moment, not wanting to leave, but certainly not wanting to be caught alone with Haruhi while she slept by her father. Bending low, Mori placed a kiss on her forehead; she murmured softly, and he was sure that it was his name she said.

Mori smiled and, picking up her shoes, went to leave.

And now…the story is complete.

Gwuh; I think, out of all the characters in OHSHC, Mori is the most gentlemanly. Tamaki acts like a gentleman a lot, but he overdoes it so much that it counteracts and just makes him seem foolish. Whereas Mori just is a gentleman, and it's (in my opinion) adorable.

I hope you enjoyed the story!

Please leave constructive criticisms.