WARNING: Again. This story is not for the ones offended by smut.

Warning #2: It'll take you a good half an hour to read this. 24 pages in Word. Sorry.

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who reviewed! You guys are the best. I'm so happy you liked last chapter. Dark Jack has quite a fan base, huh? ;)

I realize that no amount of apologies is going to redeem me in your eyes, dear readers, so I'll just cut it right out. But hopefully now that I quit my second job, I'll at least have enough time and I believe the incentive will come.

To be honest, I wasn't sure where to take this story. I had wanted it to be pure smut fun, and still do, so don't expect much of in-depth conversations, here's not the place for this. ;) I can't however escape from solving their issue from last chapter.

That's why this chapter is a little different, because the opening is not a fantasy; it's a memory (luckily for me, a very helpful episode has already aired, although I developed the idea before). It will be dealt with in time, but not in this chapter.

Unfortunately, this has not been beta-read yet, but since you're so anxious and it's Easter Monday… I comply.

On a side note: remember the dress Kate wore in the previous chapter? I did intend it to be the one from the S1 UK promo, but had no knowledge it did in fact have long ribbons at the back when I wrote it that way. I'm freaking myself out. Lol



"Dusty, chemical smell of foreign ingredients, of wax and spices. Reddish shadows cast on a lithe figure by a dark curtain. Eyelashes, stuck with heavy coat of mascara. Deep plunge of a neckline, almost baring her little perky breasts, as she leans in to get a better hold on his arm. She's eyeing him, expression unreadable. Perhaps she's frightened, perhaps indifferent; maybe this arouses her like it does him. She's an enigma, and exotic fruit which he doesn't quite know how should be eaten. He rolls the zesty tang on his tongue. And she reaches for a brush and dye, bringing it close to his bared skin. She speaks no more that night, each move precise and focused. The tinge of her tool bringing a pattern onto his flesh radiates all through his body, deep inside, digging into his primal desires, and he lets it. He anticipates the pain to come later, the thought excites him somehow, mingling with the soft caress of the tuft and the memory of her skin under his fingers, the heat of her body which he has grown to know so well…"

"I prefer it unshaven."

Her voice startled him. But of course she would be here. Stepping out of the shower cubicle, followed by a thick cloud of steam. Earlier, he had found the bed empty and heard the water running, upon return from his short walk.

The hand he was running the razor against his jaw with froze, as he diverted his gaze from the mirror to the frail silhouette leaned against the door frame.

Just as stunning as last night, he noticed in admiration, the wet tangled hair and eyelids slightly puffy from sleep only adding to her charm.

Jack let his eyes trail down to the towel she wrapped around herself, across her flushed chest, following a droplet traveling down lazily to disappear somewhere in between her breasts and then another, running down her leg, as his brain unintentionally offered a recollection of these legs wrapped tightly around his body.

She held that much power over him.

Every bit as drawn to the twinkle in her eyes as ever, he made no movement, contradicting emotions washing over him: everything he had struggled to block out since last night, since the time from many months ago, everything he had thought that he succeeded to bury deep within his mind, the memories too disturbing to ever be rerun again, and which she had managed to pull out unknowingly, and which he simply didn't want to link her to, but yet he did now.

Those memories, those images from his past somehow projected onto his desire to walk right up to her and wrap his arms around her, like he did so many times, the purest of reasons behind it.

But now he couldn't bring himself to move.

She did that instead, closing the distance between them enough for her hand to reach his and extricate the sharp tool from his fingers.

"It'll grow back," he muttered, not leaving her eyes, a half-hearted smile twisting his lips.

"Where have you been?" He watched her eyes study him seriously, searching for an answer to a different question.

"I went for a walk. A short one," he assured quickly, seeing her tense. As if she suspected an urge to escape this, to run from her, in him. Running was not what he did.

"You could have woken me up."

He could have.

But he didn't known what he'd have said. Had no idea how to explain that what she had reached into within him last night he wasn't ready to share. How much it scared him that he could be like this. How much she had actually hit home. How vivid the images he had seen. And how much he had enjoyed them.

"Did you sleep at all?" Kate asked, and there wasn't as much concern in it as there was anxiety, he realized. They both shared the tension, for he knew that she knew: he hadn't joined her in the bunk bed last night as promised.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" her voice strained in bogus lightness, when he hadn't replied.

She pushed herself up to sit on the counter, just like the night before, clad only in a yard of fabric again, shifting as close as possible to look into his face, not allowing him a chance to back off.

Jack took her in, heart leaping. Her flushed freckly complexion. Her faintly twitching lips. Her hopeful eyes.

He loved her.

Loved her more than he thought was possible to love, and he knew that she had given him everything she could: her body, her heart, her soul. Her dreams. Her hopes. Her past and her future. Jack hated the thought that she might fear it wasn't enough.

"Nothing happened," he said yet, returning his gaze to its grim reflection.

"Don't do this, Jack," her hand came to cover his, where it was rested on the basin.

"Kate – "

"Why did you stay up all night? Why you couldn't sleep?" she pressed. "Why you couldn't lay with me?" she finished quietly, voice cracking, making him look back at her.

Jack's head shook immediately, turning to face her.

"It's not like that, Kate. It's not about you."

"Who is it about then? Who were you with last night? Did I… did I push it? I'm sorry, I'm…"

"No, you have nothing to apologize for," he broke her off sincerely. "It's my fault. I know you meant… well, you meant that for me –"

"What did you mean when you said it was too good?"

What did he mean?

Jack ran an exasperated palm over his head in the automatic gesture of frustration.

It was good in a way he didn't want it to be. It was good to indulge in the sheer physical pleasure, in the image of the little prostitute. To disengage himself emotionally… Why did it have to be Kate unleashing the deep buried detachment? The hurt and the twisted delight sought in it?

She knew him so well.

"I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to hurt anybody," he stated earnestly, in continuance of his contemplations. But seeing Kate drop her eyes, he realized just how wrong it was coming out.

"Kate. I just… God. It was too good, because it was so wrong."

"What was wrong?"

"To be… to want…- To fuck someone for the sake of fucking. A prostitute. That girl… And than it was you…"

"Jack, a fantasy can't be right or wrong. It's just there."

"But it felt so real, Kate. And it was you."

"Was it me?"

He sighed, eyes shutting. She had pushed him, hadn't she? She must have known.

"It's okay," he heard her soft voice and felt her cool fingers move over his wrist. "I wanted it the way it happened."

And there it was, a small smile curling her lips up.

"Memories can be so vivid sometimes –" he huffed out into the air.

A moment of silence fell between them, making Jack shift his weight awkwardly under Kate's pensive glaze. He could almost see the information being processed in her head.

"I take it you didn't stay a good boy back there? In Thailand?"


He could tell she was curious. Wanted to ask another question. But chose not to. She fingered the tattoo on his inner arm instead, and then her eyes set on the Chinese characters trapped into his shoulder. For a second, he was afraid she would somehow guess, read him and ask the right question.

"Is that where you got them?" she inquired instead, finger still tracing the colourful design, bringing back the sensation of it being drawn with the dye, to be plunged there forever.


He was waiting for more prying, but she surprised him again, letting go of the subject and picking the razor up from the counter while her other hand found its tender way to his half shaven cheek.

"Here, let me. I've always wanted to."

"You said you prefer me unshaven."

"You said it'll grow back," she raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

Kate's gaze danced across his face in a mesmerizing pull of that female energy which he could find no strength to back up from; of the unexplained pull of her very presence. The one that had been leaving him feeble and weak-willed, against his better judgment, ever since he had met her. She neared closer yet, suspending her hand with its hold on the blade in the air. Waiting for his permission, Jack realized, waiting for his nod of trust.

He hesitated. This was something she ultimately needed, he knew it. After what happened between them, after he had led her believe she had intruded a territory too private and intimate for him to let her in, after she had led him back to the place he had not quite feel reconciled with yet…

This he had owed her, and this was what she was silently asking for now.

Had she understood?

Could she ever understand?

Even if he didn't himself?

His eyes shutting, Jack nodded, allowing the tingling sensation of her slender fingers against his face to take over.

Nothing but trust. Because he did trust her - ?

His own dark places were none of her fault, true enough, Jack reasoned, neither was her finding them. And perhaps they needed to meet there too, for the bond to be complete.

Perhaps his hesitation resulted not from his distrust in her, but in himself.

The next thing he felt was the cold metal of the blade connecting with his skin, but in a tentative, careful manner, which made him look up again, only to meet the intent green pools, searching his own – she must have never stopped studying his face.

Nothing to be said, he just kept watching her face, as she continued sliding the razor blade down his face, the pressure probably not firm enough to rid of his stubble completely, but Jack realized she was buying time.

In complete silence of the strangely comfortable underground room he watched her, as she moved the razor up and down in concentration, taking his dark stubble off, and he watched himself, in the mirror, his gaze one of fascination with what she was doing.

The act was so intimate that Jack's conscious thoughts began drifting towards erotic and he couldn't help it. Not with the faintest trace of Kate's breath playing warm and cool on his damp face, not with her smell unfolding around him in invisible ribbons, like a sweet trap, not with the contrast between the sharp blade and her soft fingertips.

Slowly, gently, she proceeded to shave him off, her gaze following each purposeful stroke down the lathered skin, focused and intent, until she was satisfied with the result.

Jack glanced to the mirror with a small smile. He was so used to the dark shadow over his face that it looked odd light and smooth, but he knew that wouldn't last past the sunset.

Kate's small hand was stroking his cheek as if in reverie as Jack felt a sudden urge to kiss her and then kiss her more, a pang of guilt for confusing this beautiful woman getting hold of his stomach.

But he was stopped with her words.

" I have an idea," Kate whispered, taking the razor away from his face. She slowly grazed it up the inside of her thigh, lifting the hem of the towel, parting its flaps, while getting hold of his hand and guiding it to follow, brushing his knuckles over the crease of her thigh, and higher, over the triangle of unruly hair.

She maneuvered the razor to make contact with his fingers, and Jack's eyes widened in comprehension.

"You want me to…?" he trailed off, strangely uneasy about the unexpected concept. And constantly astonished how sexually upfront she was. None of her everyday no-nonsense tomboyishness, or her softspokeness on other occasions, or even her cheery flirtatiousness had ever revealed the adventurous seductress within.

But perhaps it was about much more than erotic play, he wondered, flicking his fingers lightly through the curly bush. Perhaps it was her urge to display complete trust within him, Jack thought briefly, unsure if she was aware of her own motivation.

She nodded and Jack took the razor out of her hand to place it on top of the counter, while he rested both palms flat on the tops of her thighs. He couldn't help taking one more note how smooth and warm her skin felt against his.


She shrugged lightly. "You don't have to –"

"Do you trust me?" He broke her off.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't."


With a nod, he brought his hands higher, to rest on her hips, drawing her a little closer into him, gaze locked on hers. Those eyes which sometimes seemed older than herself, Jack noticed with a tinge of sadness, as if they had seen much more than she should ever have had.

"Kiss me," he demanded in a whisper, and watched her eyes soften and turn the now familiar deeper shade of green as she let her love for him shine through.

The faintest of smiles playing on her lips, she leaned in, steadying herself with palms flat against his chest, and pressed her lips to his in what would be their first kiss since the previous night, since the little dance they shared. Since the false identity she so eagerly adopted, all to please him.

He felt the tip of her tongue dart lightly over his top lip, and opened his mouth without hesitance, returning her caress and nibbling lightly on her bottom lip. The kiss was deep and sensual, almost in slow motion, as he took time to explore the delicate flesh of her mouth, to slide his tongue gently alongside hers, stroking it, savoring, pouring his longing for her, his care for her, his need to protect her, all into the action.

Jack could feel her breaking the kiss before it grew any hungrier to breathe short, winded puffs against his lips. He opened his eyes to hers still closed, which made him smile, as she tried to compose herself: he still had that effect on her, nothing changed.

Maybe, just maybe, he overestimated the power of his own dark demons to have impact on them both. Maybe he underestimated the power of their love. Momentarily, Jack felt ashamed that he had merely allowed doubting Kate and the profundity of her feelings. This woman was obviously willing to stand by him through the darkest of his moments, through the most disturbing memories.

"You're exceptional, you know that?" he stated, his thumbs drawing lazy circles on her hips.

Kate answered him with a smile, and another quick kiss, which did grow more passionate, because he refused to let go of her lips, leaning further down after she attempted to back off, recapturing her mouth and kissing her for a long moment, feeling all of his thoughts vanish and be replaced by fevered heat creeping under his skin on each spot they were connected.

Hearing her moan softly when his lips wandered down to her jaw line and neck, Jack remembered her idea.

"So…", he started, grazing the back of his hand almost imperceptibly over her mound. "Do you still want me to…?"

Kate nodded.

"I've never met a woman quite like you", he confessed, a small smile breaking out.

"I've never met a man like you", she offered back, in soft sexy tone, as if to confirm that he was the one who inspired her to be wilder, daring.

Jack took hold of her hips, pressing his own to them, groin to groin, flush enough to tease her. Kate's arms flung to close at the back of his neck and she gasped, that little sound of pleasure catching her by surprise always such a turn on for him. She made it each time he would touch her to arouse, but unexpectedly, and Jack reveled in how responsive she was to him.

"I need better access", he whispered directly into her ear, tongue skimming the lobe, knowing it would produce a shiver running down her spine, and pushed her legs wider apart while moving the towel flaps to her sides, completely out of his way.

He continued planting little wet kisses along her jaw-line for a while, coming back to her lips briefly, before pulling back slightly, taking half a step back, ready for the task.

She was completely exposed to him, and he indulged in the moment, taking a long hard look into between her legs, at the glistening moisture over her folds, feeling a familiar spasm in his cock and his heartbeat picking up the pace, as his lust for her started to cloud his mind.

She smelled so endearing, fresh from the shower, her wet desire providing that vital note of carnality, of femaleness, of herself, that made his blood rush through the veins in a heated flood. He had to fight the temptation of taking her then and there, to hell with foreplay.

"We are going to need soap," he said instead, but unable to resist gliding a single finger over her crease in a feather light caress, eliciting a jagged intake of breath from her.

This was going to end with both of them on the verge, Jack thought, this was going to end with him buried deep inside of her, all issues irrelevant and shoved aside.

Reaching for the Dharma bar and working it in his hands, he generated the foam. His eyes never leaving hers, Jack brought it over the damp hair, coating it carefully, spreading the froth across her flesh, down to the bikini line, moving two fingers deeper into between the lips, parting them further.

He heard her shallow breath and looked up to see the darkness of lust hazing her eyes and knew she was fighting the same urge for instant connection, but was determined to enjoy every second of what he was doing.

The blade was not a very sharp one, good enough for his coarse stubble, but he wasn't sure about the delicate skin of her core. A little apprehensively, Jack made the first stroke, unveiling flushed, silky smooth texture as the razor proceeded downwards.

"It's going to be itchy when growing back," his words fell into the steamy air around them lowly.

"I know. I think I'll have something for the itch," she replied with a smirk, making him chuckle under his breath at the implication.

"Have you done this before?"

"Not this way," Kate said, eyes lowering, to watch him shave her off, as he continued the accurate movements, careful to be as gentle as possible and not nick her accidentally when she squirmed at his thumb brushing her clit.

"Stay still," he reminded, steadying his hand with its heel rested upon her thigh, but unable to deny his growing arousal at her instinctive response.

"Put your feet up on the counter," he requested, needing to reach further, and just about suppressed a grunt of lust, when she looked him straight in the eye and did so, without flinching, opening herself up completely to his hands.

"If I didn't know you were a surgeon, I'd have guessed now", she commented in a low whisper. "You're good with that blade."

This must have been somehow exciting her more, he realized, the image of him with the tool in his hand, and he shot her a somewhat amused look.

"Does it set you off?"

"Whatever you do, sets me off," she shot back in a breathy tone that made him hear his blood pulsate in his temples.

Pushing her legs back up a little wider, he was nearing completion of the job, cleaning the razor under the tap, almost all of the delicate skin bared now, and his full attention was turned to the smooth texture as he stroked it with his fingertips, inspecting the result.

He could think of nothing, but what it'd feel like against his tongue.

"You appear to be enjoying this too," she observed contently, and Jack followed her look to the bulge in his jeans.

"I appear to indeed," he chuckled, all the time fondling her gently.

Running the razor down for one last time, almost reaching her buttocks, he brought a towel to dry her off, but instead of releasing her legs, he took hold of her feet and allowed himself to look. Her secret places now in full display, the sight so utterly erotic in its immodesty, in its pure carnality, and so beautiful, since this was where her pleasure derived from, where she let no one else to look like that; it was the exhibit of her complete trust in him.

Jack's fingers found their way into the folds in no time, and he rubbed gently, testing the new feeling of smoothness there.

She sighed, and he looked up, to see her eyes closed and lips parted.

"You're beautiful," he reassured, not knowing if she didn't meet his eyes because she felt uncomfortable now, or self-conscious, or shy; and meaning it, in love with each nook of her body.

"It's just a… -," she trailed off with a sweetly bashful smile, "You must have seen some porn movies," she giggled awkwardly, arousal tinting her voice, and tugged at his arms to free her legs.

"No, no." he protested. "It's you … It's all of you."

"Oh, so you haven't seen any?" Kate teased, finally lowering her feet, but remaining seated in the same spot, brushing her heels over his legs, as if to encourage him to get closer.

"Kate -" he feigned a warning with a duck of his head and a step up closer, hands sliding up over her thighs.

"What kind?" she pressed, obviously enjoying his slight discomfort about the subject. "What kind of them are your favourite?"

"I'm not talking about porn flicks with you," he stated firmly, nearing her so close, that her thighs could rub over his hips once more, while his hands steadied themselves on hers, their faces just a fraction apart.

"Why not, would you not watch one with me?" Kate asked breathlessly. Jack could see her chest heaving in quick shallow movements of anticipation.

She was full of surprises, he thought once again, but… he could tease her just the same.

"I would," he said slowly, watching the unadulterated lust smooth her features, "but I'd rather act one with you."

He felt her shiver and smiled inwardly.

"You know what I want to do now, don't you, Kate?" he breathed into her ear.


"You know what I want to do now, don't you, Kate?"

Kate felt his words in a soft blow of air against her neck. Her whole body warmed in sweet anticipation and she let her hands wander behind and slip into the back pockets of his jeans, urging him closer, until she felt his obvious erection pressing at her centre through his jeans.

He smelled like Dharma soap and fresh air, the brink of Kate's mind noticed, as all her senses zeroed on him, relief and joy that he hadn't pushed her away making her heart thump faster and her blood rush quicker.

After last night, she needed this. Needed him, even if he wasn't ready to talk to her, she needed to feel him, and the idea of the shaving snapped impulsively out of her mind, reasoning on some subconscious level that the intimate act would bring him back close to her. She didn't even fully realize how much of it had been her urge to prove their mutual trust and quiet but unbreakable connection and how much the desire to play with him that way, dare and tease him, which would of course lead to this, for she'd discovered that Jack as a lover was not one to restrain himself.

It was different to feel his cheek smooth against hers, and her hand went up to test the texture once more, but her body couldn't stop the mesmerized rhythm of her hips, rolling gently against his, the newly uncovered skin super-sensitive and reacting to the smallest touch.

Nearly purring with pleasure, when Jack reached in between them to slide one finger up and down her crease in a featherlike touch, punctuate ating it with a tender rub of her mound with his thumb, Kate found herself clinging to him, one hand still on his firm buttock, the other clutching the nape of his neck, as if to tell him never to stop the nibbling of her earlobe.

She sighed and squirmed in his hold, letting the sensations sweep over. The sound of his quick breathing. His unmistakable scent. The solid warmth of his body radiating through the layers of fabric. His hands, working her so expertly and faultlessly. It really is about accuracy, rushed through her head, and she smiled, feeling lucky that she got to be with him like this. Her hand slipped into the waistband of his jeans, giving his buttock a squeeze.

"What if somebody walks in?" she asked breathlessly, but making no attempt to let go of him. The idea of getting caught not exactly appealing, but Kate was physically unable to stop things right now. She just had to have him. "The next shift?" She huffed out.

"They already did." Jack licked her collarbone unhurriedly.

Kate froze at the words, a row of now familiar faces flashing through her head.

"Are you telling me there's someone behind this door?!" she whispered on a high note, feeling adrenaline shoot through her system.

"Relax, I told them to go. They left. There's no one here but us." He reassured, raising his head to meet her widened eyes, expression somewhat amused.

"They saw me sleeping naked here?" she breathed, body still tense.

"You were under the blanket, no worries." Jack chuckled, hands finding the small of her back and rubbing soothingly along her strained muscles.

"But that must have looked so obvious! What we were doing -"

"Does it bother you?" he rubbed his nose against hers, smiling. "It's fairly obvious either way, I think. People are not blind."

He was right, Kate realized. Her embarrassment was a little delayed; they had never attempted to conceal their closeness.

"Who was it?"

"Charlie and Hurley –" he kissed the corner of her lips softly. "And Sawyer."

So that's why he was so completely unabashed by the situation. Kate felt like giggling. He wouldn't probably mind Sawyer walking in on them at the exact moment, she thought, although Jack would no doubt heartily deny such immature inducements.

"I don't want to think about Sawyer when I'm with you," she smiled, deciding to satisfy his manly pride, even if she found it childish. "Come'ere."

Her legs gave him a tug and a pull, signaling for him to resume the action, but he took a step back, his hand finding her damp folds again, finger parting them gently, rubbing along once, and then coming up to his mouth. He let her watch with fascination, as his tongue flattened out and around the finger, licking it clean, with a little suck on the tip.

"This," he murmured in a deep, smouldering voice, "is what I want to do."

Kate felt herself go week at the suggestive performance, knowing full well what this mouth was capable of. How acquainted with the secrets of her body he had grown.

Jack's hands went to her thighs once again, stroking them lightly, thumbs drawing patterns over the delicate skin on the insides, higher and higher, while he leaned in for another passion-filled kiss, offering her a taste of herself.

He is good, she thought briefly for a zillionth time. Her fantasies of him hadn't been half as good.

Fingers reaching her core, Jack rubbed both thumbs up and down her slit, massaging the yielding flesh, making her head fall back with a gasp. He planted several small kisses down the exposed pillar of her throat, before backing off and easing himself slowly to his knees.

The counter height was perfect for Jack's mouth to be level with her crotch and Kate looked down to see, he was looking at her bared flesh intently, his thumbs pulling her lower lips open, while his own parted in sheer sexual hunger.

She loved that about him. That his focus was so sharp on anything he was doing, attention undivided and passionate, and just as she had suspected, he engaged in lovemaking just the same, easily turning each and every session into the best she had ever been the subject of.

He was teasing her, she recognized, building up the tension, the want. He continued the languid, deliberate movements of his thumbs, but avoided all her most sensitive spots, his face nearing enough for her to feel his breath warm the heated flesh, and then he blew lightly, the cooling effect making her back arch instinctively towards him.

"You're so incredibly sexy," he said with sincerity, inhaling deeply at her, and the next thing Kate felt was the flat of his tongue coming in contact with her burning skin.

The sensation hit her like a flame, rippling through her body in jolts, her desire for him, for the pleasure she knew he would bring, multiplied and heightened by intense responsiveness of the bared skin.

His tongue moved up and down in tantalizingly light strokes, and she suddenly felt it in places she didn't even know existed, or didn't know would react so eagerly.

Where she needed him to press before, a trace of touch was enough now. Where she needed him to rub, all he had to do now was flutter the tip of his tongue. And he seemed to know it, applying almost no pressure, handling her gently and skillfully, gradually working his way up and deeper into her.

His tongue found her opening and came swirling around it, sketching eights and infinities, the tip dancing around it, and then he moved it up, in a slow meticulous lick that just flicked the underside of her clit, making her jerk against his face in need of more.

Kate felt him smile against her flesh and he repeated the process, again and again, alternating the pressure, tongue occasionally prodding her entrance, while she grew wetter at the implication of things to come.

He took his time with her, just as he always did, devouring her with abandon that she had not known from other men; no sign of impatience or haste, allowing her to relax and enjoy every second of it, for as long as she needed or wanted.

And in fact, she almost didn't want it to end, but it was all she could do to hold off, when his long finger slipped inside her while his mouth sucked gently onto the hardened bundle of nerves. He had learned quickly how to take her so high up and then higher.

Another finger joined the first one, and Kate felt being deliciously stretched, Jack's mouth all the time on her, while he found the rhythm, the one she knew would leave her limp and helpless and overcome by her love for him.

Out of its own volition, her hand went to her breast, rubbing it through the towel, soothing the tight bud of her nipple that was aching for attention. She let out a moan, and Jack looked up. He reached for the towel and pulled on it decidedly, shedding it off her completely.

"Touch them, Kate." he said, voice thick and dark with lust. "Do what you need and think of me. You have no idea what it does to me to see you touch yourself – " he muttered into between legs, sending the vibrations straight to her insides in a wonderful tremor.

Pumping her harder know, he kept on watching her kneading her own breasts for a while, and Kate just shut her eyes, remembering the way he fondled them, rolling the nipples between his fingers, and how he liked to cup them, a little harshly at times, testing the fit against his palms and making her want to cry out in pleasure.

"It's always you –"Kate whispered with effort. "It's been you before –" she felt him intensify his actions. Before we got together. Ever since she found that book. "You're mine now…"

His face lit up, eyes warm, as he glanced up to her. "I'm yours."

It was all too much, the devotion in his words and the loving gaze of his smart eyes and then the touch of his hot mouth to her excited body – ! But it was still not enough; she was hungry for more, for all of him.

"Wait, Jack. Wait."

He stilled, pulling his fingers out of her and sending her a confused look.

"What's the matter?"

"I want… you inside me," she breathed, tugging at his shoulders. "When I come."

Jack's thumbs returned to the high tops of her thighs and resumed drawing lazy circles.

"You can come again," he coaxed.

"No. Please. Now." She cupped either side of his face, the intense need to be one with him right now insuppressible and completely taking over her entire being.

Complying reluctantly when she didn't let go, Jack rose to his feet and grabbed her by the waist, pressing himself closer. He gave her a long, sensual kiss, the taste of her on his mouth increasing their excitement.

Kate's hand went for his belt buckle immediately, but his clasped around it, stopping her.

"Let's get out of here."

Reaching behind, he cupped her ass to lift her off the surface and she followed by wrapping her legs around his waist. She gasped into his neck when he pressed them tighter together, her naked body against his clothed one, to carry her out into the dusk of the hatch bedroom. The cool air swept over Kate's back and a chill run through her in sudden anxiety of some unwelcome witness really being there.

"You sure there's no one here?" she whispered, not raising her head, while he crossed the short distance in several long strides.

"I'm sure," he said. "It's just you and me, promise."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I told them to give us privacy," he smiled, untangling her limbs from around him and sitting her on the bunk-bed. The mattress sunk under her weight and Kate's currently hyper-receptive senses noticed pleasant smoothness of the tangled sheets, faint smell of their lovemaking still lingering to them.

"You're impossible," she laughed, unable to feel embarrassed just now. "You realize we'll have to face endless mocking from Sawyer?"

"I doubt it," Jack smirked, still up and simply watching her as she arranged herself on the bed to make room for him. He looked more than a little predatory, standing wide on his legs with thumbs hooked around his belt loops, scanning her with dilated pupils, like a graceful wild cat who's done playing with his prey and ready for the kill. And she was ready for the sweetest agony.

"You planning to join me?" Kate raised her eyebrow, growing a little impatient.

"Oh yeah," he said in the sexy low tone and reached for the buttons of his shirt, undoing one by one, slowly, looking her straight in the eyes.

"Is that payback?" she asked, completely mesmerized by his actions, and when his fingers reached for the belt buckle, she felt another wave of hot moisture pooling at her center, probably damping the sheets.

"No. Payback is yet to come," he smiled mischievously and slid the shirt off.

The dim blue light made shadows dance over his skin, enhancing the perfectly sculpted physique and she sighed, drinking him in greedily while he reached for the button of his jeans, flipping it open. He remained still for a while, letting the air get charged with her anticipation, and then crouched down to take off his shoes and socks. Task completed, he straightened again, going for the zipper of his pants eventually, pulling it down in no hurry, all the time watching the effect his little show had on Kate.

She was breathing fast, unwittingly licking her lips when he slid the jeans past his hips revealing no boxers underneath. A tiny gasp escaped her at the sight of his fully erect penis, standing upright, provocative and proud, the symbol of his manhood always waking something primal deep within her without a miss.

The loose jeans slipped easily down his legs and he stepped out of them, standing naked before her and allowing her to look.

"You checking me out?" he chuckled, as her eyes traveled up and down his strong body, unable to get enough: she hadn't have many occasions to really look at him, the beautiful man he was. They'd be all over each other as soon as the clothing was gone, and usually much sooner.

She smiled silently, finally reaching his eyes.

"Like what you see?" he continued teasing.

"Oh yeah." Kate pulled herself up to her knees and shifted toward the edge of the bed, toward Jack. Her hands went straight for his erection, on their own accord, eager for the hot silky shaft and they both sighed, Jack caught out of balance when his eyes shut in pleasure. He grasped her arm to steady himself, but unsuccessfully, and Kate swayed, reached for support of his hands, but fell backwards nevertheless, pulling him along.

They both laughed, landing in an awkward tangle of limbs and Kate couldn't help the surge of happiness that his laughter evoked.

"You need to laugh more," she said, as her hiccups subsided. Gently, she touched his curled lower lip. "Suits you."

Not waiting for the haze of worry, of sadness, of the burden he carried to cloud his sparkling eyes and to make the beaming grin fade away, Kate poked her finger under his ribs, familiar now with his ticklish spots.

"Oh no, stop it!" he shrieked adorably, squirming away from her, but she followed him with no mercy, for once managing to avoid getting locked immobile in his iron embrace, but forcing him to defend himself until he was breathless with laughter and lying on his stomach, safe from her mean little fingers.

Giggling, she climbed on top of him and pressed herself to his body, breasts firmly to his muscled back, stomach to his spine, hips to his buttocks, thighs on thighs. The change of air was immediate as their laughter faded, replaced by the sound of heavy breaths when she rubbed up and down the naked skin ever so slightly, digging her palms into his strained shoulders, forcing the knots to unfold.

She let her hands roam the muscles of his shoulders and back, placing quick kisses randomly, feasting her eyes on the wide expanses of his brawny flesh. So sexy, she thought, her lips nearing the mysterious tattoo on his shoulder blade.

"How's that?" she breathed into his ear, smiling, propping herself up on her elbows to brush her mouth over the nape of his neck, darting her tongue out to skim the prickly hair there, her nostrils flaring in delight upon inhaling on his heady masculine scent.

"Mhmm…" came his muffled answer, and before she had time to react, he wiggled out from beneath her swiftly, reversing their positions, so she was the one pressed into the mattress now with his chest to her back, while he rubbed himself over her ass, letting her feel what she was doing to him.

"But that's better, isn't it?" he said in a smoky voice that foreshadowed everything she knew he could, he would do to her.

Kate's breath quickened automatically, and she felt a fresh tide of her wet desire seep into between her legs. He covered her body completely with his and she just moaned a breathless Jack, not caring if it would make her sound desperate or pleading. She could feel his warm chest pressing at her back, with its dusting of hair grazing her fine feminine shoulder blades. Could feel his strong legs wrapped tightly around hers. His hot breath right behind her ear and she could hear each shallow intake of air: he was as far gone as she.

"Do you want me to crouch up?" she asked, ready to provide the visual spur that he enjoyed so much.

"I will. But not yet. Not yet." His voice low and dangerously affecting. She found herself giving in, knowing that whatever his idea, she will be left spent and sated and completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Craning her neck, she met his mouth in a wet, sensual kiss. He plunged his tongue in and she felt his hardness rubbing at her wet center at the same time, playing with her, gliding her moisture all over the newly bared delicate skin as she arched up to encourage him.

The tease was tantalizing; she was aching for him to enter already and once again take her places no other ever had.

"Jack… I need… I want – I need you –" she breathed into his mouth, squirming beneath him, hips bucking up instinctively, seeking what he was deliberately denying her.

"What do you want, Kate?" he prolonged the sweet torture, one skillful hand sliding up her arm, outstretching it over her head.

"Say it. Say what you want me to do to you," he whispered lustily and she wished she could see his eyes. The raw, primal desire turning them the glossy shade of black that she got so addicted to.

She sighed raggedly. "I want you to take me, Jack. Take me. Get inside of me."

He was holding her down surely and tightly and she couldn't turn over to just do what she needed. His lips landed in the crook of her neck, but she could feel he was still holding back.

"Say that you want me to –" he hesitated. " – fuck you."

So that's what got to him, she thought as his words ran through her insides in a delicious spasm.

Turning her head as best she could, Kate nudged his temple to get him to meet her eyes. Looking straight into the dark depths, she said it. Slowly and clearly, enjoying the effect it had on him, feeling so turned-on by his arousal that she thought she would come just from anticipation, the promise of bliss in his eyes.

"Fuck me, Jack. Do it now."

She thought he would lunge inside her at the very moment, but he didn't. Taking time to slide in slowly and thoroughly, letting her enjoy the penetration, letting her muscles stretch and accept all of his impressive manhood.


Yes, yes, yes, Jack, she chanted over, her eyes shutting at the sensory overload, and she thought she might cry, the sensation of his hardness invading her body to fill it up so tightly never failing to make her heart swell with emotion, as if he himself was a reminder of how much she loved him.

His name was all she could utter, over and over, when he started to move, but not to fuck. The thrusts were meant to stroke, to caress her inwardly, occasionally hitting the most sensitive spot to keep her in a state of a high, but not to push her over.

"Go harder, Jack, a little faster…" she squirmed in frustration at his agonizingly slow pace.

He nuzzled her hair in an answer.

"You're too worked up, love. You won't last and I need you with me."

That was true. She felt like coming already, his body rubbing slowly on top of hers, pressing her into the sheets, almost every inch of her skin stimulated, and still remembering Jack's mouth between her thighs. But at the same time she wanted to last, to go with him, wanted her body to give him what he was always giving hers.

He was taking it slow, so very slow, as if they had all the time in the world. As if he was planning on doing nothing else, ever again. He found a sensual, languid rhythm, the strokes so patient and loving, rocking her with purpose and determination, swaying her closer and closer to the sweet abyss -

"I'm so close, so close… stop, Jack -" she panted, forcing her hips to still their reflexive movements.

He obliged, but she felt him tense while he stopped, staying buried within her.

"You okay?" she heard the unmistakable trace of worry in his voice.

"I just don't want to come yet, I want it to last longer, a little longer, it feels so good…"

"Good, huh?" the words muffled, molding to skin behind her earlobe, where he pressed his parted lips, relaxing and resuming his movements, only much smaller, barely detectable strokes of his hips against hers. Each one making her hungry for the next, for more. Kate's head was spinning from the intense pleasure of it.

"How does it feel for you…? Tell me. How it feels, Jack. Is it… as good?" she inquired.

Knowing he wasn't able to push as hard as he liked to, without enough bracing to do so, knowing that he couldn't see them joined, like she knew watching made him even harder, couldn't see much of her body, the visuals as much of a turn on for him, as his touch to her.

"Whatever is good for you is good for me. I want your pleasure, Kate, that's all I want."

"No, but tell me… for you…"

"It always feels good to be inside of you. You don't even imagine how good," he murmured.

"I wish I knew… God, I'm so close already… Jack- You know, sometimes… I fantasized… about…"

The position was incredibly stimulating, but Kate also recalled a fantasy she had read and then rehearsed curiously in her imagination: about being taken by two men, almost forcefully, squashed between them, two strong bodies trapping her in the middle, pressing themselves into her, pushing in –

"Go on." He encouraged, arousal thick in his voice.

She didn't want another man but Jack. It was just the sensation, of being somehow helpless, trapped, forced down in between warm, firm surfaces. Just like now.

"Jack, you feel so… just so good, I can't find words –" she panted. "So fine… so hard and deep inside of me… To have you like this is - " she breathed with effort. "But to have you in my mouth… or in between my breasts… I just - I want you all over me –" she was aware of her tattered words not making much sense, but at the same time needed to, had to tell him how much he turned her on, how she wanted nothing else than to be with him, to feel all of him, as close as two people could ever become.

In an answer, he pushed her buttocks wider apart and pushed himself harder up, while grabbing both of her breasts to squeeze them together and hold both up underneath her by one of his large hands. The other hand went up beside her face, his thumb grazing her lips, and she sucked on it greedily.

It was like he knew what she was trying to say.

"Imagine it, Kate," he whispered forcefully, sucking at her pulse-point, each word accentuated by a thrust inside her. "Imagine me taking you every- single- possible- way -"

Her insides contracted and she was flooded with the memories, the fantasies of their times together, as her eyes shut tight and her tongue wrapped around his finger. So good. So delicious. So overwhelming; her mind supplied the images.

"I don't want anybody but you, never. Ever." she offered earnestly, following the wild scenario which she hadn't verbalized. "But the feeling… this is it, like now… Like what you're doing to me now… As if you overpowered me."

"You like being overpowered?" he muttered seductively.

"Only in bed," she chuckled, out of breath, feeling him swell further. "Only by you..."

"Like this?" he covered her hands with his, interlacing their fingers and pressing them into the mattress together, pushing himself yet a little fiercer up inside of her.

She could only gasp, her body melting underneath his. "You're so much stronger then me…"

Jack didn't give her a chance to move, holding her arms down surely.

"You like what I'm doing now? When I'm being ravenous? When I subdue you?"

"I need it all. Jack. All of your strength. Your passion. Your lust. Your control."

He moved both of her arms closer together and got hold of her wrists using one hand, while the other sneaked its way underneath her torso, to cup one breast.

"I… oh Jack..." she moaned feeling both of his hands coming back to rub over her breasts firmly. "I can't help myself when you are-... are being aggressive," she felt her cheeks burn telling him this, even with his hard cock buried deep within the recess of her body."… and just grab me… and pin me to the bed…to take me… It feels so primal, Jack, so raw… Oh god!- " she cried out feeling him rolling one nipple between his fingers, pinching it slightly.

"Talk to me," Kate breathed, needing to hear his voice, hear the words of passion and desire, hear everything that he was feeling… "Tell me –, Jack –"

"You like it when I just grab you and take you?" He brought his lips to her ear and each word molded into her skin like a burning imprint.

"Well Kate, that's because you're mine for the taking. Mine to have. Mine to possess," he stressed, pumping inside her hard, driving both of them insane with the need for release.

"Any time I want, any way I want, I'll just do it, every time when I need it, when I want, you're mine to claim," his possessive declaration made her inner muscles squeeze around him reflexively and she shivered, suddenly only aware of his warmth and protective potency.

"I will, Kate. I'm able to. I have the power to do it." Jack kept whispering while her body was responding on its own now, wriggling and grinding and bucking up, unmistakably nearing the edge. "Yes, I can take you, Kate, I can hold you down, pinned underneath me, and you are in no place to make demands. I'm impatient, Kate, I'm possessive. You like when I'm predatory, Kate? When I'm taking you hard? Without holding back? When I'm shoving my dick into you, claiming you, fucking you, taking what's rightfully mine? I'm doing it now. I'm taking you. I'm inside of you. You are mine."

She thought it was the sound of an explosion she heard next.

But it was her own bloodstream.

And then loud moans and gasps of his name, as her climax ripped through her in a series of forceful tremors, insides contracting, pulling him deeper, and she cried out, loosing track of time and location, ecstasy arresting her whole body in an instinctive arch, and she was falling and falling, clutching his hands, digging her nails into them, almost choking on a violent sob when her engulfed body sought more air, and she just kept bucking up against him in fever as he kept his sure steady rhythm to let her ride out every bit of the tide.

And just the echo of his words in her mind was almost enough to make her come again.

He didn't stop, providing gentle, languid thrusts instead, to keep her on the plateau, while soothing her at the same time, planting tiny soft kisses on her neck and shoulders.

Kate struggled to come back down to reality, her heartbeat still frantic and the bed sheet damp where she sucked on it. Slowly, she relaxed, feeling comfortable and sated, enveloped by Jack's body, and turned her head to meet him for a drowsy kiss.

"Jack… I've never thought…" his intensity in sex had constantly left her amazed.

"What, you haven't seen that in me?" Jack trailed his lips along her jaw. "Kate, I'll do whatever it takes to give you pleasure, and if it's me talking dirty, I'm happy to provide."

His tongue darted out, to tickle her upper spine in light flutters, while he continuously rolled his hips against hers, still hard as a rock within her body, making her quiver shamelessly in need for him all over again.

"Besides, what I said is true. You are mine, Kate. And I am inside you now," he murmured against her skin and Kate felt one more ripple stirring in her lower belly.

"You keep talking, and I'll never stop coming," she groaned into the pillow, moving her hand behind, to grab hold of his hip in a subconscious need to keep them connected, to push him deeper yet.

"Maybe that's what I want," he pressed a wet kiss to the protruding vertebra on the nape of her neck, which ran through her like an electric impulse.

"You know, I want you all the time, Kate," he confessed. "It's not like I can have you and be satisfied. I see you and most I can think of is how this feels -" he shifted forward, thrusting hard and hitting just the right spot, and she moaned out loud, her body so pleasured and excited all at once, that Kate's free will had evaporated into the sex-scented air around them, forced out by one single thought: don't stop. Don't you ever stop.

Arching her back up suggestively, she vocalized it, while wordlessly asking him to go deeper, to go harder, to lead them wildly and out of control to their own private collision of universes, when two truly become one.

He took the invitation, pulling out to settle himself on his knees, while motioning for her to do the same, hands on her hips.

"Kneel up," he said.

Kate knew he enjoyed the position, knew it was the surest one to get him beyond control, and she loved it too, the feeling of him pounding her relentlessly in search for his own release guaranteed to set her off once again.

She felt his large palms move up her sides, pulling her up and into his chest, cupping her breasts, and she glanced over her shoulder, only to be greeted by his mouth, swallowing hers hungrily, in a kiss that was more tongue than lips, utterly erotic and yet loving and comforting at the same time.

Dizzy from the way his mouth insisted on amplifying her desire, Kate let out a strangled moan, when one of his hands started to glide down over her stomach, to her bare vulva, cupping it gently, and then pressing harder, the rubbing movements facilitated by her copious wetness for him.

Again, his name was the only word her aroused mind could offer, coming out in breathless gasps, when he eased two fingers in between her folds, teasing her opening, massaging the sensitive flesh, while the heel of his hand bumped lightly into her clit - hardened and receptive, and too heated for a direct touch.

It was as if her bones turned to jelly, and she leaned back into him, grateful for his tight grip around her chest, demanding another kiss, which earned her a sexy smile and a poke of his hardness against her ass. Hard and ripe and ready to give her the pith of his life. Kate could sense his need almost taking over, could see his struggle to maintain the sensual and intense pace for her sake. She could sense his determination to take her over the edge once more, and just gave in to his persistence, closing her eyes and concentrating on the way his body felt against hers, its masculine contours and textures so different and delightful to her soft feminine ones.

Her head fell back to his shoulder and his mouth latched on to her throat immediately, when his fingers dipped inside of her, her inner muscles clenching around them and she felt more than ready to be filled by him again.

She didn't have to say it. Jack's body tensed against her and she felt his hot breath coming out in strained huffs.

"Kate, I need to, I just need to –" he pushed her forward gently.

"You have me, you remember that," she murmured, eliciting a breathy chuckle from him and he planted a quick kiss to her lower back, before grabbing her by the hips and entering her again, in one easy shove.

A moan got caught down her throat as he hit the exact spot which made her tremble and weaken instantly while getting flooded with intense rush of love for him, and she wanted to tell him but couldn't find her voice, just gasping and squealing in the physical and emotional pleasure mingling in a way that only being with Jack had ever generated.

"You're so hot,Kate," he breathed. "And I love you so much…" he drove harder into her, the angle meaning his penetration was as deep and full as it was going to get, her body accommodating him almost with difficulty, stretched to the point when there was no air between them, just skin pressing on skin.

"I don't know how I can feel both," he concluded, finding a fiercer rhythm, the wish of making it last obviously getting fast replaced by his yearn for release within her, now that he was back inside.

The words confused her for a while, but her foggy mind did manage to pick up on their parallel lines of thought. Another level of connection.

"You feel that too?" she muttered scarcely.

"I don't have a name for what I feel, Kate," he slowed down a little, talking to her in earnest, as if it was as crucial to his climax as ramming into her was. "It's love and it's want and it's like…" his hands gave her buttocks a brief but firm squeeze before roaming over her waist, and she felt him bending over, to kiss her back. "…it's like my body and soul are one for a moment, Kate. And they're one with yours. It's as if we were touching the infinity," he spoke into her shoulder, lips brushing her tingling skin, and she thought she might burst with affection.

"I know. It's like making sense of nonsense," she responded, a powerful climax building up steadily, each of his thrusts bringing her closer and closer –

"Are you going to come for me, Kate," he urged and she recognized instinctive acceleration of his pace, his release just as close as hers, and just the thought about it was pushing her further on.

"Oh yes. Yes, Jack. Just a little more, a little harder… "

He didn't need to be told twice, her hips bucking up to welcome each of his fierce invasions, but she knew he was close and not really able to wait for her. Not needing her encouragement to go harder and faster, as he already did. Kate looked around, torn between her own ecstasy nearing and the vital desire to watch him through his orgasm.

His face so beautiful in bliss.

"Oh god, oh Kate –" she heard, and saw him watching their joining and then raising his gaze to meet hers. "I can't hold back –" he breathed openly, eyes shutting tight.

"Don't," she replied. "Don't try to hold back."

"Come with me," he urged, thrusting hard, but trying hard to delay the culmination.

"I am, Jack, I am, it's - now…!"

Just as she said that, feeling the first little spasm, she saw his mouth open to let out a groan, as his movements became pure instinct and she felt her contracting vagina being flooded with his hot seed, as they both came in the exact same moment, and she kept watching him, falling victim to the pleasure, and he opened his eyes to hers, to make her unable to stifle the scream which finally became his name in this ultimate unison, and just seeing him, knowing that he was experiencing the same bliss, was enough for her to come and come, each thrust deriving a fresh surge of rapture.

He stilled finally, exhausted, and Kate thought he'd collapse over her, but instead he pulled her up into a tight sweaty embrace from behind, gently grazing her breasts and breathing hard into her neck, until he calmed down enough to give her a deep, lingering kiss on the lips.

"That was good," she whispered as they broke apart, Jack pulling out of her carefully.

"Just good?" he smiled, pecking her on the cheek and gesturing for her to join him, as he lied down on his back with a laboured sigh.

Kate resisted for a moment, taking in the sight of him, naked and relaxed and satiated. The faint sheen of sweat over his chest made her lick her lips unconsciously.

She grinned. "That's all I'm capable of uttering right now."

Yielding to his allure, and to fatigue, she snuggled by his side and brought the blanket over their flushed bodies.

Their eyes met, and neither said anything for a long while, just staring into each other, and Kate hoped he would see everything there were indeed no words for. What he was to her.

Her leg found its way into between his, while his arm wrapped loosely over her waist.

"I wanted to tell that you I love you," she said, fingers trailing absentmindedly through the hair on his chest.

"You don't want to anymore?" he joked, but she sensed the vague wariness. Like he still was afraid her mind would change.

"Of course I do," she stated vigorously, kissing his chin. "I love you, Jack. I love you so much that it almost hurts - !"

She loved how these words would ignite the fire in his eyes each and every time she said them.

"Before... I wanted to say it before. To make it perfect."

Unexpectedly, his expression turned serious. He shifted to his side, so they were face to face, and cupped her cheek.

"Kate…" he wavered. "It's never going to be perfect. We are not perfect. But it's perfect in the imperfection, you know?" she realized it was not their lovemaking he was talking about.

"We'll fight and we'll disagree, but in the end of the day… What matters is if we want to stay together. Through the good times and the tough times," he finished, eyes searching hers.

"Do you want to?" he asked, when she remained silent, digesting what he said, what he wanted her to acknowledge.

She kissed the calloused thumb caressing her face, her voice clear and lucid. "I want to."

And it felt like a vow, like matrimony, his sincerity cutting through to the core of her heart. She sought it for traces of uncertainty, for an urge to avoid making the promise, for fear of the finality of it. But she found none, all finally replaced by peace and compliance to him, the man she had no idea she had been looking for until he found her.

This was it; she could never take it back. Not without breaking him.

"I want to," she repeated, tears stinging her eyes.

Jack didn't say anything, emotion seemingly overwhelming him, as he gathered her into his arms, clasping them around her so tightly, that she might protest any other time, but now she just melted into his embrace, feeling shielded from the world, from her past, from her own sense of inadequacy.

Spontaneously, Kate started pressing small openmouthed kisses to where she could hear his comforting heartbeat, his scent obscuring her consciousness anew.

He loosened his grip around her to look in her eyes, a loving playful glimmer turning the deep brown of his to shade of bright amber.

"So the fact that I'm stronger than you gets you off?" he recalled what the heat of passion drew from her.

Stirring, she bit her lower lip, slightly embarrassed, but happy to see him in such a light mood, last night's disturbance seemingly forgotten and insignificant.

"Looks like," she replied gingerly, blushing.

"It's only natural. We are made to be this way," he let out a laugh and kissed her flushed cheek wholeheartedly, then brought his face down, foreheads touching.

"You do know I'd never ever use that against you? That I will never hurt you?"

"Of course I know, Jack," she cupped his cheek to look him straight in the eyes. "That's exactly it. I know you'll protect me. You make me feel safe, on some deep, instinctual level it makes me feel safe to feel your strength."

"Human beings are so designed to live the life of cavemen," he chuckled, amused, rolling over to lay on his back, bringing her to rest on top of him and holding her tight. "Evolution has not prepared us for civilization."

Wriggling up in his arms level enough to kiss his temple, she traced her finger along his dark hairline on the forehead.

"See, that's one more thing about you that gets me off. Your brain," she smiled.

Licking her lips, Kate rubbed against him slightly to feel him begin to harden again, his stamina taking her by surprise every time.

"Besides," she continued, "looks like pretty primal environment here, Jack, not very much of civilization. Brings out the cavewoman in me," she grinned down at him, before emitting an animalistic growl jokingly, squeezing his hips with her thighs and grabbing his wrists to hold them above his head.

He returned the smile, eyes flickering with happiness and desire.

"Mmmh, I like it when you're going all aggressive on me too, Kate."


Jesus, I'm completely exhausted. :)

There are several stories around with a Jack shaving scene, just don't remember the titles or authors, but I loved them all. For the development of it, I should probably credit the Cosmopolitan magazine. ;)

Also, credit goes to a certain story of another fandom that provided great inspiration, PM me for a link.

My book provides disappointingly little help, as most fantasies are too kinky to apply to Jack and Kate (in the sense of re-enacting) – you don't really want me to make them pull off a threesome with Sawyer or Juliet, or Locke, do you? ;) So I had to compromise.

What do you guys want for the next chapter? Fluff or kink? I have an idea to combine both, which kinda involves Jack's tattoos. Megs' original idea about mirrors is incredibly tempting too, but I'm flexible.