
By: Tenshi no Nanimo

DISCLAIMER: The bishies of Kyou Kara Maou are not mine… so I'm just borrowing them for my own imagination and story. Enjoy! By the way, if you want this to have another chapter, just review okay then maybe, I'd have the motivation to write more. Also, this story is about Kyou Kara Maou, but it doesn't follow the plot of the story. For example, I created rules that wasn't in the anime, etc.

Summary: Yuri always gets what he wants, but what if he started wanting the person that he so willingly threw away? Yuuri x Wolfam.

"Psst! Conrad! Behind here!"

The handsome man known as Conrad looked behind him and saw his king hiding underneath a well- trimmed bush in the gardens. He chuckled slightly, as he looked at the comical scene before him. Sure, his king was weird, but so far, this was one of the weird things that earned a smile from him.

"What are you doing here Heika?" Conrad asked while smiling, an act he never forgot to show and never wished to discard especially in front of his godchild.

"Arrgh! How many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to call me that Conrad?" Yuri stopped in mid- sentence. "That's not what I was trying to say!!!" He curled his hands around his hair in frustration. However, Conrad did nothing for he still found the action amusing so he decided to do nothing, but chuckle once again.

"Anyway Conrad, I've been thinking a lot lately. It's something about Wolfram…" He noticed the way Yuri's tone became serious as he uttered his younger brother's name. He listened closely, finding nothing funny anymore and prepared himself for whatever he might hear.

"Wolfram is starting to become irritating." Conrad's eyes narrowed into slits, but it went unnoticed by Yuri who was concentrated with what he was thinking. " I mean, he's always irritating to begin with, but I'm starting to find it unbearable."

"What do you suggest to do then Heika?" Conrad asked with a smile in his face, a fake one. He wished to help his king all the time, but if it involved hurting another person, he might become hesitant particularly if it is his own brother.

"That's the problem Conrad! I can't do anything about it without hurting him!" The young king yelled in frustration. He truly was confused already. He didn't know whether he's still right or wrong. To break the engagement means happiness for him, but hurt for Wolfram. But then, if he decided not to break the engagement, he's going to be the one hurt, vice versa of what would happen if he'd let the engagement continue.

"So what do you plan to do then? Surely you're not planning on running away from the responsibility that you bestowed upon yourself?" Conrad said this with a smile, an irony of what he wanted Yuri to feel. As an older brother, he had the duty to protect Wolfram, but this duty came to an abrupt halt because of Wolfram's hate for him. However, that did not mean that his job came to a complete end already. In fact, he continued to perform his duty, but with low profile so that Wolfram would not get mad at him because the younger boy might feel that Conrad is just belittling him. This time, it was hard to hide the fact that he is still Wolfram's brother when his brother needed him in his defense seeing that the blonde was nowhere in sight so his brotherly instincts automatically came to the rescue.

"Eto…" Seeing Yuri stutter made Conrad's blood boil. His brother's future lies in the hands of Yuri who seems to be still confused.

"Heika, you can't do anything unless you are sure that you want it to happen. I'm telling you now that you won't get everything that you want so I suggest that you think clearly first before making a decision, a wise one, which needs to be quick too." Conrad's voice was hard and demanding, which pressured Yuri. The older man wanted him to make a decent decision, but hurrying him would do no good at all so he decided to push through with his previous plan, which can't be really considered wise, but was quick anyway. After all, quick and wise should not be found in one sentence together especially with the word decision.

"I- I wish to break the engagement off." Conrad's eyes pierced through Yuri's soul. Seeing that Yuri was indeed sure of his decision, his smile came back on.

"So how do you plan to do it then Yuri?" Having the delusion that Conrad agreed with his decision already, Yuri smiled.

"I want the engagement to be off, but I don't want to be the one to break it. I want Wolfram to do it."

"Oh. So you plan on making Wolfram do your dirty work Yuri?" Yuri's eyes widened. On his mind, he was thinking that it wasn't Conrad talking, but staring at him assured him that it was indeed Conrad who is in front of him and that only made things hurt more for him. Here was his protector, shunning him and doing the exact opposite of what he was supposed to do. He thought for one moment and the ugly truth came tumbling hard on him. Conrad was Wolfram's brother! He was planning on breaking Wolfram's heart with his brother listening!

The guilt was eating Yuri slowly, which disabled him from talking. He couldn't do it. Not now that Conrad heard his evil plan. He felt so bad like as if he just killed an innocent bystander. In a way, he WAS about to kill someone though not physically, but emotionally. Conrad continued to stare at him and seeing Yuri tremble and hesitate was enough for Conrad to decide with what the young king was supposed to do.

"Yuri, listen to me. I know that you never wanted the engagement in the first place so I think that you are right. The engagement has to be broken. To continue this charade would not only hurt Wolfram, but you too so I think that it would be best to break it as your godfather and as Wolfram's brother." Conrad said this with a strong voice, which was the exact opposite of what he was now. He felt weak. Right now, he's seeing Yuri breaking and he's afraid to see his little brother break like that too so he made a decision for the two, which would hopefully transfer all the hurt that these two would feel after the engagement is broken to him.

"Listen Yuri, I'm going to set you up with a girl this Saturday night and let Wolfram see that you are enjoying it." Conrad saw that Yuri was not entirely listening to him so he seized the boy by the shoulders and shook him. "You are going to enjoy it Yuri okay?" With Yuri's approval he continued, " Hopefully, Wolfram would become so mad and break the engagement off. Now that would be better right? He'll move on eventually so don't feel too guilty about it okay Yuri?" Yuri was still not responding so Conrad took his silence as an approval. He said his goodbye to his king to look for a girl suitable for his plan. As he turned to look behind him, he saw Yuri looking at him with a dejected look on his face. His heart wrenched painfully at this pathetic sight and moved on with his task, hoping that he would not see that look on someone else's face other than him even if he has to hide behind the ugly mask of smile that he always forces himself to wear.