Hello everyone, I'm back from my long break. Sorry for not updating a little sooner. Good news is that I'm almost finish and have it planned out. Bad news is that I'm still stuck in some places, mainly details. Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 16: The Battle

Everyone started following Kakashi.

Shikamaru and Temari were in the middle of the group talking to each other. Temari was in her fishnet stocking and her a one piece white dress from the Chuunin Exam. The dress was still short showing her thighs. She also carried her fan on her back.

"So why did you come?" Shikamaru asked her.

"Kakashi told me. Actually it was his dog, but you get the point," Temari said. When Kakashi found out Akatsuki's hideout he summoned Pakkun to get the message to Temari.

"I didn't ask how you found out, I asked why did you come?" Shikamaru asked her again.

"They killed my brother you know. I want my fight with them also. Plus Naruto changed Gaara and I've got to help him for that," Temari answered.

"Your Kazekage let you come?" Shikamaru asked her.

"Dummy, I'm the Kazekage now. Kankarou is looking after the village while I'm gone," Temari said.

"Oh great, another woman that's leading a village," Shikamaru said to himself. Temari gave him a hard hit to the face that sent him five feet to his side. He was able to reposition himself in the air and landed on one of the branches. Did I say that outloud? I really got to shut up sometimes. He rejoined the group. This time further away from Temari.

Naruto went to Kakashi's side.

"So how long is it before we reach the location?" Naruto asked.

"I say about one and a half day if we hurry," Kakashi said.

"Do you want to lead this mission?" Kakashi asked. Kakashi thought that he was better suited to lead this mission, but understood if Naruto wanted to lead it instead.

"No, even though I know most of the Akatsuki's strengths, but I haven't been keeping up with our group's capabilites. I think it would be better for the group's survival if you lead. So how strong is our group? I haven't really fought any of them," Naruto told him.

Kakashi answered him, "All of their fighting capability are well above Chuunin level. The only thing that usually holds a lot of them back is their mentality or the way that they think. Kiba's a real good fighter, but whenever he had an opponent down and out he would wait to see if they used all their techniques yet."

Naruto chuckled. Kind of what he used to do.

Kakashi continued, "He always wanted to know that he beat them when they're at their best. This is real reckless and it could get him killed one day, but somehow he's still alive. The only reason Lee isn't a jounin is because he couldn't use any ninjutsu or genjutsu. Ino doubted herself too much, even more than Sakura. When she believes in herself though, she is a force to be reckoned with. Hinata's the same way, except worse. While Ino can do some missions by herself, Hinata never had the courage to do anything by herself. It always seemed like she needed a team. She's a competent fighter though. If Chouji learned a little more instead of only his family jutsus, he would be jounin. You fought Sasuke already so you know how strong he is."

Great, they're all pretty strong, Naruto thought.

Ino went to Neji's side. "So what do you think of Naruto having the Kyuubi in him?" Ino asked him.

"He's the same person. From what I've read the Kyuubi was sealed in a baby. It's not like he just received it right now. If a person still isn't his friend after finding that out then I don't think they deserve to be his friend," Neji answered her.

"You're right. He's still the same Naruto," Ino said. She looked at Naruto who was ahead of her jumping through the braches with Kakashi. Why didn't you tell us earlier Naruto?

Sakura was looking at Sasuke and could tell that something was bothering him so she went to him, "Is something wrong Sasuke?"

He clenched his fist, "I have to kill him. Not only for me, but for Naruto and Yugito. She saved my life and I have to repay her. Itachi's there with them and he will die by my hands."

Sakura looked at him longer. There was something real wrong with Sasuke. His thirst for revenge was unnerving her.

"Umm, Sasuke, I think you should loosen up a little because you won't be in top condition if you're thinking about that too much," Sakura told him. He didn't respond to her, but just kept dodging the trees.

The group kept on jumping from tree to tree until sunset. They put up camp at night and slept.


Early the next morning everyone was up.

"Alright guys come here for a moment and I'll tell you how we're going to do this," Kakashi told the group. They went to Kakashi and formed a small circle.

"Since we're pressing for time we need to split up and fight each Akatsuki member. There are seven Akatsuki members with a possible eight," Kakashi said.

"I thought there was nine," Chouji commented.

"Well, there was. Yugito killed one before they took her and Tsunade-sama also killed one a couple of months back. It takes a long time before finding a replacement. Akatsuki doesn't just recruit anybody, the person has to be very strong. So that's why there are seven with a possible eight," Kakashi told him.

Kakashi told the team about the enemy and who they would be facing.

"If there is another member. Sakura, you and Naruto will have to fight him or her. Since you two are the most versatile here I'm leaving him or her up to you. Sorry, I don't know if they have another member or not. I also do not have any information on the leader. Once you beat the enemy, if you still have strength left, please try and help the other groups," Kakashi said to the team.

Sakura saw something wrong with Kakashi's explanations. "Kakashi-sensei, not to be rude, but what would happen if they all attacked us at once? I've heard that they're kage level shinobis. If they all attack us at once, we'll have a very slim chance of winning."

"That's where you're wrong Sakura. They won't attack at once. You've got to remember who you are talking about. These are S-class criminals. They would never work together. At one sign of weakness they wouldn't hesitate to kill another. Each of them is in this for themselves. I wouldn't be surprise if they are all plotting something against one another right now because they're so close to their goal," Kakashi told her.

"Believe in one another and we will win this one," Kakashi told the group.


"There is a group of shinobis outside of our hideout. What do you want us to do?" Zetsu said to the leader.

"How many are there?" said a man.

"Fourteen," Zetsu replied.

"They've sent fourteen shinobis to fight us? This must be a mockery. Fine, we'll dispatch this group effortlessly just to show how strong we are. You six, go and confront our friends," said the man.

"Time to kill, yea," said a voice.

The group immediately left.


The group was outside of a small cave.

"So this is the place?" Kiba asked while looking up at the cave. They were about twenty feet away from it and it was about twenty feet high.

"Yes," Kakashi replied.

"They haven't noticed we're here then. We have the advantage," Kiba said.

"I'm certain that they know we're here. Remember, one of them can see very long distances," Kakashi said.

"Neji can you use your Byakugan and see how many members there are," Kakashi said.

"Well, there are 6 members coming out right now, but somehow I can't get pass a barrier. It's blocking my view. This is the first time that it has happened," Neji told him.

Hidan, Zetsu, Kisame, Itachi, Kazuku, and Diedara stepped out of the cave.

"Well, well, what do we have here? We're trying to get rid of Bijuu's to save the world and there are people that wants to stop us," Diedara said while looking down at the group.

"I should just kill you all at once, yeah. Come, I'll kill you all myself," Diedara said.

"Me and this girl here will fight you," Temari said.

"Oh, you're mad cause I got your little brother but come on, two on one. You can't be serious. All of you should fight me so it'll be fun, yeah," Diedara said mockingly.

"We will be enough," Temari said.

"Talking as if you're going to win," Diedara replied.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Temari told her.

"Fine follow me then, yeah," Diedara said. He started to jump to his left.

Temari and Tenten followed Diedara.

"So, is this how's it's going to be, copy-nin Kakashi?" Kisame said looking at Kakashi while holding his sword on his shoulder.

"Yes, we will fight all of you two on one," Kakashi replied.

"Insane, you know you guys can't win like that," Kisame told him.

"That's where you're wrong, we can win," Kakashi said.

"If you really think so. This is going to be easier than I thought. I'll agree with this little arrangement." He smiled, "So who's behind door lucky number two?" Kisame asked.

"Me and my teammate will, lead the way and let's go," Shino said. Kisame jumped from the entrance and went to the right. Shino and Hinata followed him.

"Heh heh, I get a girl. A cute one at that," Kisame said happily.

"They're in a hurry. That's why they're fighting us like this. Be careful, they know our techniques while most of you don't know theirs," Itachi said in his calm voice.

"Like I need to be careful around a bunch of kids," Hidan said said.

"If you want an early death then go ahead and do what you want," Itachi replied.

"What did you say?"

"I don't need to repeat myself twice," Itachi replied.

"Whatever, who's next on our team then?" Hidan said.

Kazuku stepped up, "I'll take these runts."

"You're going down. Me and my teammate will take care of you," Kiba said.

"Ahh man, I get the ugliest of the bunch. I was hoping that I get one of the girls, but I get a fat guy and a guy that resembles a dog," Kazuku said.

Chouji's eyes starting flaming when he heard the word 'fat.'

Akamaru barked at him.

"Let's see if your bite is as big as your bark," Kazuku said when he heard Akamaru.

"Shut up, just hurry so we can kill you and get this over with," Kiba said.

Kazuku jumped from the cliff and went straight. They followed Kazuku.

Zetsu jumped down from the cliff and slowly walked forward to the remaining team.

"We get to kill," Zetsu said, more to himself. "Yes we get to kill," Zetsu replied to himself.

"Should we kill?"

"Yes we shall."

"Who's fighting we?"

"Maybe white eyes. He has nice eyes."

"We shall eat him."

"Yes, eat him and get his eyes."

I'm stuck fighting a psychopath. Greeeaat, Ino thought.

Neji stepped up, "Lead the way."

Zetsu took off to the right, but slightly away from Kisame. Neji and Ino followed him.

"So it's you and me then, right little brother? You've been waiting for this moment your whole life, isn't that right?" Itachi asked in his calm voice.

"Just hurry up and lead the way," Sasuke replied with a glare. Itach was right though, Sasuke had been waiting for this moment his whole life. Itachi jumped off the cliff and went behind the cave.

Lee and Sasuke followed Itachi.

"Ohhh, I get the big prize then. I get copy-nin Kakashi. At least I don't have to fight kids," Hidan said.

"Lead the way Hidan," Kakashi said calmly.

"Fine, I think our leader wanted to get the Kyuubi container by himself anyways," Hidan said.

He led Kakashi and Shikamaru to the left.

There was no one left. Naruto and Sakura went inside the cave.

Note: the following battles are happening at approximately the same time.


Diedara was jumping from tree to tree for about ten minutes when he stopped. Tenten and Temari stopped twenty feet away from him. The surroundings were filled with trees. Hmph, Kakashi told us that he could change his projectiles direction. So, that's why he choose this location, to make it harder for other projectiles to hit him. It doesn't matter though, I can still hit him, Tenten thought.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves, yeah. I'm glad I get to fight two girls. I have seen one of you before because I was the one who killed her brother, but the other I don't recall ever seeing. My name is Diedara, yeah," Diedara said.

"Name's Temari, I'll will get you for what you did to Gaara," she answered.

"Tenten, you should know the name of the person who's going to kill you," Tenten said.

"My, my aren't we an angry bunch? You know it's not good fighting with emotions, yeah," Diedara told them. He quickly reached into his pouch took out some clay.

Are those his projectiles, Tenten thought. She took out her sword and held it in her right hand. Temari took out her fan.

"Be careful," Temari said.

"I know that already," Tenten answered back.

Diedara started shaping the clay into what looked like a bird. He immediately dropped it and it expanded into a giant bird. Diedara jumped on it.

Tenten saw that he was going to take it to the sky so she threw some kunai's at him which he blocked. Diedara's bird started to fly just above the trees. He was running away from them. Damn, I thought he was going to attack, Tenten thought. Tenten and Temari gave chase. Just then they saw little clay birds flying at them. Tenten threw some kunai's and the birds exploded when they were it. Explosive! she thought. As she was thinking this more and more clay birds were flying at them. Tenten did her best to hit the targets before they could reach them, but she knew that she was losing. There were simply too many birds. Diedara was also getting further and futher away from them.

Tenten took out a huge scroll and quickly unwrapped it. After she did that she began throwing tens and tens of shurikens at once. She managed to hit all the little birds before it could reach them.

Diedara was on top of his bird making his special bomb. Yeah, number 18. He dropped it after he finished making it.

Temari saw what he dropped. She remembered that design from anywhere. Temari yelled at Tenten to not hit the target. She got out her fan and made a huge swing at the object. A big force of wind came from her fan and blew away the small object. About 5 seconds later it made a huge explosion about 50 feet away from them. In the explosion they had lost Diedara.

They raced through the woods in search for him. It was about 10 minutes when suddenly Temari saw something in front of them as she jumped forward. It was only for a second, but she was sure something was definitely there. She tried to grab a hold of Tenten and throw her back, but missed her arm. Because of trying to grab Tenten she also couldn't move back. They were caught in a very thin web faced first. Their faces were turned to each other.

"Nice going. You should have seen that," Temari said to Tenten.

Tenten was mad at herself. She knew it was her fault for getting trap.

"Well, if you saw it, instead of trying to rescue me you should have stayed behind so you could have gotten me free," Tenten said.

"I would have if I knew that it wasn't going to blow up the minute someone touched it," Temari answered.

Diedara jumped down from the tree and looked at them, "Now now, don't be arguing. Looks like I caught some bugs."

They struggled, but found out that it was useless.

"You won't be able to get free," Diedara said.

He looked to his left and saw three clay spiders about 30 feet coming towards them.

"I guess it's time. I'll get back to the base while my pets blow you girls up. Art is a bang, yeah," with that he made his clay bird and flew off.

Tenten looked behind Temari's head and saw three spiders slowly coming towards them.

"We've got to get out," she said.

"Easier said than done, what's behind me?" Temari asked her.

"Three clay spiders," Tenten answered.

They continued to calmly think of a way out. Both of them knew that panic would only get them killed. Tenten began to quickly look at her surroundings and then she saw something that might just help them. It would only give them one shot, but if it worked they would get out, Temari's left leg wasn't caught in the web. She saw the spiders getting closer.

"Temari, can you use your left leg?" she asked.

Temari moved her left leg, "Yeah, a little."

"You see my weapon pouch?" Tenten questioned.

Temari rolled her eyes down, "Yeah."

"Here's what we're going to do. You're going to kick the weapons up and hopefully I can catch one," she said.

She looked at Tenten and saw that her hands were caught in the web also, "With what?"

"I'll catch it with my tongue. So kick it to my face," Tenten said.

Temari looked at Tenten like she was crazy.

"Hurry we don't have much time," Tenten told her while looking at the advancing spiders.

"Alright," Temari said. She knew that they only had one chance so she would have to make this kick count.

"Ready on three. One, two, three," and Temari kicked Tenten's weapon pouch. Dozens of kunai's, shurikens, and exploding tags came out. She continued to look at Tenten viciously trying to catch a kunai or shuriken with her tongue. If it was a different circumstance Temari would have been laughing. Tenten barely managed to get the last kunai with her tongue. Temari gave a sigh.

"Now what?" Temari questioned.

"Stay still. I see a weak point near your face," Tenten told her. She couldn't speak properly because of the kunai, but Temari understood what she was saying.

Temari didn't like the idea of Tenten throwing a kunai at her face with only her tongue, "Wait a minute."

"No time," and Tenten fling the kunai with her tongue at Temari's face. It hit the web and Temari was free.

She looked back and saw that the three spiders barely missed her. Temari also saw that Tenten wasn't freed yet so she grabbed one of the kunais' that was on the ground and freed Tenten.

"Whew that was close," Temari said.

"Yes, it was," Tenten answered.

"Let's give chase again shall we? This time look where you're going," Temari told Tenten.

Tenten got a little angry, but she knew Temari was right. It was her fault for getting them caught. They turned around and began their way back to the hideout. Diedara had stated that he was going back so they didn't have to search in a different direction. When they got about 20 feet of the web Tenten threw three kunai's at the spider and they gave a great explosion. Temari already knew why she did this. It was because Diedara would be suspicious if his trap didn't go off.

"Here's the plan, I'll be heading left. Go after him and make him come my way. We'll trap him and get him off of that bird. When you see things getting cut down, move out of the way immediately. He should be easier to handle once he's off the bird," Temari told her.

Tenten nodded and Temari began taking off to the left. Tenten increased her speed so that she could catch up to Diedara.

It was about 5 minutes before she saw him.

Diedara was smiling to himself. He had just killed the two stupid girls. Yeah, they were stupid for fighting us 2 on 1, he thought to himself. Then all of the sudden he felt something heading straight towards him. It was a large shuriken. He tried to dodge it, but it was too late and it cut off his left arm. Diedara looked down to see that one of the girl was throwing weapons at him. So they freed themselves. I should killed them right there instead. Shurikens and kunai kept coming at him, but his enormous bird was blocking it with its wings. The shurikens are coming mostly from the left side. She's trying to make me go right. Guess I'll go left then. With that he turned his bird left.

Excellent, Tenten thought to herself. Diedara had just fallen into her trap. She knew that if she tried to make him go left, he wouldn't go left and instead go right. But, if she tried to make him go to the right, he would go to the left left.

Temari was traveling very quickly. When she got to the place where she thought he would come she took out her fan and bit her thumb, "Summoning no jutsu." A small cat on a sytche appeared.

"Ready Kamatari," Temari said to the cat and it nodded its head. They waited for about a minute when Temari saw a big bird coming their way.

"Okay Kamatari, here we go," and Temari waved her fan. Suddenly the cat began sailing towards the bird. Everything caught in its path was immediately cut down.

Diedara looked below and saw that the trees were getting cut down at a rapid pace. He knew that he was in trouble and tried to steer his bird out of the way, but he was too late. The wind had cut the bird into pieces. It only managed to cut his other arm off and he began falling towards the ground. Diedara figured that the jutsu probably lost its cutting ability after going through his bird. He landed on his feet and looked up. Diedara saw that Temari was in front of him.

"It's over Diedara, you don't have any arms," Temari told him.

He looked back and saw that Tenten was behind him.

"Give up and I promise I'll make this quick," Tenten said to him.

Guess this is where it ends. Might as well go out with a bang, Diedara thought to himself.

She immediately jumped at him with her sword to slice his head off. As she came closer to him she could see that Diedara was expanding really fast.

"NO!!!" Temari screamed and she swung her fan at Tenten. This blew Tenten in a different direction. Just as she was blown in a different direction Diedara had blown up.

Temari immediately went to where Tenten was at. When she got there she could see a completely bloody Tenten.

"Tenten, you are alive?" Temari asked her. She didn't want to ask if she was okay because she knew that Tenten wasn't.

Tenten coughed out some blood.

She's alive, Temari thought to herself. She knew that they were too far from a hospital so she had to get Tenten to Sakura as quickly as possible. Hopefully Sakura isn't fighting anyone yet. She put Tenten on her shoulders and began carrying her.


Shino and Hinata followed Kisame until they reached a big open field.

Kisame took out his sword, "Guess this is where I'll be burying you two."

Hinata got into her fighting stance and activated her Byakugan. Shino raised his hands up in front of him.

Kisame did a few hand seals, "Suiton Bakusui Shoha (Exploding Water Shockwave)." A huge amount of water came out of Kisame's mouth and covered the field.

"So, are we ready then?" he asked the two.

Jutsu description:

Suiton Bakusui Shoha: Exploding Water Shockwave- (C-rank) A jutsu that creates a massive amount of water. This ninjutsu is in the manga.