Preface: Rain

I sunk to my knees in the heavy rain. I replayed the words that just came out of his mouth. Every additional time that I did this, my heart would shatter into another million pieces, but I couldn't stop myself. I searched my mind for any sign that it was a mistake, but his hard cold eyes confirmed the awful truth. He doesn't remember anything about us at all. He can't even remember my name. He spoke to me as if he was speaking to a total stranger.

Lightning struck and temporarily lit up the dark skies enough for me to see the trees surrounding me. I wanted to get up but I had no strength left in my body. It was as if someone had drained every ounce of energy from my body and left me with an empty shell of a body. I have lost even the tiniest will to live now. In the past few months, my only purpose in life was to see his face again but now what was my meaning?

I stared at the rain hitting the dirt of the forest in silence. The raw and painful truth finally set in, and I broke out in dry sobs. The rain slid down my face causing the illusion of healing tears that was nonexistent for me. I wept for my own foolishness and for the pain that now inflamed my chest. Lightning struck again and again, and the rain began to increase as if the sky itself was weeping along side me.

I opened my mouth and let out an anguish scream that was drowned out by the lightning. I suddenly felt light-headed and stiff. I laid my head on the ground miserably and curled up in my own pain. My eyelids grew heavy and I had no strength left to fight, so I allowed them to close. My sadness soon consumed me and I drifted into the darkness. I silently wished for my own death to come and end this unbearable dark veil that has fallen on my life.