Disclaimer: don't own Naruto or any of the other characters so don't sue or any of that nonsense, it be too, and i quote from Shikmaru, troublesome

Information: as i said before, we do have internet now, but i get writer's block really bad, and have trouble finishing long drown out stories, so i'm asking now and requests would help the story along a lot- for example, should Naruto be trained by Jiriaya during the month they have to train or not? Should he get the frog summoning or a different animal summoning?

Pre-information/Summary of last chapter: Naruto kicked ass, left and got rid of energy and frustration, ran into sasgay, sakura, and kakashi, blew up on them, and ran off...

Special Request: i'm looking for a beta editor, so please let me know if ur interested!!

Special Thanks: A special thanks to all of those who have read one or more of the stores I already have up!!! Hope you enjoy this one!!

"Sensei, what's up with Naruto? He's so different. The clothes, power, personality, and what was up with those scars on his face, it looked like he's blind." Sakura said anxiously, worry plastered onto her face. Kakashi sighed as he turned a page in his book and Sasuke stared off at the direction Naruto had sped off to.

"Honestly, i don't know, but it seems we're getting to see the real Naruto." Kakashi said quietly, as he was distracted from his perverted book.

'It seems being the Kyuubi carrier has had a deeper and stronger effect on him than we orginally thought. I'll have to talk to the Hokage' Kakashi thought to himself. Standing up from his lounge against a tree, he slipped his book back into his pouch and walked over to stand in front of Sasuke and Sakura.

"I have somewhere i have to go, you guys just stay here and practice, i'll return shortly" he said, staring at Sakura and Sasuke, who was now glaring at him for leaving without personally training him.

"Now now Sasuke, don't give me that look, i will return momentarily, Sakura you practice that chakra increasing exercise i should you and Sasuke you practice... practice that fire type jutsu i showed you. See ya, ja!" Kakashi said and was gone with a puff of smoke.

-----At Hokage Tower----

"Ah, Kakashi, i prosume your here about Naruto" said the Third, taking in a puff of his pipe as Kakashi came in through the window.

"Hai, Hokage-sama" Kakashi said, pulling out his perverted book once more. The Third sighed.

"Well, there isn't much i can tell you, it's as much a surprise to you as it is to me" he said frowning, looking out the window.

"But i thought he trusted you the most, i figured if anyone knew, it'd be you." he glanced up from his book, his eye frowning.

"Hai, and i thought the same. There has been much grief in his life, and i find that i'm not surprised he keeps some things secret, and i believe he has taken being a shinobi very seriously, as all shinobi have some great secret to surprise their enemies, don't you agree Kakashi-san"

"Hai, looking at it like that, i would agree"

"Now, what i can tell you is that at about age 5 he was attacked brutally, leaving him with several scars-"

"But i thought that Kyuubi heals all his wounds, how would he end up with scars?"

"Those that attacked him were shinobi, and the weapons used were coated with a poison that slows the healing process, leaving him with several scars. However, they didn't all come from the same place. From what Naruto told me, after that attack he was taken somewhere, and they did something to him, including giving him the rest of those scars he has. He hasn't told me much else, and i assumed that he forgot about both experiences, shutting them out somewhere in his mind, locking them away. With that smile and unexpected personality of his, i wasn't even aware of what was really going on" he said solemnly.

"What about his eyes?" Kakashi asked, anxious to find out how that happened.

"Ah, now that was a result of a sun jutsu used too close to his face, leaving him blind as Kyuubi could not heal that either, because it burnt his nerves, and chakra coils to an extent the demon couldn't heal"

"But, it seems that he has had some form of sight, seeing as he has done things on our missions that would require sight, how is this possible. Even with a henge covering his blind eyes, he can't" he said, putting away his book, finding the conversation at this point too serious.

"Well Kakashi, that is something you will have to ask Naruto about, because i have no idea how he can see after his eyes were practically obliterated"

sigh "Very well, agritou Hokage-sama" Kakashi asked as he made his way over to the window.

"Is he dangerous to the other members of my squad?" Kakashi said, crouching on the window seal.

"If he was Kakashi-san, i would have detained him a long time ago"

"I see, well again agritou" and he was gone.

----------back at training grounds-----------

"Where do you think Kakashi-sensei went Sasuki-kun" Sakura asked, kneeling on the ground practicing the exercise she had been told to"

"Why the hell would i know" he said, breezing through handseals.

Suddenly there was a puff of smoke and Kakashi stood nearby, leaning again against the same tree, reading once more.

"Kakashi-sensei" Sakura yelled out in surprise.


"Uh, your back"

"I said i would return momentarily"

"Well, where'd you go"

"I had to see the Hokage about something"


"It was resolved"

Both Sakura fell over and twitched as Sasuke could be seen with a nerve tick on his forhead and a sweatdrop down the other side.

The genin stared at Kakashi, waiting for further instructions or any information. When none came forth they continued their previous endeavors. Kakashi simply leaned against the tree, reading once more. The same thought ran through their heads.

'What are you hiding Naruto?'

Naruto suddenly stopped in his run as he felt something strange. It was an evil aura, something vile and powerhungry. He could feel it, sense it, smell it. It left the air filthy and his body digusted. As he stood there atop a building he scanned the area with his senses, stretching them out to their fullest.

He couldn't pinpoint it, but he knew it was here. It reminded him of snake, in fact it reminded him of that snake they ran into at the Forest of Death. He narrowed his eyes, anger rolling of him. He wouldn't let anyone hurt anyone in his village, anyone.

Pumping chakra into his legs he sprang off the roof of the building he was on and headed to the forest surrrounding Konoha, he had buisness to take care of so he could prepare for anything. It wouldn't do if he was unprepared for what may not or may come.

Squinting his dark film covered blue eyes, and releasing the henge on his face, he did several handseals, jammed his hands into the ground and executed a summon. Smoke swallowed him whole as he kept a straight face and straightened, waiting for the smoke to clear and his summon to come forth.

"Naruto-sama, it has been too long since you last summoned me. I have been waiting anxiously for the smell and taste of fresh blood. You wound me, my lord, i thought you liked me," whined part human form of Sukihi, one of his demon summons. She is a full Fox demon with five tails, inabling her to have a human form with fox ears and five tails. She pouted while leaning over mere inches from his face. Naruto crossed his arms, a scowl on his face. Her hair is bubblegum blue, with large purple slit eyes, and she stood about 4 inches taller than Naruto, with a rather slim figure.

"It's not a matter of liking or disliking you, depending on a summon too much will weaken me. Now, i smelt snake earlier, evil snake. I don't like it and know that their will be an attack on the village, soon, very soom. Prepare yourself, i will need your assistance. I will inform the old man and you will be a jounin of Konoha for awhile. You are not to touch anyone that is considered an ally, understood." he said, his voice dangerous and dared say anything to his instrutions.

"Aw, hai, hai, but will i get any fresh blood, Naruto-niisama?" she said with a bigger pout, a finger on her lip bending over.

"Hai, but only the enemies, i will not have allies harmed again," he said, his blind eyes glaringly dangerous.

Sukihi gulped, she knew his word was law, and despite him being only half demon, blind half of the time, and farely young, she knew there was power buried deep within him, that he could release at any moment, his own power.

"Hai. Only evil blood will be shed by these claws, Naruto-niisama" she said with a nervous chuckle.

"Good," he said, closing his blind eyes. Sighing he sat down against a tree near by and relaxed.

"Ne, how has Naruto-niisama been since that last time Sukihi-chan was summoned," she asked childishly, moving over to kneel in front of him like a fox would, on all fours.

"Tired and agitated. Life can be so tiring and hard, especially as a ninja. The villagers have calmed somewhat though." he sighed tiredly.

"Well, that's good isn't it?"

"No, i'm just more agitated, waiting for them to spring"

A soft breeze gently caressed his face, and swayed his hair as he relaxed, Sukihi watching him with a soft smile.

Sreams echoed throught out the allyway as blood gushed from wounds that weren't healing like they were suppose to. His breathing was slowing, his heart rate increasing. He layed on his side, blood pooling around him, staining his orange jumper and blond hair. His eyes, now blind from a sun jutsu too close to his face, clinched close as he gritted his teeth, hoping it would make them go away. It was to no avail as they stabbed him over and over again, slicing, breaking, cutting. It hurt beyond any measurement of pain. He brain was shutting down, as his body had already done so, his mind was slowly following. Red rain trailed down his face, yet it was not raining. The only thing echoing in his head was a silent question

'Why...why to they keep hurting me, why won't the pain stop. Why' as the world faded he heard their jeers and sneers echoing in his hollow soul.


There was darkness all around, where he was. Where was he? There was nothing. No sound. No light. No touch. No smell. No taste. Nothing. Just floating there, on nothing, in nothing, around nothing. There wasn't even an echo of his shallow breathing. He tried to open his eyes, but when he did it did nothing.

Blackness continued on and on forever. He opened his eyes, finding nothing but black. His eyes widened in panic as he collapsed and grasped his head in an agony he couldn't feel. It was too quiet, too dark, and too empty. He squeezed his eyes shut with as much willpower he could muster and stand there, letting the tears fall silently.

Slowly, quietly he started to hear voices. First he heard whispers, and couldn't make out what they were saying. He opened his eyes to try and see where they were coming from, but again all he saw was darkness. Suddenly the voices were as clear as day- as if they were coming into focus.

"monster" "demon" "filth" "you should just die"-they were echoing off none existing walls, coming from every direction and no matter how hard or far he ran, he couldn't get away. Screaming, he grabbed his head once more and shook his head, trying in vain to get them out of his head.

Higher and more frequent they got until they were a big blob of insults and death threats that were absorbed into his brain, and heart, being burned there for etirnity. It all came to a climax, and then with one last hurdling scream, it ended as if someone pressed stop, and the only sound left was his scream echoing, sobs, and the splish splash as his tears dripped onto the ground he couldn't see.

After what seemed forever, he heard footsteps, as if someone was walking on water, as ripples were heard. In an instant his head was up, his face the definition of panic and his head twisted in an effort to find where the sound was coming from. A chill ran through his body and he shivered wrapping his arms around himself in an effort to warm himself. Collapsing he sat on his feet kneeling there, staring at nothing. Finally just giving up, his arms fell to his sides as his head leaned down, having no energy or spirit to keep it up.

The footsteps stopped in front of him and yet he didn't look up, only looking down blindly, his spirit dull. He heard something shuffle, a wisp of cloth, and he then found himself able to see again and staring into eyes like fire, as if the very stars began in these pools dripping with a compassion unknown to Naruto, who had only know cruelty and hate. Those eyes drew him in, drew out his soul which had slowly begun to withdrawl, forever lost in the void known as his heart. Those eyes sparkled something so fierce and unknown he found himself stretching out his arms and embracing this women with soul grasping eyes.

He was crying again as he held onto this motherlike figure, and they hugged him, no covered him in a veil that protected him from the outside hate that he didn't know the cause off. He bore his soul, released the pent up hate, saddness, everything that which had been building since he could remember. He bore them all to this unknown entity that had made itself known to him, healing him, protecthing him. His sobs, after an unknown amount of time, were reduced to small sniffles every now and then.

"There there now, all better" said the women, with a voice that he could compare to nothing he knew, only that it was most soathing.

"You musn't let all that angry build up, it'll only create a monster out of you" she whispered, and Naruto's breath hitched as his body froze.

"Oh, forgive me, such a soft spot, and i've gone and said a thing like that, silly me" she giggled, rubbing his back with one hand and petting his hair with the other. He became sleepy from it, and everything else.

"Hehe, you must be exhausted Naruto-kun. Sleep, and i'll watch over your dreams my little master-kun. Sleep and let your mind wonder to good things." and with a last giggle, Naruto fell asleep, his breath calm and still, all signs of panic and sorrow slipping away.

Naruto blinked open his eyes, staring forward at the blackness that encased his life. Stretching he yawned, canines reflected the sunlight that had reached high. Rubbing his eyes he heard a giggle from his right and he slowly turned his head in that direction, with a bored expression.

"And what might I ask is so funny Sukihi-chan" he drawled, lounging backwards, hands behind his head.

"You have bed head Naruto-niisama" she giggled out before finally busting out into full laughter.

"Hardy Har Har, i'll just have to spray you with water, then we'll see whose laughing" he growled out sitting forward swiftly, legs and arms folded, cheeks puffed out.

"You wouldn't" she gasped out indiligently.

"I would" Naruto said with a smirk slipping across his face. She huffed.

"You win this round, Naruto-niisama." he smirked triumphitly.

"Well, considering your awake and not bored, i haven't been asleep long?" he asked.

"Nope, barely an hour, why, got somewhere to be?" she asked curiously.

"Yep, gotta talk to the old man about what i sensed and you being and Jounin and all that stuff" he waved her off as he stood up, put up his henge over his eyes, and started walking in the direction of the village.

"Ne, so i go with you?" she asked, trailing behind him.

"Only if you loose the ears and tail, can't have anyone suspicious of anything, now can we," he said jumping onto a tree branch and onto another.

"Aww, ne, that's so not far" she pouted. With a snap of her fingers, purple fire encased her tails and ears, dissolving them. Now she had humand ears and no tails, but looked the same, blue hair and all.

"They hate me for being the so called 'demon' think of how'd they react once seeing you. I can't even imagine how bad it would be, seeing as they can be so unpredictable." he sighed.

"Ne, aren't they predictable, considering everything, espicially how narrowminded they are" she asked, a finger on her bottom lip, staring off, paying no mind to where she was going.

"That may be so, but that can make them all the more unpredictable. Just as honest men can't be trusted, predictable people are unpredictable" he said solemnly. (ne, got the idea for none other that Jack Sparow, the one and only, hehe)

Finally making it inside the village they dropped down from the trees and landed in none other than the training area he had fled from earlier, and unexpectedly those he ran into were still there, training surprisedly. Sasuke was sparring with Kakashi as Sakura practiced a chakra increases exercise. They stopped what they were doing once he landed and stared at him with the stupidest looks on their faces.

"Ne, who are these people Naruto-niisama" asked Sukihi, hanging over Naruto's shoulders.

"My teammates, Sakura, Uchiha, and Kakashi-Sensei" he deadpanned. Sukihi's body stiffened suddenly, then relaxed as she moved to stand next to him.

"Ne, so your Naruto-niisama's teammates" she said walking forward to stand in front of the kneeling Sakura.

"And you would be" Kakashi said as he walked forward, standing beside and slightly in front of Sakura.

"Ne, the name's Sukihi, and i'm just a friend" she said, turning slighty to stare at Naruto as he walked foward to stand in front of Kakashi.

"Hmm" Kakashi said, cautiously watching the both of them.

"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei, we were just passing through, and we mean no harm" Naruto said, directing Sukihi to walk in the direction of the Hokage tower.

"Ne, hai" she yelled, as he stood there staring at Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke.

"Naruto, I'd like to talk to you-"

"Later Kakashi-sensei, I have someone else i need to talk to"

"So, where were you dope?" asked Sasuke, a smirk on his face, despite the power Naruto displayed earlier, and the anger, he still saw himself stronger, and his arrogance kept him from letting Naruto be stronger.

"I took a break in the forest outside the village, what's it to ya" Naruto drawled out, much like Shikamaru. Kakashi and Sakura glanced at each other as Sasuke's eyes squinted in anger.

"Why don't we have a spar, seeing as how you need all the practice you can get?" Sasuke suggested, his head tilting to the side, daring Naruto with a smirk.

"As i just said Uchiha, i'm just passing through, i have somewhere to be, see ya" Naruto said and walked passed them to meet up with Sukihi who had been waiting nearby, glancing here and there.

"Hey, your attitude may be different, but your still the same Naruto, a weakling who'll never surpass me dope" Sasuke shouted out, and all was silent as Naruto and Sukihi continued onward. Sukihi glanced back, her eyes changing to a darker purple, and changed back.

Okay so that's my update, and i'm rearing to add another. Any suggestions and or requests for future chapters are appreciated and will be put into thought.

Stay beautiful and keep reviewing and readin. Je-na!!

i'm thinkin of writing a fanfic with my own original character, please take a look at my myspace account -Mizuki-chan or and give any suggestions or request. i can and will add any of u guys to my friends list as long as it is a roleplaying myspace account/profile-

Here's a poll:

Should i write a fanfic with my original character-


