Again, I do not own anything but the plot. There isn't any spoiler in this, although you might understand more better if you've actually read the last. Remember that this is before all the books, Steve and Darren are not technically OOC because we don't really know how they act before all the vampire stuff.

It was a nice sunny spring day when it all began. And, oddly, it wasn't Steve who thought of it first. It's idea was all Darren's.

Being a nice sunny spring day, you would most likely assume that both Steve and Darren would be playing soccer, right? Well... wrong. You see, the two said boys were caught red-handed at trying to burn the evil coach's wig. And that caused the two boys to be fired from the team. However, everyone, and I mean everyone, played soccer on a nice sunny spring day. That, my friends, caused the two boys to be bored. And even heavens know that person that becomes bored begins to think strangely. And that's the exact case for today, I'm afraid.

Darren sat on the grass, under the tree's shadow. His legs were folded next to his chest with his arms on top of them and his head on top of those arms. His head was tilted to the side to watch his best friend walk around the grass outside of the shade.

Steve didn't know what he was looking for. But he was looking for something in the grass as he walked on it. Perhaps he was looking for an idea for a cool game. Perhaps he was just bored. But I'm but a Fanfiction author and I don't know everything that goes on in his young mind.

Suddenly a gleam caught his eyes. It was a nickel!!! Gleeful that he had just found a lucky nickel, Steve bent low to pick it up.

And that's exactly when Darren got his brand new idea of a cool game. "Hey Steve, I dare you to do this," with those words, Darren pulled a handful grass by the roots and stuff it in his mouth.

He wasn't sure if Steve would actally do it or if Steve would just laugh and make fun of him, but Darren did it anyways, partically out of boredom and partically out to annoy Steve.

Steve, who usally didn't pass a chance to do something like this, grinned and said, "Dare accepted." He, too, pulled a handful grass by the roots and stuff it in his mouth. "I d're y'u 'o d' thi'" Steve said as he begun chewing the grass and swallowed them with a "gulp!"

Darren, grateful that he didn't end up looking like a fool and that he now had something to do, said "Da' a'e'ted." Then he immitated Steve's actions.

The two boys looked at each other with a wild grin. Then Darren stood up. "I dare you to do this," he said as he did a full cartwheel. He knew very well that Steve couldn't do it.

Steve frowned, but he wasn't the one to back down from the challenge. "Dare accepted." Steve began to do strange things he called a cartwheel, none of them actually close to it, but at least he tried something.

And the day went on, with the two boys laughter to fill the field, and the nickel forgotten. And as I have stated before (and I would state it again), it was a nice sunny spring day when it all began.