Then There Were Nine
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis. I just play with the characters.

Hyoutei was, first and foremost, a family. But Keigo's Hyoutei belonged as much to itself as it did to the main family - loyalty to its own before outsiders. Atobe Keisuke had told his son once, "Gather strong people, trustworthy people, and they will serve you for a lifetime. These people will be your council, when you become king." Kabaji Munehiro had been his first acquisition, Hiyoshi Wakashi his most interesting. They had their own positions in Hyoutei, but they were also a group of mercenaries for hire, and at that, they were especially proficient at their tasks.

They bartered lives and information, for the right price (and there was no right price for betraying Hyoutei), and so when Muromachi came meekly before the presence of Atobe Keigo, the heir-apparent already knew what was being sought. Still, he waited patiently as Muromachi bowed down, began to speak.

"Speaking on behalf of all of Yamabuki, we as a group would like to contract the services of your team." The words came stilted out of the man's mouth, as though he were unused to such formality. "Undoubtedly, you know of the situation between Yamabuki and Rikkai, and... we'd like to put a hit on Yukimura."

Atobe was hard-pressed not to betray his surprise at that. He'd expected a request for information, or some such nonsense; he had to appreciate how bold Yamabuki had grown. "And Yamabuki would have Hyoutei break its truce with Rikkai?"

Muromachi kept his head lowered. "It wouldn't be much, but Hyoutei would gain Yamabuki's allegiance. And," he paused here, as though he wasn't sure whether he wanted to say the next words, "the allegiance is between your group and Yukimura, am I correct? And I don't believe either one of you are really intending to keep it once Seishun is gone, if you'd even wait that long."

Very bold. The remark had Atobe laughing, and when his mirth finally subsided, he answered. "We'll take it, on one condition - that Seishun falls before we move. In any case, there has been another job concerning Rikkai that is less... lethal and takes priority."

Muromachi looked up, nodded once. "I think Banji wouldn't mind if I agreed to those terms."

"Well, then, let's discuss payment..."


Keigo's Hyoutei. The eight of them gathered around Atobe, waiting for their individual tasks. It had been a long time that all of them had come together like this, but it had been a long time since they'd had such a massive assignment as well. Atobe began.

"As I've already told each of you briefly, we've been paid to assassinate Yukimura. Due to politics, that will be left until after we deal with the Seishun problem, as my father has asked of us. Nonetheless, Ohtori, Shishido. I'd like you to begin gathering any relevant data-"

"Excuse me, but... does my presence mean 'by any means necessary'?" There was a hint of a gleam in Ohtori's eye as he asked.

"As long as it doesn't get back to us. Mukahi, continue to keep an eye on Rikkai's movements, and Oshitari - keep yours on Seishun. Kabaji, I'd like you to continue your recruiting and training. Jirou, watch Yamabuki." Mukahi raised his hand. "Yes? What is it?"

"Shouldn't Jirou be watching Rikkai? He's been doing it anyway, ever since that idol of his joined. I don't see why he's so fond of Marui anyway; the man is absolutely gruesome in his methods." Here, Jirou protested. "You can't deny it. Chopsticks?"

"But really! His close-range skills are amazing, don't you think? Just up and wham, like that, and-"

"Jirou." The man quietened immediately at Atobe's implied command. Still though, he continued to rock on his heels, and Atobe just sighed and placed a firm hand on his shoulder until he settled completely. "Very well. Jirou, watch Rikkai. Mukahi, you'll be watching Yamabuki the-"

"No way." Oshitari clamped a hand over Mukahi's mouth too late, and anyway, Mukahi had pulled away again. "It's been a long time since Yuushi's worked in the field, and you know I prefer working as a pair."

Atobe raised one fine eyebrow. "Are you challenging my word?"


"I'll watch Yamabuki." All heads swung to Taki, who smiled cheerily back. "Yes? I think it might be interesting."

Atobe shrugged. "I was intending to have you be Hiyoshi's restraint when he fetched Kirihara for our client tomorrow. Very well. Shishido, you'll be accompanying Hiyoshi first tomorrow, then." Hiyoshi growled at that, I don't need a restraint, but Atobe merely shot the younger man a look. "You've contacted Kirihara already, correct? In any case, I've seen how you've been every time the two of you have met. You two set each other off. Any questions?" None were expected.

The nine of them went their separate ways.