CWG: Okay this is the sequel to my other story, The Other Side Of Love. So if you haven't read that story you probably wont understand ANYTHING that goes on in this story. So go read it. (Smiles)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Beyblade or its characters I only own Loki and Sora (and another OC I have in this story)




"Kai, he's back." Tala managed to whisper as he collapsed to the ground.

Kai's crimson eyes widened in shock as he rushed to his friend's side.

"Tala. Tala?" Kai called as he shook his friend. The older boy simply groaned slightly as his eyes barely opened to slits.

"Tala, what's going on? Who's back, Tala, who did this to you?" Kai demanded. Tala simply stared at the ceiling as he began to black out again.

"Boris." He whispered in a raspy voice. Kai stopped shaking the Russian's body as his eyes widened. Boris was back. Boris was back and had gotten to Tala. Kai began to shake slightly as his gaze fell back to Tala's limp body.

Kai felt like yelling and crying. He felt his eyes sting as an emotion began to fill his mind. Fear. He couldn't remember the last time he had dared to even think about fear and yet here he was scared of a man who was possibly over three thousand miles away. Kai wanted to run as far as he could at that moment but a small sound interrupted his thoughts and destroyed that plan.

Hilary's body curled up into a ball from where she slept on the couch. Kai stared at her as she murmured his name in her sleep. "Kai." She whispered. The single word seemed to stab at Kai.

'I can't just leave. Hilary is here. I can't just leave her because I'm afraid. How could I even be so stupid to think of something like that?' He thought to himself.

Kai shook his head fiercely as he stood up again. He glanced over at Hilary and carried her effortlessly to the bedroom. He then looked at Tala's body on the floor and sighed. After running a cold hand through his hair, Kai lifted his friend and practically dragged his body to the couch. After he had finished this nearly impossible task, Kai walked into the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee.

After what seemed like hours Kai noticed that his friend was now waking up. Kai stared patiently at the red head as he began to blink his eyes in confusion.

"Where am I?" Tala asked silently. Kai simply walked over to the boy and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're safe, Tala." He stated before sitting on the couch next to his friend. Tala stared into Kai's crimson eyes and the dual haired boy could see his bright blue eyes seemed dull and faded. "Tala, what happened to you?" Kai asked finally.

Tala shook his head as he tried to think. Kai watched as he began to tug at his hair lightly in aggravation. Kai would've laughed at this action normally if the situation wasn't so serious. He had always known Tala hated having to think about things. He always tried to act superior but Kai knew it was just that, an act.

"I don't know. All I remember is the wedding…" Tala began to explain. Kai's eyes darkened as Tala spoke.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked sharply. Kai's mind began to spin slightly as he remembered the phone call that had changed his friends' moods.

"Kai, they called me, Ian and Spencer. They said that there was something weird going on and that…we needed to go back as soon as possible." Tala stated as his eyes widened slightly as he remembered more and more, "They said that there were people going into the Abbey. Kai, Boris was with the people going inside."

Kai glared at the floor as Tala spoke. He knew all too well what was going to happen. Boris was going to come for them again, but this time he wasn't making it voluntary. Had he attacked Tala and the others? Kai looked up at the red head as Tala answered his unasked question.

"He came the night Bryan and I arrived back in Russia. He actually hit Bryan over the head with something. I don't know what happened after that. It's all a blur. I only remember yelling and Bryan saving my life…" Tala seemed to zone out slightly as he let his thoughts consume him. "Oh god Kai, what if they still have Bryan somewhere. What if they kill him?" Tala seemed to panic as his voice cracked.

Kai glanced at his friend and noticed that tears were threatening to fall from his clear blue eyes. Kai couldn't help but feel his own tears stinging his eyes but fought them back. He knew how Tala felt. Tala, Bryan, Spencer, and Ian were family to Kai. They were the ones who knew what he had endured in the past. It was Tala who acted as Kai's brother in the Abbey and never left his side. Bryan was the one who protected Kai from the harsh abuse and helped him heal quickly. Spencer was the one who always helped keep Kai and the others out of trouble and Ian was always there to keep their spirits up even in the worst circumstances.

Before Kai had even met Hilary or the Blade Breakers, the Demolition Boys were Kai's family. There wasn't anyone in the world who could keep them apart, besides Boris of course.

"Tala, don't worry. How about this: We go to Russia, find Boris, get his ass arrested for assault, again, and shut the Abbey down permanently." Kai suggested as he placed a hand on Tala's shoulder.

Tala nodded faintly before shaking his head again. "Um, Kai? Can I maybe take a shower before we leave?" Tala asked sarcastically. Kai chuckled lightly before nodding. Tala stood up and dragged his feet to the bathroom. When he was gone, Kai stood up and walked to where Hilary slept peacefully.

'Why did this have to happen now?' Kai thought to himself as he began to realize he wouldn't be able to tell his wife about their plan. Kai heard the shower turn on and decided to find some clothes for Tala to wear. After going through his closet, he realized the only things that were clean and would fit the red head were a pair of tight jeans and a black t-shirt with red writing.

Kai laughed slightly as he pulled out the clothes but stopped when he saw Hilary was waking up.

'I can't tell her…' Kai thought to himself as he began to walk over to the bed.

"Where am I?" Hilary mumbled as she tried to remember what happened. Kai smirked slightly before kissing the girl lightly on the cheek.

"You're home, sweetheart. You fell asleep on the way. Why don't you get some rest; you look tired. Tala is here. I was thinking about showing him around…" Kai spoke softly as Hilary stared at him through her groggy, mahogany eyes. She nodded to show she understood what he was saying and went to stand up. As she did so Kai noticed she seemed to loose her balance and helped her sit back down.

"Are you feeling alright, hun?" Kai asked, concern obvious in his voice. Hilary nodded slightly before mumbling something close to 'dizzy' before lying back down.

Kai kissed her on the forehead lightly before whispering in her ear, "Why don't you rest a bit. You may be getting sick…" When he saw her nod her head again and turn over to sleep, Kai walked out of the room with the clothes. He looked back once more as he burned the image of his love one last time.

When he walked out of the room and closed the door he saw Tala waiting patiently. He handed the boy the clothes and watched in amusement as the boy pulled the tight jeans on and threw the shirt over his pale, muscular body.

"You ready to go?" Tala asked finally. Kai glanced back at the wooden door of his bedroom. He stared for about three seconds before walking to the phone. Tala watched curiously as his friend dialed the numbers slowly.

"Ray, it's Kai, is Mariah there? Hey Mariah, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I think Hilary is sick but she won't listen to me, could you talk to her? Well she's sleeping now. Could you maybe come by a little later? Thanks. Oh and Mariah? There's a letter coming for her later and I don't think I'll be able to get it, could you pick it up? It'll be in the apartment mailbox by the door. Thanks again, I really appreciate it…Bye."

Tala stared in shock as Kai hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen. Kai started to scribble words onto a piece of paper and signed it. He then walked past Tala and threw some clothes into a bag and grabbed his beyblade. Without a word he walked out the door and waited patiently for his friend. The two Russians walked quickly down the stairs and as they passed the apartment mailbox Kai threw his note inside before running into the cold morning air.


CWG: Finally I finished this chapter. (Yay!) So questions, comments, ideas, and complaints are all welcome. Tell me what you thought!