DISCLAIMER: I don't own Beyblade or ANYTHING for that matter.

WARNING: As always OOCness.



Ending with an Epilogue…

The silent murmur of wind rushing through the trees outside the single window seemed to echo through the waiting room. The rain splashed down the window with each gust and still not one of the people inside the room moved. It was as though time had stopped for them all as they sat in complete silence, staring at the floors and hoping.

Of all the people present at that time, only one was dying with each passing second. Her brunette hair stuck to the sides of her face as raindrops slid down her pale face. Her mahogany eyes were red and puffy from the tears that had been mixing with the rain, but she was numb to everything around her. She ignored the sounds of the nurses running through the hallways towards the undying sounds of flat-lined patients.

It had been nearly a month since the group of people first came into this dreary building; a month since their beloved friend, Kai Hiwatari, had gone comatose. Since that afternoon Hilary's soul had gone with him to some peaceful sleeping ground. No one could bring the girl from her trance. Each day passed just as the one before: she sat in that room waiting for some sign. But that day Hilary wasn't alone; her friends and family had all gathered there in that room with her. They waited with her and not a word was uttered through the entire room.

Hilary glanced at the window uninterestedly. She stared at the waves of water that threatened to enter the room. The girl let a small smile escape across her lips as she felt her heart beat in rhythm with the water. Out of all the people in the room, only one noticed the change in the girl's expression. At first he didn't know if he was disturbed by the eerie expression the girl held; she seemed almost ghastly with a small smile that didn't reach her ruby eyes. He tried to figure out where her smile was coming from only to see the continuous splashes of rainfall outside.

The redhead felt a smile creep across his own features as a single tear slid gracefully down his pale face. He didn't make any movement to hide the tear as he thought of his old friend.

"Aw, why'd it have to rain today?" a small ten year old asked. He stared out the small window of the boarding school classroom in dismay. The boy sighed in disappointment causing his breath to dance on the cold glass. He shook his head lightly and smiled at his friend. The sudden movement caused his slate colored bangs to reveal his round, pale face. He smiled brightly and ran a small hand through his two toned hair before sitting in front of his friend. "Tala, do you think it'll ever be sunny again?"

Tala simply shrugged and brushed his spiky red hair out of his face. He smiled at the boy and answered, "It can't rain all the time."

The younger boy smiled back at him and nodded in agreement. The two boys sat together in the classroom in silence a moment before Tala pulled on the boy's arm slightly and stood up. "Come on." He muttered as he walked towards the door. His friend got up reluctantly and followed.

"Where are we going?" the boy asked as they walked down the hallways. Tala simply shrugged and started up a flight of stairs. When the two reached the end of the stairs, Tala moved towards a door the smaller boy had never seen before. "Tala?" the boy called after his friend; Tala answered by starting to run down the hallway. The smaller boy followed close behind as the redhead threw open the door and stepped out into the pouring rain. "Tala?!" the boy called as he stood in the doorway. The wind howled around them splashing the rain into the boy's crimson eyes.

"Come on Kai." Tala called back to him smiling brightly as the rain splashed down through his red hair. The boy, Kai, smiled slightly as he reluctantly stepped out into the rain. Just as he reached his friend, the wind howled once more and splashed the freezing rain down onto the two boys. They laughed as their clothes blew in the wind and they felt as though they were part of the storm itself.

Tala's smile faded as he thought of the last time he was able to act impulsive with his friend. His stomach seemed to tighten at the thought of never being able to spend time with Kai again. He glanced at the girl who had stolen his friend's heart once more before staring back at the ground.

It seemed like an eternity had passed for everyone in the room. Occasionally a nurse would walk into the room as though she was trying to think of something to say to the mourners, but every time she stopped and turned back to her work reluctantly. Tala reflexively grasped the hand next to his. He didn't care what the girl's reaction would be; he ignored the small shocks that were triggered by the girl's touch. Her multicolored hair brushed against his neck as the girl reacted to his motion. Tala sighed as Katya's sweet aroma calmed his nerves like morphine. Her mixed eyes seemed to be absorbing all the anguish he was feeling.

Another familiar sound pierced through the room, yet again, sending a shiver up Katya's spine. More nurses and doctors rushed down the hall to aid the never ending sound of someone's heartbeat flat-lining. Though the sound had filled the air almost every hour it never failed to make everyone's heart skip a beat. Katya closed her eyes and tried her hardest to drown out the sound. She felt Tala's grip tighten on her hand and could imagine the tension on his features as he imagined the worst.

Katya sighed as the sound faded and eventually stopped. It was as though the event had never happened and the hospital was as silent and dreary as before. The girl smiled lightly to herself as she imagined Kai waking up in his hospital room, hooked to every machine thinkable, and how he would react. Inwardly she knew that the boy would be confused, impatient, and irritable. He'd say something like 'when can I leave?' or 'how long has it been?', but when the doctors told him that he wouldn't be able to leave, he would throw a fit and simply leave when no one was watching. She knew this is what he would do because part of her would do just that.

Katya glanced at the unfamiliar faces in the room. She recognized Hilary from the descriptions Tala had given her, but the woman and two boys were a mystery to her. She watched as the rest of Kai's friends stared absentmindedly at anything but each other. The usually loud navy haired boy, Tyson seemed to be sedated as though the energy had been zapped from him. The blonde boy sitting to his left seemed in worse state; Max sat staring with hardly any expression at all. The long haired one however seemed calm as though he was trying to mask the way he was feeling for the sake of his teammates. Katya couldn't help but feel a strong bond with these people. She had just met them and yet she was actually feeling what they were feeling.

Katya stared into Tala's tense features, taking in every detail of his pressured face as he sat beside her. His face seemed so cold and unapproachable and yet she was fighting the urge to reach over and touch his cheek as if to test that theory. Tala ignored her intense gaze for as long as he could before looking up to meet it. The two looked into each other's eyes and had a silent argument to settle who should say something first. Tala sighed in defeat, but as he went to open his mouth, the nurse from before walked into the room.

When the woman cleared her throat as to announce that she was actually going to stay a while, everyone in the room looked up. The nurse seemed to flinch under the lifeless stares of everyone in the room. Katya, Tala, and Hilary stared intently as though if they blinked the woman would disappear and Kai along with her. The woman swallowed hard as though to urge her voice to appear. She stared into Hilary's mahogany eyes and smiled halfheartedly.

"Kai Hiwatari is awake." She announced followed shortly by a relieved sigh. At first everyone in the room was silent as though the woman hadn't even said a word. Tyson and Max were the first to react to the news. It was as though the woman had flipped a switch on their emotions. Tyson stood up and glanced back at the Max before they both burst out in tears of happiness.

It was as though the two boys had destroyed the dam that had held everyone in a trance before. Ray smiled and began hugged Kenny who had started crying uncontrollably. Loki and Sora sighed and smiled up at everyone before cheering loudly. Katya and Tala stared at each other for a moment before the words sunk in completely. They smiled at each other before Katya threw her arms around the redhead. Bianca pulled Sora and Loki close and hugged them tightly before glancing back at the brunette.

Hilary stared in disbelief as the woman announced the news. She felt tears escaping down her face and didn't even care. She smiled and quickly wiped the salty tears from her eyes before walking to the woman. "Can I see him?" she asked quietly. The nurse smiled sincerely and led Hilary out of the room.

As Hilary walked down the hall with the nurse she felt her heart pounding in her chest from the anticipation. She held her breath as they stopped in front of a door. The nurse opened the door a bit and motioned for the brunette to go inside. As she did, the door closed quickly behind her. Hilary felt her heart stop beating and lost her breath for a moment as she took in the sight before her.

"Kai…" she muttered as she walked swiftly to the bed. She smiled as a pair of crimson eyes turned slowly to greet her. The man smiled back at her and his eyes seemed to sparkle with the threatening tears.

"Hil…" he mumbled as he pulled the girl towards him. Hilary held him close to her and let her tears splash down onto his face. She felt his hands run through her hair as he pulled her closer. He kissed her head lightly and smiled as he felt her cheeks warm his neck.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." Hilary mumbled into his chest. Kai smiled at his wife before kissing her head again.

"I wont." Kai whispered into her ears. He wanted to laugh as Hilary looked up at him with a look that a child gives their parents while debating whether or not it is time for bed.

"Promise." She whispered in shear determination. Kai sighed and lifted her chin so they were completely looking into each other's eyes.

"Alright. I promise." Kai kissed her lightly on the lips as to prove his point. The two sat there together savoring the moment before the others entered the room in full blown excitement. Loki and Sora jumped into Kai's arms and allowed him to pull them into a bear hug. Everyone watched as their friend laughed with the twins. It was as though everything was back to normal, or as normal as it could've been in the hospital room.

Kai was reluctantly 'released' a weak later when he felt as though he was ready to leave. As Katya predicted, he didn't wait for the doctor's approval, but being as persuasive as he is, Kai was able to leave nearly a month before he was supposed to.

The crimson eyed man returned to his apartment with his beautiful wife. The two sat together in their sitting room and searched for something a bit more elegant. Soon after, Kai and Hilary moved out of their apartment and bought a four bedroom home down the street from Tyson's dojo. This made it simple for the team to have their training sessions and made room for the new additions to the Hiwatari household.

Dimitri Alexei Hiwatari and Natalya Alexandra Hiwatari were born nearly three months later. The twins were practically identical; they both had brown hair with two toned highlights. Dimitri shared his mother's eyes whereas Natalya shared her father's. Tala became the twins' godfather and Katya their godmother. The two of them played the part almost too well even when the two proved to be crafty and almost invincible. The couple was mainly victims to the children's games and plots to 'overthrow the babysitters'.

Tala and Kai took control of Voltaire's business and Hilary worked as a photographer for the BBA. After a year had passed, Tala found the courage to finally ask Katya to marry him; she agreed eagerly and the two had their wedding in snowy Russia. Nine months later, Katya gave birth to Byran Nicolai Ivanov. The boy was shy and quiet, but invincible in any competitive situation. He mainly enjoyed competing against the twins in beybattles.

Loki and Sora both were able to master beyblading thanks to Kai, and went on to compete in the World Championships. Even when the brothers were pinned against each other, they didn't back down. Their hearts were always filled with the burning determination to win.

Ray and Mariah finally got married in China and gave birth to little Jade. The small child had proven to be twice as hyperactive as her mother and sincere like her father. It was no surprise when she inherited her catlike reflexes and features. Tyson and Max tried their hardest to baby-sit the little kitten, but Jade proved to be smarter, faster, and over all more persuasive than either of the boys could've ever imagined.

All in all, the Bladebreakers ended their careers in competitions, but never lost the will to fight. Kai and Tyson never did figure out a final winner in their little competition, and they never did forget about each other. Kai and Hilary finally were able to put the past behind them and look towards the future. They didn't need to worry about those things because one thing is for sure: Even a bleeding heart can be mended, and love can conquer over the evils of the world.



CWG: Oh dear this took forever to actually post. I'm so sorry for the delay, but on the bright side this story is over and you don't have to worry about my slow typing skills to figure out what's going to happen next here. (Smiles sheepishly)

Thank you to everyone who has been extremely supportive from the very beginning. I love you all and I hope you know that this story would NEVER have been posted let alone finished without you're support. Feel free to tell me what you thought; complaints and angry letter about how you're going to kill me for making you wait so long are also welcome. I love you all so much, but now I'm going to sleep because it's past midnight here and I'm on Vacation.