Disclaimer: I do not own The Fast and The Furiuos or it's characters. I only own the ones that I've made up.

Summary: This is how the team got together. This was the first fic I ever wrote, so the first couple of chapters might not be that good. Don't flame it's just a waste of your time and mine, but if you do want to flame then send that to All other feedback would be great.

We just moved to this neighborhood and already I want to go back to my old home. I am sitting outside in the porch watching the children across the street play. I want to go over, but am not so sure. There are two boys with a bunch of girls around them and there is only one girl sitting on the grass.

"Letty, where are you?" I could hear my sister Dahlia calling me. I wonder what she wants.

"I'm out here on the porch. What do you want?" I yelled back at her. "Mom told me to tell you that you need to get your ass in here and help out with the unpacking."

What a drag. I really would rather not go help out.

All of a sudden I watched as the girl across the street walking towards me. She is tall with long dark hair, and has a slender body. She is beautiful and I can tell that she is a girly girl. "Hi, my name is Mia I live across the street and I saw you here so I decided to come introduce myself."

I stood up. "Hi my name is Leticia, but everyone calls me Letty." "Wanna come over and play?" I looked at her and for a moment felt ugly looking. I have a shirt that use to belong to my sister and my brother's shorts and sneakers on with holes on them. That is the bad part about being the youngest, you get all the hand-me-downs. She is wearing a pink dress with some flip flops, something I would not wear. Dahlia would wear something like Mia though.. "Yeah sure I just have to ask my mom."

I walk into the house and look for my mom and finally found her in the kitchen. "Mama can I go play with the neighbor." I ask looking at her. "Yeah sure mija have fun and no fighting"

"Ok mama." I walk back outside to where Mia stood waiting for me. We make our way across the street. The girls are now gone and only the boys remained in the yard.

Mia introduces us. "Letty this is my older brother Dominic and this over here is Vince his best friend." I look at her brother he is tall with brownish skin tone, he has a sort of build body. Vince is about the same height, but he is not as build as Dominic.

"Hey, so where do you come from?" I looked at Vince and respond. "We just moved here from New Jersey." "Why?" Dominic asks me with an annoyed tone in his voice. "I don't know. My parents just decided to move here, I guess." I looked up at Dom who is staring at me, well two can play that game. I start to glare at him 'till Mia starts talking.

"You want to go up to my room and play?" "Yeah sure" I responded to Mia and it made me wonder what we would play. We made our way up the stairs, their house is much bigger then mine. We walked into her room. It is big, with a full size bed that has a pink comforter. The walls are white, but have flowers as decorations. She has a burrow with the top full of different perfumes and hair accessories. Then I saw my worst nightmare, a wall that has shelf's build in full of Barbie's. I guess she saw me looking at them because next thing I know she is asking me if I want to play with them.

"You want to play Barbie's?" "I'm not good at playing with dolls." she ignored me and opened up a closet full of Barbie things. "Here you can play with this one" she gave me a Barbie with blond hair and blue eyes. She got a Barbie with curly brown hair and purple eyes. Whoever heard of a human with purple eyes? So I started to play just so she could see for herself that I was not born to play with dolls. Then after a few minutes Mia finally gave up. "You want to go see what the boys are doing?"

"Yeah sure" I quickly responded not wanting to be in this room anymore, don't get me wrong Mia is a good person, but her room is just too girly for me.

We go downstairs and walk into their living room. The boys are playing Nintendo, it's a racing game. "Man, I can't believe you won again." Vince yells out. Dom just laughs.

"What are you two doing down here, shouldn't you be playing dolls or house." Dom looks up at both of us. "I don't play with dolls" I say to him glaring at him once again. Just 'cause I'm a girl don't mean that I have to play with dolls. "She is so right, she can't play with dolls." Mia agrees with me.

"Well why don't you try to race Dom, maybe you will have better luck." Vince hands me the controller and I sit down on the floor. "Just cause you're a girl doesn't mean I'll be easy on you" Dominic says to me with a smirk.

We star racing, he is in first place and I am in second. I can see his car in the distance and as I get closer I bump the back of the car, that sends Dom's car flying, it flipped and finally landed. I am now in first place. Dom soon caches up to me. I can tell that he is about to hit my car so I hit the breaks he makes a wrong move and crashes into the wall. I keep going and win the race.

"Oh! Dom you got beat by a girl!" Vince yells and can't contain himself. "Wow. Congratulations Letty, someone needed to put him in his place." Vince and I laugh, Dom doesn't look too happy.

Just then someone opens the door, we all look to see who it is.

"Hi, daddy" Mia stands up to welcome her father home from work. "Hey, dad" Dom also greets his father. "Hey Mr. Toretto. Guess what just happed, you will never believe it. Letty here just beat Dom at racing." Vince starts to laugh again. He laughs, "I can't believe somebody finally beat him. About time and by a girl." he shakes his head with a smile, the ruffles Dom's hair.

"Dad, this is Letty her and her family just move across the street." "Welcome to the neighborhood. You are welcomed to come here anytime you want." "Thanks Mr. Toretto" I say somewhat shy.

"I think I better go home now Mia. I will see you tomorrow." I started for the door, but Mr. Toretto stops me. "Dominic will walk you home, it is to dangerous for a girl to walk by herself at night." Dom didn't look to happy at what his dad just told him to do and I really don't want to walk home with him. "Come on Letty" He motions for me to follow. Vince left with us but only crossed the lawn to his house. He lived next door to Dom.

"Bye bro, see ya tomorrow. Bye Letty." "Bye Vince" Dom says to him. I just wave goodbye.

We cross the street and he walks me all the way to the porch. He waits till I go in, but the front door is locked.

"I have to go around, 'cause the door is locked but you can leave I'll be okay." "No, I'll walk you to the back, it looks to dark to leave you alone. Plus if something happens to you I'll be responsible." I don't really want to fight so I let him walk me to the back door. We walk to the fence and I open it. We walk in and I close the fence behind us. We walk up the stairs to the back door. I turn the knob and it's opened.

"Come in, I'll let you out through here." We walk in and I can hear my parents fighting upstairs. I feel embarrassed that Dom has to hear my parents screaming at each other. We walk towards the front door. I open the front door and he walks out.

I then see my sister getting out of some car. Dahlia is sixteen years old, she is tall and very beautiful. She has long dark brown straight hair, has green eyes, and is skinny with the form of a woman. Dom turns to look at her, when she screams my name.

"Letty!" she yelled and came closer to us. "I just had the best night ever. I'm so glad we moved to California. Who are you?" She looked at Dominic and I could tell that she was checking him out. She also smelled of alcohol. "Dominic this is my sister Dahlia. Dahlia this is Dominic he lives across the street."

"Nice to meet you, so how's it that you know my little sister?" "Letty is my little sisters friend"

"Oh. I knew that you could not be this brats friend. Maybe we can hang out sometime." She looks at Dom with a mischievous smile. "Yeah sure come around anytime you want" I guess Dom dates girls who are like my sister.

"Goodnight Letty"

"Goodnight Dom" I respond in a soft voice. He looks at me and starts to walk back to his house.

My sister makes her way inside. She looks upstairs and walks to the kitchen. I follow her. "Wow Letty you really know how to make friends. He is so hot." I cannot believe Dahlia, she meets one guy and then she is all over them. I really don't get what is so great about guys. Yeah I like to hang out with them, but Dahlia likes to kiss them and stuff, I find that kinda gross. I decide to go upstairs to my bedroom, well it is not mine I share it with Dahlia, but still. I get into my pajamas and get in bed. Now I can hear what my parents are fighting about. They are fighting because my father works late and my mother well she doesn't have a stable schedule since she is a nurse. Slowly I drift of to sleep.