Hello again, tis me the author of this fic (strangely enough). Lol. Sorry, this is so bad, the first couple of paragraphs are okay but the rest is awful. I lost all inspiration. Apologies. Review etc. Constructive criticism very much appreciated.

It was a couple of days after Ginny and Sirius' encounter. Ginny was sitting in the study on the seat within the bay window which perched above the street below. Her back was turned away from the room so she didn't see the door creep open, or the man slowly edge his way in either. She didn't even realise when he seated himself next to her.

"Ginny," he growled softly which startled her and forced her to look up suddenly. Their eyes locked and they just sat there staring intently at each other, neither moving and the sound of their breathing being the only sound within the room.

Before either knew what was happening they had both reached for each other. Sirius' hand slipped behind the youngest Weasleys neck and her own tangled into his hair. Neither could work out what had caused this sudden bout of passion but succumbed to it nonetheless.

Finally Ginny drew away from his lips but stayed within his grasp. Sirius reached up and gently traced the outline of her jaw before dropping his hand and leaning back, redirecting his gaze towards the stars now present in the night sky.

"Ginny," he murmured again before sighing.

"Sirius," she whispered back to him as if answering a silent question.

"What are we going to do?" he asked her softly, but it was more of a musing than a direct question to the woman sitting opposite him.

Nevertheless Ginny shook her head slowly, her long auburn hair falling upon her face, hiding the pained expression beneath. "I don't know." She answered and at that moment Sirius made a decision. She was beautiful, so full of energy; she had her whole life stretched ahead of her, whereas he was so much older and so broken that any relationship with him would surely destroy her. But as he glanced up at her once more he realised, more than anything, that he needed her. He had never truly wanted anyone as much as he wanted Ginny at that moment.

"To hell I'm giving up this." He exclaimed not realising he had said this out loud.

"What?" Ginny asked surprised.

"Oh nothing, " Sirius fumbled over his words, a blush creeping over his cheeks "just thinking out loud and obviously I was, well I…" he was cut off by a now smiling Ginny as she reached over and planted a kiss on his lips. She pulled away and cocked her head sideways before beginning to laugh. She leaned back in and her mouth was a mere millimetre or so away from his lips.

"Shut up and kiss me, okay?" she ordered.

"But…" he began.

"Look Sirius you're not good with words obviously so I'd give up now before the strain of trying becomes too much." Ginny whispered distractedly before arching an eyebrow as if challenging the man in front of her. He swooped down upon her once more and things were getting a bit heated when yet again the door banged open. The two Weasley twins entered loudly and began to string together a series of rushed and excited sentences, each finishing the others words.


"We need you…"

"Upstairs now…"

"Nothing dangerous at all…"



And before either Ginny or Sirius had realised it, Ginny had been pulled out the room and up the stairs into the twins' room.

Sirius groaned, "This is all getting too familiar." He sighed dejectedly before turning back to face the night sky, pondering upon the events of that evening so far. A yelp could be heard upstairs and Sirius laughed to himself as he realised that the evening had only just begun.

So short, I know but as I said I lost all inspiration. Hopefully next one will be better. Review please.