Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Or Sasuke. -pout-




It was awkward.

It was awkward to say the least.

No one dared to say a word. The room was dead silent.

Hinata blushed and fainted. Lee caught her, but then fainted himself. Sakura and Ino were gaping (and drooling in the process). Souls were floating out of their bodies. Shino and Neji's faces were unreadable. Shikamaru looked bored and Chouji was opening a new bag of chips undisturbed. Tenten sweatdropped, Kakashi looked amused, and Kiba looked... well, that he was about to burst.

When Rookie nine, Gai's team and Kakashi were on their way to return their mission briefings to the Hokage, who is none other than (the number one surprising ninja) Uzumaki Naruto, they did not think that they were going to witness such a sight.

Naruto and Sasuke were sitting in the Hokage's chair. Well, Naruto was sitting in the chair with a very naked Sasuke (A/N: -Drool-) in his lap. And no, Naruto had no clothes on either.

Sasuke almost died of embarrasment, but, being the cold bastard he is, none of his discomfort showed on his face. But Naruto was a different story. His eyes were as big as plates and he stopped breathing.

The first one to break the very uncomfortable silence was Ino. "Oh.My.God," she smartly said, and then her jaw went back to lie on the floor.

"Well, this is... shocking..." added Kakashi, not looking shocked or surprised at all.

Suddenly Kiba started laughing like crazy, pointing a finger at Sasuke and Naruto. "Yeah! I mean, everyone knows that Sasuke is gay. – 'twitch' went Sasuke's eyebrow – But I can't believe that he's the uke!" Kiba was now rolling on the floor, clutching his stomach.

'Twitch, twitch' Sasuke glared at Kiba, but it only made him laugh harder. And Naruto was still not breathing. His face was starting to look a bit blue-ish (and it was starting to worry Sasuke).

Shino, having had enough of Kiba's crazy behaviour, calmly stated. "You aren't one to laugh at Sasuke for being the uke, if you know what I mean."

This shut Kiba right up and he turned bright red. He glared at Shino, which did not affect the bug boy at all.

After another not so comfortable silence, Kakashi wisely concluded that maybe it was time for everyone to leave. The Hokage seemed to be busy enough as it was, so they would have to come back with the mission briefings later.

"Well, we should probably leave. We'll come to see Hokage-sama when he isn't otherwise engaged." Insert perverted gleam in eyes here.

Sasuke 'hn'ed and nodded (Naruto was unable to say anything), and everyone started to leave. Most of them could walk out on their own, but Lee and Hinata were carried. Kakashi winked at the boys, then shutting the door behind him.

When the door clicked shut, Sasuke could be seen giving Naruto CPR (1) behind the Hokage's desk ('cause poor Naruto was so shocked that he had stopped breathing :D).



1. CPR can be used to restore a person's heartbeat and breathing in case of heart and respiratory failure.