Update from the Author

Well. Hello there, all. It's been a while.

*Dodges angry readers*

Yeah, sorry about that. It seems that I had a major case of FMA writer's block. However I recently got bored and started (figuratively) flipping through some of my old stuff, and I have to admit I'm still madly in love with this story and am considering picking it up again. Mind you, I'd first have to go through and edit the hell out of the original drafts both to improve the quality of writing and also to remind myself of the storyline. My question is this: would anyone be interested in even reading it at this point?

Either way I believe I'm going to start editing Take It All Away and polish it for posting on my LJ account and work my way through to the sequel. If anyone's interested, I'll see about continuing Nothing Left to Give while I'm at it.

Feedback is my air, guys! Let me know what you want to see- or you know, if you even care after all this time. :)
